The Natives Vaulted Plenty
The more he laughs the stronger he gets which is similar to when the more angry Hulk gets the more powerful he becomes.
Laughter Empowerment: Krunk is capable of becoming stronger the more he laughs.
United Nations Space Command
Spartan-II: Spartans are individually-trained and are superior to all UNSC and Covenant infantry types. Spartans are equipped with a regenerating shield in addition to a health bar. The Spartans' starting weapons are dual-wielded SMGs.[21] When a Spartan takes control of an allied or enemy vehicle, the Spartan's rank is added to the vehicle's rank and the vehicle's stats are greatly increased. Spartans can also engage in hand-to-hand combat against certain enemies (Sangheili Honor Guards, Infection Forms, etc.). Only three Spartans can be deployed at a time and do not contribute to the player's population limit. They are outfitted with the Mjolnir Powered Assault Armor/Mark IV; the in-game units posses traits that are trademarks of the Mk. V armor, however, this is for gameplay considerations and is not accepted as canon.
Starting Special Attack: 'Jack, hijacks an enemy, or commandeers an allied ground vehicle or aircraft for their own. ('Jacking an enemy vehicle or aircraft takes time to complete while commandeering does not. During the time it takes to 'Jack a vehicle enemy troops can attack the hijacking Spartan and possibly kill them. The enemy vehicle will also continue to attack you until the driver is thrown out and despite being attacked, allied forces will not retaliate against the vehicle during the hijacking process. Finally, fast moving targets such as warthogs or banshees are near impossible to 'Jack while in motion if you aren't quick or lucky enough.) The Scarab and Vulture gunship cannot be 'jacked for balance reasons.
Upgrade 1: Chain Gun, Spartans swap their SMGs for a machine gun turret for more damage.
Upgrade 2: Neural Implant, decreases the time it takes to 'jack enemy vehicles.
Upgrade 3: Spartan Laser, Spartans swap their machine gun turret for a Spartan Laser, for additional damage.
Hellbringers:[22] Also known as Flamethrowers, which are anti-infantry units for the UNSC. These Marines are hardcore pyromaniacs equipped with heavier armor and flame-throwers that can be used to torch entire infantry units. Flamethrowers cannot attack air units. They also run faster than standard marines. There are two per squad.[21]
Upgrade 1: Flash Bang, special attack, Flamethrowers are equipped with flash bang grenades that temporarily stun other infantry. This stops them from attacking or moving for a short time.
Upgrade 2: Napalm Adherent, attacked units will continue to burn for a short time after the initial attack.
Upgrade 3: Oxide Tank, Hotter flames from Flamethrowers increases damage.
UNSC Marines: Marines are the Main-Line infantry units of the UNSC who are armed with MA5 Series rifles. Without upgrades, there are four per squad.
Starting Special Attack: Throw Grenade, throws grenades at ground targets for extra damage. (Cannot throw grenades at Aircraft) [23]
Upgrade 1: New Blood, adds an extra marine to the squad for better combat capabilities. (5 Troopers total)
Upgrade 2: RPG, replaces and upgrades the Throw Grenade special attack for more damage. (Unlike the Throw Grenade special attack, the RPG special attack can be used on Aircraft.)
Upgrade 3: Medic, Adds a medic to the squad for healing after combat, the medic can heal wounded units, however the medic cannot resurrect dead soldiers. (6 soldiers total)
Orbital Drop Shock Troopers: Also known as "Helljumpers," in reference to the heat of the HEV pods they use to descend from orbit. This is an upgrade for marine squads unique to Captain Cutter and can be upgraded at the Barracks.[24] The upgrades allow the player to substitute standard marine squads with ODST teams (armed with M90 shotguns), as well as the HEV drop. The HEV drops can also be used as a weapon similar to the MAC Blast and must also be used in a visible area. To do so, the player must select the HEV drop ability and target the area that they wish to drop them in. ODST Squads have all the upgrades that were researched for marines. They are only available as the special upgrade for Captain Cutter but can also be found in various campaign missions. Effects include increased line of sight and hitpoints. (6 soldiers total)
Cyclops Exoskeleton:[22] The Cyclops is an anti-building unit. It is a re-appropriated support exoskeleton that can crush ground enemies in close combat, often finishing off infantry with impressive fatality moves. (Unique to Sergeant Forge) (1 per squad)
Starting Special Attack: Throw, after combat the Cyclops will pick up wreckage of destroyed buildings and vehicles, when ordered to perform the special attack the Cyclops throws the debris at the specified target.
Upgrade 1: Repair Kit, allows the Cyclops to repair friendly units. (vehicles and buildings only)
Upgrade 2: High-Torque Joint, improves the speed at which the Cyclops travels.
M12 Light Reconnaissance Vehicle (Warthog): A light ground unit available to UNSC used for scouting and assault. Can jump gaps, and has a ramming ability as its special attack which is strong enough to destroy a Ghost.[23] It may be upgraded so its passenger has a grenade launcher. Warthogs can also collect resources from crates found on the battlefield.
Starting Special Attack: Ramming, the warthog will ram any ground target.
Upgrade 1: The Warthog gains a marine mounted on the M41 LAAG turret.
Upgrade 2: The Warthog gains a Marine armed with a Grenade launcher.
Upgrade 3: The turret is upgraded to an M68 Gauss Cannon
M808B Main Battle Tank (Scorpion): The M808 Scorpion is the basic UNSC tank. It can be upgraded to the "Grizzly" variant.
Upgrade 1: The Scorpion gains the "canister shell" secondary ability which is superior against infantry.
Upgrade 2: The Scorpion has a faster turret rotation speed giving it better reaction time in battle.
Upgrade 3: Grizzly variant.[22] An upgrade of the Scorpion, it possesses two cannons and a machine gun. This upgrade is unique to the Sergeant Forge Leader in Skirmish mode or multiplayer.
M312 Heavy Recovery Vehicle[22] (Elephant): The Elephant, as it is more commonly known, is a Mobile Mini-base, and can fulfill the role of a barracks in the field. During the campaign, it is used to tow the Spirit of Fire's Shaw-Fujikawa Translight Engine up a mountain to the Apex. During multiplayer and skirmish, it is Captain Cutter's unique unit. Note that the dialogue of the Elephant is drastically reduced after the "Defense Turret" upgrade is unlocked. (Only available if Captain Cutter is leader.)
Starting Special Attack: Deploy, Turns the Elephant into a mobile barracks, allowing you to train infantry out of it, any where on the battle field. (Note that infantry upgrades are not available from the elephant)
Upgrade 1: Twin Engine, increases movement speed.
Upgrade 2: Defense Turret, adds an autocannon to the Elephant whilst deployed.
Upgrade 3: Ceramic Armor, increases defensive capabilities.
Gremlin: A combat support vehicle unique to Professor Anders. It attacks with an EMP blast that disables vehicles or non-infantry units temporarily. The vehicle is armed with a fairly weak laser turret for offense against infantry and cannot attack aerial units.
Starting Special Attack: EMP Burst, disables a single near-by ground vehicle.
Upgrade 1: Focusing Lens, EMP Cannon causes more damage and has a longer range of attack.
Upgrade 2: Chain Amplifier, EMP Burst can "jump" from target to target causing damage to each and temporary shuts-down ground vehicles.
Rhino: The Rhino is a heavy tracked unit that has a greater defense but lower attack than the Scorpion. The Rhino is armed with a heavy prototype plasma cannon stolen from the Covenant that fires giant plasma bolts. The Rhino is only in the campaign and not available in Skirmish. It is incapable of attacking air units. During the campaign, it is used during Dome of Light to break through a Covenant energy shield on Arcadia.
Starting Special Attack: Lock-down, Locks the Rhino down for greater range and damage.
Wolverine: The Wolverine is a specialized anti-aircraft vehicle that uses guided missiles to shoot down enemy aircraft such as Banshees or Vampires. While powerful in this aspect, it is especially weak against infantry and anti-armor vehicles, and must be heavily protected.
Upgrade 1: Volley, special attack where the wolverine can attack ground units with its missiles.
Upgrade 2: Dual Launchers, doubles the amount of missile pods attached to the wolverine for increased damage.
Cobra:[22] The Cobra is a heavy anti-armor vehicle equipped with a pair of rail cannons which can easily tear apart enemy armor but not aerial targets.
Starting Special Attack: Lock-down, Locks the Cobra down to increase range and damage of rail cannon to massive proportions at the expense of mobility. Cannot shoot as far as the Covenant Locust.
Cobra concept
Concept art of the UNSC Cobra.
Upgrade 1: Deflection Plating, adds extra armor plating to the cobra for better defense when in lock down mode. (Deflection Plating can deflect other cobra shots as well as other large caliber bullets/plasma projectiles, however, whether or not the large caliber bullets/plasma projectiles are actually deflected seems to be up to chance).
Upgrade 2: Piercing Shot, upgrades rail guns so they can pass through more than one target while locked down.
D77-TC Pelican Dropship: The Pelican is used as a UNSC transportation ability that is called from the Spirit of Fire menu. The pickup area is selected, then the drop-off area. The Pelican can airlift multiple units at a time, up to 6 infantry squads and three vehicles. It cannot carry Elephants and if destroyed, all units being carried will be lost as well.
Shortsword Bomber: Shortsword bombers perform low-altitude bombing runs for support on the battlefield. It carries three different payloads; Sergeant Forge's carpet bomb, and Professor Anders' cryo bomb leader ability, as well as the disruption bomb which is available to all UNSC leaders.
Hornet:[22] The Hornet is the main-line air unit for the UNSC. It is a light aircraft that can carry two passengers to provide additional support on the battlefield. This unit does not have a special attack.
Upgrade 1: Wingmen, Adds two marines equipped with rocket launchers to the side seats of the Hornet for greater damage.
Upgrade 2: Chaff Pod, a passive ability that allows better avoidance of incoming missile attacks.
Upgrade 3: Hawk, an upgrade to the hornet unique to Professor Anders. The Hawk is an upgraded version of the Hornet that is equipped with a mounted laser for greater damage and replaces the two marines with dual auto-guns that have a slower rate of fire but increased damage per shot.
Vulture: The Vulture is a large gunship that can deliver massive amounts of fire against all targets. It is the UNSC "รber-unit," and though it is nowhere near as strong or resilient as the Scarab, it makes up for this by being a fraction of the cost of a Scarab in both population and resources.
Starting Special Attack: Barrage, launches a volley of missiles at a target.
Upgrade 1: Mega-Barrage, doubles the number of missiles during the Barrage special attack. (4 missiles fired before upgrade, 8 missiles fired after upgrade)
Pod: A dropship larger than both the Pelican and Vulture that delivers extremely large objects, such as sections of Firebases, to predetermined ground positions.
Darter: A short range shuttle craft designed to transport supplies to a ground based supply pad.
UNSC Base: Basic military structure of the UNSC with optional "add-on" buildings that can increase its usefulness. May be upgraded to a station and fortress variants for additional Buildpads. (Captain Cutter can drop in already upgraded stations and starts with a Fortress).
Firebase: Command Center and 3 Buildpads.
Station Upgrade: Command Center, 5 Buildpads, and 4 Turret Foundations.
Fortress Upgrade: Command Center, 7 Buildpads, and 4 Turret Foundations.
UNSC Reactor: The reactor provides power for a UNSC base to run on. (Adds to tech level)
Upgrade 1: Advanced Reactor, doubles the total energy output (worth two tech levels)
UNSC Air Pad: The air pad produces UNSC air units along with their upgrades.
Vehicle Depot: A vehicle depot provides heavier vehicles for the UNSC to use and upgrade.
Field Armory: A combination of machine shop and laboratory that provides high-tech upgrades for the UNSC.
UNSC Barracks: The barracks allow for the production of various infantry types and their upgrades.
UNSC Supply Pad: Supply Pads are used to get supplies from the Spirit of Fire via Darter dropships.
Upgrade 1: Heavy Supply Pad, Adds an extra landing pad so that more supplies can be processed at once. (In Skirmish mode, Sergeant Forge builds Heavy Supply Pads right away)
Base Turret: The basic defense structure of UNSC bases. It is initially armed with an M202 XP Machine Gun and only available to Station and Fortress Command bases.[25] They can be upgraded at the UNSC Field Armory and on-site for upgrades and improvements.
Upgrade 1: Medium Turret, Adds an extra M202 XP Machine Gun (1 before upgrade 2 after) for more damage, also increases hitpoints and range. (Researched at Field Armory.)
Upgrade 2: Large Turret, Adds an extra M202 XP Machine Guns (Totaling 3 after upgrade) for more damage, also increases health and range. (Researched at Field Armory.)
Note that the turret can also have extra fittings mounted to it for damage bonuses against unit types. These are researched on the turret itself and are as follows:
Flame Mortar: Damage bonus against infantry.
Rail Gun: Damage bonus against vehicles.
Missile Launcher: Damage bonus against aircraft.
OMG Duel Energy Swords!
Concept art of an Sangheili grasping two energy swords.
Unggoy: Cannon fodder of the Covenant military usually found under the leadership of Sangheili or Jiralhanae or in their own squads.
Unggoy Squad: A group of three Unggoy that fight in lances led by either a Sangheili Minor (Arbiter or Regret as leader) or a Jiralhanae Minor (if leader is the Jiralhanae Chieftain). (Totaling 3 Unggoy and 1 Sangheili or 1 Jiralhanae).
Starting Special Attack: Plasma Grenade, the squad will throw plasma grenades at any ground target. The plasma grenades do not detonate on impact and will explode several seconds after being thrown.
Upgrade 1: Peons; adds an extra Unggoy to the squad for increased combat capabilities.
Upgrade 2: Needler; the Unggoy upgrade their plasma pistols to needlers for greater damage. (This upgrade also allows the squad very limited anti aircraft capabilities).
Upgrade 3: Deacon; adds a Unggoy deacon to the squad that boost combat values from their religion.
Suicide Unggoy: A squad of Unggoy highly devoted to their religion that will go on a kamikaze rage upon command. A larger methane tank on their back will explode upon impact causing heavy damage to infantry, vehicles, and buildings. (4 Unggoy per squad)
Starting Special Attack: Suicide; the entire squad goes into suicide mode with increased speed towards the target. Upon close proximity, they explode, causing massive damage.
Upgrade 1: Zeal; speed is increased during suicide mode.
Upgrade 2: Defile; explosion causes extra splash damage.
Bomber Unggoy: Unggoy that carry explosives that can eliminate an entire infantry squad. They only appear in Campaign.
Sangheili: In addition to leading Unggoy lances, Sangheili, serve many other roles in the Covenant military such as pilots, special forces, and Arbiters.
Sangheili Honor Guardsman: Sangheili Honor Guards are powerful close combat anti-infantry units that are unique to the Prophet of Regret. They wield energy swords and are lethal against ground targets. (One per unit)
Upgrade 1: Cloak; enables the active camouflage ability making the honor guard invisible to foes for a short time or until ordered to attack.
Upgrade 2: Personal Shield; adds an energy shield to the honor guard for increased defensive capabilities
Sangheili: A pair of Sangheili equipped with Needlers and energy shields that appear in the campaign.
Ripa 'Moramee: An antagonist in the campaign and a leader unit in multiplayer. Also known as The Arbiter, Ripa starts with dual energy swords and rage special attack that drains resources but allows for heavy damage to all targets. Note that the Arbiter will face difficulty against sentinels, even in rage mode.
Leader Power: Rage; The Arbiter goes into a killing frenzy where the damage he does is greatly increased. This is the only instance in the game where the player can take direct control over a unit. These attacks are characterized by fast sword slashes and sudden powerful lunges. The Arbiter can be improved with the following upgrades.
Unit Upgrades:
Upgrade 1: Fiendish Return; a percentage of the damage dealt to the Arbiter is reflected back to the attacker.
Upgrade 2: Vicious Blades; increases damage dealt and damage reflected.
Upgrade 3: Ghastly Vision; a permanent cloak is activated and increased damage is reflected.
Leader Power Upgrades:
Upgrade 1: Defiant Rage; health is partially restored after every kill.
Upgrade 2: Spiteful Rage; rage mode costs less resources.
Upgrade 3: Blinding Rage; damage done in rage mode is greatly increased, nearby units will also gain combat bonuses while in proximity to the arbiter while he is raging.
Mgalekgolo (Hunters): Hunters are heavily armored units equipped with fuel rod cannons and are the Covenant's anti-vehicle infantry. (There are two Hunters per Squad)
Upgrade 1: Bonded Shield; adds the hunter's iconic shield which deflects many projectiles.
Upgrade 2: Spirit Bond; if both Hunters in a pair are alive, they will do greater damage. (The spirit bond will not reappear if one is killed and the squad is regenerated)
Upgrade 3: Assault Beam; the fuel rod cannon is upgraded to a powerful beam for increased damage.
Kig-Yar: Kig-Yar are light anti-infantry units armed with carbines that fight in pairs. While very effective against infantry, they have little defense against explosives and vehicles. There are two per unit and lack a special attack.
Upgrade 1: Defense Gauntlet; gives both Kig-Yar a hand-held energy shield that deflects incoming projectiles but will collapse after taking too much damage.
Upgrade 2: Beam Rifle; Kig-Yar swap their carbines for beam sniper rifles for more damage.
Upgrade 3: Supreme Gauntlet; the defense gauntlet no longer collapses after taking damage.
Jiralhanae: Jiralhanae are heavy troops which similar functions as the Sangheili. In battle they wield Brute shots, which are devastating against infantry and effective against light vehicles. Due to their limited battlefield use prior to the events of Halo 2, they are apparently leader-specific units belonging to the Jiralhanae Chieftain.[26]
Upgrade 1: Jump Pack; gives Jiralhanaes the jump pack ability, allowing them to fly for a short distance.
Upgrade 2: Electric Shot; adds a stun to the Brute shot grenades that have a temporary effect on infantry units.
Jiralhanae Army Commander: The Jiralhanae Chieftain is a Covenant leader that wields a gravity hammer and is capable of super heavy melee damage. He uses the Vortex leader power and cannot attack aerial units without it.
Leader Power: Vortex; A localized area-of-effect damage range generated by the Chieftain's hammer that will explode upon termination, dealing massive damage to all targets.
Unit Upgrades:
Upgrade 1: Inheritance; adds a stun feature to the gravity hammer.
Upgrade 2: Birthright; The Chieftain's gravity hammer can pull enemies toward him.
Upgrade 3: Destiny; Damage greatly increased.
Leader Power Upgrades:
Upgrade 1: Tsunami; Larger vortex with increased area of effect and damage.
Upgrade 2: Hurricane; Larger vortex with increased area of effect and damage.
Upgrade 3: Singularity; Larger vortex with increased area of effect and damage.
Prophet of Regret: The Prophet of Regret is a San'Shyuum Covenant Leader who fights from his Gravity Throne and is equipped with dual plasma cannons.[26] The Prophet uses the Cleansing Beam leader power which summons an orbital excavation beam that can be directed by the player.
Unit Upgrades:
Upgrade 1: Blessed Immolation; Replaces the Prophet's plasma cannons for fuel rod guns with increased damage.
Upgrade 2: Ancestral Perversion; Two Sentinel Protectors help defend the Prophet from enemies.
Upgrade 3: Divine Absolution; The hover throne that the Prophet sits on gains full flight capabilities for increased mobility. (Note that this upgrade makes the Prophet more vulnerable to anti-air units, and is still also vulnerable to ranged anti-infantry units).
Leader Power Upgrades:
Upgrade 1: Regret's Sentence; Medium-sized cleansing beam covers a broader area and does greater damage.
Upgrade 2: Regret's Doom; Large cleansing beam covers an even larger area and does more damage.
Upgrade 3: Regret's Condemnation; Increased damage to large cleansing beam.
Type-47 Ultra-Heavy Assault Platform (Scarab): The Scarab is a Covenant super-unit that can destroy infantry, ground vehicles, and aircraft with ease. The Scarab is extremely resilient to most weapons fire. Although both the Halo 2 and Halo 3 versions have been seen in promotional material, only the Halo 3 version appears in the finished game and demo. Spartans are unable to hijack Scarabs, with the exception of one campaign level in which the Covenant abandon a scarab and the player may choose to either use or destroy it. The Scarab is unique in its ability to traverse what is considered "rough terrain." In other words, the Scarab can climb over cliffs, mountains, and some structures because of its size and mobility. This makes it the only deployable ground unit in the game able to do so.[27] This unit does not have any upgrades due to its immense power and population cost of 20 per unit. As such, only two can be deployed at a time in standard skirmish matches, while up to four can be built in deathmatch.
Super Scarab: This variant is seen in the 7th campaign level and is larger and more powerful than a normal scarab. It's legs aren't yet complete and cannot be used, but relies on power generators scattered throughout the map for energy to turn its head. Despite the vulnerability of its power source, it is still a very dangerous threat capable of incinerating anything in moments.
Type-32 Rapid Assault Vehicle (Ghost): The Ghost is a light attack vehicle that excels against infantry but not other vehicles.
Upgrade 1: Boosted Ram Special Attack; similar to the Warthog's Ram ability the Ghost gains the ability to ram a target and is most effective when running over enemy infantry.
Upgrade 2: Strafe; the Ghost can evade incoming projectile attacks. (Rockets and Grenades)
Upgrade 3: Scout Shield; a light shield is installed on the Ghost allowing it to take more damage.
Type-25 Rapid Assault Vehicle (Chopper): The Chopper is a scout-class vehicle available only to the Jiralhanae Chieftain leader. The Chopper starts without any weapons and can only ram hostile ground targets. This unit takes the place of the Ghost when playing as the Chieftain. Unlike the ghost however, the chopper takes up two population to make up for its greater attack power and durability.[28]
Starting Special Attack: Run Over, same function of the Ghost's Boosted Ram ability or the Warthog's Ram ability, The Chopper with smash into a given target causing damage, most effective on infantry.
Upgrade 1: Autocannons; Adds a pair of explosive-shot cannons, granting additional attack.
Upgrade 2: Stabilizers; Improves accuracy of Chopper's guns and damage.
Upgrade 3: Ramming Targe; adds ceramic armor around front wheel base of Chopper, increasing Run Over damage and reducing damage taken.
Type-26 Assault Gun Carriage (Wraith): The Wraith is the main-line tank of the Covenant and is armed with a plasma mortar and a plasma turret capable of dealing heavy damage to ground targets.
Upgrade 1: Heavy Shield; an energy shield is added to the Wraith, which deflects damage from the health of the Wraith until it is depleted.
Upgrade 2: Scorch Special Ability; a superheated plasma projectile is shot at a target that does continuous damage after it has hit the ground.
Upgrade 3: Plasma Modulator; the normal plasma mortar is larger and causes more damage.
Honor Guard Wraith: This unique vehicle skin is exclusive to the Halo Wars special edition, and can be activated through the options menu.
Type-30 Light Excavation/Anti-Fortification Platform (Locust): A smaller counterpart to the Covenant Scarab which is described as a "building-killer." The Locust walks on four legs and looks similar to the Scarab but on a much smaller scale. It's Plasma Beam is Purple/Pink and does major damage to buildings but must be concentrated from multiple units to do damage to heavy vehicles.
Upgrade 1: Overdrive Special Ability; drains energy shield to increase power of plasma beam.
Upgrade 2: Shield Amplifier; restoration rate of energy shield is much quicker.
Type-26 Ground Support Aircraft (Banshee): The Banshee is the main Covenant air unit and is equipped with twin Plasma Cannons and a single Fuel Rod Cannon. This allows it to attack any target effectively, though the Fuel Rod Cannon is not used on other aircraft.
Upgrade 1: Boost; enables the Banshee to travel across a distance at great speed. Note the Banshee cannot attack while boosting.
Upgrade 2: Repeating Cannon; the Banshee's plasma cannons fire at a faster rate, increasing damage done over time.
Upgrade 3: Sacrifice; when the Banshee is heavily damaged, it will attempt to kamikaze into nearby ground targets.
Type-25 Troop Carrier (Spirit): The Spirit dropship is the Covenant equivalent of the UNSC Pelican, capable of transporting vehicles and infantry in addition to giving them fire support. Unlike the Pelican though, the Spirit cannot be called in multiplayer or skirmish matches. Instead, it is replaced with the Gravity Pads which appear at each Covenant base and can provide quick transportation to the Covenant leader's location.
Type-29 Close Support Fighter (Vampire): A fast, maneuverable Covenant Aircraft. Armed with a pair of plasma guns, a Heavy Anti-Air Needler, and a Stasis Beam.
Upgrade 1: Stasis Drain; adds the Stasis special attack which locks down air targets and drains their health to repair the Vampire. Note that targets can still fight back during stasis.
Upgrade 2: Stasis Bomb; Targets fully drained by Stasis, will explode with a large area of effect.
Huragok (Engineers): Engineers are a race utilized by the Covenant to repair damaged vehicles and structures, as well as heal squads of infantry. Though often sent into combat zones, Engineers lack any offensive abilities. They may be used to heal other Engineers, but not themselves.[29]
Upgrade 1: State of Grace; repair/healing rate of the Engineer is increased.
Upgrade 2: Harmonious Digestion; Engineers have increased mobility.
Covenant Base: The basic command structure of the Covenant with optional 'add on' buildings that can increase its usefulness. Outpost can be upgraded to Keep and then to a Citadel.
Outpost: Command Center and 3 building pads.
Keep: Command Center, 5 building pads, and 4 turret pads.
Citadel: Command Center, 7 building pads, and 4 turret pads.
Shield Generator: Provides an energy shield that envelops the entire base. Multiple generators will amplify the effect and make the shield stronger.
Warehouse: The warehouse is the Covenant equivalent of the UNSC supply pad. It provides continuous resources and can be upgraded for increased output.
Upgrade 1: Blessed Warehouse; Production capacity increased over time.
Plasma Turret: The main defensive structures of a Covenant base. Turrets start out with a single plasma cannon. Like the UNSC however, turrets can be upgraded and improved to optimize defensive capabilities.
Upgrade 1: Medium Turret; Turret damage increased. (Researched at Temple)
Upgrade 2: Heavy Turret; Turret damage increased. (Researched at Temple)
Turret can also be improved for damage bonuses against desired unit types. These are researched on the turret itself and are as follows:
Plasma Mortar: A Plasma Mortar is mounted to the turret for a bonus against infantry.
Fuel Rod Cannon: A twin set of Fuel Rod Guns are mounted to the turret for a bonus against vehicles.
Heavy Needler: Two heavy Needlers are mounted to the turret for a bonus against Aircraft.
Temple: A Covenant cultural and scientific research building. Functions as the equivalent of the UNSC Field Armory and Reactor. Provides expensive but powerful upgrades in addition to tech level.
Summit: Covenant air building, the Summit builds Banshees, Vampires, Engineers, and their upgrades.
Hall: Covenant infantry building, builds Unggoy lances, Kig-Yar and Mgalekgolo pairs, and accompanying upgrades.
Factory: Covenant vehicle building. The Factory builds Ghosts, Wraiths, Locusts, and their upgrades.
Anti-Vehicle Barrier: A device used to bar passage to certain areas, as seen on the level Tsavo Highway in Halo 3. Another variant is also present that must be garrisoned similar to a Deployable lookout tower in order to be activated.[30]
Type-29 ASG (Shade): The Halo: Combat Evolved variant of the Shade turret is present as a defensive structure. This is only seen in the Campaign.[31]
Deployable lookout tower: A structure that can be garrisoned with infantry units to increase their combat capabilities as well as line-of-sight.
Mega Turret: A massive offensive structure present in campaign and the multiplayer map Tundra. In the campaign it can be destroyed, but on Tundra is a neutral structure which can be garrisoned by a player to control it. It fires in three round bursts and can inflict massive damage to any target, to account for this, its recharge time is quite long.
Gravity Lift: Each Covenant base has a Gravity Lift at its front. Gravity lifts allow the Covenant to "Hot Drop" forces (all units except the Scarab) directly to their Leader's location.[32] If the players leader is in close proximity to a base's gravity lift or near a disruption bomb, it will not be active. Rally points can also be set on the Gravity lift so that units released from the base are quickly teleported to your leader.
Non-Playable FactionsEdit
Insurrectionist Infantry: Can be found occupying neutral base sites, and the area around any Forerunner structures and/or garrisonable areas that give bonuses such as supply elevators, bonus reactors, etc. They are usually armed with assault rifles, but may also use rocket launchers and snipers to deadly effect.
Rebel Infantry: Standard rebel unit, armed with assault rifles. Found at rebel bases and Forerunner structures. Rebel Infantry are similar to Marines, but instead of grenades, they use rocket launchers. They come in squads of four.
Rebel Sniper: Rebel anti-infantry unit, armed with sniper rifles. Found at rebel bases and Forerunner structures. They come in duos.
Sentinel: Standard Sentinel, fires a beam that does moderate damage. Found at Forerunner base sites and Sentinel factories.
Super Sentinel: Slow, powerful sentinel that can stun ground targets and deal heavier damage.
Protector Sentinel: Able to be "attached" to units, providing either a rechargeable energy shield, replenishing health, or a pulse laser weapon depending on the type of Protector. The "Ancestral Perversion" upgrade gives the Prophet of Regret two of the pulse laser types on any map.
Sentinel Shop: Produces Sentinels for the player who stands near it. Only found on the multiplayer levels Repository and Glacial Ravine.
Forerunner elevator: Produces supplies when infantry are garrisoned inside it. Equivalent to an additional Supply Pad or Warehouse. Means you can build one less Supply Pad/Warehouse.
Forerunner Spire of Healing: Heals any friendly units nearby for the player who controls it. Only found on multiplayer levels Frozen Valley and Barrens.
Forerunner Teleporter: Instantly sends units to another teleporter location. In most maps, these are just one way.
Forerunner Bonus Reactor: Increases tech level of any player that controls it. This will mean you can have an extra slot on open in a base for other usage.
Forerunner Life Support Pod: Increases the max population for any player who controls it. Only found on the multiplayer level Beasley's Plateau.
Forerunner Fort: Outpost guarded by automated systems, including laser turrets and a shield wall. Retracts in on itself after sustaining enough damage.
Protector Plant: Produces three types of Protectors for the player who stands near it. Only found on the multiplayer level Labyrinth.
Energy Wall: Generates an impassable energy wall when garrisoned with troops. Found on the multiplayer maps Glacial Ravine, Fort Deen and Tundra and on the campaign level Escape.
Relic: Releases Flood upon an enemy when infantry are garrisoned inside it. Only found on the multiplayer level Release.
The FloodEdit
Halo Wars Flood
Flood biomass and tentacles ensnare an Elephant, with Flood Infection Forms and Combat Forms in the background.
โThere is quite a bit of concern regarding how weโre going to fit the Flood into our game and keep it in canon which surprised me, but I promised them all that the Halo 1 canon is intact and that they would have to wait and see how we integrate the Flood.โ
โ Graeme Devine[33]
The Flood gain units by taking over Human and Covenant troops.
Flood Infection Forms, Combat Forms, and Carrier Forms are the Flood's main attack force. In the February issue of GamePro, it was confirmed that there would be new Flood forms in Halo Wars. These include the Bomber, Swarm, and Thrasher Forms. Though they cannot be controlled, in the multiplayer map Release, they can be released at opposite ends of the map to menace enemy units
In respect to keeping the appearance of the Flood in canon with the rest of the series, the game has the Spirit of Fire traveling back to Earth at speeds slower than light after its mission had ended, making it impossible for them to report the existence of the Flood. However, this raises further controversy over the presence of the Spartans on board the Spirit of Fire.
Ground Forms
Infection Forms are highly mobile have the ability to crawl over walls. When infantry units encounter Infection forms, they are vulnerable to infection and may turn on friendly forces. (All but special units such as hunters, heroes, and Spartans are immune to infection)
Combat Forms: The standard unit of the Flood. There are several variants of combat forms; Infected Marines, Flamethrowers, Sangheili, Jiralhanae, Kig-Yar and Unggoy. Note that the Veterancy of infected units will be inherited by the Flood.
Infected Marines: Marines or ODSTs (and possibly Medics) that have been infected by the Flood. They come in squads of four (or, in one mission, six) when they spawn on campaign and skirmish maps, or individually when they were formerly owned by a player and then infected. They always wield Assault rifles and Shotguns despite previous equipment.
Infected Flamethrowers: Flamethrower marines that were once owned by a player and then infected. They always wield Flamethrowers, as with living UNSC Flamethrower Marines. Infected Flamethrowers are a bit of a sub-category of Infected Marines, as they are exactly like Infected Marines but just wield Flamethrowers.
Infected Sangheili: Sangheili that were infected by the Flood. They come in pairs and use a melee attack instead of weaponry when they spawn, or individually when they were formerly owned by a player and then infected. They are the only Combat Form with a Melee attack.
Infected Jiralhanae: Jiralhanae that were infected by the Flood. They come in pairs when they spawn in campaign, or individually when they were formerly owned by a player and then infected. They always wield Jiralhanae Shots, as with living Covenant Jiralhanaes.
Infected Unggoy: Unggoy that were once owned by a player and then infected. Depending on their previous weaponry they will always wield either Plasma Pistols or Needlers. They also retain the ability to throw plasma grenades.
Infected Kig-Yar: Kig-Yar that have been infected by the Flood. They come in pairs when they spawn on skirmish maps, or individually when they were owned by a player and then infected. They always wield Carbines and Defense gauntlets (that can be overloaded) when infected by player controlled Kig-Yars, despite previous weaponry, but have been encountered with Type-27 Special Application Sniper Rifle|Beam rifles when they are in scripted positions (i.e. additional reactors on flood levels).
Carrier Forms: A unit that charges targets and explodes on close proximity, thus delivering its payload of Infection forms directly into enemy lines.
Flood Growth Pods: Flood biomass which upon destruction may contain resources, infection forms, spores, or nothing at all. They usually have the appearance of a large egg and may be the size of vehicles.
Flood Thrasher Forms: The Thrasher form is a heavy flood type that inflicts excessive melee damage. Flood swarms are made up of several units that spit acid at targets.
Flood spores: A cloud of spores capable of infecting and damaging units, especially infantry. It should be noted that these can not be killed (except by flamethrowers) but rather expire after a short time.
Air Forms
Flood Swarms: The first seen flying incarnation of the Flood, described by developers as "infected buzzards crossed with evil bats." These creatures travel in airborne packs, and can emit acidic dart-like projectiles to puncture enemies.
Flood Bomber Forms: Large, bloated, airborne Flood forms. They attack by dropping Flood Growth Pods full of Infection Forms onto enemies.
Flood Barracks: Flood biomass structures that ceaselessly churn out a variety of forms. They cannot be destroyed, but can be damaged enough to enter a weakened dormant state. The effect is only temporary and they will regenerate given enough time.
Flood Root: A defensive tentacle unit that smashes or grabs units that get close to it.[34]
Flood Colony: A large structure found in heavily infested areas. Used as a "base" by the Flood.[34] Regenerates only in the Campaign mode, otherwise opens up new base slots when killed.
Proto-Gravemind: The Flood's "command center" it appears to be connected to the Colony Forms, and only appears in Campaign.[34]
Flood Nest: A small organic building which creates Infection and Carrier Forms.[34]
Flood Launcher: Stationary tower-like forms that fire globs of biomass at enemies. These glob-like projectiles will release a spore cloud.
Flood Den: A medium-sized building form which Flood Swarms and Flood Thrasher Forms come out of.
Flood Vent: Large vents covered in Flood biomass which releases Flood Bomber Forms.
Foreign currency Bonds:
Eurodollar bond, a U.S. dollar-denominated bond issued by a non-U.S. entity outside the U.S.
Baklava bond, a bond denominated in Turkish Lira and issued by a domestic or foreign entity in the Turkish market.
Yankee bond, a US dollar-denominated bond issued by a non-US entity in the US market
Kangaroo bond, an Australian dollar-denominated bond issued by a non-Australian entity in the Australian market
Maple bond, a Canadian dollar-denominated bond issued by a non-Canadian entity in the Canadian market
Masala bonds an Indian rupee denominated bond issued outside India.
Samurai bond, a Japanese yen-denominated bond issued by a non-Japanese entity in the Japanese market
Uridashi bond, a non-yen-denominated bond sold to Japanese retail investors.
Shibosai Bond, a private placement bond in the Japanese market with distribution limited to institutions and banks.
Shogun bond, a non-yen-denominated bond issued in Japan by a non-Japanese institution or government.
Bulldog bond, a pound sterling-denominated bond issued in London by a foreign institution or government.
Matryoshka bond, a Russian rouble-denominated bond issued in the Russian Federation by non-Russian entities. The name derives from the famous Russian wooden dolls, Matrioshka, popular among foreign visitors to Russia
Arirang bond, a Korean won-denominated bond issued by a non-Korean entity in the Korean market.
Kimchi bond, a non-Korean won-denominated bond issued by a non-Korean entity in the Korean market.
Formosa bond, a non-New Taiwan Dollar-denominated bond issued by a non-Taiwan entity in the Taiwan market.
Panda bond, a Chinese renminbi-denominated bond issued by a non-China entity in the People's Republic of China market.
Dim sum bond, a Chinese renminbi-denominated bond issued by a Chinese entity in Hong Kong. Enables foreign investors forbidden from investing in Chinese corporate debt in mainland China to invest in and be exposed to Chinese currency in Hong Kong.
Kungfu bond, an offshore U.S. dollar-denominated bond issued by Chinese financial institutions and corporations.
Huaso bond, a Chilean peso-denominated bond issued by a non-Chilean entity in the Chilean market.
Lion City bond foreign currency denominated bond issued by foreign company in Singapore
Komodo bonds, rupiah-denominated global bonds issued in Indonesia.
The more he laughs the stronger he gets which is similar to when the more angry Hulk gets the more powerful he becomes.
Laughter Empowerment: Krunk is capable of becoming stronger the more he laughs.
United Nations Space Command
Spartan-II: Spartans are individually-trained and are superior to all UNSC and Covenant infantry types. Spartans are equipped with a regenerating shield in addition to a health bar. The Spartans' starting weapons are dual-wielded SMGs.[21] When a Spartan takes control of an allied or enemy vehicle, the Spartan's rank is added to the vehicle's rank and the vehicle's stats are greatly increased. Spartans can also engage in hand-to-hand combat against certain enemies (Sangheili Honor Guards, Infection Forms, etc.). Only three Spartans can be deployed at a time and do not contribute to the player's population limit. They are outfitted with the Mjolnir Powered Assault Armor/Mark IV; the in-game units posses traits that are trademarks of the Mk. V armor, however, this is for gameplay considerations and is not accepted as canon.
Starting Special Attack: 'Jack, hijacks an enemy, or commandeers an allied ground vehicle or aircraft for their own. ('Jacking an enemy vehicle or aircraft takes time to complete while commandeering does not. During the time it takes to 'Jack a vehicle enemy troops can attack the hijacking Spartan and possibly kill them. The enemy vehicle will also continue to attack you until the driver is thrown out and despite being attacked, allied forces will not retaliate against the vehicle during the hijacking process. Finally, fast moving targets such as warthogs or banshees are near impossible to 'Jack while in motion if you aren't quick or lucky enough.) The Scarab and Vulture gunship cannot be 'jacked for balance reasons.
Upgrade 1: Chain Gun, Spartans swap their SMGs for a machine gun turret for more damage.
Upgrade 2: Neural Implant, decreases the time it takes to 'jack enemy vehicles.
Upgrade 3: Spartan Laser, Spartans swap their machine gun turret for a Spartan Laser, for additional damage.
Hellbringers:[22] Also known as Flamethrowers, which are anti-infantry units for the UNSC. These Marines are hardcore pyromaniacs equipped with heavier armor and flame-throwers that can be used to torch entire infantry units. Flamethrowers cannot attack air units. They also run faster than standard marines. There are two per squad.[21]
Upgrade 1: Flash Bang, special attack, Flamethrowers are equipped with flash bang grenades that temporarily stun other infantry. This stops them from attacking or moving for a short time.
Upgrade 2: Napalm Adherent, attacked units will continue to burn for a short time after the initial attack.
Upgrade 3: Oxide Tank, Hotter flames from Flamethrowers increases damage.
UNSC Marines: Marines are the Main-Line infantry units of the UNSC who are armed with MA5 Series rifles. Without upgrades, there are four per squad.
Starting Special Attack: Throw Grenade, throws grenades at ground targets for extra damage. (Cannot throw grenades at Aircraft) [23]
Upgrade 1: New Blood, adds an extra marine to the squad for better combat capabilities. (5 Troopers total)
Upgrade 2: RPG, replaces and upgrades the Throw Grenade special attack for more damage. (Unlike the Throw Grenade special attack, the RPG special attack can be used on Aircraft.)
Upgrade 3: Medic, Adds a medic to the squad for healing after combat, the medic can heal wounded units, however the medic cannot resurrect dead soldiers. (6 soldiers total)
Orbital Drop Shock Troopers: Also known as "Helljumpers," in reference to the heat of the HEV pods they use to descend from orbit. This is an upgrade for marine squads unique to Captain Cutter and can be upgraded at the Barracks.[24] The upgrades allow the player to substitute standard marine squads with ODST teams (armed with M90 shotguns), as well as the HEV drop. The HEV drops can also be used as a weapon similar to the MAC Blast and must also be used in a visible area. To do so, the player must select the HEV drop ability and target the area that they wish to drop them in. ODST Squads have all the upgrades that were researched for marines. They are only available as the special upgrade for Captain Cutter but can also be found in various campaign missions. Effects include increased line of sight and hitpoints. (6 soldiers total)
Cyclops Exoskeleton:[22] The Cyclops is an anti-building unit. It is a re-appropriated support exoskeleton that can crush ground enemies in close combat, often finishing off infantry with impressive fatality moves. (Unique to Sergeant Forge) (1 per squad)
Starting Special Attack: Throw, after combat the Cyclops will pick up wreckage of destroyed buildings and vehicles, when ordered to perform the special attack the Cyclops throws the debris at the specified target.
Upgrade 1: Repair Kit, allows the Cyclops to repair friendly units. (vehicles and buildings only)
Upgrade 2: High-Torque Joint, improves the speed at which the Cyclops travels.
M12 Light Reconnaissance Vehicle (Warthog): A light ground unit available to UNSC used for scouting and assault. Can jump gaps, and has a ramming ability as its special attack which is strong enough to destroy a Ghost.[23] It may be upgraded so its passenger has a grenade launcher. Warthogs can also collect resources from crates found on the battlefield.
Starting Special Attack: Ramming, the warthog will ram any ground target.
Upgrade 1: The Warthog gains a marine mounted on the M41 LAAG turret.
Upgrade 2: The Warthog gains a Marine armed with a Grenade launcher.
Upgrade 3: The turret is upgraded to an M68 Gauss Cannon
M808B Main Battle Tank (Scorpion): The M808 Scorpion is the basic UNSC tank. It can be upgraded to the "Grizzly" variant.
Upgrade 1: The Scorpion gains the "canister shell" secondary ability which is superior against infantry.
Upgrade 2: The Scorpion has a faster turret rotation speed giving it better reaction time in battle.
Upgrade 3: Grizzly variant.[22] An upgrade of the Scorpion, it possesses two cannons and a machine gun. This upgrade is unique to the Sergeant Forge Leader in Skirmish mode or multiplayer.
M312 Heavy Recovery Vehicle[22] (Elephant): The Elephant, as it is more commonly known, is a Mobile Mini-base, and can fulfill the role of a barracks in the field. During the campaign, it is used to tow the Spirit of Fire's Shaw-Fujikawa Translight Engine up a mountain to the Apex. During multiplayer and skirmish, it is Captain Cutter's unique unit. Note that the dialogue of the Elephant is drastically reduced after the "Defense Turret" upgrade is unlocked. (Only available if Captain Cutter is leader.)
Starting Special Attack: Deploy, Turns the Elephant into a mobile barracks, allowing you to train infantry out of it, any where on the battle field. (Note that infantry upgrades are not available from the elephant)
Upgrade 1: Twin Engine, increases movement speed.
Upgrade 2: Defense Turret, adds an autocannon to the Elephant whilst deployed.
Upgrade 3: Ceramic Armor, increases defensive capabilities.
Gremlin: A combat support vehicle unique to Professor Anders. It attacks with an EMP blast that disables vehicles or non-infantry units temporarily. The vehicle is armed with a fairly weak laser turret for offense against infantry and cannot attack aerial units.
Starting Special Attack: EMP Burst, disables a single near-by ground vehicle.
Upgrade 1: Focusing Lens, EMP Cannon causes more damage and has a longer range of attack.
Upgrade 2: Chain Amplifier, EMP Burst can "jump" from target to target causing damage to each and temporary shuts-down ground vehicles.
Rhino: The Rhino is a heavy tracked unit that has a greater defense but lower attack than the Scorpion. The Rhino is armed with a heavy prototype plasma cannon stolen from the Covenant that fires giant plasma bolts. The Rhino is only in the campaign and not available in Skirmish. It is incapable of attacking air units. During the campaign, it is used during Dome of Light to break through a Covenant energy shield on Arcadia.
Starting Special Attack: Lock-down, Locks the Rhino down for greater range and damage.
Wolverine: The Wolverine is a specialized anti-aircraft vehicle that uses guided missiles to shoot down enemy aircraft such as Banshees or Vampires. While powerful in this aspect, it is especially weak against infantry and anti-armor vehicles, and must be heavily protected.
Upgrade 1: Volley, special attack where the wolverine can attack ground units with its missiles.
Upgrade 2: Dual Launchers, doubles the amount of missile pods attached to the wolverine for increased damage.
Cobra:[22] The Cobra is a heavy anti-armor vehicle equipped with a pair of rail cannons which can easily tear apart enemy armor but not aerial targets.
Starting Special Attack: Lock-down, Locks the Cobra down to increase range and damage of rail cannon to massive proportions at the expense of mobility. Cannot shoot as far as the Covenant Locust.
Cobra concept
Concept art of the UNSC Cobra.
Upgrade 1: Deflection Plating, adds extra armor plating to the cobra for better defense when in lock down mode. (Deflection Plating can deflect other cobra shots as well as other large caliber bullets/plasma projectiles, however, whether or not the large caliber bullets/plasma projectiles are actually deflected seems to be up to chance).
Upgrade 2: Piercing Shot, upgrades rail guns so they can pass through more than one target while locked down.
D77-TC Pelican Dropship: The Pelican is used as a UNSC transportation ability that is called from the Spirit of Fire menu. The pickup area is selected, then the drop-off area. The Pelican can airlift multiple units at a time, up to 6 infantry squads and three vehicles. It cannot carry Elephants and if destroyed, all units being carried will be lost as well.
Shortsword Bomber: Shortsword bombers perform low-altitude bombing runs for support on the battlefield. It carries three different payloads; Sergeant Forge's carpet bomb, and Professor Anders' cryo bomb leader ability, as well as the disruption bomb which is available to all UNSC leaders.
Hornet:[22] The Hornet is the main-line air unit for the UNSC. It is a light aircraft that can carry two passengers to provide additional support on the battlefield. This unit does not have a special attack.
Upgrade 1: Wingmen, Adds two marines equipped with rocket launchers to the side seats of the Hornet for greater damage.
Upgrade 2: Chaff Pod, a passive ability that allows better avoidance of incoming missile attacks.
Upgrade 3: Hawk, an upgrade to the hornet unique to Professor Anders. The Hawk is an upgraded version of the Hornet that is equipped with a mounted laser for greater damage and replaces the two marines with dual auto-guns that have a slower rate of fire but increased damage per shot.
Vulture: The Vulture is a large gunship that can deliver massive amounts of fire against all targets. It is the UNSC "รber-unit," and though it is nowhere near as strong or resilient as the Scarab, it makes up for this by being a fraction of the cost of a Scarab in both population and resources.
Starting Special Attack: Barrage, launches a volley of missiles at a target.
Upgrade 1: Mega-Barrage, doubles the number of missiles during the Barrage special attack. (4 missiles fired before upgrade, 8 missiles fired after upgrade)
Pod: A dropship larger than both the Pelican and Vulture that delivers extremely large objects, such as sections of Firebases, to predetermined ground positions.
Darter: A short range shuttle craft designed to transport supplies to a ground based supply pad.
UNSC Base: Basic military structure of the UNSC with optional "add-on" buildings that can increase its usefulness. May be upgraded to a station and fortress variants for additional Buildpads. (Captain Cutter can drop in already upgraded stations and starts with a Fortress).
Firebase: Command Center and 3 Buildpads.
Station Upgrade: Command Center, 5 Buildpads, and 4 Turret Foundations.
Fortress Upgrade: Command Center, 7 Buildpads, and 4 Turret Foundations.
UNSC Reactor: The reactor provides power for a UNSC base to run on. (Adds to tech level)
Upgrade 1: Advanced Reactor, doubles the total energy output (worth two tech levels)
UNSC Air Pad: The air pad produces UNSC air units along with their upgrades.
Vehicle Depot: A vehicle depot provides heavier vehicles for the UNSC to use and upgrade.
Field Armory: A combination of machine shop and laboratory that provides high-tech upgrades for the UNSC.
UNSC Barracks: The barracks allow for the production of various infantry types and their upgrades.
UNSC Supply Pad: Supply Pads are used to get supplies from the Spirit of Fire via Darter dropships.
Upgrade 1: Heavy Supply Pad, Adds an extra landing pad so that more supplies can be processed at once. (In Skirmish mode, Sergeant Forge builds Heavy Supply Pads right away)
Base Turret: The basic defense structure of UNSC bases. It is initially armed with an M202 XP Machine Gun and only available to Station and Fortress Command bases.[25] They can be upgraded at the UNSC Field Armory and on-site for upgrades and improvements.
Upgrade 1: Medium Turret, Adds an extra M202 XP Machine Gun (1 before upgrade 2 after) for more damage, also increases hitpoints and range. (Researched at Field Armory.)
Upgrade 2: Large Turret, Adds an extra M202 XP Machine Guns (Totaling 3 after upgrade) for more damage, also increases health and range. (Researched at Field Armory.)
Note that the turret can also have extra fittings mounted to it for damage bonuses against unit types. These are researched on the turret itself and are as follows:
Flame Mortar: Damage bonus against infantry.
Rail Gun: Damage bonus against vehicles.
Missile Launcher: Damage bonus against aircraft.
OMG Duel Energy Swords!
Concept art of an Sangheili grasping two energy swords.
Unggoy: Cannon fodder of the Covenant military usually found under the leadership of Sangheili or Jiralhanae or in their own squads.
Unggoy Squad: A group of three Unggoy that fight in lances led by either a Sangheili Minor (Arbiter or Regret as leader) or a Jiralhanae Minor (if leader is the Jiralhanae Chieftain). (Totaling 3 Unggoy and 1 Sangheili or 1 Jiralhanae).
Starting Special Attack: Plasma Grenade, the squad will throw plasma grenades at any ground target. The plasma grenades do not detonate on impact and will explode several seconds after being thrown.
Upgrade 1: Peons; adds an extra Unggoy to the squad for increased combat capabilities.
Upgrade 2: Needler; the Unggoy upgrade their plasma pistols to needlers for greater damage. (This upgrade also allows the squad very limited anti aircraft capabilities).
Upgrade 3: Deacon; adds a Unggoy deacon to the squad that boost combat values from their religion.
Suicide Unggoy: A squad of Unggoy highly devoted to their religion that will go on a kamikaze rage upon command. A larger methane tank on their back will explode upon impact causing heavy damage to infantry, vehicles, and buildings. (4 Unggoy per squad)
Starting Special Attack: Suicide; the entire squad goes into suicide mode with increased speed towards the target. Upon close proximity, they explode, causing massive damage.
Upgrade 1: Zeal; speed is increased during suicide mode.
Upgrade 2: Defile; explosion causes extra splash damage.
Bomber Unggoy: Unggoy that carry explosives that can eliminate an entire infantry squad. They only appear in Campaign.
Sangheili: In addition to leading Unggoy lances, Sangheili, serve many other roles in the Covenant military such as pilots, special forces, and Arbiters.
Sangheili Honor Guardsman: Sangheili Honor Guards are powerful close combat anti-infantry units that are unique to the Prophet of Regret. They wield energy swords and are lethal against ground targets. (One per unit)
Upgrade 1: Cloak; enables the active camouflage ability making the honor guard invisible to foes for a short time or until ordered to attack.
Upgrade 2: Personal Shield; adds an energy shield to the honor guard for increased defensive capabilities
Sangheili: A pair of Sangheili equipped with Needlers and energy shields that appear in the campaign.
Ripa 'Moramee: An antagonist in the campaign and a leader unit in multiplayer. Also known as The Arbiter, Ripa starts with dual energy swords and rage special attack that drains resources but allows for heavy damage to all targets. Note that the Arbiter will face difficulty against sentinels, even in rage mode.
Leader Power: Rage; The Arbiter goes into a killing frenzy where the damage he does is greatly increased. This is the only instance in the game where the player can take direct control over a unit. These attacks are characterized by fast sword slashes and sudden powerful lunges. The Arbiter can be improved with the following upgrades.
Unit Upgrades:
Upgrade 1: Fiendish Return; a percentage of the damage dealt to the Arbiter is reflected back to the attacker.
Upgrade 2: Vicious Blades; increases damage dealt and damage reflected.
Upgrade 3: Ghastly Vision; a permanent cloak is activated and increased damage is reflected.
Leader Power Upgrades:
Upgrade 1: Defiant Rage; health is partially restored after every kill.
Upgrade 2: Spiteful Rage; rage mode costs less resources.
Upgrade 3: Blinding Rage; damage done in rage mode is greatly increased, nearby units will also gain combat bonuses while in proximity to the arbiter while he is raging.
Mgalekgolo (Hunters): Hunters are heavily armored units equipped with fuel rod cannons and are the Covenant's anti-vehicle infantry. (There are two Hunters per Squad)
Upgrade 1: Bonded Shield; adds the hunter's iconic shield which deflects many projectiles.
Upgrade 2: Spirit Bond; if both Hunters in a pair are alive, they will do greater damage. (The spirit bond will not reappear if one is killed and the squad is regenerated)
Upgrade 3: Assault Beam; the fuel rod cannon is upgraded to a powerful beam for increased damage.
Kig-Yar: Kig-Yar are light anti-infantry units armed with carbines that fight in pairs. While very effective against infantry, they have little defense against explosives and vehicles. There are two per unit and lack a special attack.
Upgrade 1: Defense Gauntlet; gives both Kig-Yar a hand-held energy shield that deflects incoming projectiles but will collapse after taking too much damage.
Upgrade 2: Beam Rifle; Kig-Yar swap their carbines for beam sniper rifles for more damage.
Upgrade 3: Supreme Gauntlet; the defense gauntlet no longer collapses after taking damage.
Jiralhanae: Jiralhanae are heavy troops which similar functions as the Sangheili. In battle they wield Brute shots, which are devastating against infantry and effective against light vehicles. Due to their limited battlefield use prior to the events of Halo 2, they are apparently leader-specific units belonging to the Jiralhanae Chieftain.[26]
Upgrade 1: Jump Pack; gives Jiralhanaes the jump pack ability, allowing them to fly for a short distance.
Upgrade 2: Electric Shot; adds a stun to the Brute shot grenades that have a temporary effect on infantry units.
Jiralhanae Army Commander: The Jiralhanae Chieftain is a Covenant leader that wields a gravity hammer and is capable of super heavy melee damage. He uses the Vortex leader power and cannot attack aerial units without it.
Leader Power: Vortex; A localized area-of-effect damage range generated by the Chieftain's hammer that will explode upon termination, dealing massive damage to all targets.
Unit Upgrades:
Upgrade 1: Inheritance; adds a stun feature to the gravity hammer.
Upgrade 2: Birthright; The Chieftain's gravity hammer can pull enemies toward him.
Upgrade 3: Destiny; Damage greatly increased.
Leader Power Upgrades:
Upgrade 1: Tsunami; Larger vortex with increased area of effect and damage.
Upgrade 2: Hurricane; Larger vortex with increased area of effect and damage.
Upgrade 3: Singularity; Larger vortex with increased area of effect and damage.
Prophet of Regret: The Prophet of Regret is a San'Shyuum Covenant Leader who fights from his Gravity Throne and is equipped with dual plasma cannons.[26] The Prophet uses the Cleansing Beam leader power which summons an orbital excavation beam that can be directed by the player.
Unit Upgrades:
Upgrade 1: Blessed Immolation; Replaces the Prophet's plasma cannons for fuel rod guns with increased damage.
Upgrade 2: Ancestral Perversion; Two Sentinel Protectors help defend the Prophet from enemies.
Upgrade 3: Divine Absolution; The hover throne that the Prophet sits on gains full flight capabilities for increased mobility. (Note that this upgrade makes the Prophet more vulnerable to anti-air units, and is still also vulnerable to ranged anti-infantry units).
Leader Power Upgrades:
Upgrade 1: Regret's Sentence; Medium-sized cleansing beam covers a broader area and does greater damage.
Upgrade 2: Regret's Doom; Large cleansing beam covers an even larger area and does more damage.
Upgrade 3: Regret's Condemnation; Increased damage to large cleansing beam.
Type-47 Ultra-Heavy Assault Platform (Scarab): The Scarab is a Covenant super-unit that can destroy infantry, ground vehicles, and aircraft with ease. The Scarab is extremely resilient to most weapons fire. Although both the Halo 2 and Halo 3 versions have been seen in promotional material, only the Halo 3 version appears in the finished game and demo. Spartans are unable to hijack Scarabs, with the exception of one campaign level in which the Covenant abandon a scarab and the player may choose to either use or destroy it. The Scarab is unique in its ability to traverse what is considered "rough terrain." In other words, the Scarab can climb over cliffs, mountains, and some structures because of its size and mobility. This makes it the only deployable ground unit in the game able to do so.[27] This unit does not have any upgrades due to its immense power and population cost of 20 per unit. As such, only two can be deployed at a time in standard skirmish matches, while up to four can be built in deathmatch.
Super Scarab: This variant is seen in the 7th campaign level and is larger and more powerful than a normal scarab. It's legs aren't yet complete and cannot be used, but relies on power generators scattered throughout the map for energy to turn its head. Despite the vulnerability of its power source, it is still a very dangerous threat capable of incinerating anything in moments.
Type-32 Rapid Assault Vehicle (Ghost): The Ghost is a light attack vehicle that excels against infantry but not other vehicles.
Upgrade 1: Boosted Ram Special Attack; similar to the Warthog's Ram ability the Ghost gains the ability to ram a target and is most effective when running over enemy infantry.
Upgrade 2: Strafe; the Ghost can evade incoming projectile attacks. (Rockets and Grenades)
Upgrade 3: Scout Shield; a light shield is installed on the Ghost allowing it to take more damage.
Type-25 Rapid Assault Vehicle (Chopper): The Chopper is a scout-class vehicle available only to the Jiralhanae Chieftain leader. The Chopper starts without any weapons and can only ram hostile ground targets. This unit takes the place of the Ghost when playing as the Chieftain. Unlike the ghost however, the chopper takes up two population to make up for its greater attack power and durability.[28]
Starting Special Attack: Run Over, same function of the Ghost's Boosted Ram ability or the Warthog's Ram ability, The Chopper with smash into a given target causing damage, most effective on infantry.
Upgrade 1: Autocannons; Adds a pair of explosive-shot cannons, granting additional attack.
Upgrade 2: Stabilizers; Improves accuracy of Chopper's guns and damage.
Upgrade 3: Ramming Targe; adds ceramic armor around front wheel base of Chopper, increasing Run Over damage and reducing damage taken.
Type-26 Assault Gun Carriage (Wraith): The Wraith is the main-line tank of the Covenant and is armed with a plasma mortar and a plasma turret capable of dealing heavy damage to ground targets.
Upgrade 1: Heavy Shield; an energy shield is added to the Wraith, which deflects damage from the health of the Wraith until it is depleted.
Upgrade 2: Scorch Special Ability; a superheated plasma projectile is shot at a target that does continuous damage after it has hit the ground.
Upgrade 3: Plasma Modulator; the normal plasma mortar is larger and causes more damage.
Honor Guard Wraith: This unique vehicle skin is exclusive to the Halo Wars special edition, and can be activated through the options menu.
Type-30 Light Excavation/Anti-Fortification Platform (Locust): A smaller counterpart to the Covenant Scarab which is described as a "building-killer." The Locust walks on four legs and looks similar to the Scarab but on a much smaller scale. It's Plasma Beam is Purple/Pink and does major damage to buildings but must be concentrated from multiple units to do damage to heavy vehicles.
Upgrade 1: Overdrive Special Ability; drains energy shield to increase power of plasma beam.
Upgrade 2: Shield Amplifier; restoration rate of energy shield is much quicker.
Type-26 Ground Support Aircraft (Banshee): The Banshee is the main Covenant air unit and is equipped with twin Plasma Cannons and a single Fuel Rod Cannon. This allows it to attack any target effectively, though the Fuel Rod Cannon is not used on other aircraft.
Upgrade 1: Boost; enables the Banshee to travel across a distance at great speed. Note the Banshee cannot attack while boosting.
Upgrade 2: Repeating Cannon; the Banshee's plasma cannons fire at a faster rate, increasing damage done over time.
Upgrade 3: Sacrifice; when the Banshee is heavily damaged, it will attempt to kamikaze into nearby ground targets.
Type-25 Troop Carrier (Spirit): The Spirit dropship is the Covenant equivalent of the UNSC Pelican, capable of transporting vehicles and infantry in addition to giving them fire support. Unlike the Pelican though, the Spirit cannot be called in multiplayer or skirmish matches. Instead, it is replaced with the Gravity Pads which appear at each Covenant base and can provide quick transportation to the Covenant leader's location.
Type-29 Close Support Fighter (Vampire): A fast, maneuverable Covenant Aircraft. Armed with a pair of plasma guns, a Heavy Anti-Air Needler, and a Stasis Beam.
Upgrade 1: Stasis Drain; adds the Stasis special attack which locks down air targets and drains their health to repair the Vampire. Note that targets can still fight back during stasis.
Upgrade 2: Stasis Bomb; Targets fully drained by Stasis, will explode with a large area of effect.
Huragok (Engineers): Engineers are a race utilized by the Covenant to repair damaged vehicles and structures, as well as heal squads of infantry. Though often sent into combat zones, Engineers lack any offensive abilities. They may be used to heal other Engineers, but not themselves.[29]
Upgrade 1: State of Grace; repair/healing rate of the Engineer is increased.
Upgrade 2: Harmonious Digestion; Engineers have increased mobility.
Covenant Base: The basic command structure of the Covenant with optional 'add on' buildings that can increase its usefulness. Outpost can be upgraded to Keep and then to a Citadel.
Outpost: Command Center and 3 building pads.
Keep: Command Center, 5 building pads, and 4 turret pads.
Citadel: Command Center, 7 building pads, and 4 turret pads.
Shield Generator: Provides an energy shield that envelops the entire base. Multiple generators will amplify the effect and make the shield stronger.
Warehouse: The warehouse is the Covenant equivalent of the UNSC supply pad. It provides continuous resources and can be upgraded for increased output.
Upgrade 1: Blessed Warehouse; Production capacity increased over time.
Plasma Turret: The main defensive structures of a Covenant base. Turrets start out with a single plasma cannon. Like the UNSC however, turrets can be upgraded and improved to optimize defensive capabilities.
Upgrade 1: Medium Turret; Turret damage increased. (Researched at Temple)
Upgrade 2: Heavy Turret; Turret damage increased. (Researched at Temple)
Turret can also be improved for damage bonuses against desired unit types. These are researched on the turret itself and are as follows:
Plasma Mortar: A Plasma Mortar is mounted to the turret for a bonus against infantry.
Fuel Rod Cannon: A twin set of Fuel Rod Guns are mounted to the turret for a bonus against vehicles.
Heavy Needler: Two heavy Needlers are mounted to the turret for a bonus against Aircraft.
Temple: A Covenant cultural and scientific research building. Functions as the equivalent of the UNSC Field Armory and Reactor. Provides expensive but powerful upgrades in addition to tech level.
Summit: Covenant air building, the Summit builds Banshees, Vampires, Engineers, and their upgrades.
Hall: Covenant infantry building, builds Unggoy lances, Kig-Yar and Mgalekgolo pairs, and accompanying upgrades.
Factory: Covenant vehicle building. The Factory builds Ghosts, Wraiths, Locusts, and their upgrades.
Anti-Vehicle Barrier: A device used to bar passage to certain areas, as seen on the level Tsavo Highway in Halo 3. Another variant is also present that must be garrisoned similar to a Deployable lookout tower in order to be activated.[30]
Type-29 ASG (Shade): The Halo: Combat Evolved variant of the Shade turret is present as a defensive structure. This is only seen in the Campaign.[31]
Deployable lookout tower: A structure that can be garrisoned with infantry units to increase their combat capabilities as well as line-of-sight.
Mega Turret: A massive offensive structure present in campaign and the multiplayer map Tundra. In the campaign it can be destroyed, but on Tundra is a neutral structure which can be garrisoned by a player to control it. It fires in three round bursts and can inflict massive damage to any target, to account for this, its recharge time is quite long.
Gravity Lift: Each Covenant base has a Gravity Lift at its front. Gravity lifts allow the Covenant to "Hot Drop" forces (all units except the Scarab) directly to their Leader's location.[32] If the players leader is in close proximity to a base's gravity lift or near a disruption bomb, it will not be active. Rally points can also be set on the Gravity lift so that units released from the base are quickly teleported to your leader.
Non-Playable FactionsEdit
Insurrectionist Infantry: Can be found occupying neutral base sites, and the area around any Forerunner structures and/or garrisonable areas that give bonuses such as supply elevators, bonus reactors, etc. They are usually armed with assault rifles, but may also use rocket launchers and snipers to deadly effect.
Rebel Infantry: Standard rebel unit, armed with assault rifles. Found at rebel bases and Forerunner structures. Rebel Infantry are similar to Marines, but instead of grenades, they use rocket launchers. They come in squads of four.
Rebel Sniper: Rebel anti-infantry unit, armed with sniper rifles. Found at rebel bases and Forerunner structures. They come in duos.
Sentinel: Standard Sentinel, fires a beam that does moderate damage. Found at Forerunner base sites and Sentinel factories.
Super Sentinel: Slow, powerful sentinel that can stun ground targets and deal heavier damage.
Protector Sentinel: Able to be "attached" to units, providing either a rechargeable energy shield, replenishing health, or a pulse laser weapon depending on the type of Protector. The "Ancestral Perversion" upgrade gives the Prophet of Regret two of the pulse laser types on any map.
Sentinel Shop: Produces Sentinels for the player who stands near it. Only found on the multiplayer levels Repository and Glacial Ravine.
Forerunner elevator: Produces supplies when infantry are garrisoned inside it. Equivalent to an additional Supply Pad or Warehouse. Means you can build one less Supply Pad/Warehouse.
Forerunner Spire of Healing: Heals any friendly units nearby for the player who controls it. Only found on multiplayer levels Frozen Valley and Barrens.
Forerunner Teleporter: Instantly sends units to another teleporter location. In most maps, these are just one way.
Forerunner Bonus Reactor: Increases tech level of any player that controls it. This will mean you can have an extra slot on open in a base for other usage.
Forerunner Life Support Pod: Increases the max population for any player who controls it. Only found on the multiplayer level Beasley's Plateau.
Forerunner Fort: Outpost guarded by automated systems, including laser turrets and a shield wall. Retracts in on itself after sustaining enough damage.
Protector Plant: Produces three types of Protectors for the player who stands near it. Only found on the multiplayer level Labyrinth.
Energy Wall: Generates an impassable energy wall when garrisoned with troops. Found on the multiplayer maps Glacial Ravine, Fort Deen and Tundra and on the campaign level Escape.
Relic: Releases Flood upon an enemy when infantry are garrisoned inside it. Only found on the multiplayer level Release.
The FloodEdit
Halo Wars Flood
Flood biomass and tentacles ensnare an Elephant, with Flood Infection Forms and Combat Forms in the background.
โThere is quite a bit of concern regarding how weโre going to fit the Flood into our game and keep it in canon which surprised me, but I promised them all that the Halo 1 canon is intact and that they would have to wait and see how we integrate the Flood.โ
โ Graeme Devine[33]
The Flood gain units by taking over Human and Covenant troops.
Flood Infection Forms, Combat Forms, and Carrier Forms are the Flood's main attack force. In the February issue of GamePro, it was confirmed that there would be new Flood forms in Halo Wars. These include the Bomber, Swarm, and Thrasher Forms. Though they cannot be controlled, in the multiplayer map Release, they can be released at opposite ends of the map to menace enemy units
In respect to keeping the appearance of the Flood in canon with the rest of the series, the game has the Spirit of Fire traveling back to Earth at speeds slower than light after its mission had ended, making it impossible for them to report the existence of the Flood. However, this raises further controversy over the presence of the Spartans on board the Spirit of Fire.
Ground Forms
Infection Forms are highly mobile have the ability to crawl over walls. When infantry units encounter Infection forms, they are vulnerable to infection and may turn on friendly forces. (All but special units such as hunters, heroes, and Spartans are immune to infection)
Combat Forms: The standard unit of the Flood. There are several variants of combat forms; Infected Marines, Flamethrowers, Sangheili, Jiralhanae, Kig-Yar and Unggoy. Note that the Veterancy of infected units will be inherited by the Flood.
Infected Marines: Marines or ODSTs (and possibly Medics) that have been infected by the Flood. They come in squads of four (or, in one mission, six) when they spawn on campaign and skirmish maps, or individually when they were formerly owned by a player and then infected. They always wield Assault rifles and Shotguns despite previous equipment.
Infected Flamethrowers: Flamethrower marines that were once owned by a player and then infected. They always wield Flamethrowers, as with living UNSC Flamethrower Marines. Infected Flamethrowers are a bit of a sub-category of Infected Marines, as they are exactly like Infected Marines but just wield Flamethrowers.
Infected Sangheili: Sangheili that were infected by the Flood. They come in pairs and use a melee attack instead of weaponry when they spawn, or individually when they were formerly owned by a player and then infected. They are the only Combat Form with a Melee attack.
Infected Jiralhanae: Jiralhanae that were infected by the Flood. They come in pairs when they spawn in campaign, or individually when they were formerly owned by a player and then infected. They always wield Jiralhanae Shots, as with living Covenant Jiralhanaes.
Infected Unggoy: Unggoy that were once owned by a player and then infected. Depending on their previous weaponry they will always wield either Plasma Pistols or Needlers. They also retain the ability to throw plasma grenades.
Infected Kig-Yar: Kig-Yar that have been infected by the Flood. They come in pairs when they spawn on skirmish maps, or individually when they were owned by a player and then infected. They always wield Carbines and Defense gauntlets (that can be overloaded) when infected by player controlled Kig-Yars, despite previous weaponry, but have been encountered with Type-27 Special Application Sniper Rifle|Beam rifles when they are in scripted positions (i.e. additional reactors on flood levels).
Carrier Forms: A unit that charges targets and explodes on close proximity, thus delivering its payload of Infection forms directly into enemy lines.
Flood Growth Pods: Flood biomass which upon destruction may contain resources, infection forms, spores, or nothing at all. They usually have the appearance of a large egg and may be the size of vehicles.
Flood Thrasher Forms: The Thrasher form is a heavy flood type that inflicts excessive melee damage. Flood swarms are made up of several units that spit acid at targets.
Flood spores: A cloud of spores capable of infecting and damaging units, especially infantry. It should be noted that these can not be killed (except by flamethrowers) but rather expire after a short time.
Air Forms
Flood Swarms: The first seen flying incarnation of the Flood, described by developers as "infected buzzards crossed with evil bats." These creatures travel in airborne packs, and can emit acidic dart-like projectiles to puncture enemies.
Flood Bomber Forms: Large, bloated, airborne Flood forms. They attack by dropping Flood Growth Pods full of Infection Forms onto enemies.
Flood Barracks: Flood biomass structures that ceaselessly churn out a variety of forms. They cannot be destroyed, but can be damaged enough to enter a weakened dormant state. The effect is only temporary and they will regenerate given enough time.
Flood Root: A defensive tentacle unit that smashes or grabs units that get close to it.[34]
Flood Colony: A large structure found in heavily infested areas. Used as a "base" by the Flood.[34] Regenerates only in the Campaign mode, otherwise opens up new base slots when killed.
Proto-Gravemind: The Flood's "command center" it appears to be connected to the Colony Forms, and only appears in Campaign.[34]
Flood Nest: A small organic building which creates Infection and Carrier Forms.[34]
Flood Launcher: Stationary tower-like forms that fire globs of biomass at enemies. These glob-like projectiles will release a spore cloud.
Flood Den: A medium-sized building form which Flood Swarms and Flood Thrasher Forms come out of.
Flood Vent: Large vents covered in Flood biomass which releases Flood Bomber Forms.
Foreign currency Bonds:
Eurodollar bond, a U.S. dollar-denominated bond issued by a non-U.S. entity outside the U.S.
Baklava bond, a bond denominated in Turkish Lira and issued by a domestic or foreign entity in the Turkish market.
Yankee bond, a US dollar-denominated bond issued by a non-US entity in the US market
Kangaroo bond, an Australian dollar-denominated bond issued by a non-Australian entity in the Australian market
Maple bond, a Canadian dollar-denominated bond issued by a non-Canadian entity in the Canadian market
Masala bonds an Indian rupee denominated bond issued outside India.
Samurai bond, a Japanese yen-denominated bond issued by a non-Japanese entity in the Japanese market
Uridashi bond, a non-yen-denominated bond sold to Japanese retail investors.
Shibosai Bond, a private placement bond in the Japanese market with distribution limited to institutions and banks.
Shogun bond, a non-yen-denominated bond issued in Japan by a non-Japanese institution or government.
Bulldog bond, a pound sterling-denominated bond issued in London by a foreign institution or government.
Matryoshka bond, a Russian rouble-denominated bond issued in the Russian Federation by non-Russian entities. The name derives from the famous Russian wooden dolls, Matrioshka, popular among foreign visitors to Russia
Arirang bond, a Korean won-denominated bond issued by a non-Korean entity in the Korean market.
Kimchi bond, a non-Korean won-denominated bond issued by a non-Korean entity in the Korean market.
Formosa bond, a non-New Taiwan Dollar-denominated bond issued by a non-Taiwan entity in the Taiwan market.
Panda bond, a Chinese renminbi-denominated bond issued by a non-China entity in the People's Republic of China market.
Dim sum bond, a Chinese renminbi-denominated bond issued by a Chinese entity in Hong Kong. Enables foreign investors forbidden from investing in Chinese corporate debt in mainland China to invest in and be exposed to Chinese currency in Hong Kong.
Kungfu bond, an offshore U.S. dollar-denominated bond issued by Chinese financial institutions and corporations.
Huaso bond, a Chilean peso-denominated bond issued by a non-Chilean entity in the Chilean market.
Lion City bond foreign currency denominated bond issued by foreign company in Singapore
Komodo bonds, rupiah-denominated global bonds issued in Indonesia.
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