My werewolf bodyguard!! (Female werewolf TF)
This story is sponsored by Moonlit Brew. Moonlit Brew is a werewolf comic made in 2015 and is still going on. This comic is about a female werewolf named Lydia and her 2 human friends who know about her secret. I read some of the pages, so I'm still trying to get the grasp of it by trying to read the 1st page. But what I already know is that she is like a superhero. As a werewolf, when she sees someone in danger, she would rush over to protect them. I love it, and I think you should see it too.
Click here to check it out ----> http://moonlitbrew.webcomic.ws/comics/41/
If you don't know who I am, I'm Erica. I'm 15 years old and I was born in Seattle 2005, or I thought I was until I found out something that changed my entire life forever. But before we go into that, let me tell about my past life. During my birth, it was said that my dad and grandparents died in a car crash during their drive to the hospital. That meant that the only person who could take care of me was my mother, as I got older, i became more lonely and became emo due to the loss of my Father and both my grandparents. Also, Strangly enough, I was only allowed to go outside at night. Which meant that I had to be home schooled. That was also the time that I met Sandra. She was a friend of mine that was the same age as me. Mom hired her to be my tutor and teacher for all my classes. We had quite a lot in common. But now, I learned the most shocking secret in the entire world, and here is how. This is the story of my werewolf bodyguard.
It was another day in Seattle. As I slept in my bed, the alarm clock went off as I caused me to wake up. After turning off the alarm clock, i go to my closet and grabbed a pair of jeans, a white tank top, a black leather belt, a denim jacket, and some black earmuffs as I take off my pjs and put on the fresh clothes. After putting on the clothes, I walk downstairs and entered the dining room where a plate of bacon and freshly peeled blood oranges were sitting on a plate. I walk to the chair as I ate my breakfast. After eating breakfast, mom entered the dining room.
Morning Erica. Said mom. Hey. I said. How's my sweet little flying bat. Said my mom as she stroked my black hair from behind me. MOM!! DONT TOUCH MY HAIR!! I shouted as I got her hands away from my hair. Alright sweetheart, I won't touch your hair. Said my mom.
I then sighed as I pushed my plate away to the center of the table.
Mom. I said as I turned to her. Yes Erica? Asked my mom. I'm going to see Sandra tonight at the park. I said as I walked to her. Really? That's wonderful, I heard you two have a lot in common with each other. Said my mom.
I sighed again as I got off the table and got ready to see her tonight. Also, what's really strange, is that I can vase her during a full moon night, but usually stays in the shade. I don't know why, but it's strange. But still, she's my best friend.
15 Hours later!!
It was 7:35 at night, and I was at the park waiting for Sandra. Also, I decided to change my clothes, except for the Denim jacket. I was now wearing a black shirt with a picture of a rose, a blue skater skirt and black boots with brown faux fur. As I waited for Sandra, I decided to walk around and examine the area of the park. While walking around, I saw different plants. From roses, bleeding hearts, and apple trees. But however, while I was walking around, I heard footsteps walking behind me. I turned around and saw somebody as she went BOO!! And caused me to fall over and hit the ground. I then look at the girl. She had brown hair, blue eyes, and blonde skin. She wore blue jeans, red sneakers with white laces, a white tank top, and was also wearing a denim jacket like me. I then found out that it was Sandra. Despite being best friends, Sandra would always pull a prank on me. She then helped me back up by grabbing my hand and pulling me up off the ground. We then hugged and did our BFF handshake. (Yes, we have a BFF handshake)
Hey Sandra!! I said as I smiled. Hey Erica, oh my god how are you? We haven't talked in so long. Said Sandra. I know, I'm good. How are you? I replied. Good, nonetheless. Said Sandra.
Me and Sandra start walking and talking about what we did today, what our new interests were, etc. after walking, I told Sandra I had to go to the bathroom and Sandra said that she would wait for me. As I entered the females bathroom, I went number 1, then after that I went to the sink to wash my hands. Then it happened, the day I found out I had a werewolf bodyguard. Through the mirror, I saw a shadow. But however, it wasn't a female shadow. It was a males shadow. I turn around to see a 5 ft tall muscular man enter the bathroom carrying what appeared to be some kind of sharp wooden object. He looked to be in his 30s or 40s. He also had had blonde skin, brown hair, brown eyes, and average adult clothes. I screamed in horror as the man walked closer to me. From outside, Sandra heard my scream as she went inside and saw the man.
WHAT ARE YOU DOING IN HERE!!? THIS IS THE GIRLS BATHROOM!! I shouted. You should shut your mouth VAMP!!!! Shouted the man. What!? I said in confusion.
Then suddenly, Sandra threw a rock at his head and grabbed me by the hand as me and Sandra started running. As we looked back, he, and 2 more men with the same clothes were chasing us.
SANDRA!! WHO ARE THOSE GUYS!!? I shouted in fear. I DONT KNOW!!!! Shouted Sandra.
Then suddenly, we hit a dead end as we stopped at a brick wall.
OH NO!!!! We both shouted.
We then turn around to see the 3 men surround us as they walked closer with both a combination of anger and happiness. The man in the center was holding the sharp wooden object, the man of the left was holding a lot torch, and the man on the right was wearing a strap of garlic on his chest. No place to run now you little VAMP!! Shouted the man. STOP CALLING ME THAT AND LEAVE US ALONE!!!! I shouted. NOT AFTER WE RIP YOU TO PEICES!! Shouted the 2 other men.
Suddenly, Sandra got in front of me as she got in some kind of protective position.
SANDRA!! WHAT ARE YOU DOING!!!! I shouted. Erica, there's something you need to know about me. Said Sandra. W-What? What are you talking about? GET AWAY FROM THEM!!! THERE CRAZY!!!! I shouted. Those men will be crazy when the think their the 3 little pigs and the big bad wolf came to attack. Said Sandra. What are you talking about? I asked. I'll explain after. Said Sandra.
Then suddenly, me and Sandra look up to the the full moon. (Like I said again, Me and Sandra see each other during a full moon) She then took off her denim jacket as the clouds begin to uncover the full moon as the light from it started to shine on Sandra. Then suddenly, she started to scream in pain as her bones began to snap and crack and caused her to fall on her knees.
WHAT IN THE WORLD!!? Shouted one of the men. WOAH!! SANDRA!! ARE YOU ALRIGHT!!? I shouted in shock. I'm fine, just stay behind me. Said Sandra.
Then suddenly, something began to happen. I watched in shock as I saw Sandra's palms and fingertips begin to swell up as they hardened and turned black, as if they were becoming the paws of some animal.
What the!? I asked in even more shock.
Next, her fingernails started to grow longer as they sharpened to a point where they looked like tiny daggers. Then right after that, tiny brown hairs began to grow on both her hands and arms as they became a thick layer of what appeared to be brown wolf fur.
SANDRA!! WHATS HAPPENING TO YOU!!? I shouted. It's okay Erica, I'll explain later. Just stay behind me. Said Sandra. Guys!! Are you seeing this? Asked the man on the left. ARE YOU STUPID!!? WE CAN SEE IT CLEARLY!!? Shouted the man on the right.
The fur began to spread to her torso, then her legs, and then her feet. Next, she quickly took off her socks and shoes before they would get destroyed. Because what happened next was her feet. She saw them covered in wolf fur, but however, her feet pads and the tips of her toes weren't. Because they began to do the same with her hands. They began to swell up, harden, and turn black. Then after that, her toes on her feet started merging together as they grew bigger and merged together as they became 3 toes instead of 5 on each foot. Then after that, her toenails started to grow longer and became sharper, just like her hands. But then after that, her feet began to elongate while her heels began to shift, causing them to become the digitigrade legs of some kind of wolf.
I stood back closer to the wall with a little bit of fear as Sandra then began to stand back up as she clutched her chest and accidentally clawed her tank top.
WHAT IS GOING ON!!? I shouted while trembling. It's okay, relax. Said Sandra as she started sweating while painfully panting like a dog.
Then after that, the fur spread up her neck, but however, the fur on her neck grew even longer as it formed a mane around her neck as the rest of the fur grew on her face, except for her nose and hair. Which was falling out and being replaced with the brown fur. Next, Her eyes began to change as they went from blue, to a glowing yellow as her pupils became slit and cat-like. Following this were her ears. They began to grow longer and pointed to become wolf-like. My eyes widened at what was happening to my friend.
GUYS!! ATTACK!! Shouted the center man.
But however, they couldn't. They were too scared to move. As for me, I hid behind a bush while watching from an angle.
Sandra!! I whispered to my self.
The transformation progressed as her teeth began to grow longer and became sharper. Making them ferocious fangs of a beast. Following as well was a brown wolf tail bursting from her pants.
Last chance men, you better run, I'm warning you. Said Sandra as her voice started changing from a teenager, to what sounded like a mature women.
The men just stood there in complete horror while trembling.
You asked for it. Said Sandra as the transformation progressed even more.
Me and the men watched in shock as her body began growing. Her muscles began bubbling out as her arms and legs elongated to fit the muscles that were bulging out of her body. However, for her arms and torso, her tank top couldn't hold her massive muscles and finally, BOOM!!!! The tank top exploded off of her and was now in tatters. As her body kept on growing, her pants finally couldn't take it either and then, BOOM!!!! Her pants were now left in tatters as well. She had no more clothes on, but luckily, she had her brown fur. Then last but not least, her face began to push out as her nose started changing as it became wolf-like and became black and wet. And with that, the transformation was complete. Instead of Sandra, I saw something else in shock. Something that I could not believe existed. A WEREWOLF!!!!
Sorry men, I gave a chance to run, and you didn't. Said Sandra as she lifted the 3 men up with her paws. P-P-Please miss, L-L-Lets not get reasonable here, we'll leave you alone. Just please don't hurt us. Said The man in the center. I'll tell you what, I'll let you off the hook, BUT I BETTER NOT SEE YOU 3 LITTLE PIGS TRY TO HURT MY FRIEND AGAIN!! OR IM GONNA HUFF!! AND PUFF!! AND BLOW YOU ALL IN!! DO YOU UNDERSTAND!! Shouted Sandra as she threatened them by putting her claws up to their necks and roars after. WE PROMISE!! WE PROMISE WE WONT HURT YOU OR YOUR FRIEND AGAIN!! Cried the 3 Men. Also, you will not tell anyone I'm a werewolf. Said Sandra. We Promise. Said the 3 men as they started running away crying. Such babies. Said Sandra as she saw them run while crying.
Sandra then spotted me as I hid behind the bush. I couldn't believe it, my own friend was a werewolf this whole time. Was this why she wanted me to only see her during full moons? Then suddenly, I saw Sandras werewolf paw next to me.
Please come out Erica. It's okay, I won't hurt you. Said Sandra.
I trembled a little as I grabbed her paw and she pulled me up.
Um....Well this is strange. I said Nervously. Don't be afraid Erica, your mother will explain everything. Said Sandra.
I went into shock after hearing what Sandra just Said.
Sandra puts her paw on my head as she breathed in and sighed.
It's probably time you know now. Said Sandra.
1 Hour Later
Me and my Werewolf friend were at my mothers house. I was sitting on a chair, while Sandra was sitting like a feral wolf. My mom was walking around us in a circle.
Erica, I should have told you as soon as you were 13. Said my mother. MOM!! WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT!!? I shouted.
My mom then sighed as she rubbed her eyes with her thumb and finger.
Erica, You might think that we live in Seattle, but we don't. Said my mom. What!? What do you mean? I asked. Sandra, we're not humans. We're Vampires. Said mom. What!!? I asked. Those men chasing you were vampire hunters. You were lucky that Sandra was there to protect you. Said Mom. YOUR NOT MAKING ANY SENSE!!!! I shouted. Okay, where do I start, you see, me and you were actually born in a dimension called Vampira. A dimension full of vampires, and those vampires had a royal family to rule it over decades. But however, newborns were unable to stay there due to its dangers. So the royalties decided to send the newborns to earth with one adult family member to look after him or her, along with a werewolf from Lunara, the dimension of werewolves, to protect that newborn until he or she is full grown. Since Sandra was chosen to be your protector, I would send her here to not only be your home school tutor and teacher, but to watch after you and make sure your safe. Said my Mom. So your saying, I'm a VAMPIRE!!? AND A PRINCESS!!? I shouted in shock. Yes. Said my mom. This explains and changes everything. I said in complete shock.
I looked at Sandra in shock as she looked back at me.
How long will she be protecting me? I asked. Until your 100 years old. Said Mom.
I figured, because vampires can never die. (Well, unless their exposed to sunlight, garlic, stakes, or fire) and Sandra will die at 100 since she is a human and werewolves can't age differently.
Sandra. Said my mom as she walked up to her. Yes? Asked Sandra. You will protect my daughter? Asked my mom. I will protect her with my life, I promise. Said Sandra.
And ever since then, my entire life changed. This became a new beginning for me, and my werewolf bodyguard.
Click here to check it out ----> http://moonlitbrew.webcomic.ws/comics/41/
If you don't know who I am, I'm Erica. I'm 15 years old and I was born in Seattle 2005, or I thought I was until I found out something that changed my entire life forever. But before we go into that, let me tell about my past life. During my birth, it was said that my dad and grandparents died in a car crash during their drive to the hospital. That meant that the only person who could take care of me was my mother, as I got older, i became more lonely and became emo due to the loss of my Father and both my grandparents. Also, Strangly enough, I was only allowed to go outside at night. Which meant that I had to be home schooled. That was also the time that I met Sandra. She was a friend of mine that was the same age as me. Mom hired her to be my tutor and teacher for all my classes. We had quite a lot in common. But now, I learned the most shocking secret in the entire world, and here is how. This is the story of my werewolf bodyguard.
It was another day in Seattle. As I slept in my bed, the alarm clock went off as I caused me to wake up. After turning off the alarm clock, i go to my closet and grabbed a pair of jeans, a white tank top, a black leather belt, a denim jacket, and some black earmuffs as I take off my pjs and put on the fresh clothes. After putting on the clothes, I walk downstairs and entered the dining room where a plate of bacon and freshly peeled blood oranges were sitting on a plate. I walk to the chair as I ate my breakfast. After eating breakfast, mom entered the dining room.
Morning Erica. Said mom. Hey. I said. How's my sweet little flying bat. Said my mom as she stroked my black hair from behind me. MOM!! DONT TOUCH MY HAIR!! I shouted as I got her hands away from my hair. Alright sweetheart, I won't touch your hair. Said my mom.
I then sighed as I pushed my plate away to the center of the table.
Mom. I said as I turned to her. Yes Erica? Asked my mom. I'm going to see Sandra tonight at the park. I said as I walked to her. Really? That's wonderful, I heard you two have a lot in common with each other. Said my mom.
I sighed again as I got off the table and got ready to see her tonight. Also, what's really strange, is that I can vase her during a full moon night, but usually stays in the shade. I don't know why, but it's strange. But still, she's my best friend.
15 Hours later!!
It was 7:35 at night, and I was at the park waiting for Sandra. Also, I decided to change my clothes, except for the Denim jacket. I was now wearing a black shirt with a picture of a rose, a blue skater skirt and black boots with brown faux fur. As I waited for Sandra, I decided to walk around and examine the area of the park. While walking around, I saw different plants. From roses, bleeding hearts, and apple trees. But however, while I was walking around, I heard footsteps walking behind me. I turned around and saw somebody as she went BOO!! And caused me to fall over and hit the ground. I then look at the girl. She had brown hair, blue eyes, and blonde skin. She wore blue jeans, red sneakers with white laces, a white tank top, and was also wearing a denim jacket like me. I then found out that it was Sandra. Despite being best friends, Sandra would always pull a prank on me. She then helped me back up by grabbing my hand and pulling me up off the ground. We then hugged and did our BFF handshake. (Yes, we have a BFF handshake)
Hey Sandra!! I said as I smiled. Hey Erica, oh my god how are you? We haven't talked in so long. Said Sandra. I know, I'm good. How are you? I replied. Good, nonetheless. Said Sandra.
Me and Sandra start walking and talking about what we did today, what our new interests were, etc. after walking, I told Sandra I had to go to the bathroom and Sandra said that she would wait for me. As I entered the females bathroom, I went number 1, then after that I went to the sink to wash my hands. Then it happened, the day I found out I had a werewolf bodyguard. Through the mirror, I saw a shadow. But however, it wasn't a female shadow. It was a males shadow. I turn around to see a 5 ft tall muscular man enter the bathroom carrying what appeared to be some kind of sharp wooden object. He looked to be in his 30s or 40s. He also had had blonde skin, brown hair, brown eyes, and average adult clothes. I screamed in horror as the man walked closer to me. From outside, Sandra heard my scream as she went inside and saw the man.
WHAT ARE YOU DOING IN HERE!!? THIS IS THE GIRLS BATHROOM!! I shouted. You should shut your mouth VAMP!!!! Shouted the man. What!? I said in confusion.
Then suddenly, Sandra threw a rock at his head and grabbed me by the hand as me and Sandra started running. As we looked back, he, and 2 more men with the same clothes were chasing us.
SANDRA!! WHO ARE THOSE GUYS!!? I shouted in fear. I DONT KNOW!!!! Shouted Sandra.
Then suddenly, we hit a dead end as we stopped at a brick wall.
OH NO!!!! We both shouted.
We then turn around to see the 3 men surround us as they walked closer with both a combination of anger and happiness. The man in the center was holding the sharp wooden object, the man of the left was holding a lot torch, and the man on the right was wearing a strap of garlic on his chest. No place to run now you little VAMP!! Shouted the man. STOP CALLING ME THAT AND LEAVE US ALONE!!!! I shouted. NOT AFTER WE RIP YOU TO PEICES!! Shouted the 2 other men.
Suddenly, Sandra got in front of me as she got in some kind of protective position.
SANDRA!! WHAT ARE YOU DOING!!!! I shouted. Erica, there's something you need to know about me. Said Sandra. W-What? What are you talking about? GET AWAY FROM THEM!!! THERE CRAZY!!!! I shouted. Those men will be crazy when the think their the 3 little pigs and the big bad wolf came to attack. Said Sandra. What are you talking about? I asked. I'll explain after. Said Sandra.
Then suddenly, me and Sandra look up to the the full moon. (Like I said again, Me and Sandra see each other during a full moon) She then took off her denim jacket as the clouds begin to uncover the full moon as the light from it started to shine on Sandra. Then suddenly, she started to scream in pain as her bones began to snap and crack and caused her to fall on her knees.
WHAT IN THE WORLD!!? Shouted one of the men. WOAH!! SANDRA!! ARE YOU ALRIGHT!!? I shouted in shock. I'm fine, just stay behind me. Said Sandra.
Then suddenly, something began to happen. I watched in shock as I saw Sandra's palms and fingertips begin to swell up as they hardened and turned black, as if they were becoming the paws of some animal.
What the!? I asked in even more shock.
Next, her fingernails started to grow longer as they sharpened to a point where they looked like tiny daggers. Then right after that, tiny brown hairs began to grow on both her hands and arms as they became a thick layer of what appeared to be brown wolf fur.
SANDRA!! WHATS HAPPENING TO YOU!!? I shouted. It's okay Erica, I'll explain later. Just stay behind me. Said Sandra. Guys!! Are you seeing this? Asked the man on the left. ARE YOU STUPID!!? WE CAN SEE IT CLEARLY!!? Shouted the man on the right.
The fur began to spread to her torso, then her legs, and then her feet. Next, she quickly took off her socks and shoes before they would get destroyed. Because what happened next was her feet. She saw them covered in wolf fur, but however, her feet pads and the tips of her toes weren't. Because they began to do the same with her hands. They began to swell up, harden, and turn black. Then after that, her toes on her feet started merging together as they grew bigger and merged together as they became 3 toes instead of 5 on each foot. Then after that, her toenails started to grow longer and became sharper, just like her hands. But then after that, her feet began to elongate while her heels began to shift, causing them to become the digitigrade legs of some kind of wolf.
I stood back closer to the wall with a little bit of fear as Sandra then began to stand back up as she clutched her chest and accidentally clawed her tank top.
WHAT IS GOING ON!!? I shouted while trembling. It's okay, relax. Said Sandra as she started sweating while painfully panting like a dog.
Then after that, the fur spread up her neck, but however, the fur on her neck grew even longer as it formed a mane around her neck as the rest of the fur grew on her face, except for her nose and hair. Which was falling out and being replaced with the brown fur. Next, Her eyes began to change as they went from blue, to a glowing yellow as her pupils became slit and cat-like. Following this were her ears. They began to grow longer and pointed to become wolf-like. My eyes widened at what was happening to my friend.
GUYS!! ATTACK!! Shouted the center man.
But however, they couldn't. They were too scared to move. As for me, I hid behind a bush while watching from an angle.
Sandra!! I whispered to my self.
The transformation progressed as her teeth began to grow longer and became sharper. Making them ferocious fangs of a beast. Following as well was a brown wolf tail bursting from her pants.
Last chance men, you better run, I'm warning you. Said Sandra as her voice started changing from a teenager, to what sounded like a mature women.
The men just stood there in complete horror while trembling.
You asked for it. Said Sandra as the transformation progressed even more.
Me and the men watched in shock as her body began growing. Her muscles began bubbling out as her arms and legs elongated to fit the muscles that were bulging out of her body. However, for her arms and torso, her tank top couldn't hold her massive muscles and finally, BOOM!!!! The tank top exploded off of her and was now in tatters. As her body kept on growing, her pants finally couldn't take it either and then, BOOM!!!! Her pants were now left in tatters as well. She had no more clothes on, but luckily, she had her brown fur. Then last but not least, her face began to push out as her nose started changing as it became wolf-like and became black and wet. And with that, the transformation was complete. Instead of Sandra, I saw something else in shock. Something that I could not believe existed. A WEREWOLF!!!!
Sorry men, I gave a chance to run, and you didn't. Said Sandra as she lifted the 3 men up with her paws. P-P-Please miss, L-L-Lets not get reasonable here, we'll leave you alone. Just please don't hurt us. Said The man in the center. I'll tell you what, I'll let you off the hook, BUT I BETTER NOT SEE YOU 3 LITTLE PIGS TRY TO HURT MY FRIEND AGAIN!! OR IM GONNA HUFF!! AND PUFF!! AND BLOW YOU ALL IN!! DO YOU UNDERSTAND!! Shouted Sandra as she threatened them by putting her claws up to their necks and roars after. WE PROMISE!! WE PROMISE WE WONT HURT YOU OR YOUR FRIEND AGAIN!! Cried the 3 Men. Also, you will not tell anyone I'm a werewolf. Said Sandra. We Promise. Said the 3 men as they started running away crying. Such babies. Said Sandra as she saw them run while crying.
Sandra then spotted me as I hid behind the bush. I couldn't believe it, my own friend was a werewolf this whole time. Was this why she wanted me to only see her during full moons? Then suddenly, I saw Sandras werewolf paw next to me.
Please come out Erica. It's okay, I won't hurt you. Said Sandra.
I trembled a little as I grabbed her paw and she pulled me up.
Um....Well this is strange. I said Nervously. Don't be afraid Erica, your mother will explain everything. Said Sandra.
I went into shock after hearing what Sandra just Said.
Sandra puts her paw on my head as she breathed in and sighed.
It's probably time you know now. Said Sandra.
1 Hour Later
Me and my Werewolf friend were at my mothers house. I was sitting on a chair, while Sandra was sitting like a feral wolf. My mom was walking around us in a circle.
Erica, I should have told you as soon as you were 13. Said my mother. MOM!! WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT!!? I shouted.
My mom then sighed as she rubbed her eyes with her thumb and finger.
Erica, You might think that we live in Seattle, but we don't. Said my mom. What!? What do you mean? I asked. Sandra, we're not humans. We're Vampires. Said mom. What!!? I asked. Those men chasing you were vampire hunters. You were lucky that Sandra was there to protect you. Said Mom. YOUR NOT MAKING ANY SENSE!!!! I shouted. Okay, where do I start, you see, me and you were actually born in a dimension called Vampira. A dimension full of vampires, and those vampires had a royal family to rule it over decades. But however, newborns were unable to stay there due to its dangers. So the royalties decided to send the newborns to earth with one adult family member to look after him or her, along with a werewolf from Lunara, the dimension of werewolves, to protect that newborn until he or she is full grown. Since Sandra was chosen to be your protector, I would send her here to not only be your home school tutor and teacher, but to watch after you and make sure your safe. Said my Mom. So your saying, I'm a VAMPIRE!!? AND A PRINCESS!!? I shouted in shock. Yes. Said my mom. This explains and changes everything. I said in complete shock.
I looked at Sandra in shock as she looked back at me.
How long will she be protecting me? I asked. Until your 100 years old. Said Mom.
I figured, because vampires can never die. (Well, unless their exposed to sunlight, garlic, stakes, or fire) and Sandra will die at 100 since she is a human and werewolves can't age differently.
Sandra. Said my mom as she walked up to her. Yes? Asked Sandra. You will protect my daughter? Asked my mom. I will protect her with my life, I promise. Said Sandra.
And ever since then, my entire life changed. This became a new beginning for me, and my werewolf bodyguard.
Category Story / Transformation
Species Wolf
Gender Female
Size 450 x 461px
File Size 34.5 kB