A lovely cute commission from
kerothestrange of my upcoming mama tiggy Evan!
I don't see it in the artist gallery or scraps, but if someone does spot it, let me know!
Evan is a cutie, and frankly I think we need to see more of her and her silly ways. She loves herself some anime and cartoons, and it seems that she went a little too far with it this time, and now she has to deal with the consequences. I have a few more pics of her out there, soon to be uploaded here of course. I need to work on these stories faster, or else I'll never catch up (on the contrary, I'm falling behind!)
Anyways here's hoping August works out for everyone!
Morning was supposed to be the time when everything refreshed and the new day began with promises and expectations for the hours ahead. For Evan, this morning felt more like the opposite - a time for the problems laid forth the night prior to flourish and remind her that their ramifications had only just begun.
It all began with a social media post made on the previous night.
“What, they released the new season early?!” the golden tigress mewled out to nobody in particular. Her boyfriend Raj had already gone back to his apartment; work was going to be a pain that morning if he didn’t leave then. Evan did not have work on the mind because she was deep into a well-earned staycation. The staycation was pretty good for the most part, but it had become more work than her job the last couple days, thanks in part to a nursery the young couple was building together. Getting a few cribs together and painting the walls was rather difficult for the tigress, but she was approaching her due date and needed to be sure they were ready no matter what.
With all the work part of her staycation taken care of and her boyfriend back at his place, Evan was ready to enjoy herself. That was when she saw the shocking message. Season 3 of Dazzle Sprite Sashi, a show she had enjoyed watching for the last couple years, had just been uploaded to her favorite stream services. She was dying to know what adventures awaited the magical fighter this time around. She looked at the message multiple times and clicked the link quickly to be sure if it was true, and sure enough the videos were available for her to watch immediately.
She would not, could not wait until the next day to see it. Evan looked to the clock and frowned lightly; it was close to ten o’clock, so time was not on her side. However, she also felt a little flurry of kicks from her side. The pregnant tigress gently rubbed that side of her belly and pondered a moment. Sleep was already going to be a problem if the children wanted a snack first, so what harm was there in watching a couple episodes and having a bag of chips and cookies on the side?
The next morning revealed just how bad it could go.
Evan groaned softly on the bed, light having found its way into her room and across her face. She cursed the sun for a moment and slowly looked around where she lay. The blanket was askew on the bed, as was the maternal tigress. Moving her arms, she found a near-empty bag of chips and her television remote amid a field of crumbs. She wanted to go back to sleep and let the day go on without her, but the multitudes of snacks from the night before combined with the unique bedtime made her babies riled up. Evan felt her cubs squirm and move around in her full belly, and she felt a slight headache from all the sweets she had just hours before.
The tigress slowly lifted herself up on the bed, holding the side of her belly to keep everything steady. Evan could still taste some crumbs of salted pretzel on her lips, and her pink top held onto its own pile of crumbs as well. She slowly ran a paw through her hair, and she did not need a mirror to know that she was not ready for the outside world. Her hair spread out in all directions, lacking direction except away from her head. It would take some goading and product to get that hairdo together, she surmised, but it was far from a priority. Her shifting belly was more of a focus for the mother, with one cub pressing into her hand with an affectionate wiggle. The cub in the back of her womb was less pleasant, kicking into her insides as it grew anxious for more food and affection from their mother. At least the others did not seem as active, but she knew it was only a matter of time before they joined.
She looked at the chaos around her - bags of chips and pretzels, a box of cookies, and an empty container of strawberry sweets - and she let out a low huff. Did she even remember what happened in the show she watched? She could recall maybe eight of the twelve episodes before her memory grew hazy.
It all began innocently enough, the tigress sitting back in her cute little evening shorts and curled up in a blanket. She remembered the new opening song, and by episode four she was singing with glee alongside it. Every so often a chip or four was devoured, but she realized the cubs preferred that she switch between the salty chips and some rich chocolate cookies. The other sweets and snacks eventually came into play; she was not even sure when she got the pretzels. The show’s new villain had the upper hand by the end of episode seven, and even though Evan remembered the digits on the clock warning her, she continued onward. Her posture shifted this way and that way, the babies having rested and woken up within their mommy multiple times that evening. Perhaps she would tell them what they missed, she joked to herself, but hours later, even the young mother-to-be was not sure what she saw. Episodes nine onward just...faded into eating the rest of the cookies, the television blurring into semi-conscious purrs, and the end credits fading to darkness interrupted by sunlight and a snack hangover. Her evaluation complete, Evan sighed.
“Binge watching and munching snacks late with the babies was a bad idea…” she thought.
She was left with the remains of her previous mom-and-children bash. The bed was covered in crumbs, and her body was aching from her poor sleeping position. The babies were squirming around within wanting attention (or more of those tasty cookies), and she could not even remember how the season ended. The tigress remained on the bed for a moment, gently rubbing her head and belly.
“But it was pretty fun for a while...maybe if Raj was over he could have kept me and the babies away from too many snacks and get to bed earlier,” she mused aloud as she stood up to get some breakfast. At the very least, it would have been fun to have someone outside her womb snuggled up and watching with her. But at the moment, the apartment was just the maternal tigress waddling toward the kitchen. The babies deserved some tasty pancakes and syrup after that long night.
And she needed something to munch on while rewatching those last episodes!

I don't see it in the artist gallery or scraps, but if someone does spot it, let me know!
Evan is a cutie, and frankly I think we need to see more of her and her silly ways. She loves herself some anime and cartoons, and it seems that she went a little too far with it this time, and now she has to deal with the consequences. I have a few more pics of her out there, soon to be uploaded here of course. I need to work on these stories faster, or else I'll never catch up (on the contrary, I'm falling behind!)
Anyways here's hoping August works out for everyone!
Morning was supposed to be the time when everything refreshed and the new day began with promises and expectations for the hours ahead. For Evan, this morning felt more like the opposite - a time for the problems laid forth the night prior to flourish and remind her that their ramifications had only just begun.
It all began with a social media post made on the previous night.
“What, they released the new season early?!” the golden tigress mewled out to nobody in particular. Her boyfriend Raj had already gone back to his apartment; work was going to be a pain that morning if he didn’t leave then. Evan did not have work on the mind because she was deep into a well-earned staycation. The staycation was pretty good for the most part, but it had become more work than her job the last couple days, thanks in part to a nursery the young couple was building together. Getting a few cribs together and painting the walls was rather difficult for the tigress, but she was approaching her due date and needed to be sure they were ready no matter what.
With all the work part of her staycation taken care of and her boyfriend back at his place, Evan was ready to enjoy herself. That was when she saw the shocking message. Season 3 of Dazzle Sprite Sashi, a show she had enjoyed watching for the last couple years, had just been uploaded to her favorite stream services. She was dying to know what adventures awaited the magical fighter this time around. She looked at the message multiple times and clicked the link quickly to be sure if it was true, and sure enough the videos were available for her to watch immediately.
She would not, could not wait until the next day to see it. Evan looked to the clock and frowned lightly; it was close to ten o’clock, so time was not on her side. However, she also felt a little flurry of kicks from her side. The pregnant tigress gently rubbed that side of her belly and pondered a moment. Sleep was already going to be a problem if the children wanted a snack first, so what harm was there in watching a couple episodes and having a bag of chips and cookies on the side?
The next morning revealed just how bad it could go.
Evan groaned softly on the bed, light having found its way into her room and across her face. She cursed the sun for a moment and slowly looked around where she lay. The blanket was askew on the bed, as was the maternal tigress. Moving her arms, she found a near-empty bag of chips and her television remote amid a field of crumbs. She wanted to go back to sleep and let the day go on without her, but the multitudes of snacks from the night before combined with the unique bedtime made her babies riled up. Evan felt her cubs squirm and move around in her full belly, and she felt a slight headache from all the sweets she had just hours before.
The tigress slowly lifted herself up on the bed, holding the side of her belly to keep everything steady. Evan could still taste some crumbs of salted pretzel on her lips, and her pink top held onto its own pile of crumbs as well. She slowly ran a paw through her hair, and she did not need a mirror to know that she was not ready for the outside world. Her hair spread out in all directions, lacking direction except away from her head. It would take some goading and product to get that hairdo together, she surmised, but it was far from a priority. Her shifting belly was more of a focus for the mother, with one cub pressing into her hand with an affectionate wiggle. The cub in the back of her womb was less pleasant, kicking into her insides as it grew anxious for more food and affection from their mother. At least the others did not seem as active, but she knew it was only a matter of time before they joined.
She looked at the chaos around her - bags of chips and pretzels, a box of cookies, and an empty container of strawberry sweets - and she let out a low huff. Did she even remember what happened in the show she watched? She could recall maybe eight of the twelve episodes before her memory grew hazy.
It all began innocently enough, the tigress sitting back in her cute little evening shorts and curled up in a blanket. She remembered the new opening song, and by episode four she was singing with glee alongside it. Every so often a chip or four was devoured, but she realized the cubs preferred that she switch between the salty chips and some rich chocolate cookies. The other sweets and snacks eventually came into play; she was not even sure when she got the pretzels. The show’s new villain had the upper hand by the end of episode seven, and even though Evan remembered the digits on the clock warning her, she continued onward. Her posture shifted this way and that way, the babies having rested and woken up within their mommy multiple times that evening. Perhaps she would tell them what they missed, she joked to herself, but hours later, even the young mother-to-be was not sure what she saw. Episodes nine onward just...faded into eating the rest of the cookies, the television blurring into semi-conscious purrs, and the end credits fading to darkness interrupted by sunlight and a snack hangover. Her evaluation complete, Evan sighed.
“Binge watching and munching snacks late with the babies was a bad idea…” she thought.
She was left with the remains of her previous mom-and-children bash. The bed was covered in crumbs, and her body was aching from her poor sleeping position. The babies were squirming around within wanting attention (or more of those tasty cookies), and she could not even remember how the season ended. The tigress remained on the bed for a moment, gently rubbing her head and belly.
“But it was pretty fun for a while...maybe if Raj was over he could have kept me and the babies away from too many snacks and get to bed earlier,” she mused aloud as she stood up to get some breakfast. At the very least, it would have been fun to have someone outside her womb snuggled up and watching with her. But at the moment, the apartment was just the maternal tigress waddling toward the kitchen. The babies deserved some tasty pancakes and syrup after that long night.
And she needed something to munch on while rewatching those last episodes!
Category All / Pregnancy
Species Tiger
Gender Female
Size 1280 x 1143px
File Size 165.3 kB