Stripped down alt version of: https://www.furaffinity.net/view/37259493/
By: https://twitter.com/CelineSantoro6
Full size here: https://i.imgur.com/8T7jsHL.jpg
I currently have zero income due to COVID-19 preventing me from wrestling (or doing anything else) for the foreseeable future.
If you want to help support me, I'd love it if you bought one of my shirts at https://www.prowrestlingtees.com/scotthenson
Or if you want to skip the middle man, you can send PayPal directly to https://www.paypal.me/notscotthenson
By: https://twitter.com/CelineSantoro6
Full size here: https://i.imgur.com/8T7jsHL.jpg
I currently have zero income due to COVID-19 preventing me from wrestling (or doing anything else) for the foreseeable future.
If you want to help support me, I'd love it if you bought one of my shirts at https://www.prowrestlingtees.com/scotthenson
Or if you want to skip the middle man, you can send PayPal directly to https://www.paypal.me/notscotthenson
Category All / Transformation
Species Tiger
Gender Male
Size 1162 x 1280px
File Size 239.5 kB