I'm something of a Russophile, so when I found a video a while back of a rather pretty Cossack girl sword-dancing with a pair of shashka (sabers), I was both impressed and intrigued: you have to respect a girl who can turn herself into a living blender by whirling meter+ blades around herself. It paired itself with the idea of Russian mink girls: minks are sleek, gorgeous, swift, ferocious little critters, so the two ideas together resulted in this fierce slinky lass.
Category Artwork (Traditional) / General Furry Art
Species Mink
Gender Female
Size 622 x 800px
File Size 1.43 MB
Would you mind if I threw a splash of color on this pic?
EOCostello's father passed away this morning, and I'd like to do a morale booster for him...
