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I made my first Bluey fan story, and it all started by Bluey's father, Bandit, who found his old glove and told story of his life about fighting against a boxing kangaroo. But he lost the fight, however he found a way to win the fight.
Inside of the Heeler's house, Bluey and Bingo were playing with their new toy bop-bag in a shape of the green kangaroo with red boxing gloves on its hands. The girls really having fun with their toy. Pushing the bag and seeing it rising back up again. And as they do it, they began saying; "Bop! Bop! Come on, get down."
"Why didn't it go down, Bluey?" said Bingo.
"I don't know, Bingo," she said; "But we have to keep on trying until we get it."
And as they continue doing it; their father, Bandit Heeler, has enter to the kids' playroom, holding something in his hand, and said to them; "Hey mate, look what have found while cleaning out the closet."
They began to head over to their father, and he began showing them his old boxing gloves.
Then Bluey asked; "What is it, Dad?"
"Yeah, what is it?" added Bingo.
"It's one of my old gloves," he said as he shown them up high, "when I go to the gym long time ago. And the day when I met your Mom, too."
"Really?" they said.
"Yep, and do you girls like to see your old man do some moves?"
So, Bandit tries to put on his old gloves, but is seem a bit small to fit inside with his paws. And as he tries again; it's now gotten inside. He began to lace them up and felt if the gloves are comfortable for him. Then, he began to throw an old one-two and said; "Man, it actually been a while that I been wearing these on."
Then, as he sees the bop-bag in front of him; goes in front of it and told his daughters; "Okay, girls, get ready because it’s time to get Rumble!!"
And as they began sitting on their chair; they watch their father doing some move on their toy bag. With that he started off by a few footwork and began punching at the kangaroo boxer. The girls began to cheer on for him, and as they continue watching him; their father is now doing some funny moves that almost like an actual kangaroo would do.
Then, as he punches it hard enough to bring it down; he turns around and began shouting; "The Champion!!" But the bag began to get back up and bop him on the back.
"Oomph," he exclaims; "Hey!" Bluey and Bingo began to laugh.
Then he said to the bag; "All right, mate. I let you take this one."
"That was amazing, Dad," said Bluey.
"Yeah, you really show that bag to known who's the champion," said Bingo.
"Thanks, but you haven't seen me fight against a real boxing kangaroo."
Bluey gasp; "You fought a real live Kangaroo?"
"Um, yeah," he said; "it's was at gym back then."
Then Bingo said; "Just like your gloves. Dad, could you please tell us a story?"
"Yeah, can you? Pleases," and they began to give him a puppy eye.
Bandit known that he couldn't resistance to see both of his daughter’s eyes, so he has no other choice but to tell them a story.
"Okay, you win," he said; "I tell you the story."
"Hooray," they cheer with glee.
Then, Bandit start his story; "It was when I was a young dog..."
Long time ago, Bandit was young, and he wasn't alone. He also with his brother, Stripe, and they both began heading to the gym to get some exercises. And as they began to sign up; Bandit and Stripe started with their first daily exercise. By then, they continue doing it each week on their schedule day. And they finally get the hang of their daily routine.
Until, that very day; thing has now begun to change. As they return to the gym; they started to see some crowds of gym member over to the ring. Bandit and Stripe began wondering why they all are doing there, and not their workout spaces. So, they gone over and began to ask one of them what's happening.
Then, one of them said; "There this kangaroo boxer that came over to the gym and like to challenge any boxing member in this gym for a match."
"A boxing match, eh?" said Bandit.
"It’s sound kind a great, Bandit," said Stripe; "Come on, let's see up front."
"Wait, hold just a second, Stripe."
But, as Bandit try to catch up to his brother; they both gotten into the front of the crowd and witness a match like no other. They began to two boxers inside the ring, one of them is tired from the fight, and the other was energetic which is a kangaroo, who's been challenging many boxers in this gym.
As of now; the dog boxer has gotten into a serious battle against that kangaroo. You can almost see that he's sweating like crazy and even breathing heavily. Then, as he sees the kangaroo began pounding his gloves together like "come on, come on," plus doing some taunt with a footwork along some punches into the air.
The boxer dog just has enough of his games, so he began to rush over to him and began to fight back. But in each punch, he thrown didn't landed a clean hit, the kangaroo began to dodge them and as he spotted an opening; he started to counterattack with hook and continue punching him while he's been stunned by his punch. With that the gym's champion has been defeated.
Everyone started to murmur to each other for the event that happen in front of them; "Can you believe that champ gotten beaten by that kangaroo? I can't believe it he lost like that. I hope he's okay. Just who is that kangaroo anyway?"
"Whoa," said Bandit; "it almost like we're in some sort of match in the Outback."
"Yeah, but who is that guy, that been defeated?" asked Stripe.
"That our gym champion, Puncher," said one the gym member; "he won all events of the gym and the Olympics. Plus, I heard that he's the one top champion in Australia."
"No way," Bandit gasp; "You mean that guy is the boxing champion, Puncher?"
"That's right," he said.
"Talk about total knock-out, right Bandit?" asked Stripe.
"Yeah, and it's pronounced TKO. Train to be Knock Out."
"Oh, right. Got it."
And as they saw the kangaroo boxer taking the victory; Bandit saw one female dog help Puncher by carrying him out of the ring. He began to wonder who's girl on the other side of the ring.
Then, when the kangaroo sees that his opponent been move out of the ring, he began to announce; "Who else wanted to face the champ?!"
"He talks?" both Bandit and Stripe exclaim in surprise.
And then, Bluey and Bingo say the same thing; "He talk?"
"Yep," said Bandit as he holds the story; "that kangaroo can actually talk like no other. Plus, he also can win like a true champion, too."
"True," said Bluey; "but how the kangaroo talk?"
"Hmm... not so sure to be honest. Now, where was I? Oh yeah..."
Everyone in the gym began to get scare. After what they saw on that match, could do the same thing to them. He started looking at like everyone is an fraidy cat.
"What's wrong with you guys? Too scare to face me?"
Then, she stood up and said; "They won't fight against the like of you."
"Really, then I guess this gym is now mine."
Everyone was shock to hear that they have lost the gym, until...
"I'll challenge you head on, you wallaby!"
Everyone started to look around to see who's saying that. And then he said; "Oh yeah? And who like to challenge me in the match? Also, I'm not a wallaby!"
That when Bandit come out from the crowd and gone in front of the ring.
"Me, Bandit," he said; "and I am here to stop you from your little games."
"Bandit, huh? Heh, it almost sound like a raccoon name. But you don't look like a raccoon, unless you are." He began to laugh.
"Yeah laugh it up, but don't think that I would go easy on. Because I'm here to bring down. Down from down under."
"Is that a fighting word, or is that a poor joke?"
Then he began to blow his fuse; "Why don't you just face me like dog and let's who is laughing." But, as he about to get in; Stripe and the other gym member try to calm him.
When the kangaroo boxer sees him getting all fire up, he began to think that he going to be a great opponent for him. So, let him get inside the ring to face him. However, Bandit not great at boxing. At first, he tries to get inside, but he trips on ropes. It’s kind of embarrassing, I known. And as he sees that he's on his corner; Bandit did the same thing and began to gear up with his glove lace on tight.
"Okay," he said; "um, what your name?"
"The name Champ-a-roo, the greatest boxer in the entire Australia. And so, the world."
"I see. Well then, Champ-a-roo, how many rounds we going to have."
"Hmph," he began to smirk; "Easy. One round."
Everyone began to gasp, and then Bandit said to him; "One round? What make you think of that?"
"You'll see, Bandit. You soon will see."
So, the bell began to ring, and they are off from a good start. And as he sees him began circling around him; Bandit was not so sure what he was going to do. He did watch some part of the fight, but not knowing how the boxing work. So, he does is copy some move that Champ is doing. So far, he is doing is following him around.
After that, Champ-a-roo begin to strike with his jab, but Bandit dodge in time. However, that doesn’t mean that he will stop. Champ begin to put up his glove and continue attacking with the same move. Bandit did the same thing and started blocking all his jabs.
But while he does that; Champ change his attacks and began to give blow to his stomach. "Oomph," he exclaims. Along with his guard drop down and he now taking hits by that kangaroo. Everyone was shock to see Bandit getting destroy in there, even his little brother. And after he been struck with a shower of punches, he climbs up to the ropes and started to lay back against it, seeing the Kangaroo beginning to enjoy himself by a round of this match.
So, started walking toward him and try to land a hit on him, but instead he gotten knock down by a hook and lost the fight.
Everyone was disappointed, because since Bandit lost the fight; meaning that their gym is now his now.
"Poor daddy," said Bingo.
"So, what's going to happen if he gotten your gym?" asked Bluey.
"Well mate," said Bandit; "let just say it not really a good one. Everyone started working for him. Like changing into his personal gym, put up some picture of him, and trying to put a golden statue him as a world champion."
"Boy, I can imagine. Sorry, dad for bring that up."
"No worries, because this part is going to be a good one."
As everyone started working on the other day; Bandit and Stripe gotten assign to cleaning. And they do that, Bandit could see that everyone was looking at him and started whispering to each other. He began to feel bad for what has happing in the match. So, he continues working and try to ignore them. While he continues cleaning, he enters inside the locker-room and spotted Puncher changing all the lockers' name tags of the gym member to Champ-a-roo's name.
Bandit begin to feel bad for him, so he moves and begin to mop the floor.
And just as he did, Puncher began saying to him; "I know what you're thinking kid. And it isn't your fault many boxers in my day actually feel the same way as we are."
"Yeah, but I let everyone down. And it's all my fault." Bandit began to sigh; "If only I could learn boxing so I could win for them."
Then, Puncher hand him something to help him.
"Here, takes a look at this," he said; "I found it on Champ-a-roo's locker while he orders me to clean up the locker room."
And as Bandit saw him giving him a pamphlet; he read the title, "'Gym-a-roo, a place to help you train to becoming champion of the world?' What the heck is this?" he asked him.
"It must a been one of the other gyms, that he gone before, and somehow ending up here begin to challenge everyone for a boxing match."
"Hmm..." Bandit begin look through the pamphlet to find some answer. Until he found some owner of the gym. So, he forms a plan and ask Puncher if he could help him. He agrees and told him that tomorrow they must begin to leave town and found one his gym owner and coach.
During the next day, Bandit and Puncher begin their plan to find his old gym. And so far, they have travel through the outer land of the outback to see if there any gym there. But there is no sign or sight of any single clue to known where it located. By the time reach they reach the end point of their search, they spotted several kangaroo hopping among the plain and began to wonder where they are going. So, they no other choice but to travel by foot, and began to follow them.
And as they follow through the canyon; they see them running up the stair and began to do some pose. Bandit and Puncher couldn't believe it what they have saw. Until, Puncher known something; "Wait a minute, I known that stairs."
"You do?" asked Bandit.
"Yeah, that stair must be mimic to the one I saw from a movie."
"A movie? Puncher, this isn't the time for remember your favorite movie."
"No, no, I meant is that when they gone up to the stairs, they did it quickly like they practice their steps."
"Their steps?"
"Yep. You see when many boxers started jogging, they help their legs to get strong so they can be faster to dodge as many attacks as they see it."
"I see, so you're saying we have to do the same thing like them?"
"That's the ticket."
Bandit sigh; "Okay, let's do it."
So, they started running up like boxer in training. And as they are running up the stairs; Bandit try his best to keep it up like Puncher. He began to sweat and couldn't go for another step.
Then Puncher stop and see his friend, Bandit stop in his track. So, he calls out to him; "Come on, Bandit! You can do it! Just a few more step!"
"A few more?! This look like much more to me!"
"Come on! Just remember what you are here!"
And that when Bandit realize what he's really come here, and that made him continue running to catch up to Puncher. After that, they now running together and made it to the top. They both began to cheer along with raising their arms like in the movie.
Just then, they heard someone clamping for them. They turn around and see two kangaroos in different colors.
Then Bluey asked; "Different colors? Dad, I don't think there a kangaroo in different color."
"Oh, there is, Bluey," he said.
"Yep, one is a red kangaroo and the other is the grey kangaroo."
"Oh, okay. Now I understand."
As Bandit and Puncher saw them; one of them is younger than the other. So, Bandit begin to ask them; "Who are guys?"
And that made them do some trick. Like they do some back flip, spinning in mid-air, and landed as they do the pose side by side. One is the grey kangaroo, do a shadow boxing with a jab and a hook. Also, he said; "I'm Basher, the older brother."
And the red kangaroo, did a same thing but this time he did a hook and a uppercut.
"And I'm Bruiser, the little brother."
"And we are.... The Fighting Brothers!"
Bandit and Puncher applaud in aww and then they ask them why they are doing here in the outback.
So, Bandit told him the whole story about what is happening to the gym back at their hometown. And that made them realize the kangaroo, who's controlling their gym.
"What?!" exclaim Basher; "You say the kangaroo named Champ-a-roo gotten hold of the gym?"
"Brother, could this be...?"
"Yeah, it must be him."
Then Bandit asked; "Um, who are you talking about and how do you know him?"
It for them tell who he is, but they have no other choice but to tell them. So, they begin telling them that one day as they are helping the other kangaroo in the gym; a new kangaroo came into them and ask if he could train him.
"This kangaroo name is Jack, and his father was a champion boxer. But his father has gone, and he like to follow his footstep to continue his journey across the championship."
And that when they train Jack to help him develop his skill before he'll go into the championship. However, during the next week; it was the day for a sparring match, for them to face each other and win the prize. And that's when Jack becoming Champ-a-roo.
"He been waiting for all of his life to do it," said Bruiser; "but instead, he gotten full of himself and lost the match. It made angry and full of rage. And that's when left the gym and never return."
Puncher and Bandit couldn't believe as they heard the story and gotten face to face with Jack aka Champ-a-roo.
"Okay," said Bandit; "so you were saying that Jack has been left from your gym because he lost the match?"
"That is correct," said Basher.
"And the only is to defeat him is in a boxing match and we'll be able to get our gym back."
"You got in a right track, mate," said Bruiser.
"Right, so maybe you could help Puncher to train the way of the boxing kangaroo and we'll be able have him take a rematch."
Then Basher said to him; "That's impossible."
"You see, we cannot teach other boxer on how to fight like a kangaroo. It has to be a new fighter to learn from us."
"Okay, who is it?"
"You," they said as they pointed to Bandit.
"Me? But I... I can't. What if I lose and let everyone down?”
"Bandit..." said Puncher as he watches him sat down in the step and started to mope."
Then Puncher go to him a told him that everything is going to be all right, he will be there to help him through the match. And as Bandit say to that he couldn't be too sure about it; Puncher told him some story of his life right before he became a boxer, he lost almost ten times and he couldn't give up just yet. He kept on trying and use the eye of the wolf.
Bandit smile and began to think it over about his decision to volunteer to compete. And with a lot thinking, he now known his choice. And that is... to train as a boxer.
So, go up to the Fighting Brothers and say to them that he's ready to be train. With a lot training that he been learning and practice on he could be able to feel himself turn into kangaroo.
"What?!" Bluey and Bingo exclaim; "You turn into a kangaroo?"
"What? No, it just a figure of speech. Like I been training like them and learn how many kangaroo fights. You know some stuff like that. "
"Oh, okay. Yeah, we get it."
Back into his story, Bandit began facing Basher, Bruiser, and even Puncher, to see how he's doing through training session. And from that result, he's ready.
After that, Puncher and Bandit began to leave their gym and return to the gym.
And that's when one of the gym member hurry outside and told them that Bandit's brother, Stripe is in a boxing match against Jack. So, they hurry inside and that when Bandit see his brother gotten beaten up and still standing.
So, he asks one of them to see what's happen here, when they left the gym. And they say; that Stripe challenge him into a fight for freeing everyone from him rules. But the fight is now gone into his hands now.
Bandit couldn't stand it to see his brother getting beaten from him, so he hurries into the locker room and quickly change.
During in middle of the fight, Stripe is still standing and not so sure if he could be able to withstand his blows. And as Champ-a-roo is about to throw his final punch; a mysterious figure in a robe begin to jump into the ring and stop the fight.
"Who are you?" asked Champ-a-roo.
But there's no response, he grabs Stripe and help him leave the ring. That is when Stripe thank him and asked; "Who are you?"
"Don't worry about, Stripe. I'll stop him."
"Bandit?" And that when he and everyone saw him remove his robe and reveal himself; in a red boxing uniform with matching gloves. Everyone was surprise to see him in a new look and form.
"You? How did you get here, and gotten so muscular, and train with excellent skills?"
Then Bandit say to him; "I have friend, two friends, who's help me to teaching me the way of the kangaroo boxing."
"So, you gone to their gym, huh? No matter, how about we settle it like old time?"
So, Bandit put on his boxing stance and begin their fight. Bandit put up his gloves and saw that Champ-a-roo have now begin to throw a jab to his gloves. Until, he notices an opening and began wait to have his chance to strike.
And as Champ-a-roo throw a hook; Bandit has on counter him with a hook of his own into the side of his stomach. And he continues fighting with jabs and hooks to his face. And soon he thrown a straight into the stomach, making him go down and throw an uppercut as a combo.
After that, he began to lay on Bandit as they clinch together, and then he finishes him off with combo of triple jabs and an uppercut. Making him win the fight and save the gym.
"That's when I met your mother," said Bandit as he told the story; "she came up to say; 'My hero.' And as for Jack; two of his coaches come over to see how it is going at my gym. They have notice that I have beaten Jack and taken back the gym.
However, Jack was still upset that he couldn't win. But then, Bruiser told him that he could help him, as they will work together, and be able to help each other to reach the top. And so, for the gym is now save and everyone is having a great time. The end."
And that's when Bluey and Bingo started clapping as they enjoy the story from their father.
"That was great dad," said Bingo.
"Did you still be friend to Jack after the fight?" asked Bluey.
"Well of course, we still are friend even when we fight again."
Then, their mom comes in; "I'm home."
"Mommy!" they said as they rush over to her.
"Here there, kids, how was your day?"
"Great," said Bluey; "Dad told us a story that he won the fight against a boxing kangaroo and save the gym."
"Oh really?"
"And he said that when he met you and you say; 'My hero.'"
"Is that so?" she given him a concern look.
"Well, yeah," he said; "that how the story is."
"Oh, that not what I've remember."
As she told the story of how it really happens; it goes like this, Bandit did go with Strip, but this time he spotted her with a boxer in the ring and he show her his muscle. That made him growl in jealousy and like to face him in a one round sparring. And as Chili give the helmet to him; he refuses it and wanted to fight like a true boxer. But the match has gotten shorten from the blow he been taken.
And after that, Chili take care of him and he said to her; "My hero."
Bandit began to blush as he gotten embarrass, "Fine that story is true, guess I don't want to be embarrass."
The girls began to giggle; "Oh Dad, you still the best."
"Yeah, you still our champion, dad."
That made smile and said; "Thank you, girls. Now how about we have a champion dinner?"
And he begins to carry them like a champion, walking down the stage. And so, they having a great time with their dad.
The End
Inside of the Heeler's house, Bluey and Bingo were playing with their new toy bop-bag in a shape of the green kangaroo with red boxing gloves on its hands. The girls really having fun with their toy. Pushing the bag and seeing it rising back up again. And as they do it, they began saying; "Bop! Bop! Come on, get down."
"Why didn't it go down, Bluey?" said Bingo.
"I don't know, Bingo," she said; "But we have to keep on trying until we get it."
And as they continue doing it; their father, Bandit Heeler, has enter to the kids' playroom, holding something in his hand, and said to them; "Hey mate, look what have found while cleaning out the closet."
They began to head over to their father, and he began showing them his old boxing gloves.
Then Bluey asked; "What is it, Dad?"
"Yeah, what is it?" added Bingo.
"It's one of my old gloves," he said as he shown them up high, "when I go to the gym long time ago. And the day when I met your Mom, too."
"Really?" they said.
"Yep, and do you girls like to see your old man do some moves?"
So, Bandit tries to put on his old gloves, but is seem a bit small to fit inside with his paws. And as he tries again; it's now gotten inside. He began to lace them up and felt if the gloves are comfortable for him. Then, he began to throw an old one-two and said; "Man, it actually been a while that I been wearing these on."
Then, as he sees the bop-bag in front of him; goes in front of it and told his daughters; "Okay, girls, get ready because it’s time to get Rumble!!"
And as they began sitting on their chair; they watch their father doing some move on their toy bag. With that he started off by a few footwork and began punching at the kangaroo boxer. The girls began to cheer on for him, and as they continue watching him; their father is now doing some funny moves that almost like an actual kangaroo would do.
Then, as he punches it hard enough to bring it down; he turns around and began shouting; "The Champion!!" But the bag began to get back up and bop him on the back.
"Oomph," he exclaims; "Hey!" Bluey and Bingo began to laugh.
Then he said to the bag; "All right, mate. I let you take this one."
"That was amazing, Dad," said Bluey.
"Yeah, you really show that bag to known who's the champion," said Bingo.
"Thanks, but you haven't seen me fight against a real boxing kangaroo."
Bluey gasp; "You fought a real live Kangaroo?"
"Um, yeah," he said; "it's was at gym back then."
Then Bingo said; "Just like your gloves. Dad, could you please tell us a story?"
"Yeah, can you? Pleases," and they began to give him a puppy eye.
Bandit known that he couldn't resistance to see both of his daughter’s eyes, so he has no other choice but to tell them a story.
"Okay, you win," he said; "I tell you the story."
"Hooray," they cheer with glee.
Then, Bandit start his story; "It was when I was a young dog..."
Long time ago, Bandit was young, and he wasn't alone. He also with his brother, Stripe, and they both began heading to the gym to get some exercises. And as they began to sign up; Bandit and Stripe started with their first daily exercise. By then, they continue doing it each week on their schedule day. And they finally get the hang of their daily routine.
Until, that very day; thing has now begun to change. As they return to the gym; they started to see some crowds of gym member over to the ring. Bandit and Stripe began wondering why they all are doing there, and not their workout spaces. So, they gone over and began to ask one of them what's happening.
Then, one of them said; "There this kangaroo boxer that came over to the gym and like to challenge any boxing member in this gym for a match."
"A boxing match, eh?" said Bandit.
"It’s sound kind a great, Bandit," said Stripe; "Come on, let's see up front."
"Wait, hold just a second, Stripe."
But, as Bandit try to catch up to his brother; they both gotten into the front of the crowd and witness a match like no other. They began to two boxers inside the ring, one of them is tired from the fight, and the other was energetic which is a kangaroo, who's been challenging many boxers in this gym.
As of now; the dog boxer has gotten into a serious battle against that kangaroo. You can almost see that he's sweating like crazy and even breathing heavily. Then, as he sees the kangaroo began pounding his gloves together like "come on, come on," plus doing some taunt with a footwork along some punches into the air.
The boxer dog just has enough of his games, so he began to rush over to him and began to fight back. But in each punch, he thrown didn't landed a clean hit, the kangaroo began to dodge them and as he spotted an opening; he started to counterattack with hook and continue punching him while he's been stunned by his punch. With that the gym's champion has been defeated.
Everyone started to murmur to each other for the event that happen in front of them; "Can you believe that champ gotten beaten by that kangaroo? I can't believe it he lost like that. I hope he's okay. Just who is that kangaroo anyway?"
"Whoa," said Bandit; "it almost like we're in some sort of match in the Outback."
"Yeah, but who is that guy, that been defeated?" asked Stripe.
"That our gym champion, Puncher," said one the gym member; "he won all events of the gym and the Olympics. Plus, I heard that he's the one top champion in Australia."
"No way," Bandit gasp; "You mean that guy is the boxing champion, Puncher?"
"That's right," he said.
"Talk about total knock-out, right Bandit?" asked Stripe.
"Yeah, and it's pronounced TKO. Train to be Knock Out."
"Oh, right. Got it."
And as they saw the kangaroo boxer taking the victory; Bandit saw one female dog help Puncher by carrying him out of the ring. He began to wonder who's girl on the other side of the ring.
Then, when the kangaroo sees that his opponent been move out of the ring, he began to announce; "Who else wanted to face the champ?!"
"He talks?" both Bandit and Stripe exclaim in surprise.
And then, Bluey and Bingo say the same thing; "He talk?"
"Yep," said Bandit as he holds the story; "that kangaroo can actually talk like no other. Plus, he also can win like a true champion, too."
"True," said Bluey; "but how the kangaroo talk?"
"Hmm... not so sure to be honest. Now, where was I? Oh yeah..."
Everyone in the gym began to get scare. After what they saw on that match, could do the same thing to them. He started looking at like everyone is an fraidy cat.
"What's wrong with you guys? Too scare to face me?"
Then, she stood up and said; "They won't fight against the like of you."
"Really, then I guess this gym is now mine."
Everyone was shock to hear that they have lost the gym, until...
"I'll challenge you head on, you wallaby!"
Everyone started to look around to see who's saying that. And then he said; "Oh yeah? And who like to challenge me in the match? Also, I'm not a wallaby!"
That when Bandit come out from the crowd and gone in front of the ring.
"Me, Bandit," he said; "and I am here to stop you from your little games."
"Bandit, huh? Heh, it almost sound like a raccoon name. But you don't look like a raccoon, unless you are." He began to laugh.
"Yeah laugh it up, but don't think that I would go easy on. Because I'm here to bring down. Down from down under."
"Is that a fighting word, or is that a poor joke?"
Then he began to blow his fuse; "Why don't you just face me like dog and let's who is laughing." But, as he about to get in; Stripe and the other gym member try to calm him.
When the kangaroo boxer sees him getting all fire up, he began to think that he going to be a great opponent for him. So, let him get inside the ring to face him. However, Bandit not great at boxing. At first, he tries to get inside, but he trips on ropes. It’s kind of embarrassing, I known. And as he sees that he's on his corner; Bandit did the same thing and began to gear up with his glove lace on tight.
"Okay," he said; "um, what your name?"
"The name Champ-a-roo, the greatest boxer in the entire Australia. And so, the world."
"I see. Well then, Champ-a-roo, how many rounds we going to have."
"Hmph," he began to smirk; "Easy. One round."
Everyone began to gasp, and then Bandit said to him; "One round? What make you think of that?"
"You'll see, Bandit. You soon will see."
So, the bell began to ring, and they are off from a good start. And as he sees him began circling around him; Bandit was not so sure what he was going to do. He did watch some part of the fight, but not knowing how the boxing work. So, he does is copy some move that Champ is doing. So far, he is doing is following him around.
After that, Champ-a-roo begin to strike with his jab, but Bandit dodge in time. However, that doesn’t mean that he will stop. Champ begin to put up his glove and continue attacking with the same move. Bandit did the same thing and started blocking all his jabs.
But while he does that; Champ change his attacks and began to give blow to his stomach. "Oomph," he exclaims. Along with his guard drop down and he now taking hits by that kangaroo. Everyone was shock to see Bandit getting destroy in there, even his little brother. And after he been struck with a shower of punches, he climbs up to the ropes and started to lay back against it, seeing the Kangaroo beginning to enjoy himself by a round of this match.
So, started walking toward him and try to land a hit on him, but instead he gotten knock down by a hook and lost the fight.
Everyone was disappointed, because since Bandit lost the fight; meaning that their gym is now his now.
"Poor daddy," said Bingo.
"So, what's going to happen if he gotten your gym?" asked Bluey.
"Well mate," said Bandit; "let just say it not really a good one. Everyone started working for him. Like changing into his personal gym, put up some picture of him, and trying to put a golden statue him as a world champion."
"Boy, I can imagine. Sorry, dad for bring that up."
"No worries, because this part is going to be a good one."
As everyone started working on the other day; Bandit and Stripe gotten assign to cleaning. And they do that, Bandit could see that everyone was looking at him and started whispering to each other. He began to feel bad for what has happing in the match. So, he continues working and try to ignore them. While he continues cleaning, he enters inside the locker-room and spotted Puncher changing all the lockers' name tags of the gym member to Champ-a-roo's name.
Bandit begin to feel bad for him, so he moves and begin to mop the floor.
And just as he did, Puncher began saying to him; "I know what you're thinking kid. And it isn't your fault many boxers in my day actually feel the same way as we are."
"Yeah, but I let everyone down. And it's all my fault." Bandit began to sigh; "If only I could learn boxing so I could win for them."
Then, Puncher hand him something to help him.
"Here, takes a look at this," he said; "I found it on Champ-a-roo's locker while he orders me to clean up the locker room."
And as Bandit saw him giving him a pamphlet; he read the title, "'Gym-a-roo, a place to help you train to becoming champion of the world?' What the heck is this?" he asked him.
"It must a been one of the other gyms, that he gone before, and somehow ending up here begin to challenge everyone for a boxing match."
"Hmm..." Bandit begin look through the pamphlet to find some answer. Until he found some owner of the gym. So, he forms a plan and ask Puncher if he could help him. He agrees and told him that tomorrow they must begin to leave town and found one his gym owner and coach.
During the next day, Bandit and Puncher begin their plan to find his old gym. And so far, they have travel through the outer land of the outback to see if there any gym there. But there is no sign or sight of any single clue to known where it located. By the time reach they reach the end point of their search, they spotted several kangaroo hopping among the plain and began to wonder where they are going. So, they no other choice but to travel by foot, and began to follow them.
And as they follow through the canyon; they see them running up the stair and began to do some pose. Bandit and Puncher couldn't believe it what they have saw. Until, Puncher known something; "Wait a minute, I known that stairs."
"You do?" asked Bandit.
"Yeah, that stair must be mimic to the one I saw from a movie."
"A movie? Puncher, this isn't the time for remember your favorite movie."
"No, no, I meant is that when they gone up to the stairs, they did it quickly like they practice their steps."
"Their steps?"
"Yep. You see when many boxers started jogging, they help their legs to get strong so they can be faster to dodge as many attacks as they see it."
"I see, so you're saying we have to do the same thing like them?"
"That's the ticket."
Bandit sigh; "Okay, let's do it."
So, they started running up like boxer in training. And as they are running up the stairs; Bandit try his best to keep it up like Puncher. He began to sweat and couldn't go for another step.
Then Puncher stop and see his friend, Bandit stop in his track. So, he calls out to him; "Come on, Bandit! You can do it! Just a few more step!"
"A few more?! This look like much more to me!"
"Come on! Just remember what you are here!"
And that when Bandit realize what he's really come here, and that made him continue running to catch up to Puncher. After that, they now running together and made it to the top. They both began to cheer along with raising their arms like in the movie.
Just then, they heard someone clamping for them. They turn around and see two kangaroos in different colors.
Then Bluey asked; "Different colors? Dad, I don't think there a kangaroo in different color."
"Oh, there is, Bluey," he said.
"Yep, one is a red kangaroo and the other is the grey kangaroo."
"Oh, okay. Now I understand."
As Bandit and Puncher saw them; one of them is younger than the other. So, Bandit begin to ask them; "Who are guys?"
And that made them do some trick. Like they do some back flip, spinning in mid-air, and landed as they do the pose side by side. One is the grey kangaroo, do a shadow boxing with a jab and a hook. Also, he said; "I'm Basher, the older brother."
And the red kangaroo, did a same thing but this time he did a hook and a uppercut.
"And I'm Bruiser, the little brother."
"And we are.... The Fighting Brothers!"
Bandit and Puncher applaud in aww and then they ask them why they are doing here in the outback.
So, Bandit told him the whole story about what is happening to the gym back at their hometown. And that made them realize the kangaroo, who's controlling their gym.
"What?!" exclaim Basher; "You say the kangaroo named Champ-a-roo gotten hold of the gym?"
"Brother, could this be...?"
"Yeah, it must be him."
Then Bandit asked; "Um, who are you talking about and how do you know him?"
It for them tell who he is, but they have no other choice but to tell them. So, they begin telling them that one day as they are helping the other kangaroo in the gym; a new kangaroo came into them and ask if he could train him.
"This kangaroo name is Jack, and his father was a champion boxer. But his father has gone, and he like to follow his footstep to continue his journey across the championship."
And that when they train Jack to help him develop his skill before he'll go into the championship. However, during the next week; it was the day for a sparring match, for them to face each other and win the prize. And that's when Jack becoming Champ-a-roo.
"He been waiting for all of his life to do it," said Bruiser; "but instead, he gotten full of himself and lost the match. It made angry and full of rage. And that's when left the gym and never return."
Puncher and Bandit couldn't believe as they heard the story and gotten face to face with Jack aka Champ-a-roo.
"Okay," said Bandit; "so you were saying that Jack has been left from your gym because he lost the match?"
"That is correct," said Basher.
"And the only is to defeat him is in a boxing match and we'll be able to get our gym back."
"You got in a right track, mate," said Bruiser.
"Right, so maybe you could help Puncher to train the way of the boxing kangaroo and we'll be able have him take a rematch."
Then Basher said to him; "That's impossible."
"You see, we cannot teach other boxer on how to fight like a kangaroo. It has to be a new fighter to learn from us."
"Okay, who is it?"
"You," they said as they pointed to Bandit.
"Me? But I... I can't. What if I lose and let everyone down?”
"Bandit..." said Puncher as he watches him sat down in the step and started to mope."
Then Puncher go to him a told him that everything is going to be all right, he will be there to help him through the match. And as Bandit say to that he couldn't be too sure about it; Puncher told him some story of his life right before he became a boxer, he lost almost ten times and he couldn't give up just yet. He kept on trying and use the eye of the wolf.
Bandit smile and began to think it over about his decision to volunteer to compete. And with a lot thinking, he now known his choice. And that is... to train as a boxer.
So, go up to the Fighting Brothers and say to them that he's ready to be train. With a lot training that he been learning and practice on he could be able to feel himself turn into kangaroo.
"What?!" Bluey and Bingo exclaim; "You turn into a kangaroo?"
"What? No, it just a figure of speech. Like I been training like them and learn how many kangaroo fights. You know some stuff like that. "
"Oh, okay. Yeah, we get it."
Back into his story, Bandit began facing Basher, Bruiser, and even Puncher, to see how he's doing through training session. And from that result, he's ready.
After that, Puncher and Bandit began to leave their gym and return to the gym.
And that's when one of the gym member hurry outside and told them that Bandit's brother, Stripe is in a boxing match against Jack. So, they hurry inside and that when Bandit see his brother gotten beaten up and still standing.
So, he asks one of them to see what's happen here, when they left the gym. And they say; that Stripe challenge him into a fight for freeing everyone from him rules. But the fight is now gone into his hands now.
Bandit couldn't stand it to see his brother getting beaten from him, so he hurries into the locker room and quickly change.
During in middle of the fight, Stripe is still standing and not so sure if he could be able to withstand his blows. And as Champ-a-roo is about to throw his final punch; a mysterious figure in a robe begin to jump into the ring and stop the fight.
"Who are you?" asked Champ-a-roo.
But there's no response, he grabs Stripe and help him leave the ring. That is when Stripe thank him and asked; "Who are you?"
"Don't worry about, Stripe. I'll stop him."
"Bandit?" And that when he and everyone saw him remove his robe and reveal himself; in a red boxing uniform with matching gloves. Everyone was surprise to see him in a new look and form.
"You? How did you get here, and gotten so muscular, and train with excellent skills?"
Then Bandit say to him; "I have friend, two friends, who's help me to teaching me the way of the kangaroo boxing."
"So, you gone to their gym, huh? No matter, how about we settle it like old time?"
So, Bandit put on his boxing stance and begin their fight. Bandit put up his gloves and saw that Champ-a-roo have now begin to throw a jab to his gloves. Until, he notices an opening and began wait to have his chance to strike.
And as Champ-a-roo throw a hook; Bandit has on counter him with a hook of his own into the side of his stomach. And he continues fighting with jabs and hooks to his face. And soon he thrown a straight into the stomach, making him go down and throw an uppercut as a combo.
After that, he began to lay on Bandit as they clinch together, and then he finishes him off with combo of triple jabs and an uppercut. Making him win the fight and save the gym.
"That's when I met your mother," said Bandit as he told the story; "she came up to say; 'My hero.' And as for Jack; two of his coaches come over to see how it is going at my gym. They have notice that I have beaten Jack and taken back the gym.
However, Jack was still upset that he couldn't win. But then, Bruiser told him that he could help him, as they will work together, and be able to help each other to reach the top. And so, for the gym is now save and everyone is having a great time. The end."
And that's when Bluey and Bingo started clapping as they enjoy the story from their father.
"That was great dad," said Bingo.
"Did you still be friend to Jack after the fight?" asked Bluey.
"Well of course, we still are friend even when we fight again."
Then, their mom comes in; "I'm home."
"Mommy!" they said as they rush over to her.
"Here there, kids, how was your day?"
"Great," said Bluey; "Dad told us a story that he won the fight against a boxing kangaroo and save the gym."
"Oh really?"
"And he said that when he met you and you say; 'My hero.'"
"Is that so?" she given him a concern look.
"Well, yeah," he said; "that how the story is."
"Oh, that not what I've remember."
As she told the story of how it really happens; it goes like this, Bandit did go with Strip, but this time he spotted her with a boxer in the ring and he show her his muscle. That made him growl in jealousy and like to face him in a one round sparring. And as Chili give the helmet to him; he refuses it and wanted to fight like a true boxer. But the match has gotten shorten from the blow he been taken.
And after that, Chili take care of him and he said to her; "My hero."
Bandit began to blush as he gotten embarrass, "Fine that story is true, guess I don't want to be embarrass."
The girls began to giggle; "Oh Dad, you still the best."
"Yeah, you still our champion, dad."
That made smile and said; "Thank you, girls. Now how about we have a champion dinner?"
And he begins to carry them like a champion, walking down the stage. And so, they having a great time with their dad.
The End
Category Story / All
Species Unspecified / Any
Gender Any
Size 50 x 50px
File Size 121.1 kB