Nintu with his new friend Neo (the kitten)
Nintu: 26/8/2006 - 7/5/2020
He was a black Oriental shorthair (a full coloured Siamese cat). He lived with us for nearly 14 years and in those years he had gone through a lot. With his untamed curiosity and adventure-lust he got himself in trouble several times. He got lost for several weeks twice. The first time, he came back by himself -skinny but healthy. The second time; he was found by someone in another town and he more dead than alive. It was a miracle that he survived it. However, he continuously had to fight off a chronic kidney infection. He lived his life the fullest and may have worn down his body a little earlier than for most cats – still I can say: he died peacefully of old age.
Neo: 9/5/2007 - 27/3/2024
He is a black Oriental Longhair (also known as mandarin/Javanese). He is incredibly cuddly, sticky and vocal yet quite skittish and insecure. He had a very strong bond with our Oriental shorthaired cat Nintu and did about everything together with him. Neo may look impressive but he’s actually one of the smallest tomcats whom I’ve ever seen. No wonder we still nickname him ‘kitten’ despite his many gray hairs. So far he’s healthy and still living happily with my family.
Nintu: 26/8/2006 - 7/5/2020
He was a black Oriental shorthair (a full coloured Siamese cat). He lived with us for nearly 14 years and in those years he had gone through a lot. With his untamed curiosity and adventure-lust he got himself in trouble several times. He got lost for several weeks twice. The first time, he came back by himself -skinny but healthy. The second time; he was found by someone in another town and he more dead than alive. It was a miracle that he survived it. However, he continuously had to fight off a chronic kidney infection. He lived his life the fullest and may have worn down his body a little earlier than for most cats – still I can say: he died peacefully of old age.
Neo: 9/5/2007 - 27/3/2024
He is a black Oriental Longhair (also known as mandarin/Javanese). He is incredibly cuddly, sticky and vocal yet quite skittish and insecure. He had a very strong bond with our Oriental shorthaired cat Nintu and did about everything together with him. Neo may look impressive but he’s actually one of the smallest tomcats whom I’ve ever seen. No wonder we still nickname him ‘kitten’ despite his many gray hairs. So far he’s healthy and still living happily with my family.
Category Photography / Animal related (non-anthro)
Species Housecat
Gender Male
Size 1280 x 644px
File Size 200.4 kB