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Hey, this is my first crossover story of Pokemon and Animal boxing. And on this story; Dex and all of his friend has encounter a event that been held by another kangaroo named Boru and his Incineroar partner, Gao, who's faces against multiple strong opponents. However, this may bring up the heat when it's our turn, so let this battle get cooking with great flavors of lather gloves and some sweat started steaming on the boxing match.
In the world of both animals and monster live together, they hold up an event of battle known as fist combat, also known as Boxing. The monster they live is call Pokemon, and they train along with their coach and trainer, even they fought each other to become world champion. Until that day, one of the young heroes has a dream to become a great champion and that person name is Dex.
In my hometown, me and my little brother, Jab, are watching the match between Lucario and Machoke in a national champion match. We both began to cheer on with my favorite Pokemon boxer, Lucario. We saw throughout the match, and some of the round he barely survives during the last three rounds. So, this is the final round to decide which one is going to become champion.
"Come on Lucario," I said; "you can do this."
"Yeah, you can do it," said Jab.
And inside of the match, Lucario is breathing heavily as he watches Machoke almost breaking a sweat on this intense fight. Then he thought to himself; "What am I going to do? That Machoke is tough enough to become a strongest opponent. And better yet since I use my aura, I can sense a powerful wave surrounding him. So, I must think fast before the next round start."
Then, as he heard someone say to him; "Be careful, Lucario. You mustn't let your guard down. You become your opponent's mind and find out the weakness inside of them."
"Of course, why I haven't thought of that."
And on the other side of the ring, Machoke began to smirk and laugh; "Ha ha ha, look at that weak fool. He believes that he could beat me and become champion. What a foolish underdog he is."
As the bell ring for start of the match; both Pokemon began heading toward the middle of the ring, and Lucario now has a plan to beat him. He began using a multiple jab to his body, making him stand there like he about to win the fight. But he hasn't known why Lucario try to do some jabbing.
And just until he uses a hook toward his cheek, making a great impact. As he saw it was a success, he continues using another hook and began to attack him. Machoke taken all the multiple hit, until block several of them and dodge it to break free. He surprises to see him gotten a clean hit from him, but he not so sure how he did it.
But, Lucario's coach known how he did it. He uses his special ability known as drain punch; to take away some of Machoke's power. And told him to keep the good work and never let his guard down until he won the match.
So far, I known that he be able to win. Since I saw that punch, I can assure that he has a plan to do it and be able to become a champion. We watch them fight within the time limit of thirty-five second left. And as we saw them gotten push back; they about to finish with a final blow.
Lucario and Machoke launch themselves to strike each with a straight punch on an opposite side, until they were on a deadlock with their glove on their cheek.
Me, my brother, and everyone on stage seeing them in a struggle with a buildup tension of suspense. Machoke beginning to feel weak and as he gets down on his knees; he began to knock out. After that, the referee goes to him and began counting to ten. As we all watch to see if he's about to get up; he literally been K.O. Meaning that Lucario has won the championship.
He began raising his glove up high to claim his victory. Everyone began to cheer for him, even we started cheering back home. And just after he’s claiming his victory, they gave him a champion belt and one of the tv crew come up to him and said to him;
"So, champ, how was your fight?"
"It was really hard on this fight. My opponent actually given everything they gave me, but some of are tough, so you need to plan out your strategy and use caution to be able to become champ."
He nodded, "That is a wise say, Lucario. And that is also an advice to your fans at home, too?"
"Of course."
"Anything else to say to them?"\
"Yes, you must keep on fighting with your hearts and your auras. Also, you must keep on dreaming to become someone you always wanted. So, keep on fighting and follow your dream."
He really gave me and my little brother an inspiration to follow our dream to become a champion. And then later, we began to play around with some role-playing boxing like we saw on tv. Until our dad comes over and told us to hit the hays. He also told me that tomorrow I going to have my first ever Pokemon partner.
My very own Pokemon, I thought; I always wanted to my own, even with them by my side; we'll become champion of the world together.
And while we're in bed; Jab began to ask me on the bottom of the bunk bed;
"Hey Dex, are still awake?"
"Yeah, Jab."
"Still thinking of which Pokemon you going to get?"
I began to smile; "Yeah, those three Pokemon are so cool. I'm still not so sure who I going to get."
Then Jab begin to yawn; "Well, whatever you get, you guys will be a prefect team," And he went to sleep.
As for me; I continue look up to the ceiling, and soon after I began to sleep, too. And dreaming of every Pokemon, that I could choose. And by that, we've won the championship.
During the next morning, I began sparring with my friend, Rumpa for some training before I could get my own Pokemon boxer. And then, my father's moose friend, Rudolph, has bought a Pokemon for me. And as I jump over the ring's ropes; I rush over to him and greet him.
"Morning, Rudolph. Do you have a Pokemon for me?"
"Dex," my father gave me a stern look.
"Don't worry, Jack," he said; "I bet he couldn't wait for long. Can you guess what it is, Dex?"
I know that he'll give me that kind of question, so I give him a guess.
"Is it a Charmander?"
"Nope," said Rudolph.
"Is it a Bulbasaur?"
"Nope, try again."
"Okay, this is my last one. It a Squirtle!"
"Nope, give up?"
I know that I gave him all that starter Pokemon that many other coaches going to get before we start our journeys. So, I have no other choice but to admit my defeat and let him show me my very own Pokemon. And as he moves away for reveal my partner; I saw my Pokemon is a.... Pikachu? I began thinking more and wondering why he would give me a Pikachu and not any strong Pokemon. I could see that Pikachu has similar body like mine, a body of a train boxer, and I also notice that he has red boxing-glove around his neck, along with a green gym bag.
"So, what do you think?"
I heard that Rudolph gave me a question and wanted to hear me answer with joy. So, I have no other choice but to tell the truth; "He's awesome, I guess."
"You guess?" said Pikachu; "You started off with all the Pokemon that you that going to get, and you gave me a simple word; 'I guess.'"
"Well Pikachu, I don't think I could be partner up with mouse who's that small."
"How dare you! I have a name you known, and my name is Bolt, and sure I am mouse, but I'm not that small. We almost the same size."
"Yeah, but... at least I'm not some actually weak as you."
"Is that threat?" as Bolt start to spark electricity on his cheek.
"And what are you going to do about it?"
"Dex!" said my father.
Then, Bolt said to me; "Well, if that the case. I heard that Rudolph say to me that you like to become champion, and you know what? I believe you'll never become champion."
"Take that back," I said angerly.
"Make me."
And as we gone face to face, we continue arguing and as my father tries to stop us; Rudolph has an idea to settle this. He pointed to the ring and figure that we have a friendly match to see who's right. But as we headed toward the ring and start the match; this isn't going to be a friendly match. No, this match is an official match, with hard blows and heavy hits that could make us knock out. Even as my father and Rudolph saw that we haven't accept their ideas; Rumpa and Jab enjoy the event and believe that we are having a sparring match.
And after we are giving each other a blow, we now cover ourselves with bruises all over our body. Then, as I about to throw my final attack; he counters me with an electric uppercut that lead me into an knockout.
When he saw that I lost recently like I was beaten easily, he decides to leave the gym and started to find a new partner to team up with. As he continues searching for another coach; he stumbles across a gang of Spearow, who are outlaw and bullies to every other Pokemon and animals together. Kind a like pirate or any other one that you could think of. And as he tries to be tough in front of them; they began to beat him up. Then one of them grab him up and hold him like a dummy punching bag for their leader. He about to throw a punch at him, until I came down rush over to him and thrown a powerful straight punch across the forest.
And as gang saw who's punched him; Bolt slowly open his eyes and sees me helping him. And yet he began to wonder why I help him. But, as the gang leader order his team to attack us; we began to put on our fighting stands and began to fight them off one by one. Every single Spearow began to fell, and after those waves; they began to launch their biggest attack yet. So, I began to stand in front of Bolt to protect him, and yet he began to run in front of me and started using his attack; "Thunder Bolt". And with that attack, it electrified everyone in the group. I was amazed to see that Bolt has unleash that kind of powerful attack.
Then somehow, he began to become unconscious after that attack. So, I began to carry him back to my home, as I saw everyone waited for me out front. Soon after when Bolt gotten recover, I take a little rest to keep an eye on him. And when Bolt finally woken up, he can see me sitting next him on the bed and known that I care for him. He smiles and happy to see me, even save him, too.
During the next day, I was happy to see that Bolt has gotten better, even he apologize to me about yesterday. And I apologize to him, too. And after that, we became good friend. After his recovery, we began our journey along with my little brother, Jab and told my friend Rumpa, that next time we meet; we'll be having a match. He kept his promise and so far, we began to head off as our journey has begun.
However, this only the story of how I meet Bolt and began my journey. The real story is start here...
After we fought against a gym leader, and all of his boxers, we stumble across a Charmander named Blaze, that been focusing on the bag like he gotten serious about getting stronger. I started to help him train, but he refuses and couldn't let anyone to help him. Just then a few hours later, we watch him gone toe to toe against a stronger Pokemon, and just like that he gotten knock out. So, we stop the fight and helped him. And due to his recovery, we heard his story of what happen to his life. And that bring us to frustrations of his coach. So, we promise him to help him train no matter what, and even let him fight. Until that day; he began to evolve into a Charmeleon. He was happy to see himself getting stronger by a minute. And so far, he'll be ready to face one of his coach's best fighters.
On the middle of the plain field of the forest, a Strongarm Kangaroo named Boru, and his best Pokemon, Incineroar, has up hold an event to help everyone boxing Pokemon and themselves to get stronger. And tenth opponent was a Machamp that has four pairs of green boxing gloves.
"Alright, Gao," said Boru; "Your next opponent is Machamp, so keep an eye on his toes and focus your opponent's movement."
Gao nodded; "Got it."
And so far, they're off to start of the fight. As for us, we continue wondering through the wood, until we heard cheering. So, we began to run toward it to investigate. When we're there, we saw a boxing match in the middle of the empty field.
I begin to get hype and said; "Oh wow, there boxing match."
"You always get excited for that kind of event huh, Dex?" said Jab.
"Well, at least we could see it, right?" said Blaze.
"Yeah, come on," said Bolt as we began to go toward the match.
And just when we enter the match; Blaze couldn't believe his eyes that he saw Gao inside of the ring. And he began to think to himself, since Gao is here; that's mean everyone here, too. Especially, Boru. I must think of something.
While we watch the match; two of Boru's Pokemon began walking toward to us. Those two Pokemon were Machoke and Sharpedo. As they notice that we're here; Blaze quickly began to change into his hooded jacket and began to put his hood on.
Machoke began saying; "Hi, we're here to put down some of the names for any other coaches or boxer that like to challenge our champion. However, my named is Brawl. And this here is Slammu."
"Hey," Slammu greeted with a smile.
"Hi, my name is Dex. And this here is my little brother, Jab."
"Hey," said Jab.
"And this one here is my Buddy, Bolt and..."
"Leon," Blaze started cut in; "My name is Leon."
"Ok, well are you interested to fight against him?" asked Brawl
"Of course, I wouldn't say no for a good boxing match," I said.
So, I began to sign my name into the list, and they began to head over to another challenger. And from the distance in the tree, a Midnight Lycanroc lay back against the tree's trunk; started to scent a familiar scent from our direction. As he spotted us; he also Blaze underneath the hood. He began to grin.
When we began to wonder why Blaze was hiding from them with his jacket, Lycanroc goes behind him and whisper; "So, you finally crawl back. Huh, Blaze?"
Blaze gasp; "Fang!"
"Fang?" we began to question.
"What? Don't tell me, that he didn't told you guys that he's one of us," he said.
And that's when we couldn't believe what we're here, but when I saw Blaze fist is shaking; I known that he wouldn't want us known the truth about his life.
Then, Fang said; "After all, he just run away like little baby."
"That's enough, Fang," Blaze said angerly; "I gotten stronger with a help of my new friends."
"Oh, so that mean you lost during your own training?"
"Hmph, look who's talking. Maybe you should look back on history record, little pup."
After Blaze said that, it brings Fang into rage and punch him across his face.
"Watch what you said to me, you weak lizard."
We saw that he punches our friend, and I was beginning to get mad for him to punch Blaze, our new friend, across his face. So, I step up and said to him; "Leave my friend alone."
"Oh," he said; "and what are you going to do about it, huh?"
"How about we settle it by a good old fashion fist fight?"
"Couldn't agree more. Bring it!"
As we put up our dukes; Brawl came by and stop us from fighting. And then, Fang start to walk away. When Brawl saw everything, he starts apologizing for Fang's action, and even see that Blaze has finally evolve, too. He's glad that he finally getting stronger.
And as the match has finish; Gao has won the match, and now Boru can choose another fighter from the crowds. Until when he about to choose the next challenger, Fang come up to him and begin to whisper into his ear. When he heard that one of us would like to do it head on, he chosen us to fight him. I was surprise to see him choose me and Blaze. But, I still not so sure why he wants us in the ring for.
While we enter the ring; he asks us of our name and I said; "My name is Dex, and this here is Leon." But he told that he wouldn’t want to call himself that no more.
"But if you use your real name..."
"It's okay, Dex; " he said; "I got this. My name is Blaze, I'm one of the members of my friends’ team and buddy, Boru."
Everyone gasps and started to whisper. And as Gao and Boru saw that Blaze has finally evolve into Charmeleon, Boru was amaze that he gotten stronger after he left the gym.
"Blaze, is that really you?" asked Boru.
"Yeah," he put a disappointing face; "it's me."
"Where have you been? I was worry about. Everyone was worry about you."
"Really? And how your new champion?"
"Blaze, I don't understand. Why do you leave the gym?"
As he heard him asked that question; he wouldn't answer. For me, I thought he kick him out for being weak, but now I notice of something that I couldn't see. Then, Blaze clinches his fist together as they began to shake; he began charging toward Boru as he about to punch him. But Gao block it just in time.
"So, you came here just for that?" asked Gao; To punch him in the face?"
"Wait," I said; "you don't understand. He was..."
"Silent! You really train him to get his revenge on our friend."
"No," said Blaze; "he trains me to get stronger to fight back against someone who's even stronger than me."
"Oh, who could that be?"
As he pointed to him; "You! Gao Incineroar, I challenge you on a one round match to see who's the strongest."
We couldn't believe what we hear, then Gao smirk; "Alright, you got yourself a deal. Boru, get ready to set up for the next fight."
"Gao..." Boru said softly.
"Don't worry, I'll give him a good lesson to pick fight against us. Even hurting my friend."
In few moments later, Blaze is getting ready with his boxing gear and doing some shadow boxing. We all began worry about him. Then I came up to him and said; "Blaze, you don't have to do this. Gao is too strong for you. You might end up in a hospital."
"I don't care, Dex. You guys help me train for this, and that's the only thing I ever think of."
"So, you're saying that this whole time, you been training for fight against him?" asked Bolt.
As he throws his one final punch; he turns around with some tear in his eyes and say; "You guys don't understand. I need to win this fight, no matter what the cause. I will win."
We still won't understand why, but for me; I understand. So, I say to; "Fight for victory, Champ."
"Huh?! Dex?" said Jab and Bolt.
"What are you doing?" ask Bolt; "Why you are telling him that?"
"Because, I known that many other boxers like him has a reason, even he kept a secret for himself. So, go out there and win with all your heart, Blaze."
Jab and Bolt not so sure why I said that, but they, too give him an encouragement as well. And as Blaze saw all his friend supporting him; his tears began to run down his face and began to hug us for a thank you.
On the other side, Boru saw us hugging and begin to wonder if okay to let him fight. Then, Brawl goes to him and begin asking if he'd alright.
And Boru responded; "Yeah, I'm okay. it's just that..."
"Couldn't be sure that he's fighting to see that he is still your best team and champion?"
"Yeah, you could say that."
"Boru, you known that he still loves you no matter what."
"Yes, but he can't back out without a fight. So that why he like to challenge Gao in a one round match."
And as they see him with Fang and Slammu, training before the fight; they could see that Gao is getting stronger by a minute.
Then, Brawl said; "I can see that he still getting stronger."
"Yeah, it's all thanks to our friend. And now I can't be able known who I'll cheering for."
"It up to you, Boru. I know you can choose with your heart."
During the opening of the match, Blaze and Gao began to enter the ring. As they began getting toward the middle of the ring; Boru discussing the rules as they won't let go one of each other eye's sight. And after that, they bump their gloves together and began heading back to their corner.
Then, as the bell has started for begin the match; Blaze start off charging toward him like a bullet, and as he landed a punch at him; he doesn’t deal any damage to him. So, he continues attacking him everywhere in his body and still he doesn’t feel a thing.
As we see that Blaze still some progress; he still not sure why Gao taken any damage. Until Fang start chuckle, and I asked angrily; "What's so funny?!"
"Your friend there still hasn't even notice it yet," he said.
"You see, after he was left the gym; Gao there has uncover the true power of his ability that can be able to win the match just like that," he snaps his figure.
We still don't know what he's talking about, but I must think it through it. Since he said that he has uncover his true power of his ability; it could mean that every Pokemon has a different format of their own ability, too. If that's true, then let see... I thought to myself; Incineroar is a fire type, it could mean that he has a fire ability. I continue thinking as we're continue watching their fight, until that I realize some thing; "Wait. Incineroar. Incine... Incine... Incine...Incine... Incinerate! Of course, his ability is to absorb his opponent attack and return them in a stronger attack of itself. Oh no." And that made me realize that Blaze is now in trouble. So, I hurry to the corner side of the ring.
As Blaze has about enough; he began to sweat and getting a little weak each time he tries to land a clean hit. Then, he collapses toward him as they began to clinch to each other, and he still has some fighting left to continue punching toward his side. And as Boru try to break them up; this match is about to be finish. I try call out to Blaze on the outside of the ring, but he couldn't hear me. Then, Gao pull out his glove and preform it into a flaming corkscrew, that have impacted on Blaze left sided cheek and got him into an TKO.
I began to cry out his name; "Blaze!" And enter the ring to help him.
As I carry him; Boru came up to us and begin to say, "I thought you said that you are strong, I guess you are still weak. Weak enough for you to die in the rain as your tailed torch began to burn off."
"Hey!" I said; "That was uncalled for, Boru. You know that Blaze has train forever to get stronger, even doe he may not be able to win this fight, but he won all the other fight along with my side and our friends, too. And here you are given him a threat and told him to..."
"Enough! I just saw enough of his action. And I can also see that he isn't strong enough to bring himself back to his gym. Hmph, what a pathetic Pokemon he is."
As he about to leave; my anger began to rise as I clutch my fist on Blaze's arm. I began to stand up and tell him; "How about I fight Gao to fill Blaze's place? And if I win, I'll make you bring Blaze back to his rightful home."
Boru turn around as he wants to tell me that's not worth it, but Gao stop him said to me; "If you really want to fight me, then prove it."
And I prove him with my fist been thrown at him to show that I challenge him to a fair fight of one on one;
"Gao, I challenge you for a rematch for Blaze as I'll avenge him for his defeat and by that I will win for him."
During the next match, I put on my blue boxing gears, gone to my corner, and begin with simple warm-up. While I am doing my warm-up; Blaze beginning to wake up and ask what has happen. And after Bolt told him everything what's going on, he was shock to hear that he was defeated and touch that I'll be fighting on his footstep.
On the other side of the ring, Gao lay back on his corner's pole and heard everything that Boru instructed him when the match has started. He agrees to his order. Then, when Brawl goes to Boru; he was disappointed at him and said; "I couldn't believe that you say such mean thing to your own teammate."
"You really don't understand do you, Brawl?" said Boru.
"You're the one who don't understand anything. Blaze has been training hard long enough to prove you that he can become stronger like Gao is."
"Yeah, but now he's weak. End of story."
Brawl now become enrage and started to grab him on the jacket.
"Do you think that I can let you get away, Boru? After all, every single Pokemon that you train and battle are getting stronger and not just by you, but by you and your partner, Blaze."
Boru slap away his grip and start to talk back; "He isn't my partner! Not anymore. He left the gym without saying anything, he even didn't say good-bye."
"I think we done here. And one more thing, Brawl; you have two choice: either you join me or against me? You choose."
As he sees him walking away; he clutches fists as they began to shake. Then, Slammu come by to see what happen.
"You okay, bro?" he asked as he his hand his shoulder.
"Yeah, I'm okay," he said as he let go his anger.
"What's going on with you and Boru?"
"It's nothing. We just discussing about something."
"It doesn’t look like a discussion to me when I see it."
So, Brawl has no other choice but to tell him the truth. As he tell Slammu everything that they argue about Blaze; he began to get the picture, even he started to understand that Blaze has always help after training and even he cheer Brawl as they having a boxing match back then, before Boru capture him. After he heard his story, he now gives him some advice and told some plan to cheer for the other team.
When Boru start to bring us together to bump our gloves and discussing the rule, Jab, Bolt, and Blaze began to wonder if I going to be okay, cause when they see our sizes is different; they think that I going to lose. But not this time. They still believe in me.
And yet the bell has rung for the first round to start. Me and Gao gone back to the middle of the ring. And after I saw the fight, I might be able to find some way to counter him and his upcoming attacks. Also finding some advantage to his ability, too. So, I began to give him a jab to his chest and wouldn't feel a thing. But since I continue jabbing him on the same spot; I just made him distracted so I can give him body blow. However, I gave the blow and somehow, he didn't respond to that impact.
Impossible, I thought to myself; a blow to the stomach is always deal a damage to many boxers. But why couldn't he have felt that attack. Could be...his own ability that Fang told us? If so, then I will find the way to beat him.
When I saw that he's smiling, that mean that he has plan to do a counterattack. So, I hurry myself and try to attack with everything that I got. And just when I saw that he about to attack, I dodge it and felt a hot air blow through the side of the arm. I was right, his body is like an incinerator. So, the only way to turn off this fire generator is to blow it out. I continue dodging until I found some weak point for to break off his armor-like body. But while I was searching; I didn't notice that Gao gave me a gut punch.
"Oomph," I exclaim as I felt his warm glove impacting toward my gut. It made me defenseless and won't let me to strike back.
And after that impact, I hold on toward my stomach and Gao continue hitting me while I was still defenseless. Each of his every blow he threw, has still giving me a blazing hit. And as he continues beating up; I almost saw his gloves began to burn up into flaming fire as he goes faster. Those gloves almost began to power up by his attack: Fire punch. With that I can now feel my body burning up. Plus, as I try to block it; I still can feel it on to my hands, too, like it’s melting my gloves. Then, he finishes me off with a right cross.
He roars as he thrown that punch, and I however gotten knock down by that blow. Everyone began to see me on the floor of the ring's mat and began to whisper like they tell secret to each other about me and this fight. As Joey and my two Pokemon friends, heard them whispering; Joey began to get upset when he sees his big brother fall from the fight. Along with Bolt and Blaze try to find a way to cheer me on to get me back up stand, and they began shouting;
"Dex! Come on, don't give up the fight! You can still do it!"
As I heard them; I can feel body been aching and yet I couldn't be able to stand up. Then, I heard Boru counting toward my defeat. It's all over, I thought; I won't be able to help Blaze for his victory, especially couldn't be able to be becoming champion. What kind of boxer am I? I even let my little brother down, too. Heh, some big brother I am.
And just when I heard him said five; I'm ready to accept my defeat. Until...
"Don't just sleep on fight, Dex! You continue what you're fighting for!"
I heard someone calling out for me, I lifted head up and saw one of Boru's team; Brawl and Slammu, helping by cheering me on.
"Come on, Dex! I know you can do it! I know that you'll be able to defeat him!" shouted Brawl.
"He's right! If you lose on this fight, then that mean you admit defeat and lose your purpose toward the championship!" shouted Slammu.
I was surprise to heard it from them, and as for my friends, too, but they continue cheering along with them. And along with everyone cheering for me. Gao seem uneasy about this, but he doesn’t care about them. However, as for Boru; he gotten lost track of counting for listening everyone's cheering. So, I started struggling to get up and by each point of the ropes; I remember all the thing of same reason for me to go to the top of the championship: my family, my friend, my Pokemon partners, my team, and also my dream. And just as I reach to the top; Boru saw me up and like continue onward to the next round.
During the break; my face has gotten some eye and some bruises, along with my body, too. As Bolt try to coach me through the process; he couldn't think of any advice to help me. Just then, Brawl came up and substitute Bolt to become my own coach. And when he told some strategy about offence and defense; I can now be able to find his weak points.
Meanwhile, as Gao watches his one of his teammates help me; he began to get furious. Boru help him get some message from him, then he said; "Gao, you're burning up. Are you okay?"
"Heh," he said; "I guess you couldn't take the heat as well huh, Boru?"
"Very funny. But I couldn't believe that Brawl helping him."
Gao spit his water into the bucket; "Who needs him. I can this within one minute, plus he always like to help anyone who's weak and needed to be cheer on."
"I guess you're right." Then, Boru have a second thought and started think that he gotten a little bit hard on his old friend. But right now, he needs to focus on this match. As bring us back for the second round.
Me and Gao once again meet on the middle of the ring, and this time is different. With the help of our new friend, Brawl, I could get to him with getting hit by punches and he fire punch, too. As he instructed me to do this move set; I could let him throw all his powerful attack into one. I am using some quick jabs to see if he still has his armor on, and he did so that mean; I have given a good show. So, I continue with my attack of more jabs, hooks, cross, and body blows. And especially uppercut, too.
After I did that, Gao haven't had a scratch on him. My turn is over, so that mean it's his turn to attack. Before he gets ready, I also been told that I have keep on dodging as he starts attacking me. And he also told me that I could perry if I can do it quickly, cause his burning attack could deal a lot of damage. So, he started attack with all his great flaming punch and I began to evade those gloved fists like flame arrow been fire toward me.
And during the match, three of my friends sat on the bench along with everyone as they all watch me bravely dodges those attack. Joey, Bolt, and Flame has always tried to keep their hopes up for me. Seeing me keep on trying to stay standing as I survive this match. Then, Fang comes in and said to them with a laugh; "He he he, I can't believe that you three kitties still hoping that your friend could win by surviving by his flaming fist."
"Of course, we still cheering my big brother on," said Joey; "Because he’s keeping his promise to our friend, Blaze, for avenging him from the previous fight that he been defeated."
"Joe," Blaze said softly.
"That's right," said Bolt; "I know him since the day we met. I could see that he's stubborn, but deep down I can feel deep his heart that he has dream to becoming champion and like to help out everyone, especially Pokemon."
"Bolt," then Blaze, fight back. He turns to Fang and said; "You heard my friends, Fang. With all of us together, we can always believe on our family and friend, that they'll protect us on all cost."
As he's frustrated to hear them talk about me; he began to clinch his hand and let out to power up his Shadow Claw and said; "How about I claw you guys until change your mind for cheering Gao instead."
Then, Blaze go in front of them and protect them from his Shadow Claw attack. They began refusing to let him protect them with his injured body, but he doesn’t care about himself. What matter is to care of his new friends, and that bring them astonish. So, as he about throws his claw at him; someone stand behind him.
As he turns around; he saw Slammu putting on his scary face and said to him; "And what you going to do with, Fang?"
"S-Slammu?!" he was shock to see him; "How you been, my sharky friend? I bet you came here to keep a eye on them. Well I bet they really enjoy cheering their friend, Dex on. Aren’t you guys?" He started patting on Blaze's head. But none of them believe in him, especially Slammu. As he sees them starring at him; he started running away.
When they saw him started to run away, Slammu was proud of Blaze for standing up and protect his friend. And that really take some courage to fight back. he began to smile and then, we continue watching the match together. As Blaze sees me start to struggle; he known that deep inside that I will never give for him. So, he cheers loader then before; "Dex! Don't give in! Don't let take the upper hands on this match! Deep down inside, I can know that he still has the fire inside of you! So, burn your heart for dream to becoming champion!"
At the ring, I did hear him cheering for me. So, I hold down my defense and waited for the right moment to counter strike. But, with all that heavy blow; I began to drop down and lose some of my defense, too. I wouldn't know if I could beat him again.
Then, Fang return with all the banner of Gao's face and on it, like he's some sort of number one fan of Gao's idol. As Slammu and my friend just had about enough of his foolishness action; they all began to give him an uppercut that let him fly up to the sky like shining star.
As I saw them still care for me; I also see that Gao is about to throw his final blows, and just that, when I see him powering up; I saw his armor energy began to disappear. With that I started to remember from the first round that his belt began to burn brightly and as he gave me his powerful attack; I also saw his belt began to dim down, too. So far, the puzzle began to put together and that mean I now have the upper hands on this ring.
When he begins to throw his attack, I began to dodge and counterattack with uppercut toward his gut. A perfect body blows. Gao exclaim as he clutches his stomach with his arms. My theories is correct, as he draw all his attack into one I can now preform my own attack.
And as everyone saw that I have finally landed a clean hit; they all began to cheer. But it's over just yet. While Boru check to see that Gao will able to resume toward the next round; he orders us to return to our corner and wait for the next round to start. When we return to our corner of our seat; Brawl began coming up to me and said; "That was amazing, Dex."
"Thanks Brawl, but I haven't done it without you and my friends."
"Dex..." Bolt said softly.
"That was amazing speech you got there," said Brawl; "But there not much time to celebrate and share happy thought to everyone. Cause right now, you have about one last round to defeat him."
"Right," I said; "so lay it on me, coach."
While he gave me some description of the next plan; Gao was getting tired after he launch his powerful attack. So, Boru help him recover, but Gao refuse it and him deal the pain during the next round.
Boru disagree with his choice and began to tell him; "I can't let you suffer any more pain, Gao. By the bruise from your gut, it will become an obstacle toward your fight."
"So, what," he said; "'no pain, no again,' right? After all, I don't care of how much he can give me. All matter is that I must win."
Then, Fang came out of nowhere and said; "That's right, if he can't then he'll lose."
Gao uppercut his chin and he exclaim; "Gahh, what you people giving me punches."
"Like I was saying," Gao continue; "put me back in to the ring, coach. I'll show you how I really fight."
"Gao..." Boru saw and heard him with that fight spirit inside of him. It was like he saw a hero has been raise from the ashes like phoenix. And when he saw his glove sticking out, he replied with fist bump; "Okay, go get'em tiger. Or should I'll say Incineroar."
He began to smile with plead. Then as he heard the bell ring for the third and final round; we return to the middle of the ring, and for show reason I didn't feel any hot air around him. Could this mean, that he let his armor and fight like true boxer. If so, then I too, will fight one. After we bump our glove, we began to steady our footwork for preparing ourselves for any upcoming attack.
I began throwing couple of jabs and he dodge it? For the first time I saw him dodges my jabs. I guess he did let of his armor. But that doesn’t mean that I give up so easily nor I let my guard down. So, I continue striking him with multiple punches: jabs, hooks, cross, and uppercut. With these results he took some damage of a right jab to his snout, right hook to his left cheek, and a uppercut. And with that he still standing and taking a hit. I beginning to get nervous. Then, I saw him smile, not like an evil smile, but a "Let's have a good fight" kind of smile. So, I smile back. And with that we did have good match.
Everybody began to get confuse, until Blaze began to cheer for Gao. Jab and Bolt was shock to hear from him, until Bolt understand what he's doing. And he began to cheer me. As for Jab he decided to cheer both of us on. And so on, everyone began to cheer for us. Boru couldn't believe his eyes and ears from many people cheering for them like a huge crowd.
So far on our match, we began to trade some blow until we began to get tired. And within few blows; we began to clinch together to take some breather. And then, Gao said to me; "Let's given them a good old fashion finish, Dex."
I smile; "You're on."
And so, we break up, and just like that we launch our final blow: A Two Straight Punch Deadlock. As far as our glove now been deadlock; everyone was shock to see us in a same blow. Within just thirty second, everyone began to get excited to see which one of us will drop down. And then, on ten second; Gao...has now ...falling toward his defeat. Just like that, Boru claim his knock-out and pronounce me as a new fire champion. (And also Blaze, too.)
After that exciting match, Boru told us that he sorry for his action, even Gao. We're surprise that Gao has a soft spot, then he explains that he always loves to show off to other like he some sort of big strong champion, but inside he has a good heart. But then, as Fang began to tip-toe away; Boru caught him and made apologize, too. So, he says that he was sorry for all of his action, and then we become good friend.
But somehow, I still becoming curious why would Blaze out of gym. Until Boru told us everything about his past.
It's all started when they discover a young Pokemon named, Litten, who's all alone and lost in the alleyway. He tries to help it, but Litten refuse and began to runway. During the next day, he saw Litten again, and this time he isn't alone. he with some sort of boss Pokemon, (Dark type) Persain, who's bullied it a lot by given him food and making it battle for it. And as it orders Litten to steal one of the kid's food; it refuses and told Persain that he won't let he do it. With that, it starts attacking it and beating up until it listens. And just as he about to finish him; Boru let his Charmander, Blaze, to protect Litten and defeated it boss.
As Litten sees him fight back; he was amazing that one kangaroo's Pokemon helped him. And then he passes out. While he wakens up again, he notices that he's inside some sort of gym that fill with strong and friendly Pokemon. And as it sees Boru; he told him that it like to become stronger like Blaze. So, he let it become one of his team and called him; Gao.
Throughout the days, he continues getting stronger, and gotten some help with his new buddy, Blaze, they're now becoming one of Boru's top two champion. And during the next month, Gao has now finally change from Litten to Torracat. And so far, they both now becoming equal with strength and power. they really becoming an unstoppable team. Until that day has come, Gao now gotten his final evolution of Incineraor. Boru was so amaze that he got Incineroar on his team. However, Blaze began to feel left out during his training, his break, and his relationship. Plus, during Gao's sparring; Blaze challenge him and ending up in a TKO. And that's when he decided to leave the gym and never return. Boru try to talk to him, but it too late. And that's why Blaze left out of his gym.
I was sad to hear that he left the gym for showing Boru, that he's stronger like Gao.
"I'm sorry, Boru," I said; "I didn't notice that he will actually be left you."
Then, Balze started to cry. And I said; "What's wrong, Blaze?"
"It was all my fault, if it wasn't for me; I wouldn't let get hurt, Dex. I even didn't notice that my old friends, my family is still care for me," he continue crying.
Boru goes to him and said; "It's alright, Blaze. It wasn't your fault, after all you just became jealous, that's all. Plus, you the one who really helped Gao to get stronger."
Blaze sniffed; "I am?"
"Yeah," I said; "and when we first met; I saw you getting stronger by training harder."
"I was?"
"You see, Blaze," said Gao; "everyone here still care about you, even your new friend. No matter how much you train or how many fought, you still becoming a true champ."
"Gao," he said with a star in his eyes.
\ "So, will you like to come back with us?"
Blaze was happy to hear him say that he become champion for him, but since all that adventure with me and my team; he still wanted to go with me. So, he chosen to join me for an adventure. And made Gao and Boru understand his feeling. Then after that, Boru like us to join him to sleep over to his gym. We accept that request, plus he also like to me on the adventure, too. And so far, I have four friends on my team; me, Jab, Bolt, and Boru. With us together, we'll became champion as one. Until the next adventure continue.
In the world of both animals and monster live together, they hold up an event of battle known as fist combat, also known as Boxing. The monster they live is call Pokemon, and they train along with their coach and trainer, even they fought each other to become world champion. Until that day, one of the young heroes has a dream to become a great champion and that person name is Dex.
In my hometown, me and my little brother, Jab, are watching the match between Lucario and Machoke in a national champion match. We both began to cheer on with my favorite Pokemon boxer, Lucario. We saw throughout the match, and some of the round he barely survives during the last three rounds. So, this is the final round to decide which one is going to become champion.
"Come on Lucario," I said; "you can do this."
"Yeah, you can do it," said Jab.
And inside of the match, Lucario is breathing heavily as he watches Machoke almost breaking a sweat on this intense fight. Then he thought to himself; "What am I going to do? That Machoke is tough enough to become a strongest opponent. And better yet since I use my aura, I can sense a powerful wave surrounding him. So, I must think fast before the next round start."
Then, as he heard someone say to him; "Be careful, Lucario. You mustn't let your guard down. You become your opponent's mind and find out the weakness inside of them."
"Of course, why I haven't thought of that."
And on the other side of the ring, Machoke began to smirk and laugh; "Ha ha ha, look at that weak fool. He believes that he could beat me and become champion. What a foolish underdog he is."
As the bell ring for start of the match; both Pokemon began heading toward the middle of the ring, and Lucario now has a plan to beat him. He began using a multiple jab to his body, making him stand there like he about to win the fight. But he hasn't known why Lucario try to do some jabbing.
And just until he uses a hook toward his cheek, making a great impact. As he saw it was a success, he continues using another hook and began to attack him. Machoke taken all the multiple hit, until block several of them and dodge it to break free. He surprises to see him gotten a clean hit from him, but he not so sure how he did it.
But, Lucario's coach known how he did it. He uses his special ability known as drain punch; to take away some of Machoke's power. And told him to keep the good work and never let his guard down until he won the match.
So far, I known that he be able to win. Since I saw that punch, I can assure that he has a plan to do it and be able to become a champion. We watch them fight within the time limit of thirty-five second left. And as we saw them gotten push back; they about to finish with a final blow.
Lucario and Machoke launch themselves to strike each with a straight punch on an opposite side, until they were on a deadlock with their glove on their cheek.
Me, my brother, and everyone on stage seeing them in a struggle with a buildup tension of suspense. Machoke beginning to feel weak and as he gets down on his knees; he began to knock out. After that, the referee goes to him and began counting to ten. As we all watch to see if he's about to get up; he literally been K.O. Meaning that Lucario has won the championship.
He began raising his glove up high to claim his victory. Everyone began to cheer for him, even we started cheering back home. And just after he’s claiming his victory, they gave him a champion belt and one of the tv crew come up to him and said to him;
"So, champ, how was your fight?"
"It was really hard on this fight. My opponent actually given everything they gave me, but some of are tough, so you need to plan out your strategy and use caution to be able to become champ."
He nodded, "That is a wise say, Lucario. And that is also an advice to your fans at home, too?"
"Of course."
"Anything else to say to them?"\
"Yes, you must keep on fighting with your hearts and your auras. Also, you must keep on dreaming to become someone you always wanted. So, keep on fighting and follow your dream."
He really gave me and my little brother an inspiration to follow our dream to become a champion. And then later, we began to play around with some role-playing boxing like we saw on tv. Until our dad comes over and told us to hit the hays. He also told me that tomorrow I going to have my first ever Pokemon partner.
My very own Pokemon, I thought; I always wanted to my own, even with them by my side; we'll become champion of the world together.
And while we're in bed; Jab began to ask me on the bottom of the bunk bed;
"Hey Dex, are still awake?"
"Yeah, Jab."
"Still thinking of which Pokemon you going to get?"
I began to smile; "Yeah, those three Pokemon are so cool. I'm still not so sure who I going to get."
Then Jab begin to yawn; "Well, whatever you get, you guys will be a prefect team," And he went to sleep.
As for me; I continue look up to the ceiling, and soon after I began to sleep, too. And dreaming of every Pokemon, that I could choose. And by that, we've won the championship.
During the next morning, I began sparring with my friend, Rumpa for some training before I could get my own Pokemon boxer. And then, my father's moose friend, Rudolph, has bought a Pokemon for me. And as I jump over the ring's ropes; I rush over to him and greet him.
"Morning, Rudolph. Do you have a Pokemon for me?"
"Dex," my father gave me a stern look.
"Don't worry, Jack," he said; "I bet he couldn't wait for long. Can you guess what it is, Dex?"
I know that he'll give me that kind of question, so I give him a guess.
"Is it a Charmander?"
"Nope," said Rudolph.
"Is it a Bulbasaur?"
"Nope, try again."
"Okay, this is my last one. It a Squirtle!"
"Nope, give up?"
I know that I gave him all that starter Pokemon that many other coaches going to get before we start our journeys. So, I have no other choice but to admit my defeat and let him show me my very own Pokemon. And as he moves away for reveal my partner; I saw my Pokemon is a.... Pikachu? I began thinking more and wondering why he would give me a Pikachu and not any strong Pokemon. I could see that Pikachu has similar body like mine, a body of a train boxer, and I also notice that he has red boxing-glove around his neck, along with a green gym bag.
"So, what do you think?"
I heard that Rudolph gave me a question and wanted to hear me answer with joy. So, I have no other choice but to tell the truth; "He's awesome, I guess."
"You guess?" said Pikachu; "You started off with all the Pokemon that you that going to get, and you gave me a simple word; 'I guess.'"
"Well Pikachu, I don't think I could be partner up with mouse who's that small."
"How dare you! I have a name you known, and my name is Bolt, and sure I am mouse, but I'm not that small. We almost the same size."
"Yeah, but... at least I'm not some actually weak as you."
"Is that threat?" as Bolt start to spark electricity on his cheek.
"And what are you going to do about it?"
"Dex!" said my father.
Then, Bolt said to me; "Well, if that the case. I heard that Rudolph say to me that you like to become champion, and you know what? I believe you'll never become champion."
"Take that back," I said angerly.
"Make me."
And as we gone face to face, we continue arguing and as my father tries to stop us; Rudolph has an idea to settle this. He pointed to the ring and figure that we have a friendly match to see who's right. But as we headed toward the ring and start the match; this isn't going to be a friendly match. No, this match is an official match, with hard blows and heavy hits that could make us knock out. Even as my father and Rudolph saw that we haven't accept their ideas; Rumpa and Jab enjoy the event and believe that we are having a sparring match.
And after we are giving each other a blow, we now cover ourselves with bruises all over our body. Then, as I about to throw my final attack; he counters me with an electric uppercut that lead me into an knockout.
When he saw that I lost recently like I was beaten easily, he decides to leave the gym and started to find a new partner to team up with. As he continues searching for another coach; he stumbles across a gang of Spearow, who are outlaw and bullies to every other Pokemon and animals together. Kind a like pirate or any other one that you could think of. And as he tries to be tough in front of them; they began to beat him up. Then one of them grab him up and hold him like a dummy punching bag for their leader. He about to throw a punch at him, until I came down rush over to him and thrown a powerful straight punch across the forest.
And as gang saw who's punched him; Bolt slowly open his eyes and sees me helping him. And yet he began to wonder why I help him. But, as the gang leader order his team to attack us; we began to put on our fighting stands and began to fight them off one by one. Every single Spearow began to fell, and after those waves; they began to launch their biggest attack yet. So, I began to stand in front of Bolt to protect him, and yet he began to run in front of me and started using his attack; "Thunder Bolt". And with that attack, it electrified everyone in the group. I was amazed to see that Bolt has unleash that kind of powerful attack.
Then somehow, he began to become unconscious after that attack. So, I began to carry him back to my home, as I saw everyone waited for me out front. Soon after when Bolt gotten recover, I take a little rest to keep an eye on him. And when Bolt finally woken up, he can see me sitting next him on the bed and known that I care for him. He smiles and happy to see me, even save him, too.
During the next day, I was happy to see that Bolt has gotten better, even he apologize to me about yesterday. And I apologize to him, too. And after that, we became good friend. After his recovery, we began our journey along with my little brother, Jab and told my friend Rumpa, that next time we meet; we'll be having a match. He kept his promise and so far, we began to head off as our journey has begun.
However, this only the story of how I meet Bolt and began my journey. The real story is start here...
After we fought against a gym leader, and all of his boxers, we stumble across a Charmander named Blaze, that been focusing on the bag like he gotten serious about getting stronger. I started to help him train, but he refuses and couldn't let anyone to help him. Just then a few hours later, we watch him gone toe to toe against a stronger Pokemon, and just like that he gotten knock out. So, we stop the fight and helped him. And due to his recovery, we heard his story of what happen to his life. And that bring us to frustrations of his coach. So, we promise him to help him train no matter what, and even let him fight. Until that day; he began to evolve into a Charmeleon. He was happy to see himself getting stronger by a minute. And so far, he'll be ready to face one of his coach's best fighters.
On the middle of the plain field of the forest, a Strongarm Kangaroo named Boru, and his best Pokemon, Incineroar, has up hold an event to help everyone boxing Pokemon and themselves to get stronger. And tenth opponent was a Machamp that has four pairs of green boxing gloves.
"Alright, Gao," said Boru; "Your next opponent is Machamp, so keep an eye on his toes and focus your opponent's movement."
Gao nodded; "Got it."
And so far, they're off to start of the fight. As for us, we continue wondering through the wood, until we heard cheering. So, we began to run toward it to investigate. When we're there, we saw a boxing match in the middle of the empty field.
I begin to get hype and said; "Oh wow, there boxing match."
"You always get excited for that kind of event huh, Dex?" said Jab.
"Well, at least we could see it, right?" said Blaze.
"Yeah, come on," said Bolt as we began to go toward the match.
And just when we enter the match; Blaze couldn't believe his eyes that he saw Gao inside of the ring. And he began to think to himself, since Gao is here; that's mean everyone here, too. Especially, Boru. I must think of something.
While we watch the match; two of Boru's Pokemon began walking toward to us. Those two Pokemon were Machoke and Sharpedo. As they notice that we're here; Blaze quickly began to change into his hooded jacket and began to put his hood on.
Machoke began saying; "Hi, we're here to put down some of the names for any other coaches or boxer that like to challenge our champion. However, my named is Brawl. And this here is Slammu."
"Hey," Slammu greeted with a smile.
"Hi, my name is Dex. And this here is my little brother, Jab."
"Hey," said Jab.
"And this one here is my Buddy, Bolt and..."
"Leon," Blaze started cut in; "My name is Leon."
"Ok, well are you interested to fight against him?" asked Brawl
"Of course, I wouldn't say no for a good boxing match," I said.
So, I began to sign my name into the list, and they began to head over to another challenger. And from the distance in the tree, a Midnight Lycanroc lay back against the tree's trunk; started to scent a familiar scent from our direction. As he spotted us; he also Blaze underneath the hood. He began to grin.
When we began to wonder why Blaze was hiding from them with his jacket, Lycanroc goes behind him and whisper; "So, you finally crawl back. Huh, Blaze?"
Blaze gasp; "Fang!"
"Fang?" we began to question.
"What? Don't tell me, that he didn't told you guys that he's one of us," he said.
And that's when we couldn't believe what we're here, but when I saw Blaze fist is shaking; I known that he wouldn't want us known the truth about his life.
Then, Fang said; "After all, he just run away like little baby."
"That's enough, Fang," Blaze said angerly; "I gotten stronger with a help of my new friends."
"Oh, so that mean you lost during your own training?"
"Hmph, look who's talking. Maybe you should look back on history record, little pup."
After Blaze said that, it brings Fang into rage and punch him across his face.
"Watch what you said to me, you weak lizard."
We saw that he punches our friend, and I was beginning to get mad for him to punch Blaze, our new friend, across his face. So, I step up and said to him; "Leave my friend alone."
"Oh," he said; "and what are you going to do about it, huh?"
"How about we settle it by a good old fashion fist fight?"
"Couldn't agree more. Bring it!"
As we put up our dukes; Brawl came by and stop us from fighting. And then, Fang start to walk away. When Brawl saw everything, he starts apologizing for Fang's action, and even see that Blaze has finally evolve, too. He's glad that he finally getting stronger.
And as the match has finish; Gao has won the match, and now Boru can choose another fighter from the crowds. Until when he about to choose the next challenger, Fang come up to him and begin to whisper into his ear. When he heard that one of us would like to do it head on, he chosen us to fight him. I was surprise to see him choose me and Blaze. But, I still not so sure why he wants us in the ring for.
While we enter the ring; he asks us of our name and I said; "My name is Dex, and this here is Leon." But he told that he wouldn’t want to call himself that no more.
"But if you use your real name..."
"It's okay, Dex; " he said; "I got this. My name is Blaze, I'm one of the members of my friends’ team and buddy, Boru."
Everyone gasps and started to whisper. And as Gao and Boru saw that Blaze has finally evolve into Charmeleon, Boru was amaze that he gotten stronger after he left the gym.
"Blaze, is that really you?" asked Boru.
"Yeah," he put a disappointing face; "it's me."
"Where have you been? I was worry about. Everyone was worry about you."
"Really? And how your new champion?"
"Blaze, I don't understand. Why do you leave the gym?"
As he heard him asked that question; he wouldn't answer. For me, I thought he kick him out for being weak, but now I notice of something that I couldn't see. Then, Blaze clinches his fist together as they began to shake; he began charging toward Boru as he about to punch him. But Gao block it just in time.
"So, you came here just for that?" asked Gao; To punch him in the face?"
"Wait," I said; "you don't understand. He was..."
"Silent! You really train him to get his revenge on our friend."
"No," said Blaze; "he trains me to get stronger to fight back against someone who's even stronger than me."
"Oh, who could that be?"
As he pointed to him; "You! Gao Incineroar, I challenge you on a one round match to see who's the strongest."
We couldn't believe what we hear, then Gao smirk; "Alright, you got yourself a deal. Boru, get ready to set up for the next fight."
"Gao..." Boru said softly.
"Don't worry, I'll give him a good lesson to pick fight against us. Even hurting my friend."
In few moments later, Blaze is getting ready with his boxing gear and doing some shadow boxing. We all began worry about him. Then I came up to him and said; "Blaze, you don't have to do this. Gao is too strong for you. You might end up in a hospital."
"I don't care, Dex. You guys help me train for this, and that's the only thing I ever think of."
"So, you're saying that this whole time, you been training for fight against him?" asked Bolt.
As he throws his one final punch; he turns around with some tear in his eyes and say; "You guys don't understand. I need to win this fight, no matter what the cause. I will win."
We still won't understand why, but for me; I understand. So, I say to; "Fight for victory, Champ."
"Huh?! Dex?" said Jab and Bolt.
"What are you doing?" ask Bolt; "Why you are telling him that?"
"Because, I known that many other boxers like him has a reason, even he kept a secret for himself. So, go out there and win with all your heart, Blaze."
Jab and Bolt not so sure why I said that, but they, too give him an encouragement as well. And as Blaze saw all his friend supporting him; his tears began to run down his face and began to hug us for a thank you.
On the other side, Boru saw us hugging and begin to wonder if okay to let him fight. Then, Brawl goes to him and begin asking if he'd alright.
And Boru responded; "Yeah, I'm okay. it's just that..."
"Couldn't be sure that he's fighting to see that he is still your best team and champion?"
"Yeah, you could say that."
"Boru, you known that he still loves you no matter what."
"Yes, but he can't back out without a fight. So that why he like to challenge Gao in a one round match."
And as they see him with Fang and Slammu, training before the fight; they could see that Gao is getting stronger by a minute.
Then, Brawl said; "I can see that he still getting stronger."
"Yeah, it's all thanks to our friend. And now I can't be able known who I'll cheering for."
"It up to you, Boru. I know you can choose with your heart."
During the opening of the match, Blaze and Gao began to enter the ring. As they began getting toward the middle of the ring; Boru discussing the rules as they won't let go one of each other eye's sight. And after that, they bump their gloves together and began heading back to their corner.
Then, as the bell has started for begin the match; Blaze start off charging toward him like a bullet, and as he landed a punch at him; he doesn’t deal any damage to him. So, he continues attacking him everywhere in his body and still he doesn’t feel a thing.
As we see that Blaze still some progress; he still not sure why Gao taken any damage. Until Fang start chuckle, and I asked angrily; "What's so funny?!"
"Your friend there still hasn't even notice it yet," he said.
"You see, after he was left the gym; Gao there has uncover the true power of his ability that can be able to win the match just like that," he snaps his figure.
We still don't know what he's talking about, but I must think it through it. Since he said that he has uncover his true power of his ability; it could mean that every Pokemon has a different format of their own ability, too. If that's true, then let see... I thought to myself; Incineroar is a fire type, it could mean that he has a fire ability. I continue thinking as we're continue watching their fight, until that I realize some thing; "Wait. Incineroar. Incine... Incine... Incine...Incine... Incinerate! Of course, his ability is to absorb his opponent attack and return them in a stronger attack of itself. Oh no." And that made me realize that Blaze is now in trouble. So, I hurry to the corner side of the ring.
As Blaze has about enough; he began to sweat and getting a little weak each time he tries to land a clean hit. Then, he collapses toward him as they began to clinch to each other, and he still has some fighting left to continue punching toward his side. And as Boru try to break them up; this match is about to be finish. I try call out to Blaze on the outside of the ring, but he couldn't hear me. Then, Gao pull out his glove and preform it into a flaming corkscrew, that have impacted on Blaze left sided cheek and got him into an TKO.
I began to cry out his name; "Blaze!" And enter the ring to help him.
As I carry him; Boru came up to us and begin to say, "I thought you said that you are strong, I guess you are still weak. Weak enough for you to die in the rain as your tailed torch began to burn off."
"Hey!" I said; "That was uncalled for, Boru. You know that Blaze has train forever to get stronger, even doe he may not be able to win this fight, but he won all the other fight along with my side and our friends, too. And here you are given him a threat and told him to..."
"Enough! I just saw enough of his action. And I can also see that he isn't strong enough to bring himself back to his gym. Hmph, what a pathetic Pokemon he is."
As he about to leave; my anger began to rise as I clutch my fist on Blaze's arm. I began to stand up and tell him; "How about I fight Gao to fill Blaze's place? And if I win, I'll make you bring Blaze back to his rightful home."
Boru turn around as he wants to tell me that's not worth it, but Gao stop him said to me; "If you really want to fight me, then prove it."
And I prove him with my fist been thrown at him to show that I challenge him to a fair fight of one on one;
"Gao, I challenge you for a rematch for Blaze as I'll avenge him for his defeat and by that I will win for him."
During the next match, I put on my blue boxing gears, gone to my corner, and begin with simple warm-up. While I am doing my warm-up; Blaze beginning to wake up and ask what has happen. And after Bolt told him everything what's going on, he was shock to hear that he was defeated and touch that I'll be fighting on his footstep.
On the other side of the ring, Gao lay back on his corner's pole and heard everything that Boru instructed him when the match has started. He agrees to his order. Then, when Brawl goes to Boru; he was disappointed at him and said; "I couldn't believe that you say such mean thing to your own teammate."
"You really don't understand do you, Brawl?" said Boru.
"You're the one who don't understand anything. Blaze has been training hard long enough to prove you that he can become stronger like Gao is."
"Yeah, but now he's weak. End of story."
Brawl now become enrage and started to grab him on the jacket.
"Do you think that I can let you get away, Boru? After all, every single Pokemon that you train and battle are getting stronger and not just by you, but by you and your partner, Blaze."
Boru slap away his grip and start to talk back; "He isn't my partner! Not anymore. He left the gym without saying anything, he even didn't say good-bye."
"I think we done here. And one more thing, Brawl; you have two choice: either you join me or against me? You choose."
As he sees him walking away; he clutches fists as they began to shake. Then, Slammu come by to see what happen.
"You okay, bro?" he asked as he his hand his shoulder.
"Yeah, I'm okay," he said as he let go his anger.
"What's going on with you and Boru?"
"It's nothing. We just discussing about something."
"It doesn’t look like a discussion to me when I see it."
So, Brawl has no other choice but to tell him the truth. As he tell Slammu everything that they argue about Blaze; he began to get the picture, even he started to understand that Blaze has always help after training and even he cheer Brawl as they having a boxing match back then, before Boru capture him. After he heard his story, he now gives him some advice and told some plan to cheer for the other team.
When Boru start to bring us together to bump our gloves and discussing the rule, Jab, Bolt, and Blaze began to wonder if I going to be okay, cause when they see our sizes is different; they think that I going to lose. But not this time. They still believe in me.
And yet the bell has rung for the first round to start. Me and Gao gone back to the middle of the ring. And after I saw the fight, I might be able to find some way to counter him and his upcoming attacks. Also finding some advantage to his ability, too. So, I began to give him a jab to his chest and wouldn't feel a thing. But since I continue jabbing him on the same spot; I just made him distracted so I can give him body blow. However, I gave the blow and somehow, he didn't respond to that impact.
Impossible, I thought to myself; a blow to the stomach is always deal a damage to many boxers. But why couldn't he have felt that attack. Could be...his own ability that Fang told us? If so, then I will find the way to beat him.
When I saw that he's smiling, that mean that he has plan to do a counterattack. So, I hurry myself and try to attack with everything that I got. And just when I saw that he about to attack, I dodge it and felt a hot air blow through the side of the arm. I was right, his body is like an incinerator. So, the only way to turn off this fire generator is to blow it out. I continue dodging until I found some weak point for to break off his armor-like body. But while I was searching; I didn't notice that Gao gave me a gut punch.
"Oomph," I exclaim as I felt his warm glove impacting toward my gut. It made me defenseless and won't let me to strike back.
And after that impact, I hold on toward my stomach and Gao continue hitting me while I was still defenseless. Each of his every blow he threw, has still giving me a blazing hit. And as he continues beating up; I almost saw his gloves began to burn up into flaming fire as he goes faster. Those gloves almost began to power up by his attack: Fire punch. With that I can now feel my body burning up. Plus, as I try to block it; I still can feel it on to my hands, too, like it’s melting my gloves. Then, he finishes me off with a right cross.
He roars as he thrown that punch, and I however gotten knock down by that blow. Everyone began to see me on the floor of the ring's mat and began to whisper like they tell secret to each other about me and this fight. As Joey and my two Pokemon friends, heard them whispering; Joey began to get upset when he sees his big brother fall from the fight. Along with Bolt and Blaze try to find a way to cheer me on to get me back up stand, and they began shouting;
"Dex! Come on, don't give up the fight! You can still do it!"
As I heard them; I can feel body been aching and yet I couldn't be able to stand up. Then, I heard Boru counting toward my defeat. It's all over, I thought; I won't be able to help Blaze for his victory, especially couldn't be able to be becoming champion. What kind of boxer am I? I even let my little brother down, too. Heh, some big brother I am.
And just when I heard him said five; I'm ready to accept my defeat. Until...
"Don't just sleep on fight, Dex! You continue what you're fighting for!"
I heard someone calling out for me, I lifted head up and saw one of Boru's team; Brawl and Slammu, helping by cheering me on.
"Come on, Dex! I know you can do it! I know that you'll be able to defeat him!" shouted Brawl.
"He's right! If you lose on this fight, then that mean you admit defeat and lose your purpose toward the championship!" shouted Slammu.
I was surprise to heard it from them, and as for my friends, too, but they continue cheering along with them. And along with everyone cheering for me. Gao seem uneasy about this, but he doesn’t care about them. However, as for Boru; he gotten lost track of counting for listening everyone's cheering. So, I started struggling to get up and by each point of the ropes; I remember all the thing of same reason for me to go to the top of the championship: my family, my friend, my Pokemon partners, my team, and also my dream. And just as I reach to the top; Boru saw me up and like continue onward to the next round.
During the break; my face has gotten some eye and some bruises, along with my body, too. As Bolt try to coach me through the process; he couldn't think of any advice to help me. Just then, Brawl came up and substitute Bolt to become my own coach. And when he told some strategy about offence and defense; I can now be able to find his weak points.
Meanwhile, as Gao watches his one of his teammates help me; he began to get furious. Boru help him get some message from him, then he said; "Gao, you're burning up. Are you okay?"
"Heh," he said; "I guess you couldn't take the heat as well huh, Boru?"
"Very funny. But I couldn't believe that Brawl helping him."
Gao spit his water into the bucket; "Who needs him. I can this within one minute, plus he always like to help anyone who's weak and needed to be cheer on."
"I guess you're right." Then, Boru have a second thought and started think that he gotten a little bit hard on his old friend. But right now, he needs to focus on this match. As bring us back for the second round.
Me and Gao once again meet on the middle of the ring, and this time is different. With the help of our new friend, Brawl, I could get to him with getting hit by punches and he fire punch, too. As he instructed me to do this move set; I could let him throw all his powerful attack into one. I am using some quick jabs to see if he still has his armor on, and he did so that mean; I have given a good show. So, I continue with my attack of more jabs, hooks, cross, and body blows. And especially uppercut, too.
After I did that, Gao haven't had a scratch on him. My turn is over, so that mean it's his turn to attack. Before he gets ready, I also been told that I have keep on dodging as he starts attacking me. And he also told me that I could perry if I can do it quickly, cause his burning attack could deal a lot of damage. So, he started attack with all his great flaming punch and I began to evade those gloved fists like flame arrow been fire toward me.
And during the match, three of my friends sat on the bench along with everyone as they all watch me bravely dodges those attack. Joey, Bolt, and Flame has always tried to keep their hopes up for me. Seeing me keep on trying to stay standing as I survive this match. Then, Fang comes in and said to them with a laugh; "He he he, I can't believe that you three kitties still hoping that your friend could win by surviving by his flaming fist."
"Of course, we still cheering my big brother on," said Joey; "Because he’s keeping his promise to our friend, Blaze, for avenging him from the previous fight that he been defeated."
"Joe," Blaze said softly.
"That's right," said Bolt; "I know him since the day we met. I could see that he's stubborn, but deep down I can feel deep his heart that he has dream to becoming champion and like to help out everyone, especially Pokemon."
"Bolt," then Blaze, fight back. He turns to Fang and said; "You heard my friends, Fang. With all of us together, we can always believe on our family and friend, that they'll protect us on all cost."
As he's frustrated to hear them talk about me; he began to clinch his hand and let out to power up his Shadow Claw and said; "How about I claw you guys until change your mind for cheering Gao instead."
Then, Blaze go in front of them and protect them from his Shadow Claw attack. They began refusing to let him protect them with his injured body, but he doesn’t care about himself. What matter is to care of his new friends, and that bring them astonish. So, as he about throws his claw at him; someone stand behind him.
As he turns around; he saw Slammu putting on his scary face and said to him; "And what you going to do with, Fang?"
"S-Slammu?!" he was shock to see him; "How you been, my sharky friend? I bet you came here to keep a eye on them. Well I bet they really enjoy cheering their friend, Dex on. Aren’t you guys?" He started patting on Blaze's head. But none of them believe in him, especially Slammu. As he sees them starring at him; he started running away.
When they saw him started to run away, Slammu was proud of Blaze for standing up and protect his friend. And that really take some courage to fight back. he began to smile and then, we continue watching the match together. As Blaze sees me start to struggle; he known that deep inside that I will never give for him. So, he cheers loader then before; "Dex! Don't give in! Don't let take the upper hands on this match! Deep down inside, I can know that he still has the fire inside of you! So, burn your heart for dream to becoming champion!"
At the ring, I did hear him cheering for me. So, I hold down my defense and waited for the right moment to counter strike. But, with all that heavy blow; I began to drop down and lose some of my defense, too. I wouldn't know if I could beat him again.
Then, Fang return with all the banner of Gao's face and on it, like he's some sort of number one fan of Gao's idol. As Slammu and my friend just had about enough of his foolishness action; they all began to give him an uppercut that let him fly up to the sky like shining star.
As I saw them still care for me; I also see that Gao is about to throw his final blows, and just that, when I see him powering up; I saw his armor energy began to disappear. With that I started to remember from the first round that his belt began to burn brightly and as he gave me his powerful attack; I also saw his belt began to dim down, too. So far, the puzzle began to put together and that mean I now have the upper hands on this ring.
When he begins to throw his attack, I began to dodge and counterattack with uppercut toward his gut. A perfect body blows. Gao exclaim as he clutches his stomach with his arms. My theories is correct, as he draw all his attack into one I can now preform my own attack.
And as everyone saw that I have finally landed a clean hit; they all began to cheer. But it's over just yet. While Boru check to see that Gao will able to resume toward the next round; he orders us to return to our corner and wait for the next round to start. When we return to our corner of our seat; Brawl began coming up to me and said; "That was amazing, Dex."
"Thanks Brawl, but I haven't done it without you and my friends."
"Dex..." Bolt said softly.
"That was amazing speech you got there," said Brawl; "But there not much time to celebrate and share happy thought to everyone. Cause right now, you have about one last round to defeat him."
"Right," I said; "so lay it on me, coach."
While he gave me some description of the next plan; Gao was getting tired after he launch his powerful attack. So, Boru help him recover, but Gao refuse it and him deal the pain during the next round.
Boru disagree with his choice and began to tell him; "I can't let you suffer any more pain, Gao. By the bruise from your gut, it will become an obstacle toward your fight."
"So, what," he said; "'no pain, no again,' right? After all, I don't care of how much he can give me. All matter is that I must win."
Then, Fang came out of nowhere and said; "That's right, if he can't then he'll lose."
Gao uppercut his chin and he exclaim; "Gahh, what you people giving me punches."
"Like I was saying," Gao continue; "put me back in to the ring, coach. I'll show you how I really fight."
"Gao..." Boru saw and heard him with that fight spirit inside of him. It was like he saw a hero has been raise from the ashes like phoenix. And when he saw his glove sticking out, he replied with fist bump; "Okay, go get'em tiger. Or should I'll say Incineroar."
He began to smile with plead. Then as he heard the bell ring for the third and final round; we return to the middle of the ring, and for show reason I didn't feel any hot air around him. Could this mean, that he let his armor and fight like true boxer. If so, then I too, will fight one. After we bump our glove, we began to steady our footwork for preparing ourselves for any upcoming attack.
I began throwing couple of jabs and he dodge it? For the first time I saw him dodges my jabs. I guess he did let of his armor. But that doesn’t mean that I give up so easily nor I let my guard down. So, I continue striking him with multiple punches: jabs, hooks, cross, and uppercut. With these results he took some damage of a right jab to his snout, right hook to his left cheek, and a uppercut. And with that he still standing and taking a hit. I beginning to get nervous. Then, I saw him smile, not like an evil smile, but a "Let's have a good fight" kind of smile. So, I smile back. And with that we did have good match.
Everybody began to get confuse, until Blaze began to cheer for Gao. Jab and Bolt was shock to hear from him, until Bolt understand what he's doing. And he began to cheer me. As for Jab he decided to cheer both of us on. And so on, everyone began to cheer for us. Boru couldn't believe his eyes and ears from many people cheering for them like a huge crowd.
So far on our match, we began to trade some blow until we began to get tired. And within few blows; we began to clinch together to take some breather. And then, Gao said to me; "Let's given them a good old fashion finish, Dex."
I smile; "You're on."
And so, we break up, and just like that we launch our final blow: A Two Straight Punch Deadlock. As far as our glove now been deadlock; everyone was shock to see us in a same blow. Within just thirty second, everyone began to get excited to see which one of us will drop down. And then, on ten second; Gao...has now ...falling toward his defeat. Just like that, Boru claim his knock-out and pronounce me as a new fire champion. (And also Blaze, too.)
After that exciting match, Boru told us that he sorry for his action, even Gao. We're surprise that Gao has a soft spot, then he explains that he always loves to show off to other like he some sort of big strong champion, but inside he has a good heart. But then, as Fang began to tip-toe away; Boru caught him and made apologize, too. So, he says that he was sorry for all of his action, and then we become good friend.
But somehow, I still becoming curious why would Blaze out of gym. Until Boru told us everything about his past.
It's all started when they discover a young Pokemon named, Litten, who's all alone and lost in the alleyway. He tries to help it, but Litten refuse and began to runway. During the next day, he saw Litten again, and this time he isn't alone. he with some sort of boss Pokemon, (Dark type) Persain, who's bullied it a lot by given him food and making it battle for it. And as it orders Litten to steal one of the kid's food; it refuses and told Persain that he won't let he do it. With that, it starts attacking it and beating up until it listens. And just as he about to finish him; Boru let his Charmander, Blaze, to protect Litten and defeated it boss.
As Litten sees him fight back; he was amazing that one kangaroo's Pokemon helped him. And then he passes out. While he wakens up again, he notices that he's inside some sort of gym that fill with strong and friendly Pokemon. And as it sees Boru; he told him that it like to become stronger like Blaze. So, he let it become one of his team and called him; Gao.
Throughout the days, he continues getting stronger, and gotten some help with his new buddy, Blaze, they're now becoming one of Boru's top two champion. And during the next month, Gao has now finally change from Litten to Torracat. And so far, they both now becoming equal with strength and power. they really becoming an unstoppable team. Until that day has come, Gao now gotten his final evolution of Incineraor. Boru was so amaze that he got Incineroar on his team. However, Blaze began to feel left out during his training, his break, and his relationship. Plus, during Gao's sparring; Blaze challenge him and ending up in a TKO. And that's when he decided to leave the gym and never return. Boru try to talk to him, but it too late. And that's why Blaze left out of his gym.
I was sad to hear that he left the gym for showing Boru, that he's stronger like Gao.
"I'm sorry, Boru," I said; "I didn't notice that he will actually be left you."
Then, Balze started to cry. And I said; "What's wrong, Blaze?"
"It was all my fault, if it wasn't for me; I wouldn't let get hurt, Dex. I even didn't notice that my old friends, my family is still care for me," he continue crying.
Boru goes to him and said; "It's alright, Blaze. It wasn't your fault, after all you just became jealous, that's all. Plus, you the one who really helped Gao to get stronger."
Blaze sniffed; "I am?"
"Yeah," I said; "and when we first met; I saw you getting stronger by training harder."
"I was?"
"You see, Blaze," said Gao; "everyone here still care about you, even your new friend. No matter how much you train or how many fought, you still becoming a true champ."
"Gao," he said with a star in his eyes.
\ "So, will you like to come back with us?"
Blaze was happy to hear him say that he become champion for him, but since all that adventure with me and my team; he still wanted to go with me. So, he chosen to join me for an adventure. And made Gao and Boru understand his feeling. Then after that, Boru like us to join him to sleep over to his gym. We accept that request, plus he also like to me on the adventure, too. And so far, I have four friends on my team; me, Jab, Bolt, and Boru. With us together, we'll became champion as one. Until the next adventure continue.
Category Story / Pokemon
Species Unspecified / Any
Gender Any
Size 50 x 50px
File Size 186.4 kB