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I've enter the event that held the grand prize of one million dollars, but I even notice that I've going to face an actual dinosaur boxer and wrestler. Our fight gotten a bit too intense and even for me that couldn't be able to fight him, until I realize what I'm really fighting for. And that is to see my friend again.
After a rough training with my alligator friend, Fang, I can still feel my stomach a bit sore from all those abs training. And during that training he also told me that fighter can give many opponents a serious body blow. At my training his drop some medicine ball at my stomach and soon he does some physical gut punching session to help me to brace some punches the be landing on my gut. Plus, he gave some tip on how to build up some strong abs, too. And after those training; my abs became harden and I'm ready to face him in the event, but I still sore from that training of course.
So, on the next day of the main event; me, Fang, Rumpa, and Joey, are now heading to the dome like rock that holds up to thousands of audiences, and a hundred of fighter who's wanted to face him. Then, as I saw a score board; I notice that he been fought a hundred of boxer there.
"No way," I said; "I couldn't believe that he gotten to his one hundredth opponents."
"Yeah," said Rumpa; "do you really think he's that strong, Fang?"
Fang nodded; "Yes, when you get into the ring, you never going back. Because that fighter is strong, strong like super fighter."
"You mean, he's like a superhero," said Joey.
"Yeah, something like that, JoJo."
"Okay," I said; "let's do it. I'll win for sure, and I'll do it for my friend, too."
So, we went inside and saw many other boxers all wrap up in bandage and some them gotten knock out by a strong blow. Then, Fang asked me; "You're scare?"
"No way," I said; "I won't running way from a fight."
Fang smile; "That's the spirit, Dex."
And as we're at the sign-up desk; a raptor named Luka, is standing by with some card in his hand and began to do some card tricks. And when I gone up to him, he said to me;
"Welcome, new challenger to the 'Rumble at the Jurassic' event. Are you here to win the grand prize to face the Gut-punching-saurus, or come to see the fight?"
"I'm here to face the fighter," said proudly; "and my friends here like to see me fight, too."
"Okay then, I'll let him know that we're having a new challenger today, and as for your friends; they each have a ticket to the fight for free."
"Really?" asked Rumpa.
"That's so cool," said Joey.
And so, they gotten their ticket and he led me to the locker room let me change into boxing uniform. After he led me, he began heading to his champion's room and told him that I'm here to face in a match. And with that notice, he began to smile and said;
"Fresh meat, huh? Good, I like to see this fighter in the ring. Even do, I still starving for more opponent, of course."
During a few minutes of preparation; I began to head over to the ring and waited for my opponent to come. And when I saw Luka comes in with a microphone, he began to say in a booming voice; "Welcome, my dinosaurs’ fans to the new event of 'Rumble in the Jurassic'!"
"Dino fan?" I began to question myself; "Why did he say dinosaurs’ fan, even he look like dinosaur, does this mean that opponent is dinosaur, too?"
"In this corner we have a new challenger, he from the outback coming back like a boomerang and began to face our champion, here he is; Dex Kangaroo!"
I began to wave toward the crowd, but some of them began to throw boos at me, like I'm some sort of bad guy here. And when my friends began to cheer for me, everyone began looking them with a cold stare; making friend feel nervous around them.
"Man, tough crowd," I said; "I wonder what kind of champion he is."
So, Luka continue his announcement; "And on this corner, he's one big red fighting machine, king of the dinosaurs, and also an unbeatable champion, here he's come our great champion, Gut-Punching-saurus, Tristan!"
And as the crowd heard his name; they began to cheer more loudly then the previous match they saw. And as he heard his fan calling him; he began charging through the cave and began jumping out of it with the lava shooting out of the ground and landed on the ring's mat. After that, he began to roar as he shown his appearance.
I couldn't believe my eye, as I saw a red tyrannosaurus with black boxing almost the same pattern as Daniel, and blue trunk. Plus, a strong body; my whole body began to change into pale color with my ears gone down. And saw Fang to the crowd, to help me explain to me; why am I fighting against a real-life dinosaur? But he began to shrug like he didn't know anything like this going to happen.
Then, I began to say under my breath; "I'm so dead."
And so, the fight has almost begun, he begins us close to each other and began to discuss rule to me; "This rule is quite simple, you have about thirty minutes to survive on the first round. If the opponent lost the fight, he loses his prize. And if he won, he will win a million of dollar."
A million of dollar? I thought; isn't that a bit too much. But still, if I win this fight, I could have enough money to gone to Japan to my friend Roger there. Right I can do this. And as I saw his face up close; I began to say it repeatedly in my head; "I can't do this. I can't do this. I can't do this. I can't do this."
Then, Luka said; "Okay you guys let shake on it." And like that, we bump our gloves together and I can feel how heavy it is on his glove, or better yet his fist. But I must concentrate on my fight. My friend is counting on me and even putting some faith in myself, too. Hope I can do it.
After we finish some small meeting about the rule, I could see that Tristan is really has some energy on him that could finish his opponent by ten or twenty second, only depends on how his opponents were, but I could tell that he has an heavy attack. Meaning that he is a slugger, a heavy hitter. So, all I must do is dodge all his heavy attack and find an opening to counter strike.
Now the match has begun, we began to circle to each other and stare to each other for any moment of any upcoming attack. I know that must wait for him to strike first, but I have no other choice, but to have the first go. So, I gave him a straight punch to his left cheek, but as I landed a direct hit it doesn’t deal any damage. I was surprise that he can take the hit, like he be able to absorb it. But I must stay focus and I continue punching punch him from ever part of his body, and yet he still doesn’t deal any damage at all.
And now it's his turn to strike, as he sees me gotten tired from all those attack that I've thrown at him; he began to smirk and gave a powerful hook across my face. Then, he gave me a hard blow toward my gut. Plus, he throws an uppercut to finish me off.
Everyone cheering for him as he gave me some sort of punishment for fun, like a bully picking a weak nerd on the hallway. Then, as for my friends; Rumpa try clam Joey by telling him that I got this and be able to win the match. And then, Fang say to them; "Do you guys saw it?"
They began to wonder what's Fang talking about; "What do you mean, Fang?" asked Rumpa.
"When we watch the match, I just saw something on Tristan as Dex tries to deliver him some damage. It was like some sort of armor on him."
"Yeah, and also as he gave him an attack; I also saw another one coming out and this one is different, it began to charge at him like some kind of animal."
Then Joey notice something, too. And said to them; "I think I known what you're talking about, Fang."
"You do?" they said.
"Yeah, when you say that he has some sort of armor, it must a been an ankylosaurus. And for the attack it must be another one, and that is a triceratops."
"Ankylosaurus? Triceratops? What do you talking about such make believe, Joey?" said Fang.
"It's not made believe, it's was facts," he said angerly.
As Rumpa heard his facts; he began thinking of all the information they have gather, and then as he saw me getting some damage from Tristan; he realizes something and quickly said to Fang; "Fang! Tell me, what kind of species is Tristan?"
"Uh, don't know," he said; "his raptor friend say Gut-Punching-saurus that's all."
"And what kind of animal has -saurus on them?"
Fang now realize; "Tyrannosaurus Rex!"
"That's right, also known as a king of all of dinosaur kind."
"So, that would mean he has all the ability of every dinosaurs?" asked Joey.
"Yeah," said Fang; "but don't you worry, I go down there and help your father through this match. I promise you that, Joey."
"Okay," he said with a smile.
So, Fang began to go down there to support me with some facts of his skill. And during the match, I began to lose my stance and almost going to fall. Then Tristan continue his attack by some sort of dinosaurs’ spirit inside of him, like when I saw an ankylosaurus began to throw his club and swing side to side from both side of my cheek. And I also saw two more as he began throw a straight punch to my face, one is a triceratops and the another is a pachycephalosaurs. And then after that, he gave me a final blow to my stomach.
"Oomph! Ack!" I exclaim and began to spit out my mouthguard to the floor. I began to lay on the floor along clutching arm together to support my damaged stomach.
And when Luka see me on the floor, he began counting. But fang just there in time before anything else has happen. So, he began to call out to me and began to shout; "Dex! Dex! Dex, you need to get up! Remember what your friend says to you from before...!"
Then began to remember something, I remember back in the days one of friend cheering for me, saying "fight for your dear" and my best friend said to me once; "We kangaroo were born to never give up."
"That's right," I began to think to myself; "everyone there for me to see me win on my very first boxing match. And that's not all, also my friend Roger, has come all the way to see me, too. That's right, I am here for that reason, and that reason is to see my friend again."
So, I began to struggle by getting myself back up again and just as I am standing on top; I began to roar like a beast that just awaking inside of me. And as everyone heard it; they were surprise and noticed that I am now began to get serious on this fight. Even Tristan saw me roar, too. Making him smile more than before. And as I am calling out to Fang; he goes to me and help me recover from the fight. Plus, he also told me that he can channel many dinosaurs power that he can hold. It made me clutch my gloves, and just as I saw the time at fifteen-minute left, I can still be able to fight back and win to the top.
After my recover, Tristan told me as I go up; "I heard that you've awaking your beast inside of you. I should be proud of you, but since we're in the middle of the match, I think I should beat you down."
"Not if I beat you down first, T-Rex," I said.
"Oh, a fighting word. Nice one, but let's see you could be able dodge to mine dyno might."
And so, we began to resume our match, but this time I am getting serious on this match. Ten-minute remaining and still going, Tristan still using his power and that when I saw it. So, I dodge it and began to counter him on the soft spot on his body. He was surprise to see me when I got a direct hit.
While Rumpa and Joey saw me; they began to wonder how I got the right moment of those strike. Then, Rumpa remember something; as Tristan have a muscular body; he given all of strength into one part of the body to the next, to make it a powerful strong attack. That's why everyone gotten into an TKO on every match, but not this time.
So, as Tristan saw that attack; he continues with all his king of dinosaurs’ attacks and try to beat into another minute of the match. But, thanks to Fang, I can now dodge and counter, even giving him all attack to make it into an even match.
Tristan given me hook, jab, jab, hook, and an uppercut, but I dodge them and given him a straight punch to him stomach to perform a perfect body blow.
"Oomph," he exclaims.
After that, I also gave an uppercut, so he can't be able to recover his strength nor he able to counterattack. Then as I see him at the rope; I told myself, "this my chance to attack."
And so, I did. I gave him a rapid right jab to his face, a double-sided hook, multiple body blow, and finally a good old fashion left cross. And as he on the ropes; face on been planted by gloves as I gave a jab, making head going back. Also, his head gone side to side as cheek rolled and spit start flying out of mouth. Then, he taken a lot of blow from his stomach that almost making him lift off the floor. And finally, as he saw me; I grab hold of him and given a good old left across, his mouthguard been spited out by a glove landed on his cheek and making the spring around by falling to his defeat.
After his great fall, Luka gone to him and began counting down to announce that he's knock-out. As he finishes counting; he calls out that he's defeated and proclaim me as the winner. And everybody was cheering for me. I was happy that was over, even I glad that my friend, Fang, help me through the match before I am getting myself in serious trouble.
So, Luka grab his microphone and said; "All right ladies and gentlemen, we have ourselves a new champion of the event. Dex Kangaroo has won the million dollars prize. But, however..."
And as just when I claim my prize; there something strange is going on here. Like when Luka raise his hand; he snaps his figure and the huge cage began to drop down.
"...we still have one more offer for you take Dex."
"What's going on here?" I asked; "I thought you that when I win; I claim the prize."
"That's true, but you forgot when to read the fine print in between the line, my friend."
"Maybe that head of you got some knocking damage from those powerful blows. Let me explain, you see when you defeat my champ; he requires to move on to the next event and that event is wrestling. Also, you not the only one who's get this far. Few has gotten toward the next event, but they couldn't win. So, how about you? Would be able to defeat him?"
My mind has been fooled by that kind of trick. It's like the history has been repeat from the day when fought against Wild Hog and going to fight Bulldozer. Then, Fang shouted out to me; "Dex! Don't listen to him! You can't be able to defeat him, he's too strong! Also, he has the advantage to this event, because he's a wrestler! A pro-wrestler!"
A wrestler? I thought; If he is champion wrestler, then I have no other choice but to accept his request and face him on his own game.
So, I turn over to Fang and said; "Thank Fang, but I got this under control."
I handed over him my gloves and as he watched me; he now remembers that he been training him before on wrestling. And when he saw him fought against Daniel, he known that he could be able to beat that T-Rex.
So, as I saw Tristan took off his glove; he put on his wrestling pose and I put on mine. And just as Luka ring the bell; we began charging to each other and began to struggle for forcing each other to knock over. But then, we break up and resume our fight. We clash head on, every blow we've thrown gotten missed and landed hard on our body. And just then, I thrown Tristan to the cage's wall, and he began to charge attack me by using his whole right arm to knock me down. Along with some elbow drop on my stomach.
I began in pain on the same place as he punches me, so clutch my body close just as he began to climb up to the cage. And when I saw on the cage, the whole thing began to lift and as it reaches to the to; he began to jump off and let his whole body falling to his target, me.
I was afraid of this; I began to close my eye to not seeing this. But then, I remember something; I remember one of the episodes of the show I've watch, I saw the deer using his two legs to push back his opponent. So, I figure, if I use one of my leg, I could be able to launch him, too. Before he almost there, I began to form a plan and waited for the right moment.
And the moment I saw him getting closer; I pulled back legs and then I let go toward his stomach and launch him across the ring.
"Gahh," he said as my two-foot hit on his stomach. And he's now back on the ropes.
So, as I saw him on the ropes again; I began to plan my other phase of attack. I rush other to him and began to beat down. After that, I carry him with all my strength and see the cage is all most to the ground. I used my strong legs to hop over to it and continue to climb it toward the top.
And as everyone watching me at the top of the cage; they began to wonder what I am going to do. And with that, I grab over to him, jump up to roof, and began spinning around to perform a spiral falcon dive. Everyone amazes, even Luka. And as we are spinning around like a drilling bullet; the ring began to shake and also began to form a whirlpool or an black hole, that swallow the whole ring.
As everyone watch as the cloud began to clear up; they saw me on top of him and not just only that, they also saw the whole ring being struck by some sort of meteor that fall from the sky. So, Luka rushes over to us and check on Tristan. And just as he about to see him; he saw that he been knock out by a powerful blow.
He looks at me, took my arm, and announce me as the winner of this fight. Everyone roaring on my victory, I was glad that was over. And then, as Tristan try to get up; I help him up and he gave a strong handshake to tell me; "Congratulation, Dex. That was an amazing fight."
"Uh, thanks," I groan; "But, I think you were great, too. I never fought against a dinosaur before, until now that is. Thank you."
Tristan was surprise to hear me say that to him, he smiles; "You very welcome."
And after that, Luka began to give me a million dollar like he promises, but I take half of it and gave the other half to them. They're surprise to see that I gave them half of it. And when they told that they have nine hundred million back on his hometown. It brings us to shock and even me, I remember that I've been spending on some stuff I need for my gym and didn't known I that have to continue saving it. But that in the past.
So, I take half of the money for my trip and as the day still young; I might be able to pack up some stuff. Now that I have the all the money I needed, I can be able to see my friend, hope he'll be happy to see me. Also, on the next day I'll be able to train a little.
After a rough training with my alligator friend, Fang, I can still feel my stomach a bit sore from all those abs training. And during that training he also told me that fighter can give many opponents a serious body blow. At my training his drop some medicine ball at my stomach and soon he does some physical gut punching session to help me to brace some punches the be landing on my gut. Plus, he gave some tip on how to build up some strong abs, too. And after those training; my abs became harden and I'm ready to face him in the event, but I still sore from that training of course.
So, on the next day of the main event; me, Fang, Rumpa, and Joey, are now heading to the dome like rock that holds up to thousands of audiences, and a hundred of fighter who's wanted to face him. Then, as I saw a score board; I notice that he been fought a hundred of boxer there.
"No way," I said; "I couldn't believe that he gotten to his one hundredth opponents."
"Yeah," said Rumpa; "do you really think he's that strong, Fang?"
Fang nodded; "Yes, when you get into the ring, you never going back. Because that fighter is strong, strong like super fighter."
"You mean, he's like a superhero," said Joey.
"Yeah, something like that, JoJo."
"Okay," I said; "let's do it. I'll win for sure, and I'll do it for my friend, too."
So, we went inside and saw many other boxers all wrap up in bandage and some them gotten knock out by a strong blow. Then, Fang asked me; "You're scare?"
"No way," I said; "I won't running way from a fight."
Fang smile; "That's the spirit, Dex."
And as we're at the sign-up desk; a raptor named Luka, is standing by with some card in his hand and began to do some card tricks. And when I gone up to him, he said to me;
"Welcome, new challenger to the 'Rumble at the Jurassic' event. Are you here to win the grand prize to face the Gut-punching-saurus, or come to see the fight?"
"I'm here to face the fighter," said proudly; "and my friends here like to see me fight, too."
"Okay then, I'll let him know that we're having a new challenger today, and as for your friends; they each have a ticket to the fight for free."
"Really?" asked Rumpa.
"That's so cool," said Joey.
And so, they gotten their ticket and he led me to the locker room let me change into boxing uniform. After he led me, he began heading to his champion's room and told him that I'm here to face in a match. And with that notice, he began to smile and said;
"Fresh meat, huh? Good, I like to see this fighter in the ring. Even do, I still starving for more opponent, of course."
During a few minutes of preparation; I began to head over to the ring and waited for my opponent to come. And when I saw Luka comes in with a microphone, he began to say in a booming voice; "Welcome, my dinosaurs’ fans to the new event of 'Rumble in the Jurassic'!"
"Dino fan?" I began to question myself; "Why did he say dinosaurs’ fan, even he look like dinosaur, does this mean that opponent is dinosaur, too?"
"In this corner we have a new challenger, he from the outback coming back like a boomerang and began to face our champion, here he is; Dex Kangaroo!"
I began to wave toward the crowd, but some of them began to throw boos at me, like I'm some sort of bad guy here. And when my friends began to cheer for me, everyone began looking them with a cold stare; making friend feel nervous around them.
"Man, tough crowd," I said; "I wonder what kind of champion he is."
So, Luka continue his announcement; "And on this corner, he's one big red fighting machine, king of the dinosaurs, and also an unbeatable champion, here he's come our great champion, Gut-Punching-saurus, Tristan!"
And as the crowd heard his name; they began to cheer more loudly then the previous match they saw. And as he heard his fan calling him; he began charging through the cave and began jumping out of it with the lava shooting out of the ground and landed on the ring's mat. After that, he began to roar as he shown his appearance.
I couldn't believe my eye, as I saw a red tyrannosaurus with black boxing almost the same pattern as Daniel, and blue trunk. Plus, a strong body; my whole body began to change into pale color with my ears gone down. And saw Fang to the crowd, to help me explain to me; why am I fighting against a real-life dinosaur? But he began to shrug like he didn't know anything like this going to happen.
Then, I began to say under my breath; "I'm so dead."
And so, the fight has almost begun, he begins us close to each other and began to discuss rule to me; "This rule is quite simple, you have about thirty minutes to survive on the first round. If the opponent lost the fight, he loses his prize. And if he won, he will win a million of dollar."
A million of dollar? I thought; isn't that a bit too much. But still, if I win this fight, I could have enough money to gone to Japan to my friend Roger there. Right I can do this. And as I saw his face up close; I began to say it repeatedly in my head; "I can't do this. I can't do this. I can't do this. I can't do this."
Then, Luka said; "Okay you guys let shake on it." And like that, we bump our gloves together and I can feel how heavy it is on his glove, or better yet his fist. But I must concentrate on my fight. My friend is counting on me and even putting some faith in myself, too. Hope I can do it.
After we finish some small meeting about the rule, I could see that Tristan is really has some energy on him that could finish his opponent by ten or twenty second, only depends on how his opponents were, but I could tell that he has an heavy attack. Meaning that he is a slugger, a heavy hitter. So, all I must do is dodge all his heavy attack and find an opening to counter strike.
Now the match has begun, we began to circle to each other and stare to each other for any moment of any upcoming attack. I know that must wait for him to strike first, but I have no other choice, but to have the first go. So, I gave him a straight punch to his left cheek, but as I landed a direct hit it doesn’t deal any damage. I was surprise that he can take the hit, like he be able to absorb it. But I must stay focus and I continue punching punch him from ever part of his body, and yet he still doesn’t deal any damage at all.
And now it's his turn to strike, as he sees me gotten tired from all those attack that I've thrown at him; he began to smirk and gave a powerful hook across my face. Then, he gave me a hard blow toward my gut. Plus, he throws an uppercut to finish me off.
Everyone cheering for him as he gave me some sort of punishment for fun, like a bully picking a weak nerd on the hallway. Then, as for my friends; Rumpa try clam Joey by telling him that I got this and be able to win the match. And then, Fang say to them; "Do you guys saw it?"
They began to wonder what's Fang talking about; "What do you mean, Fang?" asked Rumpa.
"When we watch the match, I just saw something on Tristan as Dex tries to deliver him some damage. It was like some sort of armor on him."
"Yeah, and also as he gave him an attack; I also saw another one coming out and this one is different, it began to charge at him like some kind of animal."
Then Joey notice something, too. And said to them; "I think I known what you're talking about, Fang."
"You do?" they said.
"Yeah, when you say that he has some sort of armor, it must a been an ankylosaurus. And for the attack it must be another one, and that is a triceratops."
"Ankylosaurus? Triceratops? What do you talking about such make believe, Joey?" said Fang.
"It's not made believe, it's was facts," he said angerly.
As Rumpa heard his facts; he began thinking of all the information they have gather, and then as he saw me getting some damage from Tristan; he realizes something and quickly said to Fang; "Fang! Tell me, what kind of species is Tristan?"
"Uh, don't know," he said; "his raptor friend say Gut-Punching-saurus that's all."
"And what kind of animal has -saurus on them?"
Fang now realize; "Tyrannosaurus Rex!"
"That's right, also known as a king of all of dinosaur kind."
"So, that would mean he has all the ability of every dinosaurs?" asked Joey.
"Yeah," said Fang; "but don't you worry, I go down there and help your father through this match. I promise you that, Joey."
"Okay," he said with a smile.
So, Fang began to go down there to support me with some facts of his skill. And during the match, I began to lose my stance and almost going to fall. Then Tristan continue his attack by some sort of dinosaurs’ spirit inside of him, like when I saw an ankylosaurus began to throw his club and swing side to side from both side of my cheek. And I also saw two more as he began throw a straight punch to my face, one is a triceratops and the another is a pachycephalosaurs. And then after that, he gave me a final blow to my stomach.
"Oomph! Ack!" I exclaim and began to spit out my mouthguard to the floor. I began to lay on the floor along clutching arm together to support my damaged stomach.
And when Luka see me on the floor, he began counting. But fang just there in time before anything else has happen. So, he began to call out to me and began to shout; "Dex! Dex! Dex, you need to get up! Remember what your friend says to you from before...!"
Then began to remember something, I remember back in the days one of friend cheering for me, saying "fight for your dear" and my best friend said to me once; "We kangaroo were born to never give up."
"That's right," I began to think to myself; "everyone there for me to see me win on my very first boxing match. And that's not all, also my friend Roger, has come all the way to see me, too. That's right, I am here for that reason, and that reason is to see my friend again."
So, I began to struggle by getting myself back up again and just as I am standing on top; I began to roar like a beast that just awaking inside of me. And as everyone heard it; they were surprise and noticed that I am now began to get serious on this fight. Even Tristan saw me roar, too. Making him smile more than before. And as I am calling out to Fang; he goes to me and help me recover from the fight. Plus, he also told me that he can channel many dinosaurs power that he can hold. It made me clutch my gloves, and just as I saw the time at fifteen-minute left, I can still be able to fight back and win to the top.
After my recover, Tristan told me as I go up; "I heard that you've awaking your beast inside of you. I should be proud of you, but since we're in the middle of the match, I think I should beat you down."
"Not if I beat you down first, T-Rex," I said.
"Oh, a fighting word. Nice one, but let's see you could be able dodge to mine dyno might."
And so, we began to resume our match, but this time I am getting serious on this match. Ten-minute remaining and still going, Tristan still using his power and that when I saw it. So, I dodge it and began to counter him on the soft spot on his body. He was surprise to see me when I got a direct hit.
While Rumpa and Joey saw me; they began to wonder how I got the right moment of those strike. Then, Rumpa remember something; as Tristan have a muscular body; he given all of strength into one part of the body to the next, to make it a powerful strong attack. That's why everyone gotten into an TKO on every match, but not this time.
So, as Tristan saw that attack; he continues with all his king of dinosaurs’ attacks and try to beat into another minute of the match. But, thanks to Fang, I can now dodge and counter, even giving him all attack to make it into an even match.
Tristan given me hook, jab, jab, hook, and an uppercut, but I dodge them and given him a straight punch to him stomach to perform a perfect body blow.
"Oomph," he exclaims.
After that, I also gave an uppercut, so he can't be able to recover his strength nor he able to counterattack. Then as I see him at the rope; I told myself, "this my chance to attack."
And so, I did. I gave him a rapid right jab to his face, a double-sided hook, multiple body blow, and finally a good old fashion left cross. And as he on the ropes; face on been planted by gloves as I gave a jab, making head going back. Also, his head gone side to side as cheek rolled and spit start flying out of mouth. Then, he taken a lot of blow from his stomach that almost making him lift off the floor. And finally, as he saw me; I grab hold of him and given a good old left across, his mouthguard been spited out by a glove landed on his cheek and making the spring around by falling to his defeat.
After his great fall, Luka gone to him and began counting down to announce that he's knock-out. As he finishes counting; he calls out that he's defeated and proclaim me as the winner. And everybody was cheering for me. I was happy that was over, even I glad that my friend, Fang, help me through the match before I am getting myself in serious trouble.
So, Luka grab his microphone and said; "All right ladies and gentlemen, we have ourselves a new champion of the event. Dex Kangaroo has won the million dollars prize. But, however..."
And as just when I claim my prize; there something strange is going on here. Like when Luka raise his hand; he snaps his figure and the huge cage began to drop down.
"...we still have one more offer for you take Dex."
"What's going on here?" I asked; "I thought you that when I win; I claim the prize."
"That's true, but you forgot when to read the fine print in between the line, my friend."
"Maybe that head of you got some knocking damage from those powerful blows. Let me explain, you see when you defeat my champ; he requires to move on to the next event and that event is wrestling. Also, you not the only one who's get this far. Few has gotten toward the next event, but they couldn't win. So, how about you? Would be able to defeat him?"
My mind has been fooled by that kind of trick. It's like the history has been repeat from the day when fought against Wild Hog and going to fight Bulldozer. Then, Fang shouted out to me; "Dex! Don't listen to him! You can't be able to defeat him, he's too strong! Also, he has the advantage to this event, because he's a wrestler! A pro-wrestler!"
A wrestler? I thought; If he is champion wrestler, then I have no other choice but to accept his request and face him on his own game.
So, I turn over to Fang and said; "Thank Fang, but I got this under control."
I handed over him my gloves and as he watched me; he now remembers that he been training him before on wrestling. And when he saw him fought against Daniel, he known that he could be able to beat that T-Rex.
So, as I saw Tristan took off his glove; he put on his wrestling pose and I put on mine. And just as Luka ring the bell; we began charging to each other and began to struggle for forcing each other to knock over. But then, we break up and resume our fight. We clash head on, every blow we've thrown gotten missed and landed hard on our body. And just then, I thrown Tristan to the cage's wall, and he began to charge attack me by using his whole right arm to knock me down. Along with some elbow drop on my stomach.
I began in pain on the same place as he punches me, so clutch my body close just as he began to climb up to the cage. And when I saw on the cage, the whole thing began to lift and as it reaches to the to; he began to jump off and let his whole body falling to his target, me.
I was afraid of this; I began to close my eye to not seeing this. But then, I remember something; I remember one of the episodes of the show I've watch, I saw the deer using his two legs to push back his opponent. So, I figure, if I use one of my leg, I could be able to launch him, too. Before he almost there, I began to form a plan and waited for the right moment.
And the moment I saw him getting closer; I pulled back legs and then I let go toward his stomach and launch him across the ring.
"Gahh," he said as my two-foot hit on his stomach. And he's now back on the ropes.
So, as I saw him on the ropes again; I began to plan my other phase of attack. I rush other to him and began to beat down. After that, I carry him with all my strength and see the cage is all most to the ground. I used my strong legs to hop over to it and continue to climb it toward the top.
And as everyone watching me at the top of the cage; they began to wonder what I am going to do. And with that, I grab over to him, jump up to roof, and began spinning around to perform a spiral falcon dive. Everyone amazes, even Luka. And as we are spinning around like a drilling bullet; the ring began to shake and also began to form a whirlpool or an black hole, that swallow the whole ring.
As everyone watch as the cloud began to clear up; they saw me on top of him and not just only that, they also saw the whole ring being struck by some sort of meteor that fall from the sky. So, Luka rushes over to us and check on Tristan. And just as he about to see him; he saw that he been knock out by a powerful blow.
He looks at me, took my arm, and announce me as the winner of this fight. Everyone roaring on my victory, I was glad that was over. And then, as Tristan try to get up; I help him up and he gave a strong handshake to tell me; "Congratulation, Dex. That was an amazing fight."
"Uh, thanks," I groan; "But, I think you were great, too. I never fought against a dinosaur before, until now that is. Thank you."
Tristan was surprise to hear me say that to him, he smiles; "You very welcome."
And after that, Luka began to give me a million dollar like he promises, but I take half of it and gave the other half to them. They're surprise to see that I gave them half of it. And when they told that they have nine hundred million back on his hometown. It brings us to shock and even me, I remember that I've been spending on some stuff I need for my gym and didn't known I that have to continue saving it. But that in the past.
So, I take half of the money for my trip and as the day still young; I might be able to pack up some stuff. Now that I have the all the money I needed, I can be able to see my friend, hope he'll be happy to see me. Also, on the next day I'll be able to train a little.
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Size 50 x 50px
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