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Yeah, one of the brothers hasn't been seen or mentioned
Edit: did some searching, and it's the middle brother: https://www.furaffinity.net/view/33776167/
Edit: did some searching, and it's the middle brother: https://www.furaffinity.net/view/33776167/
Mhm, pretty sure Alex being a touchy subject has something to do with the subject matter of this dream she had the first night she stayed with Amanda and Lure: https://www.furaffinity.net/view/18248033/
Ugh I hate those conversations, after my youngest sister got married that’s all I from my parents. Little do the realize #metoo kinda destroyed the dating scene in the US. I have always treated every woman I dated with respect to begin with, but demanding respect on linear terms kind of messed everything up. But that’s what happens when society moves toward blanket statements instead of focusing on the individual circumstances. Just saying there are ALWAYS a few bad apples in every barrel but that doesn’t represent the whole batch.
I feel like I'm going to start calling this the "Gem Special."
Where you have a comic surrounded around certain cutsie bab stuff, but then you have serious drama, that, despite everyone being here for the cutsie bab stuff, is the most interesting and maybe best part of the comic.
And it's like, I KNOW you like the cutsie bab stuff too, I meant I've MET yet : p. I guess you're just too good of a writer to keep it base : 3
Where you have a comic surrounded around certain cutsie bab stuff, but then you have serious drama, that, despite everyone being here for the cutsie bab stuff, is the most interesting and maybe best part of the comic.
And it's like, I KNOW you like the cutsie bab stuff too, I meant I've MET yet : p. I guess you're just too good of a writer to keep it base : 3
The main point of it was your surroundings, none bab bits of your story often can be BETTER than the bab bits, even though we all enjoy it and that's what people show up more. And it's been true in two of your comics so far : p.
Mostly just you don't have to lean on tropes, it's not just good cause "Thing I like!" and if you ever tackled different subject matter, you are good at just generally telling a story.
I mean not that I would ever want you stopping whacha working on, that whole party scene was just fascinating to me as a cub hub room party and a panel is the closet thing I've gotten to something like that. But I still think it deserves kudo's : 3
Mostly just you don't have to lean on tropes, it's not just good cause "Thing I like!" and if you ever tackled different subject matter, you are good at just generally telling a story.
I mean not that I would ever want you stopping whacha working on, that whole party scene was just fascinating to me as a cub hub room party and a panel is the closet thing I've gotten to something like that. But I still think it deserves kudo's : 3
Not gonna lie. The whole ABDL thing isn't my stuff, but you captured by interest with well written characters and good character drama. There are aspects of the characters emotional landscape and experience that I understand all too well. It makes one feel less alone when one knows that another understands it on some level. It also helps that your story does not ignore pain. When many people write stories about things such as this they often just want to write about the "fun" parts of life and ignore pain altogether. I get it on some level, but even sweet stories sometimes need to address very human agony or else it becomes too saccharine to be relatable. Call me a raging cynic in that regard and in many ways I am, but I find stories where people persevere and triumph in spite of pain more meaningful than those where nothing bad ever happens. It feels more honest in to me in that sense. I had to go through some serious hell before I could truly understand or appreciate some of the good things in my life and to understand that just because I started some things late and there have been upsets does not mean it's all over. The road to happiness is not always an easy one to traverse. It can be jagged, lined with all manner of hazards and detours along the way, but I don't see that as an excuse to stop moving. To some that may seem a fatalistic, hopeless philosophy, but to me it's hopeful. It's motivating.
Also the build up to whatever is about to get revealed about family life here is killing me. I'm hanging off every panel, wanting to know what happened even if it's absolutely heartbreaking stuff. Also the dad seems to be quite an ass. I'm betting he didn't like having a son who was "softer" than he would have liked and pushed him to join the army and then...Well I think the rest is obvious. Of course that's just speculation.
Also the build up to whatever is about to get revealed about family life here is killing me. I'm hanging off every panel, wanting to know what happened even if it's absolutely heartbreaking stuff. Also the dad seems to be quite an ass. I'm betting he didn't like having a son who was "softer" than he would have liked and pushed him to join the army and then...Well I think the rest is obvious. Of course that's just speculation.
I agree with you completely. I can't relate to characters who only have one dimension I also can't relate to perfect characters or characters where...they always win. It's not realistic (which seems a dumb point to argue considering we are talking anthropomorphic animals here)
But without that struggle and perseverance then the whole thing seems a little pointless we need to see character growth to feel invested
But without that struggle and perseverance then the whole thing seems a little pointless we need to see character growth to feel invested
I think she's really good at that. Even at the party a felt a little tense and uncertain, like I would be at a real party or event I'm not familiar with. Especially with how strict and somewhat unfair Manda was being.
I'm still not entirely okay with her incompetent discipline but it did really add that tension that prevented it from becoming too saccharine.
I'm still not entirely okay with her incompetent discipline but it did really add that tension that prevented it from becoming too saccharine.
That's why my grandma is the only family member I often have contact with ^-^
I barely write with my mother on Facebook and saw her the last time about 3 years ago when I was 19... but I visit my father once a year for christmas dinner because he asks me to so I guess that's something at least x3
Family sucks most of the time so I can understand Star...
But I love how the story evloves :)
Keep up the great work <3
I barely write with my mother on Facebook and saw her the last time about 3 years ago when I was 19... but I visit my father once a year for christmas dinner because he asks me to so I guess that's something at least x3
Family sucks most of the time so I can understand Star...
But I love how the story evloves :)
Keep up the great work <3
Stars Dad kinda strikes me as a person who sits on a extremly high horse , demands total respect and authority, has insanly high expecations towards the people around him and is completly fine to push people off the cliff if they dont meet said expectations. Or more commonly refered as an arse.
Would also explain a few things about Star to be honest.
Would also explain a few things about Star to be honest.
I'm wondering what that could be. From here I don't see where sex could come in since you usually don't make drastic cuts and jumps in time. Also her family doesn't seem abusive. Sure her father is a little self-centered and insensitive but nothing about him really seems abusive or overly domineering. It even runs in the family as Star is relatively self-centered herself. She had to be corrected on that several times.
I think you did a great job at that. Making her father distinct from her yet make the connection quite clear.
Though his design does seem a little basic. Star herself stands out due to her hair and green shirt so I think you could maybe give her father and brother also something that sets them apart from a standard Lynx. They are after all Star's family and so they shouldn't look like background characters.
I think you did a great job at that. Making her father distinct from her yet make the connection quite clear.
Though his design does seem a little basic. Star herself stands out due to her hair and green shirt so I think you could maybe give her father and brother also something that sets them apart from a standard Lynx. They are after all Star's family and so they shouldn't look like background characters.
Parents will never take their children seriously as adults. It just doesn't happen.
Radio host Dave Ramsey once said: "Once your parents change your diapers, that's it; they will never need or want to hear anything you have to say about politics, religion, money, philosophy or life in general. For the rest of your life, you'll always be the dumb, naïve "kid" to them."
He went on to say: "Friends are gifts from God. They're His way of apologizing for your relatives!"
(OK, I may not have gotten his words exactly right, but this is the jist of it.)
Radio host Dave Ramsey once said: "Once your parents change your diapers, that's it; they will never need or want to hear anything you have to say about politics, religion, money, philosophy or life in general. For the rest of your life, you'll always be the dumb, naïve "kid" to them."
He went on to say: "Friends are gifts from God. They're His way of apologizing for your relatives!"
(OK, I may not have gotten his words exactly right, but this is the jist of it.)
my dad never changed mine so he should treat me like an adult. its weird I did so much stuff for him, like jumped through allll the hoops he wanted me to, and he has only ever said he was proud of me to my face..once. And that was on my wedding day. Like forget about all the intelligent stuff i did, forget about all the things ive accomplished. getting myself a man. Yeah thats something to be proud about??? WTF dad?....Well...I suppose at least he finally said it, even if it was anticlimatic
Too many comments have been made that relate to this page very well and all I can say is that I can agree with a very good chunk of them, but all in all this is a good page.
(just giving my personal critique because I fear what I say in terms of personal experience might have already been said.
Thus might not feel original.)
(just giving my personal critique because I fear what I say in terms of personal experience might have already been said.
Thus might not feel original.)
Truthfully as the creator of the comic, I'm still on the fence as to whether Peter deliberately said it knowing it would get a reaction to piss her off, or whether its something he really means. Its one of those fluid moments in the comic that I'll decide a little later when it becomes relevant.
Definitely can't blame Star for being upset here. It took forever for my family to stop asking me about kids and I hated it all the time. (Especially family that, knowing that I'm not having kids, teased me with the idea of having twins. Why would that help!?)
And definitely about the father ignoring one of the kids. Definitely curious about that.
Poor situation the mom is in. Seems she tries to smooth things out and keep the family together, but likely isn't enough to shut the dad down like he needs.
And definitely about the father ignoring one of the kids. Definitely curious about that.
Poor situation the mom is in. Seems she tries to smooth things out and keep the family together, but likely isn't enough to shut the dad down like he needs.
Families can be a mixed thing all right: a nudge in the elbows here , a embarrassing memory there let out on purpose apart from more or less saying we expect you to give us grand kids.
Star's dad is being an idiot I agree as much as I'm all for good strong men in families and that.Men can do better.
Star's dad is being an idiot I agree as much as I'm all for good strong men in families and that.Men can do better.