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In this main event, two challenger has selected to to face each in the championship battle to claim to be the champion of the jungle, is it going to be a crocodile named Kritter, or a gorilla named Donkey Kong? Found out in the main event of "Rumble of the Jungle".
Welcome sport fan to the official championship title to become champion, and king of the jungle in "Rumble in The Jungle"! Today we have two of very own selected fighter, who reach to the championship bar of their class. First of we have a crocodile named; Kritter, who has fought against many crocs and even his crew member throughout his island. I don't he also fought his captain; King K. Rool, who was champion of boxing, too. But until he been defeated by Kritter with a massive punch and likely set of skill, too. And from that point on, he has left the crew and follow his own path to become champion of his own. Plus, he also made very own title known as Little Kroc, Kroc with a K, that is.
And let's talk about the other fighter. This gorilla has been a lot of fight from before, he has been competing before from the official boxing match on the other side of town. But somehow, he been defeated by a new champion. But this gorilla has gone to a new road his name is; Donkey Kong! That's right, he has fought with everyone in the jungle ever since he's defeated in the final match of the championship title. And now he's getting back up with a special match tonight. Oh, and I also forgot something; since he's heading back up, he also fought against his friend, Funky Kong, who's has an amazing beat in the ring, and he defeated him with his own. Talk about a beat boxing match, but let's start with show. So, hang on everyone, because it's show time.
In the middle of the jungle, everyone began to enter inside and the whole stadium is now being pack with all of boxing fan, especially along with Donkey Kong's Family and friend, and Kritter's friends, too, to cheer them on. And, the King K. is there as well; to see how good is Kritter doing and plan to sabotage the match with evil scheme.
Inside the locker room; Donkey Kong was warming up by training with his friend, Funky. And along with his grandfather, Cranky Kong, who's told him that he must focus on the fight also given some tip that could him. And those were used by his old when he's young and became champion before he retires.
"Now you listen here, Donkey," he said as he watches him work on his shadow boxing in the mirror; "you must be preparing and try stay focus on the match. Cause if you won't; you'll be losing your title and only that...you never going to win a lifetime supple of fruits, too. Oh, I can't barely see that'll happen. And I been waiting to get some of those bananas, too, so I could make some banana smoothie, banana shake, banana sundae, banana..."
Then, Funky stop him; "Whoa, take it easy there, gramps. You know him well, right? When he fought me and everyone in the jungle; he was amazing. It's like he was born champion for the jungle. No, for the world. And you know what, I think he could he beat that Croc within three second with an old one-two," he began to punch; "Just like one, two, three. Is that right, Donkey?"
He began to smile and show off his right side of his muscular arm, and then Funky lend him a speed bag, that he uses his foot to hold it and start punching it. As they both watched him, Cranky began to wonder about something; "Have any of you seen Diddy Kong? He promises to meet us here."
"Pssh, you worry too much," said Funky; "I bet he gone up to the seat and wait for us up there. Hey Donkey, ready for some short sparring?"
And they began to do some short sparring that Donkey and Funky even themselves out from their attack, and then Donkey gave a powerful jab toward his face that'll make Funky knock-out. As Funky gone dizzy from that punch, he said; "See, I told you that he can win within...uh, three second." And he began to go back down.
Donkey began to sigh. And Cranky go up to him and said; "Is everything all right?"
"I don't know, Cranky," he said; "It just that I have some sort of feeling that something bad is going happen."
"Now don't you worry; I believe that you going to have great match and win for the championship."
He smiled and began to hug him; "Thanks Cranky, I also knew that I can count on you."
And the other side of the stadium, Diddy Kong began walking to locker room and spotted guard around it. Plus, those only let crocodile and some other animals in. So, Diddy Kong began to think it through, and he gotten an idea. He disguises himself into a small crocodile to blend in with the crowds.
And one thing for sure, he wanted to test out to see if it's working. He gone up to the guard and one of them say; "Hold it, you can't get through here."
"But I have to see my friend," he said.
"Sorry, I don't think your friend is in there."
"My friend is Little Kroc, and I promise him that I'll see before the match start."
The guard look closely to him and when he is checking on him, Diddy became nervous; making him sweaty from inside the costume. After that moment, he finishes inspecting and let through. Diddy was relief and began search for his room.
As he found his room down the hall; he began to open the door and saw him work out with his spiked ball dumbbell. And when he turns around, he saw him and said; "Can I help you with something, kid?"
"Kritter, it's me," he whispers.
"Diddy. Glad to meet you here."
(If you're wondering why Kritter and Diddy became friend, it's because he saves him from some giant insect, that could hurt him or feed him to their babies. And so far, they became fast friend and helped him discover any more matches around the jungle. Plus, he made it here with a help of his friend, Diddy, too.)
"So, what make you come here?"
"Well, I wanted to wish you luck on the match."
"Thank, but will your family know that you're here?"
"Relax, they'll never known that I'm here, and also, how can't I go to my friend and tell him that I'm be cheering him on?"
"Diddy," he smiles and chuckle; "thank-you, I am glad that I have friend like you."
"Right back at ya, Kritter."
But then, someone coming through the door. Diddy hurry back into his costume, and as the door open; a blue muscular crocodile with green military pattern, Krusha, and the other one, Kruncha, the two personal boxing trainers for Kritter.
"Hey Kritter, it's almost time for you to go," said Krusha.
"Yeah, Donkey Kong is going to wait for you inside the ring if you go inside," said Kruncha.
Then, as they spotted Diddy, Krusha began to ask him; "Um, who's this?"
Diddy began to shake as he sees two strong crocodile in front of him. He couldn't bare speak, and as he tried to do it; Kritter answer his question.
"He is Crocy, he's one of my first boxing fan and he came here to wishing me some luck before the match. Isn't that right, Crocy?"
He nodded, and then Kruncha smile; "Oh, okay then. We'll meet you in the front gate, so be ready, Little Kroc."
So, they wave to each good-bye and after they left; Diddy collapse to the floor and taken a deep breath; "I'm glad that is over."
"Yeah, sorry if I help you again, Diddy," said Kritter.
"Don't worry, I'm you say it cause I'm a bit too scare to talk to them, you know? I not actually ready to stand up to other yet. But, are you sure that you can trust them?"
"Yeah, they really help me back in the croc kingdom."
"But you been kicked out from for defeating the king, right?"
"Left, Diddy. I left the kingdom and beside Krusha been helping trough boxing in the kingdom and Kruncha helped me train in the sea. Plus, I beaten them, too. So, we're like rivalry and friend all together."
"Oh, I see. Well, I better get going then. Good on the fight, Kritter. Oh, also, my uncle is doing some entrance performance, so I hope you got something to better then his."
"Don't worry, I got something that could wow a crowd."
So, Diddy Kong fist bump, and began to return to his seat with his family. Then, as Kritter has some alone time he began to think thing over before the match started.
"Diddy might be right," he thoughted; "those two guys really help me, but why do they wanted to become my trainer now? I left them after I left the kingdom. If that case; then maybe I must keep my eye on them. And, how do I make my better than his.?" And with his thinking; he found his brilliant plan to do it.
At the inner section of the stadium, every seat began to get pack to see the fight, and as for Funky and Cranky Kong; they been seated and saw Diddy Kong came rushing to them. They see that he's breathing heavily and began wonder why.
"Diddy," said Cranky; "where have you been? We almost began to get worry sick about you."
"Sorry Cranky," he said; "I was just at bathroom, but the line gotten a bit long, so waited that's all."
Then Funky add in; "See, I told you there's no needed to be worry about him."
"I guess you're right, Funky. Maybe I needed to calm down a bit."
And as the light began to dim down; the announcer began the announcement for the match; "Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the main event; 'Rumble in the Jungle'! In this corner, he a big hairy ape that goes loco for bananas, and the champion of the gorilla; it's Donkey Kong!"
Everybody began to cheer for him, as he began to drop down the rope ladder along with the barrel of bananas; he slides down and began to pound his chest to make the crowds wild.
As Little Kroc's crew heard the crowds; Kruncha said to him; "How are we going to impress them better than his, Kritter?"
"Yeah, when saw you're, they'll never going to cheer for you when you inside the ring," said Krusha.
Then, Kritter smiled; "Don't you worry, boys. I got this under control. Do you got everything that I told you to get?"
"Yep, and are you sure about this?"
"Trust me."
Announcer move on into the next challenger; "And on this corner, the crocodile who fought the jungle, also fought his own kind. Fighting his way to the top. Please help me welcome, Little Kroc!"
And as everyone clapping for him; some of the audience didn't clap for fully. But, just then, two of the blue crocodiles began to roll out the canon. Everyone begins to wonder why they bring out the weapon. They lit the canon's fuse and it began to fire, shooting Little Kroc out of the canon; doing stunt with both of his spike ball, and as he landed on the ring's mat; he began to juggle them around with one gloved and finally punch them with an old one-two. With that making a cheery bomb firework.
As the audience was silent; one in of each clap begin shower like rain fall and sooner they are cheering for his performance. And when Diddy saw him with his stunt; he was amused and proud of him plan that act.
"That was great Kritter," he thought to himself; "and I hope you win the championship match."
While everyone got their show, the referee call both fighters toward to the middle of the ring and began discussing the rule of the fight; "Okay you guys, I wanted a good clean fight. I don't any of you hit below the belt, biting, nor monkeying around. Do you understand?"
Donkey Kong was flustered when he said something insulted like "monkeying around", then Little Kroc said; "We understand the rule, but maybe you could take out the monkey part and tell us to a good match, like may the best man win."
"Oh, if that you wanted. Then, I guess you could have that way, may the best champion win. Shake and return your corner." So, they bump their glove together without looking away and return to their corners.
After they return, the bell ring for the first round. Donkey and Kritter gone back to the middle of the ring and began their fight. Donkey has the first move by using a jab toward him, but Kritter dodge his jab and began to put up his guard. So, he continues jabbing him until he landed a hit behind his guard.
Soon after, Kritter began to counterattack with a hook, but as he landed a hit; it didn't give him any damage from that punch. And as he sees him smile; he didn't notice that he's about to launch another attack. When about put up his quick guard, it was too late. He gotten hit by a swing of a right hook and send him flying across the ropes.
Everyone began to cheer for his attack, and then Diddy began to ask; "How did he deal that punch and get any scratch?"
"It because he trains multiple time," said Funky; "you see, Diddy, he usually trains all day and all night, when he's continuing on his training; he began focus on thing on his mind. And that is to become true champion."
"In other words," Cranky added; "he wouldn't lose this because it his dream to becoming a world champion from Jungles to Cities. That's why he's stronger in this fight."
"No way," said Diddy; "Uncle, I didn't know. But I still going you cheer you on, both you and Kritter."
Back at the ring; Kritter is now panting when he gotten from that punch and he notice that his opponent gotten tired, too. He figures if he could unleash all his strong attack, he'll be able to strike with an opening and bring down his strong defenses. So, rushing to him head on and quickly taunting him with a double jab, Donkey Kong took the bait by putting up his glove and began to counter with another hook, but this time Kritter dodge it. With that plan working, he continues with a rapid punch attack and Kritter dodges them one by one.
After he's dodges them, he saw him gotten tired. Now it his turn to shine, he goes up to him and began to give him a hook, jabs, straight, and finally an uppercut. On each punch he thrown; Donkey Kong began to Hoot as the punches landed on him, and as the uppercut hit him, he began throwback to the floor.
Everyone was shock to him defeat in the first round, Diddy Kong pretend to gasp, because he didn't want his friend to see him cheering for Kritter. And as the referee began counting toward his knockout; he began to get back up with every of his strength. An as he sees him gotten up; he let them resume the match.
"You ready, Donkey?" asked Kritter.
"Ready to beat down," he said as he is ponding his chest.
So, Donkey gave him a round of jabs to his gloves and suddenly when he saw that dodges a right; he captures him with an uppercut with his left toward his stomach and made him lose all the guard. After that Donkey began to do a wild raid of punches to him.
He throws a jab to his face that will make him gone back to the ropes, double hook for a punishable attack, and as he about to throw his straight punch; the bell rang for ending the first round. Meaning that he been save by the bell.
So, they began to head back to their corner and take a short break for the next round. On the other side the audience seat, King K. Rool watches his fight and became aware that he about to win the championship, so he already plans out to sabotage it with a little of his partner.
And as Kritter and Donkey Kong getting their rest; Krusha said to him; "How are you holding up, Champ?"
"Barly making it to finishing him off," he said.
"Yeah, but he never let his guard down, so you need to find more information when you get near him, until then, give him everything you got, Little Kroc."
He gave him a gloved fist bump and watched Donkey Kong eating his bananas as he getting rest and a... treatment from a ring girl? That made him so mad, better yet furious, that he wanted to beat up face so bad, it will make it like a clay.
The bell rang for the second round, two of the fighters began their fight. Wave of blow after blow, and they continue fighting. King K. Rool secretly get his walkie-talkie to contact his minion, Krunch, to notified if he has the thing for help him. And as he’s at in the freezing island; to meet one of baboon named, Ba-Boom, who gave him an icicle banana. While he got the banana from him, he contacted to King K. and told him that he got it. Soon, he returns and gave to Manky Kong, who disguise himself as the food vender.
Back at the fight, Kritter almost got himself in the corner, nowhere to escape from him and his upcoming attack, so he tries to brace impact by keeping his guard up. But as he put up his guard; Donkey Kong began to give him a massive punch at him while his guarding. Kritter began to feel his punches into his glove and the moment as he tries to stay strong; he guards began to break and now he taken a massive damage from him. After he finish with him, he began to back away and see him struggling to getting up from the corner, and as he got into his feet; he falls to the ground.
Everyone was surprise that he gotten beaten, so the referee began to count. And as for Diddy Kong he began to worry about him, so he made up an excuse to leave his seat and try to see his friend down there; "Um, I have to go to the restroom," he said.
And when Cranky Kong saw him leaving the seat, he begins to wonder if there something he’s hiding from him. So, as Diddy Kong got away from his family and friend; he searches for hidden place and began to change into Crocy.
But after he change, he heard a familiar voice calling out his name;
"Diddy Kong!" It was Cranky Kong; "What in the world are you doing? And why you dressed like that?"
"G-Grandpa, um, well you see..." Diddy began to studder.
"You better have good explaining, young man."
"I...I... I wanted to see Little Kroc, or better yet, my friend Kritter. "
"Kritter?! You mean, an kremling, who's working for King K.Rool?"
"He not working for him anymore. He helped me back at the jungle, and now we became friend. And told me that he like to become a boxing champion."
"I don't care what he's going to say, I made promise that I'll be cheering for him and my uncle. And I don't care who's going to win, cause I known that whether if they lose, they still can continue training for another fight."
"Diddy..." as he see him; he remember back in the day one of his friend has the same thought and so he smile and said as he patted him on the head; "Go to him, I bet he's waiting for you to cheer him on his dream."
Diddy shine bright in his face, he hugs his grandfather, and said; "Thank-you, Grandpa Cranky. And don't you worry, I'll be cheer him on no matter." With a smile on his face, he began to rush over to him; so, he supports him closer.
When the ref almost at the end of the count, Kritter made it on time before it reaches to ten. And even Diddy got there in time, too. When the match finishes the second round, they began to send them to their corner, and try to get some rest and recovery.
After Kritter gone to his corner, Diddy go up to him and said; "Little Kroc! Little Kroc! Please hang in there."
As Little Kroc turn around to see who it is; he spotted Diddy and replied; "Crocy, what are you doing here?"
"I'm sorry, but I can't see you getting beaten up like that. So, I thought that if I come here maybe I could cheer on harder."
Kritter was surprise to heard him said that, so he began to think to himself; "Diddy...you might be right. Since you're here, maybe I can be able to defeat him and claim champion, and this time; this isn't for me but for everyone that I've been facing a long time and for my little monkey, Diddy Kong."
On the other side of the ring, Donkey continue eating his banana, until it ran out. So, one of his crew began to look for it, until the vender goes over them and offer them one special banana that could him to recover all of his strength, but the he give them is an icicle banana. So, he gave him a banana and as he ate it; he can taste the freezing flavor inside the core.
"Hmm, cool flavor, must a be frozen banana food," he said and finish the whole thing.
Then the third and final match has begun, until something happen to Donkey Kong, as he grabs his stomach around it and began to crouch down to his knees. And as everyone watching him struggling; they began to wonder what has happen to him. And then, he began to transform. His whole-body change to white fur, his body becoming muscular, and he's going taller, too. With that transformation, he now becoming a yeti.
Everyone was shock to see him gotten transform into a yeti, but as Cranky saw him change; he known what happen to him. And as Funky got to him; he asks, "What's happening to him?"
"It's the banana," he said.
"The banana he ate is not just any regular banana, it's an icicle banana from the tropical freeze island."
"How are we going change him back?"
"Hmm..." Cranky begin thinking of some sort of antidote and he remember where it is, so he told Funky where the antidote was, and he began to head there.
At the middle of the match, Kritter began to worry of himself that he saw him gotten himself bigger and stronger, he's not sure of himself that he could defeat him. And when he began to attack, Kritter dodge as many punches he could throw. And now it his turn to attack, but as many punches he could throw it never deal any damage, so now he became tired and would have enough strength to evade or counter. And by the moment as he began to his glacier ice punch, he stands there with nowhere to go, until Diddy Kong comes in and take the hit for him. After he been him, he begins to change into ice. Kritter go to and wonder why he did that and said that he like repay him for all the save he did for him back then. It brings Kritter to tears, and yet it also brings him anger. With enough rage flowing inside him, he equipped himself with spike metal glove and began charging him with all his might.
As the battle of ice and fire has started; everyone not so sure what has happened, and they believe it some sort performance that they give to them. And soon, Funky got the antidote and try to hand it over to Cranky. But he told him to give to Little Kroc. Funky not so sure if he could trust him, but he has no other choice but to do it. When he got down there, he calls out him and began to hand it out to him by thrown inside the ring. So, he grabs the banana that fill warmth, and began to punch him until he gave him an uppercut and throw the banana into his mouth.
After he ate it, he began to change back to himself. And when the ice form on Diddy Kong begin melt away, Donkey and Kritter saw him gone back to normal, they were glad. Until, the ref say that Donkey Kong will be disqualified in the today match, but Kritter refuse that and let him have the second chance to continue the match. So, they allow him to give a second chance and they continue the fight.
But, due to the last fight; they became tired and weak to continue the fight. So, they punch each other until one of them fall into a K.O. And with the last punch from Kritter, Donkey Kong began to fall to the mat with his cheek bounces on the floor. And Little Kroc claim the victory.
After that event, the Kong family watch Kritter to leave and face the champion, Little Mac in the other city of the other side of the world. And after they see him off, Diddy Kong gone to him and wondering if he could see him again. Kritter smiled and said that he'll meet him again, next he visits.
And as King K. Rool; he has failed another plan to stop him and as Mankey Kong ate another icicle banana; he became a Yeti and started to chase after King K. Rool across the island.
As Kritter began to go to the other side of the world; he is wondering if he be able to win the match and claim champion after defeating Little Mac. If so, then he be glad that he be able to face him on the match as great rivals, and friends to the end of the match.
Welcome sport fan to the official championship title to become champion, and king of the jungle in "Rumble in The Jungle"! Today we have two of very own selected fighter, who reach to the championship bar of their class. First of we have a crocodile named; Kritter, who has fought against many crocs and even his crew member throughout his island. I don't he also fought his captain; King K. Rool, who was champion of boxing, too. But until he been defeated by Kritter with a massive punch and likely set of skill, too. And from that point on, he has left the crew and follow his own path to become champion of his own. Plus, he also made very own title known as Little Kroc, Kroc with a K, that is.
And let's talk about the other fighter. This gorilla has been a lot of fight from before, he has been competing before from the official boxing match on the other side of town. But somehow, he been defeated by a new champion. But this gorilla has gone to a new road his name is; Donkey Kong! That's right, he has fought with everyone in the jungle ever since he's defeated in the final match of the championship title. And now he's getting back up with a special match tonight. Oh, and I also forgot something; since he's heading back up, he also fought against his friend, Funky Kong, who's has an amazing beat in the ring, and he defeated him with his own. Talk about a beat boxing match, but let's start with show. So, hang on everyone, because it's show time.
In the middle of the jungle, everyone began to enter inside and the whole stadium is now being pack with all of boxing fan, especially along with Donkey Kong's Family and friend, and Kritter's friends, too, to cheer them on. And, the King K. is there as well; to see how good is Kritter doing and plan to sabotage the match with evil scheme.
Inside the locker room; Donkey Kong was warming up by training with his friend, Funky. And along with his grandfather, Cranky Kong, who's told him that he must focus on the fight also given some tip that could him. And those were used by his old when he's young and became champion before he retires.
"Now you listen here, Donkey," he said as he watches him work on his shadow boxing in the mirror; "you must be preparing and try stay focus on the match. Cause if you won't; you'll be losing your title and only that...you never going to win a lifetime supple of fruits, too. Oh, I can't barely see that'll happen. And I been waiting to get some of those bananas, too, so I could make some banana smoothie, banana shake, banana sundae, banana..."
Then, Funky stop him; "Whoa, take it easy there, gramps. You know him well, right? When he fought me and everyone in the jungle; he was amazing. It's like he was born champion for the jungle. No, for the world. And you know what, I think he could he beat that Croc within three second with an old one-two," he began to punch; "Just like one, two, three. Is that right, Donkey?"
He began to smile and show off his right side of his muscular arm, and then Funky lend him a speed bag, that he uses his foot to hold it and start punching it. As they both watched him, Cranky began to wonder about something; "Have any of you seen Diddy Kong? He promises to meet us here."
"Pssh, you worry too much," said Funky; "I bet he gone up to the seat and wait for us up there. Hey Donkey, ready for some short sparring?"
And they began to do some short sparring that Donkey and Funky even themselves out from their attack, and then Donkey gave a powerful jab toward his face that'll make Funky knock-out. As Funky gone dizzy from that punch, he said; "See, I told you that he can win within...uh, three second." And he began to go back down.
Donkey began to sigh. And Cranky go up to him and said; "Is everything all right?"
"I don't know, Cranky," he said; "It just that I have some sort of feeling that something bad is going happen."
"Now don't you worry; I believe that you going to have great match and win for the championship."
He smiled and began to hug him; "Thanks Cranky, I also knew that I can count on you."
And the other side of the stadium, Diddy Kong began walking to locker room and spotted guard around it. Plus, those only let crocodile and some other animals in. So, Diddy Kong began to think it through, and he gotten an idea. He disguises himself into a small crocodile to blend in with the crowds.
And one thing for sure, he wanted to test out to see if it's working. He gone up to the guard and one of them say; "Hold it, you can't get through here."
"But I have to see my friend," he said.
"Sorry, I don't think your friend is in there."
"My friend is Little Kroc, and I promise him that I'll see before the match start."
The guard look closely to him and when he is checking on him, Diddy became nervous; making him sweaty from inside the costume. After that moment, he finishes inspecting and let through. Diddy was relief and began search for his room.
As he found his room down the hall; he began to open the door and saw him work out with his spiked ball dumbbell. And when he turns around, he saw him and said; "Can I help you with something, kid?"
"Kritter, it's me," he whispers.
"Diddy. Glad to meet you here."
(If you're wondering why Kritter and Diddy became friend, it's because he saves him from some giant insect, that could hurt him or feed him to their babies. And so far, they became fast friend and helped him discover any more matches around the jungle. Plus, he made it here with a help of his friend, Diddy, too.)
"So, what make you come here?"
"Well, I wanted to wish you luck on the match."
"Thank, but will your family know that you're here?"
"Relax, they'll never known that I'm here, and also, how can't I go to my friend and tell him that I'm be cheering him on?"
"Diddy," he smiles and chuckle; "thank-you, I am glad that I have friend like you."
"Right back at ya, Kritter."
But then, someone coming through the door. Diddy hurry back into his costume, and as the door open; a blue muscular crocodile with green military pattern, Krusha, and the other one, Kruncha, the two personal boxing trainers for Kritter.
"Hey Kritter, it's almost time for you to go," said Krusha.
"Yeah, Donkey Kong is going to wait for you inside the ring if you go inside," said Kruncha.
Then, as they spotted Diddy, Krusha began to ask him; "Um, who's this?"
Diddy began to shake as he sees two strong crocodile in front of him. He couldn't bare speak, and as he tried to do it; Kritter answer his question.
"He is Crocy, he's one of my first boxing fan and he came here to wishing me some luck before the match. Isn't that right, Crocy?"
He nodded, and then Kruncha smile; "Oh, okay then. We'll meet you in the front gate, so be ready, Little Kroc."
So, they wave to each good-bye and after they left; Diddy collapse to the floor and taken a deep breath; "I'm glad that is over."
"Yeah, sorry if I help you again, Diddy," said Kritter.
"Don't worry, I'm you say it cause I'm a bit too scare to talk to them, you know? I not actually ready to stand up to other yet. But, are you sure that you can trust them?"
"Yeah, they really help me back in the croc kingdom."
"But you been kicked out from for defeating the king, right?"
"Left, Diddy. I left the kingdom and beside Krusha been helping trough boxing in the kingdom and Kruncha helped me train in the sea. Plus, I beaten them, too. So, we're like rivalry and friend all together."
"Oh, I see. Well, I better get going then. Good on the fight, Kritter. Oh, also, my uncle is doing some entrance performance, so I hope you got something to better then his."
"Don't worry, I got something that could wow a crowd."
So, Diddy Kong fist bump, and began to return to his seat with his family. Then, as Kritter has some alone time he began to think thing over before the match started.
"Diddy might be right," he thoughted; "those two guys really help me, but why do they wanted to become my trainer now? I left them after I left the kingdom. If that case; then maybe I must keep my eye on them. And, how do I make my better than his.?" And with his thinking; he found his brilliant plan to do it.
At the inner section of the stadium, every seat began to get pack to see the fight, and as for Funky and Cranky Kong; they been seated and saw Diddy Kong came rushing to them. They see that he's breathing heavily and began wonder why.
"Diddy," said Cranky; "where have you been? We almost began to get worry sick about you."
"Sorry Cranky," he said; "I was just at bathroom, but the line gotten a bit long, so waited that's all."
Then Funky add in; "See, I told you there's no needed to be worry about him."
"I guess you're right, Funky. Maybe I needed to calm down a bit."
And as the light began to dim down; the announcer began the announcement for the match; "Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the main event; 'Rumble in the Jungle'! In this corner, he a big hairy ape that goes loco for bananas, and the champion of the gorilla; it's Donkey Kong!"
Everybody began to cheer for him, as he began to drop down the rope ladder along with the barrel of bananas; he slides down and began to pound his chest to make the crowds wild.
As Little Kroc's crew heard the crowds; Kruncha said to him; "How are we going to impress them better than his, Kritter?"
"Yeah, when saw you're, they'll never going to cheer for you when you inside the ring," said Krusha.
Then, Kritter smiled; "Don't you worry, boys. I got this under control. Do you got everything that I told you to get?"
"Yep, and are you sure about this?"
"Trust me."
Announcer move on into the next challenger; "And on this corner, the crocodile who fought the jungle, also fought his own kind. Fighting his way to the top. Please help me welcome, Little Kroc!"
And as everyone clapping for him; some of the audience didn't clap for fully. But, just then, two of the blue crocodiles began to roll out the canon. Everyone begins to wonder why they bring out the weapon. They lit the canon's fuse and it began to fire, shooting Little Kroc out of the canon; doing stunt with both of his spike ball, and as he landed on the ring's mat; he began to juggle them around with one gloved and finally punch them with an old one-two. With that making a cheery bomb firework.
As the audience was silent; one in of each clap begin shower like rain fall and sooner they are cheering for his performance. And when Diddy saw him with his stunt; he was amused and proud of him plan that act.
"That was great Kritter," he thought to himself; "and I hope you win the championship match."
While everyone got their show, the referee call both fighters toward to the middle of the ring and began discussing the rule of the fight; "Okay you guys, I wanted a good clean fight. I don't any of you hit below the belt, biting, nor monkeying around. Do you understand?"
Donkey Kong was flustered when he said something insulted like "monkeying around", then Little Kroc said; "We understand the rule, but maybe you could take out the monkey part and tell us to a good match, like may the best man win."
"Oh, if that you wanted. Then, I guess you could have that way, may the best champion win. Shake and return your corner." So, they bump their glove together without looking away and return to their corners.
After they return, the bell ring for the first round. Donkey and Kritter gone back to the middle of the ring and began their fight. Donkey has the first move by using a jab toward him, but Kritter dodge his jab and began to put up his guard. So, he continues jabbing him until he landed a hit behind his guard.
Soon after, Kritter began to counterattack with a hook, but as he landed a hit; it didn't give him any damage from that punch. And as he sees him smile; he didn't notice that he's about to launch another attack. When about put up his quick guard, it was too late. He gotten hit by a swing of a right hook and send him flying across the ropes.
Everyone began to cheer for his attack, and then Diddy began to ask; "How did he deal that punch and get any scratch?"
"It because he trains multiple time," said Funky; "you see, Diddy, he usually trains all day and all night, when he's continuing on his training; he began focus on thing on his mind. And that is to become true champion."
"In other words," Cranky added; "he wouldn't lose this because it his dream to becoming a world champion from Jungles to Cities. That's why he's stronger in this fight."
"No way," said Diddy; "Uncle, I didn't know. But I still going you cheer you on, both you and Kritter."
Back at the ring; Kritter is now panting when he gotten from that punch and he notice that his opponent gotten tired, too. He figures if he could unleash all his strong attack, he'll be able to strike with an opening and bring down his strong defenses. So, rushing to him head on and quickly taunting him with a double jab, Donkey Kong took the bait by putting up his glove and began to counter with another hook, but this time Kritter dodge it. With that plan working, he continues with a rapid punch attack and Kritter dodges them one by one.
After he's dodges them, he saw him gotten tired. Now it his turn to shine, he goes up to him and began to give him a hook, jabs, straight, and finally an uppercut. On each punch he thrown; Donkey Kong began to Hoot as the punches landed on him, and as the uppercut hit him, he began throwback to the floor.
Everyone was shock to him defeat in the first round, Diddy Kong pretend to gasp, because he didn't want his friend to see him cheering for Kritter. And as the referee began counting toward his knockout; he began to get back up with every of his strength. An as he sees him gotten up; he let them resume the match.
"You ready, Donkey?" asked Kritter.
"Ready to beat down," he said as he is ponding his chest.
So, Donkey gave him a round of jabs to his gloves and suddenly when he saw that dodges a right; he captures him with an uppercut with his left toward his stomach and made him lose all the guard. After that Donkey began to do a wild raid of punches to him.
He throws a jab to his face that will make him gone back to the ropes, double hook for a punishable attack, and as he about to throw his straight punch; the bell rang for ending the first round. Meaning that he been save by the bell.
So, they began to head back to their corner and take a short break for the next round. On the other side the audience seat, King K. Rool watches his fight and became aware that he about to win the championship, so he already plans out to sabotage it with a little of his partner.
And as Kritter and Donkey Kong getting their rest; Krusha said to him; "How are you holding up, Champ?"
"Barly making it to finishing him off," he said.
"Yeah, but he never let his guard down, so you need to find more information when you get near him, until then, give him everything you got, Little Kroc."
He gave him a gloved fist bump and watched Donkey Kong eating his bananas as he getting rest and a... treatment from a ring girl? That made him so mad, better yet furious, that he wanted to beat up face so bad, it will make it like a clay.
The bell rang for the second round, two of the fighters began their fight. Wave of blow after blow, and they continue fighting. King K. Rool secretly get his walkie-talkie to contact his minion, Krunch, to notified if he has the thing for help him. And as he’s at in the freezing island; to meet one of baboon named, Ba-Boom, who gave him an icicle banana. While he got the banana from him, he contacted to King K. and told him that he got it. Soon, he returns and gave to Manky Kong, who disguise himself as the food vender.
Back at the fight, Kritter almost got himself in the corner, nowhere to escape from him and his upcoming attack, so he tries to brace impact by keeping his guard up. But as he put up his guard; Donkey Kong began to give him a massive punch at him while his guarding. Kritter began to feel his punches into his glove and the moment as he tries to stay strong; he guards began to break and now he taken a massive damage from him. After he finish with him, he began to back away and see him struggling to getting up from the corner, and as he got into his feet; he falls to the ground.
Everyone was surprise that he gotten beaten, so the referee began to count. And as for Diddy Kong he began to worry about him, so he made up an excuse to leave his seat and try to see his friend down there; "Um, I have to go to the restroom," he said.
And when Cranky Kong saw him leaving the seat, he begins to wonder if there something he’s hiding from him. So, as Diddy Kong got away from his family and friend; he searches for hidden place and began to change into Crocy.
But after he change, he heard a familiar voice calling out his name;
"Diddy Kong!" It was Cranky Kong; "What in the world are you doing? And why you dressed like that?"
"G-Grandpa, um, well you see..." Diddy began to studder.
"You better have good explaining, young man."
"I...I... I wanted to see Little Kroc, or better yet, my friend Kritter. "
"Kritter?! You mean, an kremling, who's working for King K.Rool?"
"He not working for him anymore. He helped me back at the jungle, and now we became friend. And told me that he like to become a boxing champion."
"I don't care what he's going to say, I made promise that I'll be cheering for him and my uncle. And I don't care who's going to win, cause I known that whether if they lose, they still can continue training for another fight."
"Diddy..." as he see him; he remember back in the day one of his friend has the same thought and so he smile and said as he patted him on the head; "Go to him, I bet he's waiting for you to cheer him on his dream."
Diddy shine bright in his face, he hugs his grandfather, and said; "Thank-you, Grandpa Cranky. And don't you worry, I'll be cheer him on no matter." With a smile on his face, he began to rush over to him; so, he supports him closer.
When the ref almost at the end of the count, Kritter made it on time before it reaches to ten. And even Diddy got there in time, too. When the match finishes the second round, they began to send them to their corner, and try to get some rest and recovery.
After Kritter gone to his corner, Diddy go up to him and said; "Little Kroc! Little Kroc! Please hang in there."
As Little Kroc turn around to see who it is; he spotted Diddy and replied; "Crocy, what are you doing here?"
"I'm sorry, but I can't see you getting beaten up like that. So, I thought that if I come here maybe I could cheer on harder."
Kritter was surprise to heard him said that, so he began to think to himself; "Diddy...you might be right. Since you're here, maybe I can be able to defeat him and claim champion, and this time; this isn't for me but for everyone that I've been facing a long time and for my little monkey, Diddy Kong."
On the other side of the ring, Donkey continue eating his banana, until it ran out. So, one of his crew began to look for it, until the vender goes over them and offer them one special banana that could him to recover all of his strength, but the he give them is an icicle banana. So, he gave him a banana and as he ate it; he can taste the freezing flavor inside the core.
"Hmm, cool flavor, must a be frozen banana food," he said and finish the whole thing.
Then the third and final match has begun, until something happen to Donkey Kong, as he grabs his stomach around it and began to crouch down to his knees. And as everyone watching him struggling; they began to wonder what has happen to him. And then, he began to transform. His whole-body change to white fur, his body becoming muscular, and he's going taller, too. With that transformation, he now becoming a yeti.
Everyone was shock to see him gotten transform into a yeti, but as Cranky saw him change; he known what happen to him. And as Funky got to him; he asks, "What's happening to him?"
"It's the banana," he said.
"The banana he ate is not just any regular banana, it's an icicle banana from the tropical freeze island."
"How are we going change him back?"
"Hmm..." Cranky begin thinking of some sort of antidote and he remember where it is, so he told Funky where the antidote was, and he began to head there.
At the middle of the match, Kritter began to worry of himself that he saw him gotten himself bigger and stronger, he's not sure of himself that he could defeat him. And when he began to attack, Kritter dodge as many punches he could throw. And now it his turn to attack, but as many punches he could throw it never deal any damage, so now he became tired and would have enough strength to evade or counter. And by the moment as he began to his glacier ice punch, he stands there with nowhere to go, until Diddy Kong comes in and take the hit for him. After he been him, he begins to change into ice. Kritter go to and wonder why he did that and said that he like repay him for all the save he did for him back then. It brings Kritter to tears, and yet it also brings him anger. With enough rage flowing inside him, he equipped himself with spike metal glove and began charging him with all his might.
As the battle of ice and fire has started; everyone not so sure what has happened, and they believe it some sort performance that they give to them. And soon, Funky got the antidote and try to hand it over to Cranky. But he told him to give to Little Kroc. Funky not so sure if he could trust him, but he has no other choice but to do it. When he got down there, he calls out him and began to hand it out to him by thrown inside the ring. So, he grabs the banana that fill warmth, and began to punch him until he gave him an uppercut and throw the banana into his mouth.
After he ate it, he began to change back to himself. And when the ice form on Diddy Kong begin melt away, Donkey and Kritter saw him gone back to normal, they were glad. Until, the ref say that Donkey Kong will be disqualified in the today match, but Kritter refuse that and let him have the second chance to continue the match. So, they allow him to give a second chance and they continue the fight.
But, due to the last fight; they became tired and weak to continue the fight. So, they punch each other until one of them fall into a K.O. And with the last punch from Kritter, Donkey Kong began to fall to the mat with his cheek bounces on the floor. And Little Kroc claim the victory.
After that event, the Kong family watch Kritter to leave and face the champion, Little Mac in the other city of the other side of the world. And after they see him off, Diddy Kong gone to him and wondering if he could see him again. Kritter smiled and said that he'll meet him again, next he visits.
And as King K. Rool; he has failed another plan to stop him and as Mankey Kong ate another icicle banana; he became a Yeti and started to chase after King K. Rool across the island.
As Kritter began to go to the other side of the world; he is wondering if he be able to win the match and claim champion after defeating Little Mac. If so, then he be glad that he be able to face him on the match as great rivals, and friends to the end of the match.
Category Story / All
Species Unspecified / Any
Gender Any
Size 50 x 50px
File Size 124.2 kB