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Today is one of my best friend's birthday and invited him over an friendly sparring match, also I plan out some surprise party for him, too. However, during in the sparring I kind of over did it and some how knock out by him. But, everything else is doing all well and hoping I gave to best birthday. Happy Birthday, Roger.
Plus, here's the link of his art and media:
*Twitter: 1. https://twitter.com/HitoshiPolar
2. https://twitter.com/ArtsHitoshi
*FA: https://www.furaffinity.net/user/olmefurry/
*DA: https://www.deviantart.com/olmedofox
Today is one of my friends, Roger birthday. Me and my other friend, Rumpa are planning out some ideas of making a surprise for Roger. And as I write down some item; I also tell him something that I really want to give him on his birthday, so I hand him a design of my gift.
"You're sure you want to give him this, Dex?" said Rumpa.
"Yeah", I said, "because I'm not so sure if he's going anywhere after his birthday, so I thought if I give him something that he could remember us by."
"Wow, Dex. I didn't notice about that. Okay, I'll round up some group and we'll gather everything, and meet by your gym."
"Thanks, Rumpa. Good luck."
"You, too. But, how can you let him stay at your gym?"
"Leave that to me."
So, we wish each other luck and Rumpa began to gather as many friends as he can find. And after he gather everyone, he starts to pass them out some list and began to their search party. As for Rumpa; he has a very important mission for me, so journey himself into the cavern.
Meanwhile, back at the gym; while I'm about to text my friend; I heard a knock on the door. So, I go to it and when I open it, I saw Roger with his gym bag strap across his shoulder. I was surprise to see him before I text to him.
"Hey Dex," he said; "How it's going?"
"R-Roger," I said; "what are you doing here? I was about to text you, but you to the punch."
"Really? Well, let's just say that I like to hang out my boxing buddy for fun."
"I see, well come in. And, Happy Birthday, Roger."
"Thank Dex."
So, we began talking about some matches that we been through and as he heard about mine; he amazing that I face many opponents, well some of course. The other fighter I- well we saw was not actually like face me in some way, but I like to watch their fight throughout the media instead. Plus, I show him some photo that I put up during last year, when I first have a match against Boru and everyone else, especially during the boxing day, too.
"Wow Dex," said Roger; "I couldn't believe that you fought everyone from last year. Especially you wrestle, too."
"Yeah," I said while became blush; "it really amazing when I first met Boru. Hey, how about we take a photo together?"
So, I took out my camera and we began to get together and bring out best smile to it. After that flash, we see two best friends in his great day. Roger say it good shot of us. And so, I ask him; "Hey, do you remember our promise back in the media?"
"A promise in the media...Oh, you and I are going to fight like in classic movie we saw."
"Yep, that one."
"All right, let's get to it."
"But we need to see and made some change toward it."
"Change, why?"
"Well...let's say the one in the movie; has some kick and some "not acceptable" boxing moves."
"I see, well then, let's take a look."
And so, we began watching the scene of kangaroo boxing match from the movie, and we've mark down some part we needed, and we don't need. After that, we head toward to the locker room and we began to get change into our sport wear. And as we're changing; I ask him, "Do you like to wear the same trunk as mine, Roger?"
"No, I got my own. And you still have some brown boxing gloves?"
"Always, and beside it always my glove before my new ones."
So, I gave him one of Rumpa's brown gloves and it fit him quite well. And after we finish changing, we began walk to the ring. And did the exact same thing they did in the movie:
I get in first by jumping over it by the ring's rope and began to go to my corner. As for Roger; he goes under it. Also, as he gotten to his corner; he slowly removes his robe and slightly begin to show off his appearance.
I began chuckle; "You know, when I started to see you do like that; it started to make me think you're some sort of super model."
"Oh yeah?" he said with a smile; "How about I start bop you like my very personal punching bag?"
"Bring on, Bruiser!"
After that we started to meet to each other and we began to clinch and then, Roger said to me; "Look at the money spent by that ticket."
"You almost sound a lot like Rocky when do that voice."
"Are you ready, Apollo?"
We both laugh; "Okay okay let continue this fight."
And so, we are off, we began thrown punches by each blow we been landed like a robot boxing game: "Rock'em Shock'em". He been hitting me by his first move during his uppercut, and he continue with another punch along with it. So, I fight back with a jab to his face, and ready throw another punch. But he starts to encounter with a left jab and continue punching me, and we began trade every blow we have.
After we thrown all punches, I began to step away from and given him a "Come at me" taunt. And after he come toward me, I start jabbing him like a speedbag from right to left. From each jab, his head going back and forth, along with his face been planted to my leather gloves.
As he found an advantage with an opening; he starts hop and step back a few. Then, he saw me doing some footwork and hearing me; "Come on! What's wrong?! Are getting tired by becoming mine personal punching bag?"
"Just you wait, Basher," he said under his breath; "I got something under my sleeves."
And so, he gave me a gut punch and then he uppercut me, to make me push back to the ring's ropes. After he did that, he did a victory pose by punching into the air and rise two of them high. Then, as he sees try to get up; I feel a bit dizzy and almost lose my stance, so he come to me and began to clinch to me for some support. While we began to clinch together; we began to dance around and then, he helps me standing into one spot. After that, he starts wind up arm his arm and began to perform a ultimate uppercut. By that uppercut, I been knock out completely.
Roger laugh; "That was actually better than the original one, Dex. Thanks."
"Yeah," I said; "no problem."
Roger help me up and said; "Since we finish this play, how about we do a little sparring match?"
I smile; "All right, you're on."
So, I began returning our brown glove to the locker, and began to get our blue glove. As I got my glove; I gone to Roger's and when I open his bag, I grab his glove from inside. Also, inside his bag; there were some plan ticket that been dated today. And when I try to see what it is, I heard my friend is calling. So, hurry up and grab some protected helmet, too. After I grab all the stuff that we need it, I hand it over to Roger his stuff, and we began to get ready.
When we're finishing up with our gear, I began to lay my back against the ring's corner, and ask; "So, how round you wanted, Roger?"
"Hmm, how about three rounds with down counts."
"Okay, and to begin this match; I want a free hit."
"Huh?! A free hit?! Why?"
"Remember you send me that photo of our character and yours hit mine?"
"Oh yeah, I guess you right."
And so, we put on our stance and be ready as the bell ring for the first round. DING! I started charging at him with my right jab ready to launch. But Roger dodges my punch.
"What?" I exclaim.
Then Roger said; "I would let have the free hit, but you have to catch me first."
I was kind a irritated from his puns, so I began to chase after him around the ring, until punch him. And every time I try to get to him, he continues to dodge my attack. After each throw, I attempt to take a breather and the bell rang for the first round to end. While I’m resting on the ropes; Roger said to me, "Sorry for that, Dex. Maybe you have the advantage during the next round."
"Yeah," I laugh as I'm panting; "maybe you're right. Until the next round, then."
So, we went back to our corner for water break. Then I got something inside my head, and began to ask Roger some question; "Hey Roger, why do you want to have sparring match?"
He began to sputtered at first and began to answer my question; "W-Well, you see I have someone request toward someone for a match and I like you, my buddy, to help me for training before it start."
"I see. So, who you going to face?"
"Um, Boru! Yes, Boru. I really like to have a match against him, even do since you already face him, maybe you could give some pointer, or some advice."
"Sure thing." Then beginning to wonder; why would he having some trouble with thinking over it about his opponent?
Then, the bell ring for the second round; DING DING!! We began meet each other in the middle of the ring and paces each other until one of us gone first. From each footstep, and practice, we are keeping our guard up and wait for any upcoming attack.
So, I started up by throwing a quick jab to him and throw another jab along with a hook. The first and second jab landed on his glove, and he began dodging my upcoming hook. Now Roger began throwing his jabs, and I block it in time before it landed a clean hit. And as he continues using his jab; I am keeping up my guard and stand strong until I planning to encounter or finding an opening for me to strike.
Then when I notice that he's about to throw his final jab, I began to dodge his punch, and counter him with an uppercut under his chin. But, with his quick reflexes, he dodges my uppercut and move back a few inches.
I was surprise that he's been training during the holiday even when Boru see him during Boxing Day. Wait, I began to think to myself; when Boru gone to Roger, could he assist him for training and sparring, too. If so, then who he really going to face?
I said to him; "That was pretty neat, Roger. If you didn't move, you might let your mouthguard flying out of your mouth."
Then he said; "Heh, thank for the complement, Dex. Come on! The match is still going on!" as he bashes his glove together.
I began charging toward him and began pull my right glove back for a straight punch. And when I'm near him; I throw my right straight, but he dodges my upcoming attack, and counter me with an uppercut. It sends my head back, and almost letting my mouth guard out. It's good thing I clutch it before the impact.
After that, he began to strike, so quickly recover and try to defend as many punches as he can throw. Then, I encounter him with gut punch; "Oomph!" he exclaims. Thrown another attack, jab, jab, hook, left hook, right hook, right cross, uppercut, then finally a left corkscrew. With that punch attacks; Roger has taken all hits and damage, that'll make hang from rope, steadily try to get up, and then gone down.
And as I saw him down; I began to count, "One...two...three...four..."
By then, he grabs the second rope and pull himself up. I am counting, seeing him that he be able to continue the fight. So, I asked him directly; "Sure you want to continue the match, Roger?"
"Yeah," he smiles; "and beside we kangaroo were born to never give up."
I was happy to hear his encouragement, but somehow, I have a feeling that Roger might a been distracted for some reason. I check the clock and it shown thirty to twenty-five minutes. So, we bump our glove and continue the match.
We began staidly pacing toward to each other; watch any one of our attack got to strike first. Then, Roger began to do a quick jab to my face, and then he thrown a hook along with it. I put my guard just in time and began to land a hit toward my glove instead of my face, but the second attack won't be easy. While I kept my guard up; he now using his hooks to break down my guard. And each time he does that from every swing, my guard becoming down in each hit. Then as my glove been lower; he continues using the same attack. I know I couldn't counter nor escape, cause I'm tired and losing all my stamina during the last minute of the match. So, I must sacrifice myself by taken all hit that he going to throw.
Roger began to throw few last hooks, and then he given some combo; he uses a quick double left jab, double right jab, left hook, right hook, straight, and finally a uppercut. By that uppercut, it launches me to the ropes and left me there beaten like rag doll. While I try to walk it off; I felt a little dizzy that making me lose my balance. I manage to get to Roger, and I began to grab hold him for get myself up standing right. With that, he began to hug me back to perform a clinch in the middle of the ring. Just then, I began punching his stomach, but my punches are too weak; they just tap it only.
Then, Roger said to me while hold; "Sure you all right?"
"Come on, I still have a chance, coach."
""Well, if you say so." And so, he let me go and began to hold me still in one place, and then he thrown a powerful hook across my face, that made my mouthguard flying out of my mouth. Along with my body collapse to the floor.
Just then, the bell rang for ending the second round; meaning that Roger won the second-round match. It made him raise both of his glove up high to claim his victory. Or is it...?
While he taken to the victory; he didn't notice that I've recover and began to get up. And when turn around, he saw me standing back up again. He was surprise to see me that I've still got some fighting inside of me.
"You gotten better, Roger. I'll give you that."
"Likewise, Dex. And I notice that you still have some fighting in ya."
"Yeah, and I guess this is going to be zero to two, huh?"
"Hmm...maybe. But hey, in the next round; maybe you are going get some point, too."
I nodded and we began to head back to our corners. I was happy that I finally give him some training, even do I really like to have a match with him, and not just any match, but a naturally match that been held right here on the outback. And maybe, we'll become great fighter around world, too. Well, at least one of us that is, but we'll give each other best of luck.
And so, the third round has begun, we thrown all our punch toward each other, and by then, our attack misses and yet hit on our glove. From the result of this match is record by a skill of our box training. We did train hard and practice, practice, practice until we could read and understand our opponent's move set. And there we can achieve our new set of skill and win in any kind of match.
I been watching Roger's step by step of his foot work and I know what he's going to do next. I dodge his jabs and block off his double hooks. And so, it's my turn to hit him directly, and he did the same thing that I did with him. As we continue with this fight; we thrown all our attack and each of those punches almost given a clean hit, but we never give up our guards. And in a few minutes later, we launch our final trust toward each other and as the bell ding; we hold our position of us using our move, I use my hook near his right cheek, and Roger uses his uppercut almost close toward my chin.
So, we exchange our great thought to each other from our preparation on this match. And then I reach out my walkie-talkie and check in with Rumpa and mission.
"Hey Rumpa, you there? Over."
Rumpa call back; "Hear you loud and clear, Dex. Over."
"How was your mission?"
"Well... let's just say it may take a bit longer than we thought."
"It means we need some time prepare it before we can make it."
"But how can I do that?"
"I don't know, let me think."
Then that gave me an idea; "Don't worry, Rumpa. I think I known what to do. Dex out."
So, I put my glove back and call out to Roger from the other side; "Roger! We're not finish just yet!"
"What?" Roger began to question.
"You heard me; we have unfinish business!"
"Look Dex, I don't have much time for this. I must leave soon, okay? Maybe we could a match on another time."
"So, you're saying your chicken?" I began to do chicken call.
"Good-bye Dex," he said angrily.
Then I began to think myself; "Oh no, what am I going to do? Think Dex, Think."
And when I saw my glove, I began to clench, and use for my plan, a foolish plan that is.
I sigh and said under my breath; "Forgive me, Roger."
So, I began to rush over to him and said; "Roger," along with punching in the face; "Don't you dare take on to me!" And when I see him down; "That what you get when you let your guard down, Wallaby. Hahaha."
And with that moment, Roger began to change. He stood up and without me looking at him; he gave an uppercut when I was laughing at him. As I on the floor; I saw Roger in a different personality, like he is showing me his true power.
"I told you, Dex," he said; "I don't have much time for this child play."
It was scary to see him in this form, but I mustn't let him see me in fear. I must stay strong and move on with my plans. So, I got back on my toes and began taking off my head gear, along with Roger did same. And then, we put up our gloves and start our brawl with a bang.
Meanwhile, inside the cavern; Rumpa continue searching some item that he needed to help me, and so far, he found several of it. But he needs one more finish it off his mission. He goes deeper and deeper until it gotten pitch black. He couldn't see where he's going, until one light shows him the way. He gone closer and closer until... he found a room fill with crystal and gem of all different colors. Rumpa was astonished to see it, it's like he is walking into a galaxy or seeing a star up close on the night sky.
"This is amazing." he said; "Right, now I need to find...aha." He picks up a gemstone that has a special color with an amazing shape inside of its core. So, he began mining and gotten the pieces he needs for his friend, Dex.
"I hope his friend would like it. And hope Dex got it under control back in his gym."
After his mission is done, he began heading to Bolper place get made. With the material he collected; Bolper crafting it with all his minds and tinkering to build a perfect gift for him. On the result, gift is now been crafted into a golden material with silver iron and along with a stone, too, the gift is now complete. Now Rumpa must regroup with his friends, so they can go to my gym.
Back at the gym, we continue with our fight and somehow this is almost getting a bit too serious. We began by trade some blows and dodge any more attack. I however, seeing him in action right in front of me; letting me fight an actual strong opponent. So, I have given him my full power.
I began dodging all his punches, and then I counter him with a jab to snout, along with some combo to beat him down. And then, I continue punching around the ring until tired from the fight. But he won't give up without a fight, so he began given me a blow to the stomach. I feel pain in my stomach, letting my guard down.
Roger saw an opening and then he uses his double jab to the face, and finally a hook-aroo across the face. I landed on the mat and he began to carry me to the inside of the ring. Along with that, he began to pin me down and began to beat me up. But I quickly protected myself with my gloves and began break him off with my double kicks attack.
After he been kicked, he was surprise and saw me on toe hopping. He said to me; "You use your leg to break off? Are you nuts? This is supposed to be a boxing match, not kick boxing."
Then I said to him as I do my kicks; "What's wrong? You can't use your kicks, too."
So, he gets up and got on his toe to be ready some real kangaroo combat. And he also said to me; "Why don't try and found out."
And so, we launch with strong feet and began to clash again, but this isn't any ordinary clash; this is a great clash down in the outback just like our ancestors did once. We throw many punches and kicks toward to each other. Blows after blows after blows, until in a few minute later, we gotten tired and began to clinch together. We are breathing heavily along with us tapping each with a strength that we barely have. Then, we finish it with one hit.
We began to break off and began to be ready to launch our attack. During that action; I throw my left punch and Roger throw his right punch. And therefore, we gotten ourselves into a deadlock. We see each that one of us will fall and victor of this match. Until... I was the one who's been knock out and lost the fight.
Roger was exhausted from the fight that I've began, and as he sees me on the floor; he was furious; "Dex, what the hack is wrong you?! At first you were a great opponent when we enter the ring, and now you become some sort of bully and an uncontrolled pugnacious boxer, who's look a fight by pick on others. And you know what?" as he taken off his glove and be ready to throw at me; "I don't think we..."
Then suddenly, he heard a knocking on the door. He got down from the ring and begin heading to the door. And just as open it; everyone shouted; "Surprise! Happy Birthday Roger!"
He was speechless at first and then he said; "W-What's this?"
"This your very own surprise party, Roger," said Rumpa; "it was all Dex idea to plan it out for you."
"Dex... you mean...he... did this...for me." Then he heard moaning as I try to get up, he hurries back inside the ring along with Rumpa to help me get up.
"Dex, is it true? You did this for me?"
"Of course," I said; "after all, you're my best friend." I give him my smile.
"Dex..." he said as almost began to cry.
"Well what are you waiting for go ahead this is your party, go and have fun."
So, he did, he let everyone inside and help them set up for the party. He surprises that everyone from Crocpond has come for his birthday.
Then Rumpa said to me; "So, you let him beat you up like walking punching, Dex? Now that what I call a winning knock out."
"Hahaha, very funny Rumpa," I said with a mocking laugh; "but still, when I fought against him; I can see that he been training a lot. He's getting stronger and he may be stronger than me. And that is why I'm glad to have a friend who's strong with a strong heart. Happy Birthday, Roger."
Later that day, we began to party all day. It was blast, even for Roger. But I when I saw going out, I beginning to wonder if he's all right after what happen today, so I go out to see him. And when I saw lay back against the gym's wall, I go to and said; "Hey Roger."
"Oh, hi Dex," said Roger as he sees my face with a black eye.
"What's up?"
"Nothing much. I want to thank you again for setting me a surprise party."
"No problem, plus I wanted to say that I'm sorry that attack."
Roger laugh; "Don't worry about, but you need to care for yourself first because you have a black eye on your face."
I began to stand proud and said; "Really? Then I guess that make me look cool."
Then, I lay back and join him for enjoy the evening. While I did that; I saw Rumpa with a gift and he began to hand it over to me from behind. After I retrieve it, I mouth over him; "Thank you, Rumpa." And he gave a thumbs up.
I was nervous to give to him, but then he said something to me before I give him his gift.
"Dex," he said; "remember I said that I have to go soon? Well, to tell you the truth; I'll be leaving out of this country and head back to my hometown in Japan."
"Really? Well, maybe you could tell me everything there when you come back."
"Dex, I'm not coming back."
"What? Why not?"
"You see, in Japan they'll be holding an Olympic game and well I've sign up for a boxing tryout, and later I receive a mail that say that I've been selected."
"Congratulation, Roger. I'll be cheering you on no matter what."
"How could you say that? You don't understand, Dex. When I head back my country..."
Then I tap his chest with my fist. "I know," I smile; "I saw your passport inside your bag and somehow inside; I... I kind miss when you are leaving."
So, I give him my gift and as he opens it; he saw necklet with a pair gold boxing together and blue sapphire on its strap. He happy to see it. And as I told him to open; he saw circular tag between the two gloves, and it said; "Never Give Up on Your Dreams." And on the back; "World Champion of Dreamer."
"'World Champion of Dreamer'? But Dex, that was your title."
"Yeah, and now I'll give it to you, my other half. That way you'll never give up without a fight, my friend. Also, it turns into three different form, too."
With that, he began to hug me and said thank you for his gift. Then, Fang rush over to us and said; "Sorry I'm late, Roger."
"There's no problem, Fang," he said; "You're just in time."
I began to question; "Wait, you mean you and Fang are going to Olympic together?'
"Yep," said Fang; "you see, when Roger call me for some sparring other day, he also told me that got accepted in Olympic, too. And we promise each other that will make to final together in a one on one match."
"Well then, we'll be cheering you... Hey, wait a minute! You and Roger spar together?"
Roger began to laugh nervously; "Yeah, but that from the other day before we spar, Dex."
"Okay," I sigh; "Well, guess this is good-bye, huh?"
"Yeah, and until we meet again." So, we fist bump each other and hug for our goodbye. They began walking for their game, and when see him off; I have feeling that someday will be meeting the ring on the near future.
"Good luck, Champ," I said.
Several month past, Roger and Fang train together before the games start, and as work together; it's like they have a special bond between them. During the day of the Olympics; me, Joey, Rumpa, and many of our friend comes to my gym to see the game and cheer for fang, who enter all the game. And when the boxing event is about to start, I began to text to Roger to wish him luck on the match.
Inside the locker room, as Roger almost put on his glove; he heard his phone chime and see that I sent him a message to wish him luck along with some emoji and picture of boxing champion. He smiles and began to text me back; "Thank-you, I'll give it my all."
Then, someone said to him; "Was that one of your friends from Australia, Roger?"
It was Hitoshi, one of Roger's friend, as he saw him, he said; "Yeah, he always gives me a great luck in my fight."
"Well, the game is about to start, so don't be late, okay?"
He nodded; "Right! I'll give him a great show."
"And also, Roger? Good luck, I'll be cheering for you, too."
"Thank, bro. I always for you, too."
And so, the boxing event has started. We saw Roger and Fang in the match branch along with another boxer, too. During their fight, they really given them all their best and so far, they both reach the semi-finals. At semi-final Roger has the first round against Bear from Russia. And from the look of it; the bear has a higher level of many types of boxer's class. Meaning that he almost like Roger's skill when goes toe to toe in the ring.
At the match, Roger carefully watches the opponent moves and tries to counterattack in any opening. We watch all the match throughout the round, and when they began to get tired; Roger try to use it as his advantage to defeat him. And so, with a few punches, the bear got knock out. Making roger won for the semi-final. And when he shakes the bear hands, he told him that he could try to train more in his school, so he can get stronger. Roger smile and give him his wish for best of luck.
And the next match, Fang going to face a boxer dog from America. But this dog is not like any other boxer. This dog is a slugger, a heavy hitter that could make other boxer knock out in a few punches or combo. And that not all, even when Fang is strong like him, he gotten into complete knock out on the second round.
Me and Rumpa couldn't believe our eyes. How could Fang lost easy? we thought; I can't believe it. But I must keep my fate to Roger. He's only one who could win this fight.
Back at the locker room, Roger saw the whole thing and now he known what he's up against. He prepares himself by wrapping him hand and when he saw my gift, he notices that I told him that it can transform into three shape; necklets, bracelet, and ring. So, he turns it into a ring and put it on his right hand, and then put his gloves on. As he got his ring, he known that I always be with him no matter what.
As he waited patiently; Fang and Hitoshi go inside and wish him good luck and when Fang show him a video message that sent, he was glad that I, I mean we given him all our faith to him, so walk toward the championship road.
And during the match, Roger and the boxer clashes like two titans shaken the world with great power. During the final round, Roger gotten hit and goes down. I was screaming his out and to encourage to continue the fight. And with that thought, Roger feel the ring inside his glove, and began to stand up. While I was watching him get up; I was glad that he's fighting all his might. And so, the match goes on, Roger now has table turn with his powerful skill that could defeat him, and as he's almost down; he thrown a final punch and won the Olympic game.
I thrill to see him win, I texted him with a selfie of me and my left glove saying; "Congratulation, you did it Champ."
And as he saw it, he replied; "It all thank you, your friends, and your gift. With it I could become a champion of the world." And with it, is his photo of him hold a gold medal with right hand along with the ring.
And that I know it, one of these we could become champion of world fill with dreamers. So, wait for me, Roger, I'll make it to the top. We'll face each again.
Plus, here's the link of his art and media:
*Twitter: 1. https://twitter.com/HitoshiPolar
2. https://twitter.com/ArtsHitoshi
*FA: https://www.furaffinity.net/user/olmefurry/
*DA: https://www.deviantart.com/olmedofox
Today is one of my friends, Roger birthday. Me and my other friend, Rumpa are planning out some ideas of making a surprise for Roger. And as I write down some item; I also tell him something that I really want to give him on his birthday, so I hand him a design of my gift.
"You're sure you want to give him this, Dex?" said Rumpa.
"Yeah", I said, "because I'm not so sure if he's going anywhere after his birthday, so I thought if I give him something that he could remember us by."
"Wow, Dex. I didn't notice about that. Okay, I'll round up some group and we'll gather everything, and meet by your gym."
"Thanks, Rumpa. Good luck."
"You, too. But, how can you let him stay at your gym?"
"Leave that to me."
So, we wish each other luck and Rumpa began to gather as many friends as he can find. And after he gather everyone, he starts to pass them out some list and began to their search party. As for Rumpa; he has a very important mission for me, so journey himself into the cavern.
Meanwhile, back at the gym; while I'm about to text my friend; I heard a knock on the door. So, I go to it and when I open it, I saw Roger with his gym bag strap across his shoulder. I was surprise to see him before I text to him.
"Hey Dex," he said; "How it's going?"
"R-Roger," I said; "what are you doing here? I was about to text you, but you to the punch."
"Really? Well, let's just say that I like to hang out my boxing buddy for fun."
"I see, well come in. And, Happy Birthday, Roger."
"Thank Dex."
So, we began talking about some matches that we been through and as he heard about mine; he amazing that I face many opponents, well some of course. The other fighter I- well we saw was not actually like face me in some way, but I like to watch their fight throughout the media instead. Plus, I show him some photo that I put up during last year, when I first have a match against Boru and everyone else, especially during the boxing day, too.
"Wow Dex," said Roger; "I couldn't believe that you fought everyone from last year. Especially you wrestle, too."
"Yeah," I said while became blush; "it really amazing when I first met Boru. Hey, how about we take a photo together?"
So, I took out my camera and we began to get together and bring out best smile to it. After that flash, we see two best friends in his great day. Roger say it good shot of us. And so, I ask him; "Hey, do you remember our promise back in the media?"
"A promise in the media...Oh, you and I are going to fight like in classic movie we saw."
"Yep, that one."
"All right, let's get to it."
"But we need to see and made some change toward it."
"Change, why?"
"Well...let's say the one in the movie; has some kick and some "not acceptable" boxing moves."
"I see, well then, let's take a look."
And so, we began watching the scene of kangaroo boxing match from the movie, and we've mark down some part we needed, and we don't need. After that, we head toward to the locker room and we began to get change into our sport wear. And as we're changing; I ask him, "Do you like to wear the same trunk as mine, Roger?"
"No, I got my own. And you still have some brown boxing gloves?"
"Always, and beside it always my glove before my new ones."
So, I gave him one of Rumpa's brown gloves and it fit him quite well. And after we finish changing, we began walk to the ring. And did the exact same thing they did in the movie:
I get in first by jumping over it by the ring's rope and began to go to my corner. As for Roger; he goes under it. Also, as he gotten to his corner; he slowly removes his robe and slightly begin to show off his appearance.
I began chuckle; "You know, when I started to see you do like that; it started to make me think you're some sort of super model."
"Oh yeah?" he said with a smile; "How about I start bop you like my very personal punching bag?"
"Bring on, Bruiser!"
After that we started to meet to each other and we began to clinch and then, Roger said to me; "Look at the money spent by that ticket."
"You almost sound a lot like Rocky when do that voice."
"Are you ready, Apollo?"
We both laugh; "Okay okay let continue this fight."
And so, we are off, we began thrown punches by each blow we been landed like a robot boxing game: "Rock'em Shock'em". He been hitting me by his first move during his uppercut, and he continue with another punch along with it. So, I fight back with a jab to his face, and ready throw another punch. But he starts to encounter with a left jab and continue punching me, and we began trade every blow we have.
After we thrown all punches, I began to step away from and given him a "Come at me" taunt. And after he come toward me, I start jabbing him like a speedbag from right to left. From each jab, his head going back and forth, along with his face been planted to my leather gloves.
As he found an advantage with an opening; he starts hop and step back a few. Then, he saw me doing some footwork and hearing me; "Come on! What's wrong?! Are getting tired by becoming mine personal punching bag?"
"Just you wait, Basher," he said under his breath; "I got something under my sleeves."
And so, he gave me a gut punch and then he uppercut me, to make me push back to the ring's ropes. After he did that, he did a victory pose by punching into the air and rise two of them high. Then, as he sees try to get up; I feel a bit dizzy and almost lose my stance, so he come to me and began to clinch to me for some support. While we began to clinch together; we began to dance around and then, he helps me standing into one spot. After that, he starts wind up arm his arm and began to perform a ultimate uppercut. By that uppercut, I been knock out completely.
Roger laugh; "That was actually better than the original one, Dex. Thanks."
"Yeah," I said; "no problem."
Roger help me up and said; "Since we finish this play, how about we do a little sparring match?"
I smile; "All right, you're on."
So, I began returning our brown glove to the locker, and began to get our blue glove. As I got my glove; I gone to Roger's and when I open his bag, I grab his glove from inside. Also, inside his bag; there were some plan ticket that been dated today. And when I try to see what it is, I heard my friend is calling. So, hurry up and grab some protected helmet, too. After I grab all the stuff that we need it, I hand it over to Roger his stuff, and we began to get ready.
When we're finishing up with our gear, I began to lay my back against the ring's corner, and ask; "So, how round you wanted, Roger?"
"Hmm, how about three rounds with down counts."
"Okay, and to begin this match; I want a free hit."
"Huh?! A free hit?! Why?"
"Remember you send me that photo of our character and yours hit mine?"
"Oh yeah, I guess you right."
And so, we put on our stance and be ready as the bell ring for the first round. DING! I started charging at him with my right jab ready to launch. But Roger dodges my punch.
"What?" I exclaim.
Then Roger said; "I would let have the free hit, but you have to catch me first."
I was kind a irritated from his puns, so I began to chase after him around the ring, until punch him. And every time I try to get to him, he continues to dodge my attack. After each throw, I attempt to take a breather and the bell rang for the first round to end. While I’m resting on the ropes; Roger said to me, "Sorry for that, Dex. Maybe you have the advantage during the next round."
"Yeah," I laugh as I'm panting; "maybe you're right. Until the next round, then."
So, we went back to our corner for water break. Then I got something inside my head, and began to ask Roger some question; "Hey Roger, why do you want to have sparring match?"
He began to sputtered at first and began to answer my question; "W-Well, you see I have someone request toward someone for a match and I like you, my buddy, to help me for training before it start."
"I see. So, who you going to face?"
"Um, Boru! Yes, Boru. I really like to have a match against him, even do since you already face him, maybe you could give some pointer, or some advice."
"Sure thing." Then beginning to wonder; why would he having some trouble with thinking over it about his opponent?
Then, the bell ring for the second round; DING DING!! We began meet each other in the middle of the ring and paces each other until one of us gone first. From each footstep, and practice, we are keeping our guard up and wait for any upcoming attack.
So, I started up by throwing a quick jab to him and throw another jab along with a hook. The first and second jab landed on his glove, and he began dodging my upcoming hook. Now Roger began throwing his jabs, and I block it in time before it landed a clean hit. And as he continues using his jab; I am keeping up my guard and stand strong until I planning to encounter or finding an opening for me to strike.
Then when I notice that he's about to throw his final jab, I began to dodge his punch, and counter him with an uppercut under his chin. But, with his quick reflexes, he dodges my uppercut and move back a few inches.
I was surprise that he's been training during the holiday even when Boru see him during Boxing Day. Wait, I began to think to myself; when Boru gone to Roger, could he assist him for training and sparring, too. If so, then who he really going to face?
I said to him; "That was pretty neat, Roger. If you didn't move, you might let your mouthguard flying out of your mouth."
Then he said; "Heh, thank for the complement, Dex. Come on! The match is still going on!" as he bashes his glove together.
I began charging toward him and began pull my right glove back for a straight punch. And when I'm near him; I throw my right straight, but he dodges my upcoming attack, and counter me with an uppercut. It sends my head back, and almost letting my mouth guard out. It's good thing I clutch it before the impact.
After that, he began to strike, so quickly recover and try to defend as many punches as he can throw. Then, I encounter him with gut punch; "Oomph!" he exclaims. Thrown another attack, jab, jab, hook, left hook, right hook, right cross, uppercut, then finally a left corkscrew. With that punch attacks; Roger has taken all hits and damage, that'll make hang from rope, steadily try to get up, and then gone down.
And as I saw him down; I began to count, "One...two...three...four..."
By then, he grabs the second rope and pull himself up. I am counting, seeing him that he be able to continue the fight. So, I asked him directly; "Sure you want to continue the match, Roger?"
"Yeah," he smiles; "and beside we kangaroo were born to never give up."
I was happy to hear his encouragement, but somehow, I have a feeling that Roger might a been distracted for some reason. I check the clock and it shown thirty to twenty-five minutes. So, we bump our glove and continue the match.
We began staidly pacing toward to each other; watch any one of our attack got to strike first. Then, Roger began to do a quick jab to my face, and then he thrown a hook along with it. I put my guard just in time and began to land a hit toward my glove instead of my face, but the second attack won't be easy. While I kept my guard up; he now using his hooks to break down my guard. And each time he does that from every swing, my guard becoming down in each hit. Then as my glove been lower; he continues using the same attack. I know I couldn't counter nor escape, cause I'm tired and losing all my stamina during the last minute of the match. So, I must sacrifice myself by taken all hit that he going to throw.
Roger began to throw few last hooks, and then he given some combo; he uses a quick double left jab, double right jab, left hook, right hook, straight, and finally a uppercut. By that uppercut, it launches me to the ropes and left me there beaten like rag doll. While I try to walk it off; I felt a little dizzy that making me lose my balance. I manage to get to Roger, and I began to grab hold him for get myself up standing right. With that, he began to hug me back to perform a clinch in the middle of the ring. Just then, I began punching his stomach, but my punches are too weak; they just tap it only.
Then, Roger said to me while hold; "Sure you all right?"
"Come on, I still have a chance, coach."
""Well, if you say so." And so, he let me go and began to hold me still in one place, and then he thrown a powerful hook across my face, that made my mouthguard flying out of my mouth. Along with my body collapse to the floor.
Just then, the bell rang for ending the second round; meaning that Roger won the second-round match. It made him raise both of his glove up high to claim his victory. Or is it...?
While he taken to the victory; he didn't notice that I've recover and began to get up. And when turn around, he saw me standing back up again. He was surprise to see me that I've still got some fighting inside of me.
"You gotten better, Roger. I'll give you that."
"Likewise, Dex. And I notice that you still have some fighting in ya."
"Yeah, and I guess this is going to be zero to two, huh?"
"Hmm...maybe. But hey, in the next round; maybe you are going get some point, too."
I nodded and we began to head back to our corners. I was happy that I finally give him some training, even do I really like to have a match with him, and not just any match, but a naturally match that been held right here on the outback. And maybe, we'll become great fighter around world, too. Well, at least one of us that is, but we'll give each other best of luck.
And so, the third round has begun, we thrown all our punch toward each other, and by then, our attack misses and yet hit on our glove. From the result of this match is record by a skill of our box training. We did train hard and practice, practice, practice until we could read and understand our opponent's move set. And there we can achieve our new set of skill and win in any kind of match.
I been watching Roger's step by step of his foot work and I know what he's going to do next. I dodge his jabs and block off his double hooks. And so, it's my turn to hit him directly, and he did the same thing that I did with him. As we continue with this fight; we thrown all our attack and each of those punches almost given a clean hit, but we never give up our guards. And in a few minutes later, we launch our final trust toward each other and as the bell ding; we hold our position of us using our move, I use my hook near his right cheek, and Roger uses his uppercut almost close toward my chin.
So, we exchange our great thought to each other from our preparation on this match. And then I reach out my walkie-talkie and check in with Rumpa and mission.
"Hey Rumpa, you there? Over."
Rumpa call back; "Hear you loud and clear, Dex. Over."
"How was your mission?"
"Well... let's just say it may take a bit longer than we thought."
"It means we need some time prepare it before we can make it."
"But how can I do that?"
"I don't know, let me think."
Then that gave me an idea; "Don't worry, Rumpa. I think I known what to do. Dex out."
So, I put my glove back and call out to Roger from the other side; "Roger! We're not finish just yet!"
"What?" Roger began to question.
"You heard me; we have unfinish business!"
"Look Dex, I don't have much time for this. I must leave soon, okay? Maybe we could a match on another time."
"So, you're saying your chicken?" I began to do chicken call.
"Good-bye Dex," he said angrily.
Then I began to think myself; "Oh no, what am I going to do? Think Dex, Think."
And when I saw my glove, I began to clench, and use for my plan, a foolish plan that is.
I sigh and said under my breath; "Forgive me, Roger."
So, I began to rush over to him and said; "Roger," along with punching in the face; "Don't you dare take on to me!" And when I see him down; "That what you get when you let your guard down, Wallaby. Hahaha."
And with that moment, Roger began to change. He stood up and without me looking at him; he gave an uppercut when I was laughing at him. As I on the floor; I saw Roger in a different personality, like he is showing me his true power.
"I told you, Dex," he said; "I don't have much time for this child play."
It was scary to see him in this form, but I mustn't let him see me in fear. I must stay strong and move on with my plans. So, I got back on my toes and began taking off my head gear, along with Roger did same. And then, we put up our gloves and start our brawl with a bang.
Meanwhile, inside the cavern; Rumpa continue searching some item that he needed to help me, and so far, he found several of it. But he needs one more finish it off his mission. He goes deeper and deeper until it gotten pitch black. He couldn't see where he's going, until one light shows him the way. He gone closer and closer until... he found a room fill with crystal and gem of all different colors. Rumpa was astonished to see it, it's like he is walking into a galaxy or seeing a star up close on the night sky.
"This is amazing." he said; "Right, now I need to find...aha." He picks up a gemstone that has a special color with an amazing shape inside of its core. So, he began mining and gotten the pieces he needs for his friend, Dex.
"I hope his friend would like it. And hope Dex got it under control back in his gym."
After his mission is done, he began heading to Bolper place get made. With the material he collected; Bolper crafting it with all his minds and tinkering to build a perfect gift for him. On the result, gift is now been crafted into a golden material with silver iron and along with a stone, too, the gift is now complete. Now Rumpa must regroup with his friends, so they can go to my gym.
Back at the gym, we continue with our fight and somehow this is almost getting a bit too serious. We began by trade some blows and dodge any more attack. I however, seeing him in action right in front of me; letting me fight an actual strong opponent. So, I have given him my full power.
I began dodging all his punches, and then I counter him with a jab to snout, along with some combo to beat him down. And then, I continue punching around the ring until tired from the fight. But he won't give up without a fight, so he began given me a blow to the stomach. I feel pain in my stomach, letting my guard down.
Roger saw an opening and then he uses his double jab to the face, and finally a hook-aroo across the face. I landed on the mat and he began to carry me to the inside of the ring. Along with that, he began to pin me down and began to beat me up. But I quickly protected myself with my gloves and began break him off with my double kicks attack.
After he been kicked, he was surprise and saw me on toe hopping. He said to me; "You use your leg to break off? Are you nuts? This is supposed to be a boxing match, not kick boxing."
Then I said to him as I do my kicks; "What's wrong? You can't use your kicks, too."
So, he gets up and got on his toe to be ready some real kangaroo combat. And he also said to me; "Why don't try and found out."
And so, we launch with strong feet and began to clash again, but this isn't any ordinary clash; this is a great clash down in the outback just like our ancestors did once. We throw many punches and kicks toward to each other. Blows after blows after blows, until in a few minute later, we gotten tired and began to clinch together. We are breathing heavily along with us tapping each with a strength that we barely have. Then, we finish it with one hit.
We began to break off and began to be ready to launch our attack. During that action; I throw my left punch and Roger throw his right punch. And therefore, we gotten ourselves into a deadlock. We see each that one of us will fall and victor of this match. Until... I was the one who's been knock out and lost the fight.
Roger was exhausted from the fight that I've began, and as he sees me on the floor; he was furious; "Dex, what the hack is wrong you?! At first you were a great opponent when we enter the ring, and now you become some sort of bully and an uncontrolled pugnacious boxer, who's look a fight by pick on others. And you know what?" as he taken off his glove and be ready to throw at me; "I don't think we..."
Then suddenly, he heard a knocking on the door. He got down from the ring and begin heading to the door. And just as open it; everyone shouted; "Surprise! Happy Birthday Roger!"
He was speechless at first and then he said; "W-What's this?"
"This your very own surprise party, Roger," said Rumpa; "it was all Dex idea to plan it out for you."
"Dex... you mean...he... did this...for me." Then he heard moaning as I try to get up, he hurries back inside the ring along with Rumpa to help me get up.
"Dex, is it true? You did this for me?"
"Of course," I said; "after all, you're my best friend." I give him my smile.
"Dex..." he said as almost began to cry.
"Well what are you waiting for go ahead this is your party, go and have fun."
So, he did, he let everyone inside and help them set up for the party. He surprises that everyone from Crocpond has come for his birthday.
Then Rumpa said to me; "So, you let him beat you up like walking punching, Dex? Now that what I call a winning knock out."
"Hahaha, very funny Rumpa," I said with a mocking laugh; "but still, when I fought against him; I can see that he been training a lot. He's getting stronger and he may be stronger than me. And that is why I'm glad to have a friend who's strong with a strong heart. Happy Birthday, Roger."
Later that day, we began to party all day. It was blast, even for Roger. But I when I saw going out, I beginning to wonder if he's all right after what happen today, so I go out to see him. And when I saw lay back against the gym's wall, I go to and said; "Hey Roger."
"Oh, hi Dex," said Roger as he sees my face with a black eye.
"What's up?"
"Nothing much. I want to thank you again for setting me a surprise party."
"No problem, plus I wanted to say that I'm sorry that attack."
Roger laugh; "Don't worry about, but you need to care for yourself first because you have a black eye on your face."
I began to stand proud and said; "Really? Then I guess that make me look cool."
Then, I lay back and join him for enjoy the evening. While I did that; I saw Rumpa with a gift and he began to hand it over to me from behind. After I retrieve it, I mouth over him; "Thank you, Rumpa." And he gave a thumbs up.
I was nervous to give to him, but then he said something to me before I give him his gift.
"Dex," he said; "remember I said that I have to go soon? Well, to tell you the truth; I'll be leaving out of this country and head back to my hometown in Japan."
"Really? Well, maybe you could tell me everything there when you come back."
"Dex, I'm not coming back."
"What? Why not?"
"You see, in Japan they'll be holding an Olympic game and well I've sign up for a boxing tryout, and later I receive a mail that say that I've been selected."
"Congratulation, Roger. I'll be cheering you on no matter what."
"How could you say that? You don't understand, Dex. When I head back my country..."
Then I tap his chest with my fist. "I know," I smile; "I saw your passport inside your bag and somehow inside; I... I kind miss when you are leaving."
So, I give him my gift and as he opens it; he saw necklet with a pair gold boxing together and blue sapphire on its strap. He happy to see it. And as I told him to open; he saw circular tag between the two gloves, and it said; "Never Give Up on Your Dreams." And on the back; "World Champion of Dreamer."
"'World Champion of Dreamer'? But Dex, that was your title."
"Yeah, and now I'll give it to you, my other half. That way you'll never give up without a fight, my friend. Also, it turns into three different form, too."
With that, he began to hug me and said thank you for his gift. Then, Fang rush over to us and said; "Sorry I'm late, Roger."
"There's no problem, Fang," he said; "You're just in time."
I began to question; "Wait, you mean you and Fang are going to Olympic together?'
"Yep," said Fang; "you see, when Roger call me for some sparring other day, he also told me that got accepted in Olympic, too. And we promise each other that will make to final together in a one on one match."
"Well then, we'll be cheering you... Hey, wait a minute! You and Roger spar together?"
Roger began to laugh nervously; "Yeah, but that from the other day before we spar, Dex."
"Okay," I sigh; "Well, guess this is good-bye, huh?"
"Yeah, and until we meet again." So, we fist bump each other and hug for our goodbye. They began walking for their game, and when see him off; I have feeling that someday will be meeting the ring on the near future.
"Good luck, Champ," I said.
Several month past, Roger and Fang train together before the games start, and as work together; it's like they have a special bond between them. During the day of the Olympics; me, Joey, Rumpa, and many of our friend comes to my gym to see the game and cheer for fang, who enter all the game. And when the boxing event is about to start, I began to text to Roger to wish him luck on the match.
Inside the locker room, as Roger almost put on his glove; he heard his phone chime and see that I sent him a message to wish him luck along with some emoji and picture of boxing champion. He smiles and began to text me back; "Thank-you, I'll give it my all."
Then, someone said to him; "Was that one of your friends from Australia, Roger?"
It was Hitoshi, one of Roger's friend, as he saw him, he said; "Yeah, he always gives me a great luck in my fight."
"Well, the game is about to start, so don't be late, okay?"
He nodded; "Right! I'll give him a great show."
"And also, Roger? Good luck, I'll be cheering for you, too."
"Thank, bro. I always for you, too."
And so, the boxing event has started. We saw Roger and Fang in the match branch along with another boxer, too. During their fight, they really given them all their best and so far, they both reach the semi-finals. At semi-final Roger has the first round against Bear from Russia. And from the look of it; the bear has a higher level of many types of boxer's class. Meaning that he almost like Roger's skill when goes toe to toe in the ring.
At the match, Roger carefully watches the opponent moves and tries to counterattack in any opening. We watch all the match throughout the round, and when they began to get tired; Roger try to use it as his advantage to defeat him. And so, with a few punches, the bear got knock out. Making roger won for the semi-final. And when he shakes the bear hands, he told him that he could try to train more in his school, so he can get stronger. Roger smile and give him his wish for best of luck.
And the next match, Fang going to face a boxer dog from America. But this dog is not like any other boxer. This dog is a slugger, a heavy hitter that could make other boxer knock out in a few punches or combo. And that not all, even when Fang is strong like him, he gotten into complete knock out on the second round.
Me and Rumpa couldn't believe our eyes. How could Fang lost easy? we thought; I can't believe it. But I must keep my fate to Roger. He's only one who could win this fight.
Back at the locker room, Roger saw the whole thing and now he known what he's up against. He prepares himself by wrapping him hand and when he saw my gift, he notices that I told him that it can transform into three shape; necklets, bracelet, and ring. So, he turns it into a ring and put it on his right hand, and then put his gloves on. As he got his ring, he known that I always be with him no matter what.
As he waited patiently; Fang and Hitoshi go inside and wish him good luck and when Fang show him a video message that sent, he was glad that I, I mean we given him all our faith to him, so walk toward the championship road.
And during the match, Roger and the boxer clashes like two titans shaken the world with great power. During the final round, Roger gotten hit and goes down. I was screaming his out and to encourage to continue the fight. And with that thought, Roger feel the ring inside his glove, and began to stand up. While I was watching him get up; I was glad that he's fighting all his might. And so, the match goes on, Roger now has table turn with his powerful skill that could defeat him, and as he's almost down; he thrown a final punch and won the Olympic game.
I thrill to see him win, I texted him with a selfie of me and my left glove saying; "Congratulation, you did it Champ."
And as he saw it, he replied; "It all thank you, your friends, and your gift. With it I could become a champion of the world." And with it, is his photo of him hold a gold medal with right hand along with the ring.
And that I know it, one of these we could become champion of world fill with dreamers. So, wait for me, Roger, I'll make it to the top. We'll face each again.
Category Story / All
Species Kangaroo
Gender Male
Size 50 x 50px
File Size 140.7 kB