“How long has it been? Where on Earth am I? Am I ever going to find my way back home?” These are the questions you’ve been asking yourself over and over again for the past several hours. It’s the only thing you can think of as you continue your seemingly vast and endless journey through this unfamiliar, gigantic world. Where the blades of grass tower over you like tall trees; and the trees themselves reach even greater heights like skyscrapers. Despite the seismic surroundings, you regularly count your blessings that you’ve yet to encounter any form of hostile natives. After all, any woodland critter could present itself a great danger to you at your current size. As long as you keep your focus and mind the enormous environment, you should be just fine. All of a sudden...you hear a faint, yet loud sound in the distance; however, it’s hard to tell exactly which direction it’s coming from. As the sound grows louder, the soft soil beneath you begins to quake along with the booming THOOM...THOOM...THOOM....
MMMmmm What a lovely day for a stroll through the tranquil forest! So serene...so peaceful ~ It was certainly a wise choice to go out without my sandals; the grass and soil feels so softened today!
Panic fills your mind as the THOOM...THOOM...THOOM grows ever so closer, yet you still can’t tell where it’s coming from. Just then...everything around you completely darkens by a colossal shadow appearing overhead. Stricken with fear and frozen in place, you slowly tilt your head all the way back to look up above...only to catch a brief glimpse of a colossal figure descending right on top of your insignificant being. Before you could make out what it is...it all goes black. You’re not dead, but you can’t seem to move...not with what feels like a huge mass weighing down on you and applying great pressure. Thankfully, the loose soil underneath seems to have cushioned you from the full force of the immense mass and preventing your minuscule body from being crushed to death. The mass itself is firm, but also somewhat soft with a warm texture, and pleasant aroma; it strangely feels like a comforting experience. As you remain helplessly pinned against your own will, you hear one more THOOM from underneath the huge mass before you’re relieved of the weighing pressure, and the light returns....
Well, this has been pleasant and all, but I really should be heading back home soon. Before it gets...*!* Hmm? What is that? Did I just step on something?
When the darkness clears, your sore body remains embedded in the soil, and your sight gradually makes out what appears to be a monumental foot slowly lifting itself off of you. No, wait...it’s not a foot, but more of a paw; an enormous paw with a dark grey pad and rotund toe beans the size of mountains. On closer inspection, this gigantic paw is attached to a leviathan sized female wolf wearing a blue leotard, and has a strikingly gorgeous figure. Especially, from your current point of view Despite how insignificant you are compared to this goddess-like giantess, it seems you have not gone unnoticed, for she appears to be looking over her shoulder and down below at your direction. What follows next is a soft, yet booming voice spoken from the wolf giantess. You continue to lay embedded where you are and stare in awe at the alluringly titanic figure. You wonder where this is going to lead to next...with uncertainty and excitement in your heart ~
What’s this now? OH! Oh, my goodness...I should really watch where I walk around barefoot.
Artwork by
original: https://www.furaffinity.net/view/33989360/
Lupe © DiC
MMMmmm What a lovely day for a stroll through the tranquil forest! So serene...so peaceful ~ It was certainly a wise choice to go out without my sandals; the grass and soil feels so softened today!
Panic fills your mind as the THOOM...THOOM...THOOM grows ever so closer, yet you still can’t tell where it’s coming from. Just then...everything around you completely darkens by a colossal shadow appearing overhead. Stricken with fear and frozen in place, you slowly tilt your head all the way back to look up above...only to catch a brief glimpse of a colossal figure descending right on top of your insignificant being. Before you could make out what it is...it all goes black. You’re not dead, but you can’t seem to move...not with what feels like a huge mass weighing down on you and applying great pressure. Thankfully, the loose soil underneath seems to have cushioned you from the full force of the immense mass and preventing your minuscule body from being crushed to death. The mass itself is firm, but also somewhat soft with a warm texture, and pleasant aroma; it strangely feels like a comforting experience. As you remain helplessly pinned against your own will, you hear one more THOOM from underneath the huge mass before you’re relieved of the weighing pressure, and the light returns....
Well, this has been pleasant and all, but I really should be heading back home soon. Before it gets...*!* Hmm? What is that? Did I just step on something?
When the darkness clears, your sore body remains embedded in the soil, and your sight gradually makes out what appears to be a monumental foot slowly lifting itself off of you. No, wait...it’s not a foot, but more of a paw; an enormous paw with a dark grey pad and rotund toe beans the size of mountains. On closer inspection, this gigantic paw is attached to a leviathan sized female wolf wearing a blue leotard, and has a strikingly gorgeous figure. Especially, from your current point of view Despite how insignificant you are compared to this goddess-like giantess, it seems you have not gone unnoticed, for she appears to be looking over her shoulder and down below at your direction. What follows next is a soft, yet booming voice spoken from the wolf giantess. You continue to lay embedded where you are and stare in awe at the alluringly titanic figure. You wonder where this is going to lead to next...with uncertainty and excitement in your heart ~
What’s this now? OH! Oh, my goodness...I should really watch where I walk around barefoot.
Artwork by

Lupe © DiC
Category Artwork (Digital) / Macro / Micro
Species Wolf
Gender Female
Size 3800 x 3840px
File Size 1.64 MB
Sorry for the lack of context I wanted to upload this before Thanksgiving dinner preparation, but I was drawing a blank on what to write, and time was running out for me. (Hell, even the title took a while to decide on.) Afterwards, I was too full and drowsy to go back and work on a story I’ll see if I can touch it up later on today
Hey, thanks! Glad you enjoyed it! Not gonna lie, though...this took nearly all afternoon and night to write down Trying to set the the proper tone and setup, while having outside distractions impede my thought process By the end, I tried to wrap things up nicely, but it feels a bit rushed in my opinion I don’t know...maybe I’ll touch it up a bit more when I have the chance
Man. I really should expect such amazing pics to pop up every now and then in your gallery, but I'm still caught off-guard and blown away by some of them and that's certainly the case here. Jazzumi is a fantastic artist, so I'm always happy to see someone commissioning them! This is such a gorgeous and breathtaking view of Lupe's foot that it's hard not to keep staring. What I wouldn't give to be pressed into the soil under a paw like that.
Also, while it's obviously not the focus, that's a damn fine view of her backside as well. I can always appreciate that!
Also! I always love to see little stories to go with such great pics, so kudos to you for that! It's quite nice and I hope you continue to write them.
Also, while it's obviously not the focus, that's a damn fine view of her backside as well. I can always appreciate that!
Also! I always love to see little stories to go with such great pics, so kudos to you for that! It's quite nice and I hope you continue to write them.
I’m fortunate enough to have the opportunities to commission such talented artists like Jazzumi This definitely warrants another one, and perhaps it’ll be a follow-up I, too, would love to be in that same situation ~
You can call that a happy accident, but definitely a welcomed one Baby got back!
I’ll be honest, I’ve fallen into a bit of a rut when it comes to writing these short stories to accompany my commissions Still, I do my best, and I appreciate followers like you who enjoy reading them
You can call that a happy accident, but definitely a welcomed one Baby got back!
I’ll be honest, I’ve fallen into a bit of a rut when it comes to writing these short stories to accompany my commissions Still, I do my best, and I appreciate followers like you who enjoy reading them
You certainly have some fantastic taste in artists to commission. No denying that!
Booty is always welcome, focus or not, of course, especially when the booty belongs to such an amazing character.
Yeah, I don't imagine it's always easy to come up with a story for a piece, but whenever you do, it makes the piece all the better. That being said, there's no need to try to force it if you're just not feeling it. The art still speaks for itself, after all.
Booty is always welcome, focus or not, of course, especially when the booty belongs to such an amazing character.
Yeah, I don't imagine it's always easy to come up with a story for a piece, but whenever you do, it makes the piece all the better. That being said, there's no need to try to force it if you're just not feeling it. The art still speaks for itself, after all.
[Lupe towers over your insignificant presence, unknowingly laying in one of her blue sandals; she looks directly down on you with a cocked head and smug smirk]
Well…well…well What do we have here? Is that a pitiful puny pest I see before me, with the audacity of laying its despicable body on my sandal? MY sandal?! Where do you get the gall to show me such disrespect? You miserable miscreant! Just for that…you can spend the rest of your saddened days as my insole; you shall keep my supple paw cushioned throughout my long walks on the roughest/toughest of terrain imaginable. Ready or not…here comes my foot!
[Lupe mockingly hovers her foot directly above you, splaying her plump toes widely, before sliding it entirely inside her sandal; she now has you trapped within her rugged footwear, pressing your helpless body against the immense weight of her fuzzy sole and leathered insole. Lupe cackles wickedly, as she takes slow and heavy footsteps to prolong your tiny torment]
Well…well…well What do we have here? Is that a pitiful puny pest I see before me, with the audacity of laying its despicable body on my sandal? MY sandal?! Where do you get the gall to show me such disrespect? You miserable miscreant! Just for that…you can spend the rest of your saddened days as my insole; you shall keep my supple paw cushioned throughout my long walks on the roughest/toughest of terrain imaginable. Ready or not…here comes my foot!
[Lupe mockingly hovers her foot directly above you, splaying her plump toes widely, before sliding it entirely inside her sandal; she now has you trapped within her rugged footwear, pressing your helpless body against the immense weight of her fuzzy sole and leathered insole. Lupe cackles wickedly, as she takes slow and heavy footsteps to prolong your tiny torment]