Full Detail (and some!) commission for
Deredek of his OC, Estella. Upgraded from the sketch version seen here _> https://www.furaffinity.net/view/31981047/

Category Artwork (Digital) / All
Species Unspecified / Any
Gender Multiple characters
Size 1101 x 727px
File Size 9.79 MB
Alright well first off I feel it pertinent to say I'll break my personal rule to not critique commissions here since you asked for CC on this one specifically (but I do think you kinda wanted some ego-stroking since you knew you were sitting on a golden goose egg of a picture here haha). That said I'll do my outmost to respect that commissions are affairs that are time sensitive and that this one is an upgrade of a previous work.
Initial impressions;
Wow that is quite an upgrade! The lighting pops, I could make popcorn on this art cuz the lighting's popping! Love this high contrast work! The colour choices really sells the intensity of the moment and feels hot like a blast forge! It is a very *busy* picture, it feels very full and hectic which is completely on-brand for DOOM, but a bit intense to take in after a while.
I find it fascinating to look into all the details in this picture, there's *so* many and there's such a large amount of edited elements between v1 and v2. Things like the ruined buildings receiving a layer of highlighting to give them depth, the pentagram changing location to another building and is now crazy detailed for such a small element. I get the sensation that so much time must've gone into making almost an entirely new image on top of the other one and it shows in the care that's gone into it.
Moving on to the obvious elephant in the room. The demons all look great in this piece. The Cyber demon in particular is a great edition and his face-lift makes him look terrifying where before I thought he was a bit more on the goofy side of demo now he's scary AF. His little beady eyes squished so tight from rage you can tell there's not a shred or remorse in that hulk (glad to see he got his 2 missing ejection ports on his arm cannon) I also like the Harvester, surprised you went into that much detail on him tbh, all the detail is appreciated of course but mayhaps the image could've done with at least a little breathing room? I also am under the impression that leaving him out would help with drawing the gaze up the protagonist's leg to the focal point, he right now breaks it a bit.
I also notice that it's in front of the cyber demon's hand, if the idea was that the cyberdemon is even further back than the Harvester (who looks to be a fair bit in the distance by how small it is) it might've been a good idea to further indicate it a bit more with a slight colour shift to the background and let some of the flames in front of him. As it is right now it either feels like the Harvester is mistakenly in front of the Cyber demon's hand (and the protagonist is just *that* huge with the Cyber just behind her), or that the Cyber demon is gargantuan in comparison to the protagonist and isn't indicated as in the far background.
Finally the lost souls all look great, you've managed to sell their swarming behaviour and while I see a few copies it's great to see so many be redrawn in different positions and angles!
For me the detail (or lack thereof) in the foreground was one of the mayor detractors of the initial image. The rubble-pile was bland and the demons there were not appealing to me, all changed now when they have as much work put into them as the protagonist did in V1! I can only applaud the effort. One thing I can say about the foreground that seems to have been overlooked is how it interacts with the fire effect, I interpret it to be in the background, despite that it's still being visible in the foreground in the left corner of the image such as under the Mancubus arm and under the Imp. I'm sure no one's spotted that, it even took me gawking at this a long long time to see it haha
The one complains besides that is the edition of what looks like a fallen Doom guy....doom guy doesn't die D:! That and doing a bit if research I'm unsure which model you based it off of, I cannot seem to find the combination of the chest-light and exposed abdomen anywhere. Nit picks nit picks, the corpse pile looks much better now, it's got stuff in it and isn't just a black void on the canvas which is great! There also appears to be a random furry skull at the bottom under the Baron's head, reference of some kind? ^^
Initial impression:
This is such an improvement on v1....like there's almost no comparison with how much lively and energetic this version comes off as simply by how dramatic the improved highlighting is. though I think it's a shame to drop the demon head as it epitomized the epithet of Doom "Rip and Tear!" the straight arm is much better at guiding the gaze so it's an improvement as well in my books.
I really like this pose! It's very dynamic! Her hair, the sword and all limbs guides the gaze to the focal points in her face and chest and her expression really speaks of how pissed off she is in the moment! It gives me an impression of defiance, which is exactly what I think you're aiming for in this piece!
Little to no comparison can be made between this and v1. This one feels like it was completely redone from scratch and given a high-contrast make-over that's more fitting for the intensity of the fire and flames. The lights off of her chest is a focal point that's the brightest part of the image and is snaps attention to it immediately upon viewing, unlike V1 where it's almost like the lost souls are fighting for attention. Great work!
A slight improvement I feel like sharing is that I find that the shadows could've been darker over her loins and the underside of her tail and hair, I feel like it'd been a great contrast to the light areas spiraling out of her chest and right arm and given these light points just a slight bit of "oomph!"
Realization of Design
This character is a bit tricky for me as I find the reference sheet a bit lacking, I'd like to see more comparison material such as a scale indicator to give off what her height is. That said she's been made shockingly consistent by many artists, her face in particular has never been altered as far as I can tell.
Ascertaining her true height is difficult, the closest I could come was this comic where she's about the size of the front end of a semi truck which'd put her on the "BIG" end of the scale but compared to the torso of the doom guy she's standing on she feels comparatively small (extrapolating the length and width of the doom guy's torso it looks to be bigger than hers) and for a fact the demons should be bigger than him. So there's some logical issues with scaling but nothing anyone will notice or detracts from the image.
I also find that she appears a fair bit brighter in v2, a lot of which could be explained by the more intense highlighting to be sure. That said I still feel like the parts of her that is almost radiant with their brightness wouldn't appear that way but it'd be more subdued by the base colour being so dark. All that said I happen to love this high brightness version and I'd suggest making her base colour a lot brighter to give her a "cleaner" appearance, the grey on gray is a bit dull for my personal tastes. The only major thing I notice that you've not followed is that she doesn't seem to have the plates on her thighs and of course, her ears are completely gone in this version xD
Finally I'll leave off with that her sword is a great addition to the image. It looks the part, like it's been taken from some minion of hell or it's been made by the scientist dudes. I further like that it's a colour deviation from the dominant orange, managing to stand out from all the other lighting and effects that'd have drowned it out had it remained the same colour as the other oranges. It's also used well as an elongation of the arm to really draw the gaze towards her face. Massive kudos for that design choice!
Closing remarks:
Minor nit-picks I doubt anyone really notices. this picture manages to encompass what DOOM is about, hardcore over the top fighting demons with fire and viscera flying all around. It's just a bit busy with some scaling and background elements that could've used some better incorporation into said background.
Initial impressions;
Wow that is quite an upgrade! The lighting pops, I could make popcorn on this art cuz the lighting's popping! Love this high contrast work! The colour choices really sells the intensity of the moment and feels hot like a blast forge! It is a very *busy* picture, it feels very full and hectic which is completely on-brand for DOOM, but a bit intense to take in after a while.
I find it fascinating to look into all the details in this picture, there's *so* many and there's such a large amount of edited elements between v1 and v2. Things like the ruined buildings receiving a layer of highlighting to give them depth, the pentagram changing location to another building and is now crazy detailed for such a small element. I get the sensation that so much time must've gone into making almost an entirely new image on top of the other one and it shows in the care that's gone into it.
Moving on to the obvious elephant in the room. The demons all look great in this piece. The Cyber demon in particular is a great edition and his face-lift makes him look terrifying where before I thought he was a bit more on the goofy side of demo now he's scary AF. His little beady eyes squished so tight from rage you can tell there's not a shred or remorse in that hulk (glad to see he got his 2 missing ejection ports on his arm cannon) I also like the Harvester, surprised you went into that much detail on him tbh, all the detail is appreciated of course but mayhaps the image could've done with at least a little breathing room? I also am under the impression that leaving him out would help with drawing the gaze up the protagonist's leg to the focal point, he right now breaks it a bit.
I also notice that it's in front of the cyber demon's hand, if the idea was that the cyberdemon is even further back than the Harvester (who looks to be a fair bit in the distance by how small it is) it might've been a good idea to further indicate it a bit more with a slight colour shift to the background and let some of the flames in front of him. As it is right now it either feels like the Harvester is mistakenly in front of the Cyber demon's hand (and the protagonist is just *that* huge with the Cyber just behind her), or that the Cyber demon is gargantuan in comparison to the protagonist and isn't indicated as in the far background.
Finally the lost souls all look great, you've managed to sell their swarming behaviour and while I see a few copies it's great to see so many be redrawn in different positions and angles!
For me the detail (or lack thereof) in the foreground was one of the mayor detractors of the initial image. The rubble-pile was bland and the demons there were not appealing to me, all changed now when they have as much work put into them as the protagonist did in V1! I can only applaud the effort. One thing I can say about the foreground that seems to have been overlooked is how it interacts with the fire effect, I interpret it to be in the background, despite that it's still being visible in the foreground in the left corner of the image such as under the Mancubus arm and under the Imp. I'm sure no one's spotted that, it even took me gawking at this a long long time to see it haha
The one complains besides that is the edition of what looks like a fallen Doom guy....doom guy doesn't die D:! That and doing a bit if research I'm unsure which model you based it off of, I cannot seem to find the combination of the chest-light and exposed abdomen anywhere. Nit picks nit picks, the corpse pile looks much better now, it's got stuff in it and isn't just a black void on the canvas which is great! There also appears to be a random furry skull at the bottom under the Baron's head, reference of some kind? ^^
Initial impression:
This is such an improvement on v1....like there's almost no comparison with how much lively and energetic this version comes off as simply by how dramatic the improved highlighting is. though I think it's a shame to drop the demon head as it epitomized the epithet of Doom "Rip and Tear!" the straight arm is much better at guiding the gaze so it's an improvement as well in my books.
I really like this pose! It's very dynamic! Her hair, the sword and all limbs guides the gaze to the focal points in her face and chest and her expression really speaks of how pissed off she is in the moment! It gives me an impression of defiance, which is exactly what I think you're aiming for in this piece!
Little to no comparison can be made between this and v1. This one feels like it was completely redone from scratch and given a high-contrast make-over that's more fitting for the intensity of the fire and flames. The lights off of her chest is a focal point that's the brightest part of the image and is snaps attention to it immediately upon viewing, unlike V1 where it's almost like the lost souls are fighting for attention. Great work!
A slight improvement I feel like sharing is that I find that the shadows could've been darker over her loins and the underside of her tail and hair, I feel like it'd been a great contrast to the light areas spiraling out of her chest and right arm and given these light points just a slight bit of "oomph!"
Realization of Design
This character is a bit tricky for me as I find the reference sheet a bit lacking, I'd like to see more comparison material such as a scale indicator to give off what her height is. That said she's been made shockingly consistent by many artists, her face in particular has never been altered as far as I can tell.
Ascertaining her true height is difficult, the closest I could come was this comic where she's about the size of the front end of a semi truck which'd put her on the "BIG" end of the scale but compared to the torso of the doom guy she's standing on she feels comparatively small (extrapolating the length and width of the doom guy's torso it looks to be bigger than hers) and for a fact the demons should be bigger than him. So there's some logical issues with scaling but nothing anyone will notice or detracts from the image.
I also find that she appears a fair bit brighter in v2, a lot of which could be explained by the more intense highlighting to be sure. That said I still feel like the parts of her that is almost radiant with their brightness wouldn't appear that way but it'd be more subdued by the base colour being so dark. All that said I happen to love this high brightness version and I'd suggest making her base colour a lot brighter to give her a "cleaner" appearance, the grey on gray is a bit dull for my personal tastes. The only major thing I notice that you've not followed is that she doesn't seem to have the plates on her thighs and of course, her ears are completely gone in this version xD
Finally I'll leave off with that her sword is a great addition to the image. It looks the part, like it's been taken from some minion of hell or it's been made by the scientist dudes. I further like that it's a colour deviation from the dominant orange, managing to stand out from all the other lighting and effects that'd have drowned it out had it remained the same colour as the other oranges. It's also used well as an elongation of the arm to really draw the gaze towards her face. Massive kudos for that design choice!
Closing remarks:
Minor nit-picks I doubt anyone really notices. this picture manages to encompass what DOOM is about, hardcore over the top fighting demons with fire and viscera flying all around. It's just a bit busy with some scaling and background elements that could've used some better incorporation into said background.