The 2019 Reference Sheet and Info for Timothy Soro. You can still look into previous sheets/works about him. Take note that this description is taken from this reference but added with changes specific to this event.
Original || 2018 Remake || Werewolf || Fighter || 2 Years Later (Original | 2018 Remake)
Timothy Soro is a bit of run-of-the-mill college student, born a brawn and a genius, a same trait shared with his young sister. He does a mindset heavily influenced with Filipino values. Despite being less sociable, he enjoys getting along with people as long as no one puts a strain.
In the meantime of Rosemary’s absence in Santo Tomas, he along with his handful of friends were subjected to super soldier experiment conducted in the said city, turning him into a big, powerful hunk filed with overpowered abilities (well not too much). Super soldiers would take months to prepare themselves before attending the program yet to be announced, but he and his newly transformed friends luckily have more than enough time once his sister arrives.
While he is often a positive, kind fellow, sometimes he can be also anti-heroic, as he bears his antagonistic thoughts, and can be hot-tempered, sinister or green-minded.
Aged 18, Capricorn, 5’6” (167.64 cm) tall
Personality: Active, Patient, Less Sociable, Forgiving, Moderately Religious, Aggressive, Unpredictable, Sometimes Mischievous
Hobbies: drawing, bodybuilding, martial arts, and tinkering electronics
Likes: Pastries, Music, Drawing, Information, Technology, and Muscles
Dislikes: Literal slap on his face, Losing his patience, People who seriously follow up their threats, Persistently unforgiving people, and Enforcing agenda on him
1. Cellphone: Specifically an Android phone named Soro Hotspot, packed with games he often plays in his freetime
1. Electric Sticks: A pair of electric, aluminum sticks used in combats and throwing, that can also be attached to each other to form a bo
2. Barbell: A tool for weightlifting also used for combat, packed with a cattle prod in one of the barbell balls.
3. Pistols: A pair of pistols sheathed on both sides
1. Martial Arts: He has had many but not all of different practices from his relatives. Mainly he practices Arnis, Karate, and Kickboxing.
2. Electric and Electronic Manipulation: Given with powers of the cyan orb, he can manipulate electrical objects and electronics; Additionally, he can create holographic screens
3. Myotonic Hypertrophy: A genetic event that he is born with muscles instead of fat, he remains in the muscular build even to this day
4. Super Strength: Based on the previous reference sheets, he is born hard and strong, he can only lift as heavy as a supply truck
5. Natural Fox Instincts: He has certain abilities from a fox, like seeing in dark and high jumps, abnormally he is highly tolerant with chocolate and other food deemed poisonous to regular canines
Symbol: Two cyan bastons (sticks) in X-form over the blue background.
1. Completely redesigned from 2017 Reference Sheet
2. Clothing colors redesigned, cyan marks on his hands set to dark when not glowing
3. Added Back Tattoo saying “Muscle” in Cantonese
4. Changed height from 6’3” (or 6’2”) up to 6’5”
Original || 2018 Remake || Werewolf || Fighter || 2 Years Later (Original | 2018 Remake)
Timothy Soro is a bit of run-of-the-mill college student, born a brawn and a genius, a same trait shared with his young sister. He does a mindset heavily influenced with Filipino values. Despite being less sociable, he enjoys getting along with people as long as no one puts a strain.
In the meantime of Rosemary’s absence in Santo Tomas, he along with his handful of friends were subjected to super soldier experiment conducted in the said city, turning him into a big, powerful hunk filed with overpowered abilities (well not too much). Super soldiers would take months to prepare themselves before attending the program yet to be announced, but he and his newly transformed friends luckily have more than enough time once his sister arrives.
While he is often a positive, kind fellow, sometimes he can be also anti-heroic, as he bears his antagonistic thoughts, and can be hot-tempered, sinister or green-minded.
Aged 18, Capricorn, 5’6” (167.64 cm) tall
Personality: Active, Patient, Less Sociable, Forgiving, Moderately Religious, Aggressive, Unpredictable, Sometimes Mischievous
Hobbies: drawing, bodybuilding, martial arts, and tinkering electronics
Likes: Pastries, Music, Drawing, Information, Technology, and Muscles
Dislikes: Literal slap on his face, Losing his patience, People who seriously follow up their threats, Persistently unforgiving people, and Enforcing agenda on him
1. Cellphone: Specifically an Android phone named Soro Hotspot, packed with games he often plays in his freetime
1. Electric Sticks: A pair of electric, aluminum sticks used in combats and throwing, that can also be attached to each other to form a bo
2. Barbell: A tool for weightlifting also used for combat, packed with a cattle prod in one of the barbell balls.
3. Pistols: A pair of pistols sheathed on both sides
1. Martial Arts: He has had many but not all of different practices from his relatives. Mainly he practices Arnis, Karate, and Kickboxing.
2. Electric and Electronic Manipulation: Given with powers of the cyan orb, he can manipulate electrical objects and electronics; Additionally, he can create holographic screens
3. Myotonic Hypertrophy: A genetic event that he is born with muscles instead of fat, he remains in the muscular build even to this day
4. Super Strength: Based on the previous reference sheets, he is born hard and strong, he can only lift as heavy as a supply truck
5. Natural Fox Instincts: He has certain abilities from a fox, like seeing in dark and high jumps, abnormally he is highly tolerant with chocolate and other food deemed poisonous to regular canines
Symbol: Two cyan bastons (sticks) in X-form over the blue background.
1. Completely redesigned from 2017 Reference Sheet
2. Clothing colors redesigned, cyan marks on his hands set to dark when not glowing
3. Added Back Tattoo saying “Muscle” in Cantonese
4. Changed height from 6’3” (or 6’2”) up to 6’5”
Category Artwork (Digital) / Muscle
Species Fox (Other)
Gender Male
Size 3056 x 1988px
File Size 1.6 MB