Boy, what a day! Lupe sure kept busy with so much to do on her agenda It’s a good thing she had the most comfiest and durable insoles to help cushion her rugged paws through it all; she couldn’t have asked for such loyal devotees! Now the day is over, the sun has set, and night falls. Lupe retires to her bedroom for some rest and relaxation. Lupe slides off her sandals, releasing her two tiny followers. Despite the confinement and pressing, Alem and Kane01 enjoyed every moment of it In fact, they’re a little saddened that it’s over Time for the two of them to head out their separate ways It’s all over....OR IS IT??? Just as the they turn around and leave, both micros are suddenly pinned down on the floor with Lupe’s massive paws right on top of them! Turns out Lupe’s not quite done with her dinky devotees just yet After all, what could be more appropriate after a long arduous day, than topping it off with a soothing foot massage? Looks like these guys have got some overtime to do
Artwork by
Alem belongs to
Lupe © DiC
Artwork by

Alem belongs to

Lupe © DiC
Category Artwork (Digital) / Macro / Micro
Species Wolf
Gender Multiple characters
Size 2560 x 3474px
File Size 986.6 kB
Guess what, my little friend? It’s your turn now and I kept my feet nice & warm for you Here...feel for yourself ~ *Lupe lifts both of her luscious feet over your tiny body, and then gently plants them on you; she carefully rubs/smothers you with the warmth of her velvety soles for several hours*