The poster I illustrated for FWA 2019 which I can now finally share! Doing the art for this con and seeing the ways in which it was printed and used for merch (the pokerchips, enamel pins, caps and t-shirts all had my designs on them) was so cool!
Well worth the work for the experience I had at that con. Thank you to the FWA staff for this opportunity!
Prints available (click)!
Well worth the work for the experience I had at that con. Thank you to the FWA staff for this opportunity!
Prints available (click)!
Category Artwork (Digital) / All
Species Unspecified / Any
Gender Any
Size 937 x 1400px
File Size 782.7 kB
That's some really fine work there! One of the first details to hit me was how you differentiated between the long, more defined muscles of the rabbit's arm and the larger, bulkier muscles of the croc's. That's a good eye for anatomy differences between species! Of course the whole picture is outstanding, but that one thing struck me in particular.
Oh I love this! Awesome composition and color choices. I wonder what they are lookin at. Seens like they are switching to another boat or something like this uh?
Lovely accents on details, even on the ship far away! But at the same time non importaint places are pretty sketchy, makes your eye focus on main things. And omg, orange/sand colors mixing with blue sky are very impressive annd contrasted. Feels sunny and hot <3
I feel pretty sad only about feet, I really love when furry legs are different and more animal like. The bird and rabbit would look much more different then if it was animalistic legs/paws :3 But I can understand your decision, it's much easier to build good clothes and mood for epic walk when all chars have similar proportions. Also I haven't seen much crocodiles have sort of mixed anatomy on the face, i usually see just realistic croco face, but you did it a little more human like (eyes placing, head shape?) it makes him feel more logical.Same for the rabbit. All of their anatomy is actually more humanized, feels good as a concept <3 At the end, it makes all design decisions logical.
and omg love the eagle/hawk/whatever it's called it english expression X'D he is like "ah, here we go again"
Lovely accents on details, even on the ship far away! But at the same time non importaint places are pretty sketchy, makes your eye focus on main things. And omg, orange/sand colors mixing with blue sky are very impressive annd contrasted. Feels sunny and hot <3
I feel pretty sad only about feet, I really love when furry legs are different and more animal like. The bird and rabbit would look much more different then if it was animalistic legs/paws :3 But I can understand your decision, it's much easier to build good clothes and mood for epic walk when all chars have similar proportions. Also I haven't seen much crocodiles have sort of mixed anatomy on the face, i usually see just realistic croco face, but you did it a little more human like (eyes placing, head shape?) it makes him feel more logical.Same for the rabbit. All of their anatomy is actually more humanized, feels good as a concept <3 At the end, it makes all design decisions logical.
and omg love the eagle/hawk/whatever it's called it english expression X'D he is like "ah, here we go again"
Those 3 guys aren't coming back when they finished burying the treasure! :D
Lovely painting, Caraid! This looks so good, the enviro and the characters are so well rendered. The fur, the scales, the cloth and then the enviro - sand, water etc. A real great piece! :D
Lovely painting, Caraid! This looks so good, the enviro and the characters are so well rendered. The fur, the scales, the cloth and then the enviro - sand, water etc. A real great piece! :D
Aaaagh, it was awesome meeting you at FWA for my first con ever, Caraid! You really did such an incredible job on the artwork for it, too, definitely! There's so much in this piece to look at, as well as all of the others. Super duper job well done, and thank you again, so much! <3 💚