So a mutual of mine wasn't able to attend FWA at the last minute and was able to transfer her dealer's table to me! I had to come up with some quick merch at the very last minute and this is what I was able to get done in time. Just put in the order for these and my previous stock!!
I'll be able dealer's table 22!
I'll be able dealer's table 22!
Category Artwork (Digital) / Pokemon
Species Unspecified / Any
Gender Any
Size 2250 x 772px
File Size 2.13 MB
Listed in Folders
I'm sorry my dude but I'm not selling these online and my store is closed. I'll only have them available if I have leftovers after FWA which I'm unsure of. This is a split order I did with some friends that was paid out of pocket so I could only get so many of each ; w; So the ones I'm getting are specifically for FWA and idk how they're gonna sell.