My interpretation of how I would like to be the sonic design in the movie. I tried to keep some details of the movie, but at my style. Why the pants? Well, if he will look more "realistic" I feel that he will need to cover some parts, and if they give him "NI..." shoes, why not runner shorts? =P
And as always some extra content related to this pic can be found here (for my patreons):
No pants clean & NSFW version
HD pictures (all versions)
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And as always some extra content related to this pic can be found here (for my patreons):
No pants clean & NSFW version
HD pictures (all versions)
If you like work, please consider to support me on Patreon:
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Thanks in advance.
Category Artwork (Digital) / Fanart
Species Hedgehog
Gender Male
Size 630 x 1120px
File Size 467.9 kB
What? It surprises you that the corporate machine only churns out the barest minimal in effort for their products?
I'd like to introduce you to the AAA gaming market and their newest abortion, Anthem. A game made by sacrificing the blood of a hundred developers.
What happened to those developers?
It's a secret to everyone.
I'd like to introduce you to the AAA gaming market and their newest abortion, Anthem. A game made by sacrificing the blood of a hundred developers.
What happened to those developers?
It's a secret to everyone.
Oh yes, I know about Anthem, and Fallout 76. I don't even play them to know what a mess they are. I guess you're right, why put in full effort when you can put in the bare minimum to maximise profits. After all, all you'll do is piss off your customers and make them not like or trust you again thus destroying your business but hey if a bunch of faceless shareholders get their millions who cares right? *sighs*
I kind of like the Movie design it looks more realistic. But I think you would like it more if it was like the movie Who Framed Roger Rabbit if it was like that. cause I don't like the eyes in this YouTube video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1q0__RrgJh8 cause eyes shouldn't be like touching each other that would be like a birth defect and that is more cringy to me
This whole copyright has no sense in context of quality. Maybe the copyright is now working to suppress the fans with no big budget or influence, but are the ones who can create at least a short movie, which would compete in overall quality against their "official" "canon" copyrighted movie.
Like the Disney's new Star Wars trilogy is just an expensive fanfic, which got "canon" stamp of approval, while the extended universe is not a canon anymore. I'm not a fan of SW, but I see this situation as ridiculous.
Like the Disney's new Star Wars trilogy is just an expensive fanfic, which got "canon" stamp of approval, while the extended universe is not a canon anymore. I'm not a fan of SW, but I see this situation as ridiculous.
Nice job keeping most of the cues of the live-action design but in a way that looks good. I keep seeing "fixed" movie designs that just look exactly like he does in the games, as though all people want is a transcription of the game model into reality. No creativity at all.
Of course, this cements even further that the design they used is crummy. If it's possible to have two eyes, human-like legs, and normal feet, and not look terrible, how in Earth did major studio get it so wrong?
Of course, this cements even further that the design they used is crummy. If it's possible to have two eyes, human-like legs, and normal feet, and not look terrible, how in Earth did major studio get it so wrong?
You have a good eye. I was wondering how much would take untill someone realized about that xP I did it on purpose to evoke something people feel pleased with in an unconscious level, so I used the same pose, althoug the proportions are a bit differente to make it look less girly.
I really don't like where the movie is headed and it's just as bad as I was imagining but holy heck, this little tweaked redesign you did for him looks miles better. Still a bit odd but in an oddly charming kind of way and a good mix of both the movie and what we know of Sonic as a whole. I think the added shorts were a nice touch as you're right that if he's going to look more realistic, it just fits. Nicely done ^^