Carnelian the badass space vixen by Whiteguardian
Hello everybody and welcome back to another exciting episode of SteelWing’s gallery. In this adventurous episode we will see a wonderful golden furred space vixen drawn up by none other than the talented WhiteGuardian An awesome artist and all around cool guy whom you should all really be watching if you aren’t already doing so.
So please follow the provided links below and check out WhiteGuardian’s gallery, fav all the things and buy yourself a commission or two while you’re there.
Allow me to introduce you all to the lovely Carnelian, this beautiful and deadly 35 year old woman is a cyberneticly augmented Cerinian vixen. She was cloned from the recovered DNA of a hero from the Lylat wars a mysterious psychic vixen that lived long before the Galactic Alliance’s founding, one that historical records and legends from that era have dubbed Krystal.
Carnelian and many of her crewmates began their lives as part of a project inspired by the legendary tales of the Lylat wars, one who’s purpose was to bring about a new generation of heroes to serve and save the Galactic Alliance in its time of need from an ancient and newly reawakened enemy that threatened to consume and absorb all in its path. The Aparoids.
The genetic sample that her creators used had however suffered degradation and several key genetic sequences were missing or unrecoverable to their sciences. These gaps were filled with DNA from other sources, other past heroes of legend along with gene therapies to augment and strengthen the physical and psychic potential of the series of clones of which Carnelian was a part, resulting in a variety of unique appearances for her sisters and her-self.
Carnelian and her sisters were not raised in isolation though. Once they were born they were adopted out to loving and compassionate homes, it was believed by the project’s mysterious creators that in order to care for and choose to defend galactic civilization that Carnelian and her sisters would have to be a part of it as well.
That decision proved to be the correct one of course. Carnelian was raised by a caring and loving lesbian couple and their other two adopted children. She was nurtured and encouraged and taught right from wrong. She grew up happy, and always looked forward to the once a month meet ups between the families who had adopted her and her sisters so that they could all remain a part of each other’s lives and formative years.
When she turned 18 Carnelian enlisted in the Galactic Alliance’s Navel core, her aptitude for zero G manoeuvres as well as her dedicated attitude and scholastic desire to learn soon earned her a place among the Comet Dancers, a squadron of talented flyers who specialised in highly manoeuvrable and powerful star fighters with a heavy emphasis on group coordination and tactics. She remembers her time among them fondly.
Now days however, after several years in the service Carnelian is now assigned to a navel carrier called the Alepoú, and is commanding of her own squadron, one comprised of several of her sisters and other talented flyers who impressed her enough to personally recruit.
As members of the Navy, Carnelian and her squadron fight to preserve the peace and stability of the systems under the Galactic Alliance’s protection, to stop the insidious march of the Aparoids who seek to consume and subjugate all life in the galaxy, to ensure that heroes are not just the things of legend, that they are very real, and they will be here to protect us all.
All comments, favourites, praise and other positive things should be directed to the upload of this image in the artist’s gallery which you can find at the following link: http://www.furaffinity.net/view/30182128/ Thank you.
Artwork is © to
Carnelian is © to
So please follow the provided links below and check out WhiteGuardian’s gallery, fav all the things and buy yourself a commission or two while you’re there.
Allow me to introduce you all to the lovely Carnelian, this beautiful and deadly 35 year old woman is a cyberneticly augmented Cerinian vixen. She was cloned from the recovered DNA of a hero from the Lylat wars a mysterious psychic vixen that lived long before the Galactic Alliance’s founding, one that historical records and legends from that era have dubbed Krystal.
Carnelian and many of her crewmates began their lives as part of a project inspired by the legendary tales of the Lylat wars, one who’s purpose was to bring about a new generation of heroes to serve and save the Galactic Alliance in its time of need from an ancient and newly reawakened enemy that threatened to consume and absorb all in its path. The Aparoids.
The genetic sample that her creators used had however suffered degradation and several key genetic sequences were missing or unrecoverable to their sciences. These gaps were filled with DNA from other sources, other past heroes of legend along with gene therapies to augment and strengthen the physical and psychic potential of the series of clones of which Carnelian was a part, resulting in a variety of unique appearances for her sisters and her-self.
Carnelian and her sisters were not raised in isolation though. Once they were born they were adopted out to loving and compassionate homes, it was believed by the project’s mysterious creators that in order to care for and choose to defend galactic civilization that Carnelian and her sisters would have to be a part of it as well.
That decision proved to be the correct one of course. Carnelian was raised by a caring and loving lesbian couple and their other two adopted children. She was nurtured and encouraged and taught right from wrong. She grew up happy, and always looked forward to the once a month meet ups between the families who had adopted her and her sisters so that they could all remain a part of each other’s lives and formative years.
When she turned 18 Carnelian enlisted in the Galactic Alliance’s Navel core, her aptitude for zero G manoeuvres as well as her dedicated attitude and scholastic desire to learn soon earned her a place among the Comet Dancers, a squadron of talented flyers who specialised in highly manoeuvrable and powerful star fighters with a heavy emphasis on group coordination and tactics. She remembers her time among them fondly.
Now days however, after several years in the service Carnelian is now assigned to a navel carrier called the Alepoú, and is commanding of her own squadron, one comprised of several of her sisters and other talented flyers who impressed her enough to personally recruit.
As members of the Navy, Carnelian and her squadron fight to preserve the peace and stability of the systems under the Galactic Alliance’s protection, to stop the insidious march of the Aparoids who seek to consume and subjugate all life in the galaxy, to ensure that heroes are not just the things of legend, that they are very real, and they will be here to protect us all.
All comments, favourites, praise and other positive things should be directed to the upload of this image in the artist’s gallery which you can find at the following link: http://www.furaffinity.net/view/30182128/ Thank you.
Artwork is © to

Carnelian is © to

Category Artwork (Digital) / General Furry Art
Species Fox (Other)
Gender Female
Size 750 x 1000px
File Size 103.7 kB