-The horn was sound as the Thunderlord's giant familiar rushed across the lane towards its master. The enemy team were caught of guard, their movements slowed, and sitting ducks for the follow up. With a thunderous bang, the blue beast sends his familiar back towards the enemy team knocking them into the air. But it wasn't over. The echoing bang soon was silenced by the howl of the wind as the nimble tiger made quick work slicing and dicing the airborne foes. He let's out a cry releasing the enemy from their suspended prisons only make fast work of those who managed to survive the fall. The God and the wanderer finished what they started only to have the tiger take five behind the massive beast-
Hmph...you were careless again...
"That's not true. I knew you were coming!"
My teleport just came up...
"I know! I saw!"
My ult was down too...
"But it came up right on que..."
Ughh...just don't get caught out again. I'm going back top. DO NOT follow me...please...
"You were a little more protective than normal back there~. Much obliged!"
I keep you alive because you aren't wholly terrible...here...
-Klank Klank Klonk……tink…-
There...an upgrade...go solo dragon with it or something...
"OoooOOoo~! Molten Edge~! Daww ya lookin' out fer me! Thanks! Partner~!"
Mmm...don't mention it....please...
"Yer so cute when we're winning. Good thing it happens often~! Heh heh!"
-Enemy Team has surrendered 5 votes to 0-
A wonderful piece featuring yours truly and the boyfriend and best partner to hit the rift with. Too many moments like these happen, but one a few actually succeed. Gotta love Ornn and Yasuo combos..... Yeah this entire description was ripped from mah boyfriend. But aye! I was a bit creative and named my submission a bit differently.
Art by the legendary
Xiao Young -
Azune -
Hmph...you were careless again...
"That's not true. I knew you were coming!"
My teleport just came up...
"I know! I saw!"
My ult was down too...
"But it came up right on que..."
Ughh...just don't get caught out again. I'm going back top. DO NOT follow me...please...
"You were a little more protective than normal back there~. Much obliged!"
I keep you alive because you aren't wholly terrible...here...
-Klank Klank Klonk……tink…-
There...an upgrade...go solo dragon with it or something...
"OoooOOoo~! Molten Edge~! Daww ya lookin' out fer me! Thanks! Partner~!"
Mmm...don't mention it....please...
"Yer so cute when we're winning. Good thing it happens often~! Heh heh!"
-Enemy Team has surrendered 5 votes to 0-
A wonderful piece featuring yours truly and the boyfriend and best partner to hit the rift with. Too many moments like these happen, but one a few actually succeed. Gotta love Ornn and Yasuo combos..... Yeah this entire description was ripped from mah boyfriend. But aye! I was a bit creative and named my submission a bit differently.
Art by the legendary

Xiao Young -

Azune -

Category Artwork (Digital) / Fanart
Species Unspecified / Any
Gender Multiple characters
Size 1280 x 922px
File Size 187.6 kB