July 10th is my birthday!!! i dont usually do anything or get anything for my birthday. its the sweet perks of being a mother of 4... no sitters to watch my kids so i can have a few hours to myself and of course all my money went to my kids birthdays just a few weeks ago heh... anyways! so since i'll be sitting at home with my children not doing anything at all itd be super duper awesome for my buddies [thats you] to draw one of my characters with your character as a happy birthday piece :D stick figures are even accepted! it'll make my heart jump for joy <3 or you know just wish me happy birthday... thats always nice too. thanks :D and if youd like to art trade im up for that as well
if you donno who my characters are just go to my personal art folder in my gallery there should be some refs and other art of my own characters i did myself. and again THANK YOU GUYS <3
art and character are mine
if you donno who my characters are just go to my personal art folder in my gallery there should be some refs and other art of my own characters i did myself. and again THANK YOU GUYS <3
art and character are mine
Category All / All
Species Unspecified / Any
Gender Any
Size 1280 x 1024px
File Size 177 kB