Owner : AshenNite
Rules below kept for bookkeeping reasons!
Payment to be done through PalPal, and please leave a comment down below if you want him! First come will be first served! Once payment is processed, I'll give you the image without the text or watermark!
If we hit $10, you'll get an NSFW edit of the main (nude) base as well, provided you are at least 18 years of age). At $20, you'll get a lingerie edit as well! At $30 and $40, I'll add in another outfit on top of that, one for each breakpoint. At AB, you'll be given the option to ask for any one character I can make with any base I own exactly to your specifications! And I'll even throw in simple shading on this art and the one you get from me!
No refunds, and please do not resell him at a higher price unless he'll come with more art. But you are free to repost him on your profile as desired. Please credit me and the base's owner if you choose to do so, however!
Many, many, many thanks to http://www.furaffinity.net/user/lockworkorange/ lockworkorange lockworkorange
They made the line art for this cute adoptable, and the base can be found here: https://www.furaffinity.net/view/26626706/
♥ Rules ♥
1) Please reply to the highest bidder!
2) Please do not bid if you cannot afford to. Similarly, please don't bid if doing so would hurt you too badly financially!
3) Paypal only
4) After the sale, the character will be yours! However, the line art will still be owned by Lockworkorange, and I would love if you would credit them after your purchase.
Category Adoptables / All
Species Unspecified / Any
Gender Any
Size 1013 x 1280px
File Size 144.9 kB