Here's a recent rough sketch of Rahne MacGregor from the Caterwaul Red/Lot Six storyline. This is a somewhat rough draft of her updated appearance. I drew her a few years back in a similar costume, but I never liked the way I rendered her while on fire. Since the Lot Six group is supposed to look rather grotesque when they change, I thought this version was more fitting, and truer to the original design from the mid-nineties.
I had her acting like a cold bitch in the Extinctioners vs Lot Six deal Shawntae Howard and I drew up back in '04. This was amusing, since Rahne is actually a total sweetheart and probably doesn't have a mean bone in her body. Can't wait to get this thing done in color!
I had her acting like a cold bitch in the Extinctioners vs Lot Six deal Shawntae Howard and I drew up back in '04. This was amusing, since Rahne is actually a total sweetheart and probably doesn't have a mean bone in her body. Can't wait to get this thing done in color!
Category Scraps / Miscellaneous
Species Vulpine (Other)
Gender Female
Size 400 x 576px
File Size 56.1 kB
Oh, those pages where all the carnage is occuring were just jokes. That was why I drew her acting completely out-of-character. Then again, since it's been over 10 years since the issue of Caterwaul Inc. came out that actually shows her using her abilities (and the books are quite hard to find), it's understandable folks wouldn't know she was acting oddly.
Actually, I've been working on the comic "Caterwaul", and hope to have it out around Spring of 2010. The character above (or any of the other "super" characters) won't actually appear until the second story.
I'm sure as I get colored images completed of the characters, I'll post them here and on the Yahoo group.
I'm sure as I get colored images completed of the characters, I'll post them here and on the Yahoo group.
The first story covers what is essentially the Caterwaul team's 15th or 16th mission. They are hired by the police to go after a fugitive who is off-planet, and they have to bring the guy back in mostly one piece to stand trial. But there are some people on the inside of the legal system working for this guy, so it's a nasty tangled web the team will have to work through.
Caterwaul is a group of bounty hunters-for-hire. The kids from the whole "Lot Six" storyline are technically Caterwaul's target after getting hired by a suspicious government agency, and the group finds out the kids are the ones who need saving.
Each story arc will run about 3 issues. They will be drawn in the same style as the "Penance is about to open a can of ass-kick" picture.
Caterwaul is a group of bounty hunters-for-hire. The kids from the whole "Lot Six" storyline are technically Caterwaul's target after getting hired by a suspicious government agency, and the group finds out the kids are the ones who need saving.
Each story arc will run about 3 issues. They will be drawn in the same style as the "Penance is about to open a can of ass-kick" picture.
Yeah, the standard team has no super-powers of any sort. And even the folks from Lot Six have major drawbacks to their abilities. I never liked the old "super-powered character is unstoppable" kinda treatment that you see in so many comics nowadays. And I also redesigned the Lot Six characters so their "powered" forms looked rather grotesque.
The first story arc is a lot of action, with some science fiction thrown in. The second arc has action, sci-fi, and super-powered stuff going on. The third story arc has a LOT of science fiction (alternate realities, alien critters, ancient "gods"). The fourth story arc has action, but there's actually a lot of paranormal and horror stuff going on in that story.
I'm trying to include elements from various genres into each story, though some may focus on certain aspects more than others.
The first story arc is a lot of action, with some science fiction thrown in. The second arc has action, sci-fi, and super-powered stuff going on. The third story arc has a LOT of science fiction (alternate realities, alien critters, ancient "gods"). The fourth story arc has action, but there's actually a lot of paranormal and horror stuff going on in that story.
I'm trying to include elements from various genres into each story, though some may focus on certain aspects more than others.
Ah, okay. Well, she's still a high school kid. Either 14 or 15, I can't remember which right off the top of my head. Her dad is Scottish and her mom is American. Her dad is a bit of an asshole, though. Seems once he found out about her abilities he had some serious issues with it (her mom was the one involved in the original study years earlier).
Personality-wise, she's gentle and unassuming. Doesn't really want this unusual ability and would probably trade it in a heartbeat for some normalcy. Tends to be quiet and reserved and maybe a bit shy. Not sure if that is due to her upbringing or environment, though.
Likes a lot of the same crap most teens like: music, rollerskating, reading, hanging out with a few close friends, stuff like that. Smart but not geeky.
Personality-wise, she's gentle and unassuming. Doesn't really want this unusual ability and would probably trade it in a heartbeat for some normalcy. Tends to be quiet and reserved and maybe a bit shy. Not sure if that is due to her upbringing or environment, though.
Likes a lot of the same crap most teens like: music, rollerskating, reading, hanging out with a few close friends, stuff like that. Smart but not geeky.