(I may be slightly coffee addicted)
Category Artwork (Digital) / Comics
Species Gryphon
Gender Female
Size 400 x 1280px
File Size 258.1 kB
Maybe they mean using a french press? Most def tastes the best. Weigh and grind your own beans, boil the water on the stove, combine and let brew in press for ~4 mins, strain into cup enjoy (and wash french press for next time). BUT WHO HAS TIME FO DAT AMIRIGHT
(is good though)
(is good though)
always have a backup "manual" coffee machine.. you know... the ones where you put in the filter, the grounds, water in the back, and wait anywhere from 10 minutes to an hour for the pot to finish, then chug it... you get used to the searing pain shortly after the third or forth gulp...
Hindsight is always 20/20... sadly, but now you know! push comes to shove comes to FUCK, you could always get like a bunch of paper towels. or an old shirt (prefferably white) and dump the grounds into that, and then run hot water through it slowly... it'll kinda make coffee... shirt flavored probably watery, but coffee none the less....