A great journey that leads us to one place
over the trecherous oceans of sand
our searching spirits give chase.
We swirl and climb this pillar of love
joining, melding rising as one
our curious spirits a shrine above.
The official conbook-cover for Eurofurence 23 that also turned into a spontaneous collaboration with the amazing
foxamoore - Go and listen to the music here: http://www.furaffinity.net/view/24709514/
Eurofurence is like home to me - and this year was the Egyptian theme. The Obelisk of Spirits is that totem that guides us home to be together as one, no matter what race, religion or shoe size... Even if the journey could be treacherous. It was the same for me as well as for so many others. Thank you for such a great time.
Also - can you guess all the gods in this picture?
Category Artwork (Digital) / Fantasy
Species Unspecified / Any
Gender Any
Size 2000 x 1414px
File Size 2.05 MB
it is very strange to look at this picture. I can't really put my finger on it. maybe because all the detail is in the bottom right and focus of the picture is in the top right. it makes the picture feel very right heavy. Wait! that would make for an AWESIME WALLPAPER for Desktop!
Oh my this is truly amazing, and has everything I'm crazy for with marvelous detail. Just a glimpse of the thumbnail told me it will be something good, and I was not wrong.
Guessing: Bast, Anibus, baboon Toth so it awesome, Sekhmet, Ra (name may wary he had some), Tefnut, bull is tricky maybe Path, Seth in the middle, and Apep or Apophis as the greatest enemy of Ra, what I love so much here that they seam to battle each other. Hope I dont missed any. Oh waith theres Khepri as the scarab. ^^;
Guessing: Bast, Anibus, baboon Toth so it awesome, Sekhmet, Ra (name may wary he had some), Tefnut, bull is tricky maybe Path, Seth in the middle, and Apep or Apophis as the greatest enemy of Ra, what I love so much here that they seam to battle each other. Hope I dont missed any. Oh waith theres Khepri as the scarab. ^^;
Thank you so much! You The babboon is called Babi and the Bull has various names, much liek many other gods as well. But I got to know of it under the name of Apis. Tefnut is correct too. :D I'm happy you enjoy the hints of story behind this painting and catching the details. :D
I can name all of those gods.. Save two. I don't remember the Baboon's name.. and there is an extra Cat Goddess I can't place.
Top to bottom, I see Ra, Bastet, Unknown, Anubis, Setesh, Baboon I can't remember, Sekhmet (lower right), Hathor (bovine), and Khepri (the scarab)..
The snake is either Meretseger or Apophis/Apep
Top to bottom, I see Ra, Bastet, Unknown, Anubis, Setesh, Baboon I can't remember, Sekhmet (lower right), Hathor (bovine), and Khepri (the scarab)..
The snake is either Meretseger or Apophis/Apep
What the fuck, dude this is the most beautiful piece of art I've seen, what the hell were you thinking in making such gorgeous paint?! This takes my breath away,... I literally have no idea what to say honestly, This is incredibly well done, there's action everywhere, alot of characters, and alot of things happening at the same time... But the tree in the middle, and the snake and pillar atop gives you a thing to read the whole pic without getting lost in all the details.
Fantastic work, very well done!
Fantastic work, very well done!