Uh-Oh! I think this toy is going to get his very own version of Mufasa's "pouncing lesson", courtesy of this prowling cub >^_^< Do you like to play these kinds of games with your favorite toy? Or, alternately, make life miserable for a not-so-loved stuffie? I'd love to have your youngster participate is this YCH! For $20 usd You'll get a lined, soft-shaded pic of your cub along with his/her special toy. Thanks so much for looking! >^_^<
Here is a mini-TOS, until I can type up the real deal:
1. Payment will be paid upfront with paypal only, please
2. I retain the rights to my art and I will NOT use your character for any For-Profit activities; conversely, you may not use my art for profit or gain, either. You are free to repost my art to your personal accounts, with credit back to me, please
3. Please give me at least three weeks to complete picture; you are free to poke me for updates at reasonable intervals. I don't bite -- come talk to me! :)
4. I will make reasonable changes to finished artwork.
5. Sorry, I cannot offer a refund on finished work. If you need me to stop during a project in order to recoup your money, I will retain a portion of payment.
Here is a mini-TOS, until I can type up the real deal:
1. Payment will be paid upfront with paypal only, please
2. I retain the rights to my art and I will NOT use your character for any For-Profit activities; conversely, you may not use my art for profit or gain, either. You are free to repost my art to your personal accounts, with credit back to me, please
3. Please give me at least three weeks to complete picture; you are free to poke me for updates at reasonable intervals. I don't bite -- come talk to me! :)
4. I will make reasonable changes to finished artwork.
5. Sorry, I cannot offer a refund on finished work. If you need me to stop during a project in order to recoup your money, I will retain a portion of payment.
Category All / Baby fur
Species Unspecified / Any
Gender Any
Size 700 x 700px
File Size 309.8 kB