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http://www.furaffinity.net/view/24545945/ SFW version
featuring no one
Star you just keep digging yourself a deeper and deeper hole to climb back out of dont you. I really dont think you're gonna be able to talk yourself out of this one.
Also.....just as a prewarning.....the next page may have to be marked mature...I'll see how that goes.
http://www.furaffinity.net/view/24545945/ SFW version
featuring no one
Star you just keep digging yourself a deeper and deeper hole to climb back out of dont you. I really dont think you're gonna be able to talk yourself out of this one.
Also.....just as a prewarning.....the next page may have to be marked mature...I'll see how that goes.
Category All / Comics
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Size 853 x 1280px
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Oh! I got it from
rhyfe2002 ages and ages ago. Not sure if they still do them, but they were very nice last I spoke with them. ^-^
I gotta say though, your own icon is very cute as well. >u<

I gotta say though, your own icon is very cute as well. >u<
Oh, Star... In for a penny, in for a pound, hmm? This is kinda like "death row" thinking here... I'm already in for life, what can they do to me? And she's kinda right. There's only so much you can spank a little (or even a big who is playing a little)...What Star has forgotten is that there are other punishments, too, and of types she really will consider punishments.
Manda, for example, is looking upset enough to give her that spanking we all (including Star and Manda themselves) know she wants, but then also handing her another diaper, telling her she will be needing to go for a while, so her own choice, then "get in the car. No, not the seat in the back, you want to be an adult. So I'm driving you home."
This is not a play punishment, this is a "I'm really upset with you... you made adult decisions and I can only think that that means you don't want a carer anymore."-type of punishment, akin to basically telling her that the ride is done, and it's time to get off.
Star, honey, you better be pretty convincing when you make your apologies to her, or this may be the last diaper you wear in her care. Baby talk in an adult room is forgivable, especially if it was hypnotically induced. Breaking Manda's ONE rule, doing it intentionally, and after you were already in trouble... you'll be lucky if all that happens is that you sleep on your tummy for a night or so.
Auntie Shelley
Manda, for example, is looking upset enough to give her that spanking we all (including Star and Manda themselves) know she wants, but then also handing her another diaper, telling her she will be needing to go for a while, so her own choice, then "get in the car. No, not the seat in the back, you want to be an adult. So I'm driving you home."
This is not a play punishment, this is a "I'm really upset with you... you made adult decisions and I can only think that that means you don't want a carer anymore."-type of punishment, akin to basically telling her that the ride is done, and it's time to get off.
Star, honey, you better be pretty convincing when you make your apologies to her, or this may be the last diaper you wear in her care. Baby talk in an adult room is forgivable, especially if it was hypnotically induced. Breaking Manda's ONE rule, doing it intentionally, and after you were already in trouble... you'll be lucky if all that happens is that you sleep on your tummy for a night or so.
Auntie Shelley
You and I think too much alike, you know that.
I expect that when Star comes out of the potty, Manda will have her adult clothes, and she will be taken home, just her and Manda. "The Party's over", in this case, for Star, literally.
Sammy said the next page will be 'mature', but that doesn't necessarily mean sexual or even naked.
I see a parting of the ways between Star and Manda and crew.
I expect that when Star comes out of the potty, Manda will have her adult clothes, and she will be taken home, just her and Manda. "The Party's over", in this case, for Star, literally.
Sammy said the next page will be 'mature', but that doesn't necessarily mean sexual or even naked.
I see a parting of the ways between Star and Manda and crew.
Manda won't push boundaries on anyone, especially a new little. No, Star pissed off the wrong person, and she's going to regret it. But, she won't be punished in some kinky way. She may get an OTK spanking, but while that may happen, I don't think it's going to be the result.
I think that can be an issue, but when I take in consideration how long star was introduce to this world, it's pretty short to tottaly end a relation based on a "If you don't wan't to play the game, it's done" .
At this point Star is still too afraid of even use Her diaper, she's just look at the spanking thing.... the 4th time she broke the rule here is like the 1st time, she's not used to what roleplay really is, to me she broke rules only 2 times by pure meaning.
Her "magic week end" can totally end here... but sure they gonna have a BIG discussion !
See what's happen next...
At this point Star is still too afraid of even use Her diaper, she's just look at the spanking thing.... the 4th time she broke the rule here is like the 1st time, she's not used to what roleplay really is, to me she broke rules only 2 times by pure meaning.
Her "magic week end" can totally end here... but sure they gonna have a BIG discussion !
See what's happen next...
I didn't want to be the first to mention it, and when I typed the first message, no one had. Star still had her big girl underpants on under her diaper, and that was her big error here. I don't know her, but Manda seems to be a reasonable furson, and given a GOOD reason, I can imagine that she and Star won't necessarily part ways. She also promised Star a thrashing, and Manda, unlike Star, does not break her promises. (That's not to point claws at Star or to call her untrustworthy, per se, just saying that she, like any baby, has a short span of attention when it comes to promises in this area of her life.) In short, Manda's methods of not pushing a little's limits, while appropriate and considerate, are perhaps not what Star needs. IMHO, Star needed someone to TAKE her to a proper changing table, PUT her on it, REMOVE her clothing (all of it) and rather than "let her" wear a nappy, PUT the nappy on her. She needed someone to take charge of her, which is perhaps, more Teca's speed than it is Manda's. She needed someone to take charge of her, and that means she goes back to the cradle, literally, including regular nappy checks, highchair feedings or the like, and her adult words ignored as if nothing more than baby babble. That's actually what Star had me doing TO her in the picture I commissioned her to draw of me, which was her way of introducing this community to me. I gave her free reign on the pic, other than a basic reference of what my character looked like. In point of fact, I love that picture, mostly because of who did it for me.
Now... All of the naughty babies who are using the above paragraph as material for rather more adult activities.... we'll leave you to your own and continue here. =-.^=
As I said, Manda is a reasonable furson, and she keeps her promises. I see her up-ending Star as she exits the loo, I see a very public spanking being given, nappy down, and if Star has not wet and thus, removed them, this is when the underpants will be discovered. (This also is why the mature filter; I rather think her little girl parts might be seen when the undies come off.) She will be re-diapered, if only to protect Manda's car, and taken to the car for the ride home. On that ride, with her in the front, not in the baby seat, I can see Star pleading her case like F. Lee Bailey or Clarence Darrow for the defense. She is literally "fighting for her life" here, not in the sense of her actual death, but fighting for her "baby life", as Manda and co. are her only outlet for that at this time. Too, this is really Star's first BIG exposure to this life, and to expect perfect behaviour from her would be asking too much. She, consciously and subconsciously, WANTS that spanking, needs it. She thrives on having her limits set for her and being told what her limits are and having them enforced. I have no advance information and this is all my guesswork, but while Manda is upset with her, I think that she will respond with the promised spanking, the trip home, and telling Star that they may play again, but that the rules will be non-negotiable and will be properly punished if broken. If accepted into their little family as a part of it, not just a houseguest, I rather think she will become Teca's baby, in the sense that Teca's methods will be the correction she receives, because that's what she needs and wants.
I think that Teca has foreshadowed this by calling her "kitten" in more public spaces, such as outside the house on her first visit. I will be interested to see if I'm proven right when the images are published.
And FWIW, if it was not obvious, I love this story.
Now... All of the naughty babies who are using the above paragraph as material for rather more adult activities.... we'll leave you to your own and continue here. =-.^=
As I said, Manda is a reasonable furson, and she keeps her promises. I see her up-ending Star as she exits the loo, I see a very public spanking being given, nappy down, and if Star has not wet and thus, removed them, this is when the underpants will be discovered. (This also is why the mature filter; I rather think her little girl parts might be seen when the undies come off.) She will be re-diapered, if only to protect Manda's car, and taken to the car for the ride home. On that ride, with her in the front, not in the baby seat, I can see Star pleading her case like F. Lee Bailey or Clarence Darrow for the defense. She is literally "fighting for her life" here, not in the sense of her actual death, but fighting for her "baby life", as Manda and co. are her only outlet for that at this time. Too, this is really Star's first BIG exposure to this life, and to expect perfect behaviour from her would be asking too much. She, consciously and subconsciously, WANTS that spanking, needs it. She thrives on having her limits set for her and being told what her limits are and having them enforced. I have no advance information and this is all my guesswork, but while Manda is upset with her, I think that she will respond with the promised spanking, the trip home, and telling Star that they may play again, but that the rules will be non-negotiable and will be properly punished if broken. If accepted into their little family as a part of it, not just a houseguest, I rather think she will become Teca's baby, in the sense that Teca's methods will be the correction she receives, because that's what she needs and wants.
I think that Teca has foreshadowed this by calling her "kitten" in more public spaces, such as outside the house on her first visit. I will be interested to see if I'm proven right when the images are published.
And FWIW, if it was not obvious, I love this story.
Not sure about a funeral for the entirety of Star, however....
*checks his make up and checks himself in the mirror before removing his hat and placing it over his heart* Dear readers, we are gathered here today to mourn the loss of one Anastasia "Star" Bryce's booty. After twenty some years of service to it's owner, it perished in the bum thwacking to end all bum thwackings, but it's memory lives on with the rest of her body. In life, it was a good, loyal butt which served her dutifully despite all the hardships they experienced together, which is as much as any of us could ever hope to ask from our butts. Oh holy ones who hath guided the souls of the dead to paradise since ancient days, deliver this humble backside unto the gates of Paradise in peace where it may got to dwell in Bumhalla for the rest of eternity with all those backsides of the ancestors that have gone before it. You will be dearly missed. Blessed be and Amen... Godspeed you brave soul *tears up*
....My sense of humor is a little bizarre at times. I do apologize.
*checks his make up and checks himself in the mirror before removing his hat and placing it over his heart* Dear readers, we are gathered here today to mourn the loss of one Anastasia "Star" Bryce's booty. After twenty some years of service to it's owner, it perished in the bum thwacking to end all bum thwackings, but it's memory lives on with the rest of her body. In life, it was a good, loyal butt which served her dutifully despite all the hardships they experienced together, which is as much as any of us could ever hope to ask from our butts. Oh holy ones who hath guided the souls of the dead to paradise since ancient days, deliver this humble backside unto the gates of Paradise in peace where it may got to dwell in Bumhalla for the rest of eternity with all those backsides of the ancestors that have gone before it. You will be dearly missed. Blessed be and Amen... Godspeed you brave soul *tears up*
....My sense of humor is a little bizarre at times. I do apologize.
Whenever I post my opinion on this (that opinion being that Manda should've told her about the bottle, and the fact she didn't makes this her fault) the answers I get tend to be towards "the caretaker knows best", although a few agree with me.
As far as the ABDL community is concerned, I'm an... outside observer, as it were. So maybe that's why I don't quite understand that mindset. You could argue that this could be a character building exercise (in the sense of trusting your caretaker), but is it really worth the risk of scaring Star away forever?
As far as the ABDL community is concerned, I'm an... outside observer, as it were. So maybe that's why I don't quite understand that mindset. You could argue that this could be a character building exercise (in the sense of trusting your caretaker), but is it really worth the risk of scaring Star away forever?
In real life yes she should have told her, but in my view this is a fictional story and well this is stars more self indulgent account , so I figure some unfavorable things go on just to put star in desired situations. Considering if she knew about the bottle she wouldn't have drank it.
I'm not ABDL but I'm just going from what makes sense to me
I'm not ABDL but I'm just going from what makes sense to me
I see an end to the relationship between Star and Manda and crew. If a 'little' can't listen to a grown up, in an AB relationship, then there is no trust, and the relationship doesn't work.
Based on comments Sammy made some months ago, the story will take a new direction, and Star will have to find someone new as a carer to explore her AB side. Manda may spank Star, but more likely, she'll just hand Star her adult clothes, tell her to get dressed, that's she's taking her home, and that will end the relationship between Manda, Lure and Teca. But, I'm not writing the story, so I don't know if that's still Sammy's plan or not.
Based on comments Sammy made some months ago, the story will take a new direction, and Star will have to find someone new as a carer to explore her AB side. Manda may spank Star, but more likely, she'll just hand Star her adult clothes, tell her to get dressed, that's she's taking her home, and that will end the relationship between Manda, Lure and Teca. But, I'm not writing the story, so I don't know if that's still Sammy's plan or not.
No, Manda did not break the trust. Manda explicitly told Star, several times, the pink bottle. When Star REPEATEDLY whined about the green one, Manda simply let Star have her way. She was under no obligation to tell Star about the green bottle because she didn't WANT Star to have the green bottle, knowing full well what would happen.
Had Star been a good girl, and accepted Manda's direction, then she wouldn't be in nearly as much trouble as she is now.
As Star said in the first panel, 'This is all my fault!' Star, the adult, knows exactly where the blame goes.
Had Star been a good girl, and accepted Manda's direction, then she wouldn't be in nearly as much trouble as she is now.
As Star said in the first panel, 'This is all my fault!' Star, the adult, knows exactly where the blame goes.
4th Strike?
What would be worse than a spanking? (Which we all know she secretly wants.)
Being yanked from the scene entirely. Sorry Star, but if you don't want to take your role seriously, then there is no role for you here. Let's get you into some adult clothes (maybe) and call you a cab to go home.
THAT is the worst punishment in this situation. End the scene for her.
What would be worse than a spanking? (Which we all know she secretly wants.)
Being yanked from the scene entirely. Sorry Star, but if you don't want to take your role seriously, then there is no role for you here. Let's get you into some adult clothes (maybe) and call you a cab to go home.
THAT is the worst punishment in this situation. End the scene for her.
PLEASE don't make the next page mature. It always takes takes me a month to understand what happens.
Also, I had a perfect vision of what is going to happen, and that has been correct for at least 30 pages, and according to that, the next page shouldn't be mature
EDIT: If you run out of options for the next page, consider 1) making her use the safe word 2) making a "Vote now" page
Also, I had a perfect vision of what is going to happen, and that has been correct for at least 30 pages, and according to that, the next page shouldn't be mature
EDIT: If you run out of options for the next page, consider 1) making her use the safe word 2) making a "Vote now" page
When they came out of the AB store, Star had used the potty on her own. Manda put her in the car, put a pacifier in her mouth, and told her that was strike one. If Star was bad twice more, Manda didn't care where they were, or whom was around, Star would go for an OTK spanking.
When Star wanted the green bottle, Manda gave her a choice, the pink bottle and she was a good girl, or the green bottle and strike two.
Third strike and she would get her OTK spanking.
She didn't say anything about a fourth strike, but going from two to four in one shot is pretty bad. I suspect she'll get her OTK, but there will be more. Star is not fitting in with Manda's life style, at least insofar as I can tell. Manda expects obedience. I've seen this in RL AB Mommies, in fact, lost the opportunity to move in with one because I questioned her on a couple of things.
So, I understand Manda in this situation.
When Star wanted the green bottle, Manda gave her a choice, the pink bottle and she was a good girl, or the green bottle and strike two.
Third strike and she would get her OTK spanking.
She didn't say anything about a fourth strike, but going from two to four in one shot is pretty bad. I suspect she'll get her OTK, but there will be more. Star is not fitting in with Manda's life style, at least insofar as I can tell. Manda expects obedience. I've seen this in RL AB Mommies, in fact, lost the opportunity to move in with one because I questioned her on a couple of things.
So, I understand Manda in this situation.
I would have said that baby talk where it's not allowed might be 3; or arguing with an adult might be 3. But as she said she already had 3, I think Star's pretty sure that one or both of those will count.
Leaving the naughty step when Manda's expecting to see her there, that certainly counts.
And repeating something she's already got a strike for, after being reminded more than once, certainly counts.
So I think that's probably five. Maybe she wouldn't have got her spanking if she'd just stayed on the step; but who knows.
(Or she could still escape. If Manda decides that disobeying other adults doesn't count, then using the bathroom would be her third. And there's time for her to have second thoughts, maybe. Or when she realises they're outside, she could shout through the door and ask for permission to try and negate one of the strikes against her.)
((Or her bladder's bursting already, so Manda shouts "You are in so much trouble, young lady!" and Star jumps and wets herself. Then figures that she might just be able to bluff that she had an accident and was so embarrassed she had to try to clean herself up right away. That might buy her enough sympathy for a second chance… or she might at least hope it will))
Leaving the naughty step when Manda's expecting to see her there, that certainly counts.
And repeating something she's already got a strike for, after being reminded more than once, certainly counts.
So I think that's probably five. Maybe she wouldn't have got her spanking if she'd just stayed on the step; but who knows.
(Or she could still escape. If Manda decides that disobeying other adults doesn't count, then using the bathroom would be her third. And there's time for her to have second thoughts, maybe. Or when she realises they're outside, she could shout through the door and ask for permission to try and negate one of the strikes against her.)
((Or her bladder's bursting already, so Manda shouts "You are in so much trouble, young lady!" and Star jumps and wets herself. Then figures that she might just be able to bluff that she had an accident and was so embarrassed she had to try to clean herself up right away. That might buy her enough sympathy for a second chance… or she might at least hope it will))
I don't think Star gets Baseball unlike some of us but anyway casting your mind back Star had Three strikes before she get's punished, she'd used up the third and now she's gotten one past that disobeying an order when she's all ready in a state of being in disgrace. I'd be very surprised if she didn't know all about that soon enough but wait! Manda has heard that toilet door go slam so not only is Star in trouble for going off the naughty step, she's invited the question why did she need to go to the toilet when she was diapered in Manda's mind.
When it's discovered she has panties on violating another rule that'll will be strike five I'm sure and very very ouchie!
When it's discovered she has panties on violating another rule that'll will be strike five I'm sure and very very ouchie!
I wonder if you can get a lockable toilet lid, for the benefit of little ones who might forget they're supposed to ask permission. I can just imagine her face :p
Or she hears Manda yelling from outside, panics just a little, "well, I'm getting punished anyway, can at least make the best of it", and then looks around and realises some joker moved the 'WC' sign to the wrong door, and she's going to spend some time locked in a store cupboard.
Or she hears Manda yelling from outside, panics just a little, "well, I'm getting punished anyway, can at least make the best of it", and then looks around and realises some joker moved the 'WC' sign to the wrong door, and she's going to spend some time locked in a store cupboard.