I wanted to see this happen so badly but I didn't, so I had to draw it. ^-^
I rarely get time to paint any fanart. Often, my followers don't know what I like to watch, read or play. I wish I could draw more fanart. But there are my own worlds to explore first. :)
I rarely get time to paint any fanart. Often, my followers don't know what I like to watch, read or play. I wish I could draw more fanart. But there are my own worlds to explore first. :)
Category All / All
Species Unspecified / Any
Gender Any
Size 1320 x 708px
File Size 548 kB
Also, Littlefinger doesn't do that in the books. They shoehorned Sansa into another part. In the books she is supposed to marry the heir to the Vale of Arryn (some distant cousin named Harold Hardyng, since it's presumed that Robin will bite it from sickness) and it's a very savvy plan. Ramsay marries Sansa's former handmaid, who is being passed off as Arya Stark. If Sansa being a part of the Ramsay plot always felt a bit odd, that's why.
das bild ist unglaublich toll aber ich hoffe das ich dir nicht zu naht trette aber ich kann mich für die serie nicht wirklich begeistern (ich sehe schon den wütenden mop der mit mistgabeln und facklen auf mich zu kommt)
aber mich stört irgen wie die teil weise sinlose brutalität die an manschen stellen irgend wie nicht angebracht erscheint. genauso wie das halt die Dire wölfe die irgend wie gefühlt pro stafel min einer getötet wird.
wo auch die frage es hatt eine Mittelater fantesy anlehnung also sind gewisse gegeben heiten da wie das ritter tonier mit dem schwartzen ritter der sein pferd dan köpft weil es (zu schlecht war ) pferde sind im mittelalter verdamt teuer und ich glaub das wird sich in einer fantasy welt ähnlich verhalten.
aber ich muss mal fragen sind die Dire wölfe wirklich so groß ich hab bis jetzt nie ein gesehen in der serie der so groß dargestelt wurde. ok hab auch nicht wirklich geguckt daher frage ich.
selbst wen nicht finde ich die größe wie du sie gezeichnet hast toll.
aber mich stört irgen wie die teil weise sinlose brutalität die an manschen stellen irgend wie nicht angebracht erscheint. genauso wie das halt die Dire wölfe die irgend wie gefühlt pro stafel min einer getötet wird.
wo auch die frage es hatt eine Mittelater fantesy anlehnung also sind gewisse gegeben heiten da wie das ritter tonier mit dem schwartzen ritter der sein pferd dan köpft weil es (zu schlecht war ) pferde sind im mittelalter verdamt teuer und ich glaub das wird sich in einer fantasy welt ähnlich verhalten.
aber ich muss mal fragen sind die Dire wölfe wirklich so groß ich hab bis jetzt nie ein gesehen in der serie der so groß dargestelt wurde. ok hab auch nicht wirklich geguckt daher frage ich.
selbst wen nicht finde ich die größe wie du sie gezeichnet hast toll.
You was such a sad yet touching moment in that episode - I was deeply saddened that Nymeria turned away from Arya, but was happy to see her once more and the growth between her and Arya both as the series has grown. Still holding out hope that Nymeria will make an appearance once more as Arya gets closer to home - Or maybe she'll run into Ghost cause god knows where he's at. XD
The girls house mascot is a dire wolf. When younger her father found dire wolf puppies and gave one to each of his children. Over time they were all killed other then ghost (white one with red eyes) and nym, who bit some little turd who happened to be a soon to be king. So the girl had to send her dog away into the wild to avoid being slaughtered. She threw rocks at her from memory to go away.
7 seasons later this scene happens. Unfortunately it was not nym, but opened our eye to the possibility of her return.
7 seasons later this scene happens. Unfortunately it was not nym, but opened our eye to the possibility of her return.
This reminds me of the Worm/Okami crossover Constellations. It's about as amazing as this is, and vice versa. http://archiveofourown.org/works/77.....pters/17682043
As far a real life goes, a pet wolf that was released at that young of an age would be feral and would be too burdensome for both owner and pet to try and re-introduce it into society.
As far as the actual show goes, they handled it pretty well without sacrificing the story. As practicality goes, they've pretty much phased out the dire wolves--Ghost quite literally does his own thing and is rarely ever seen now (keep in mind, the actual wolf playing Ghost died), and Summer was inexplicably killed off (and this is besides the fact that Hairy Dog was also killed off-screen). It might have been too expensive for the production company to keep hiring the wolves and their trainers for the odd appearance throughout the show.
As far as the actual show goes, they handled it pretty well without sacrificing the story. As practicality goes, they've pretty much phased out the dire wolves--Ghost quite literally does his own thing and is rarely ever seen now (keep in mind, the actual wolf playing Ghost died), and Summer was inexplicably killed off (and this is besides the fact that Hairy Dog was also killed off-screen). It might have been too expensive for the production company to keep hiring the wolves and their trainers for the odd appearance throughout the show.
OH....My...Good Goddess!
I was instantly intrigued by this piece and as soon as I enlarged it I knew exactly what I was looking at!
Thank you so much for this beautiful redition of what has stuck in my head for quite a few years (since reading about the moment they parted ways.)
3 computers later ...all named Nymeria so that I know she is always close. This totally made my morning.
I know I'm a total sap but, this made me tear up a bit. When someone else feels what you did reading the fine pages of a good book...priceless.
My joke/intro to GOT series readers and show watchers is always ...everyone dies....but, Nymeria is always watching. <3
I am grateful for your heartfelt work.
I was instantly intrigued by this piece and as soon as I enlarged it I knew exactly what I was looking at!
Thank you so much for this beautiful redition of what has stuck in my head for quite a few years (since reading about the moment they parted ways.)
3 computers later ...all named Nymeria so that I know she is always close. This totally made my morning.
I know I'm a total sap but, this made me tear up a bit. When someone else feels what you did reading the fine pages of a good book...priceless.
My joke/intro to GOT series readers and show watchers is always ...everyone dies....but, Nymeria is always watching. <3
I am grateful for your heartfelt work.