After a funny session of video games, Luke and Broody were lying on a couch sleeping against each other. They spend lot
of hours on a game quite challenging and to avoid an headache (and also to spend a warm moment too), they decided to
take a good nap together. Luke, the diamond wolf was sleeping on Broody's right pecs which was like a sweet pillow for him.
The wolf was lulled by the beating of the boar's heart. On his side Broody arms were over Luke like he was protecting his friend.
This picture was commissioned by Bowserfan93 and Brooding featuring their two characters, Luke and Broody. The general
idea was to design a warm tender moment during the little nap. I tried to do my best to show how much they are both happy to
share this moment. Each one taking care of the other. I tried to include some funny personal details on the picture too. The phone
is actully playing a music (C40 - L&L) it's a reference to a famous band named Crush40 and their song Live and Learn from Sonic
Adventure 2...This music is in fact one of Luke's favorite (Broody like it too by the way) that's why I included this particular detail
on the picture. The chips bag was also present in a previous commission I did about gaming. Of course I really enjoyed to work on
this cute picture and I hope you'll like it too! :3

©Art and little text by me! ^^"
Interested about my art?
For more information see ''Commission Info" ;)
Category Artwork (Digital) / All
Species Unspecified / Any
Gender Male
Size 720 x 1280px
File Size 152.8 kB
Listed in Folders
I had some chocolate not too long ago. Should've saved it for this, goddammit. It would've made me even more happy than I already am from looking at this.
Now I have to go through the ordeal of not being able to eat chocolate as I stare at a sexy man-beast's chocolate-concealed dick.
Now I have to go through the ordeal of not being able to eat chocolate as I stare at a sexy man-beast's chocolate-concealed dick.