To Dust, Chapter One Cover
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I want to give a special thanks to my Patrons who have helped make this a reality. Every little bit helps! Patrons get pages a week early and special rewards like sketch drafts of future pages for their support.
To Dust ,
To Dust , is the story of Dustin Thorne, a seasoned detective struggling with the recent murder of his partner and lover, Quill Hayes. After a lengthy absence, Dustin returns to the force and is once again on the trail of the serial killer who took what was more precious to him. Faced with even more grisly murders, Dustin must confront his grief in order to work with a new partner, an outsider by the name of Quinn Carter. Can he overcome the past and embrace the present in order to find a future for himself?
Death, Love, Mystery, and Loss.
This story takes you through the lives of the people of Strandherd and their hardships, how trauma manifests in many forms, and how each of these characters either conquer or are consumed by it .
First Page (comes out Sunday March 19 for Patrons and Wednesday March 22 on my public platforms. Page one will be the only page with a 3 day gap the rest will be 1 week)
Thank you so much!
Category All / All
Species Unspecified / Any
Gender Any
Size 878 x 1227px
File Size 1.2 MB