What? The trees of this forest are bananas? It's okay. We'll make do =3
Muscari belongs to moi.
Gina is © to Darkspot
Artwork made by
Muscari belongs to moi.
Gina is © to Darkspot
Artwork made by

Category Artwork (Digital) / All
Species Beaver
Gender Multiple characters
Size 1402 x 684px
File Size 1.47 MB
It's a cursed swamp, an infestation on nature itself. When a really old Black Dragon dies, it can fuse it's soul with the soil itself, creating an ever growing swamp, alike the one the black dragon used to live. The swamp itself will have no intelligence, but it is hostile toward any not-evil aligned creature, and will create sinkholes, send poisonous swarm of bugs and host dangerous swamp life to stay true to it's former self and allegiance.
I live in such a swamp, and I kind of like to have that extra protection it provides. Reconsider entering, when I am not keeping an eye on you! It might prove...unhealthy.
I live in such a swamp, and I kind of like to have that extra protection it provides. Reconsider entering, when I am not keeping an eye on you! It might prove...unhealthy.