B'onss didn't feel his brush bottling out, and couldn't tell that his mouth was hanging open at what he was seeing.
He'd seen her sing at the Grand, and the fox had thought that the skunk was beautiful. Now, though, dressed in a two-piece bathing outfit on a Casino Island beach, the spotted skunk was a Gods-sent vision of loveliness.
To put it mildly, the apricot-colored fox was entranced by the sight of her.
It may have been the bright sunlight or his own mind playing tricks on him, but it looked to him as if she was giving him a come-hither look as she posed on her knees with a beach ball. B'onss found himself envying the beach ball.
This is an excerpt from "And On That Note," a story I'm working on as part of the Spontoon Island universe.
Of course, poor B'onss has no idea that Michelle's real name is Milo . . .
Michelle/Milo ©
Art by
He'd seen her sing at the Grand, and the fox had thought that the skunk was beautiful. Now, though, dressed in a two-piece bathing outfit on a Casino Island beach, the spotted skunk was a Gods-sent vision of loveliness.
To put it mildly, the apricot-colored fox was entranced by the sight of her.
It may have been the bright sunlight or his own mind playing tricks on him, but it looked to him as if she was giving him a come-hither look as she posed on her knees with a beach ball. B'onss found himself envying the beach ball.
This is an excerpt from "And On That Note," a story I'm working on as part of the Spontoon Island universe.
Of course, poor B'onss has no idea that Michelle's real name is Milo . . .
Michelle/Milo ©

Art by

Category Artwork (Digital) / General Furry Art
Species Skunk
Gender Female
Size 1048 x 1280px
File Size 162.9 kB