The art is filled with hands because I am feeling defiant and drawing a shitload of hands is exactly what I would ask myself to not do. I guess they are symbolic to me too.
Ghost - Halsey
Onto the monologue which you are not obligated to read. Writing just makes me feel good.
My closest characters are usually the ones that have sort of collected the prevalent energy of a particular point in my life, whether it's a few months or a few years. Solitaire was very angry and aggressive, like I was when I was younger. Gallagher was broody and pensive and highly linked with his military experience, as I was. As I develop as a person (though I'm only 23, I can only imagine myself at 50 wow), these characters become more intense, but also mellow. I treat these characters with permanence in that anything that happens in RP or aforementioned pervasive situations becomes a part of their character forever. I choose not to erase things that might later bother me, because they are windows of my own development, and living outside of reality by pretending something didn't happen is a great road to maladjustment. The only exception is if the source of the "drama" utterly disgusts me, and that happened only once with someone who tries to convince everything they meet that I'm their "ex" despite us never once having dated. They tore into my friendships with seditious abandon and the very thought of them completely repulses me. That's different.
Anyway.... Shirin has lasted a long time as my go-to sympathetic character. He, like me, requires an understanding of his ethnicity, family and heritage to understand much of his behavior. (He's from Tevinter.) He's deeply and profoundly driven to self-improvement like me. He lives in a perpetual state of wonderment, where every moment is a feast for the soul and everyone has a chord to play for the universal song. Because of this, he sort of has a "bubble" of positivity around him that, when popped, leaves him utterly wrecked emotionally. Because he exists on a certain vibration, he falls even further and it's a higher climb to get himself back up.
Like me, he "hates" people, yet can't help but find he loves everyone he meets, assuming no ineptitude in anyone because he can't personally wrap his mind around it. Then they prove him wrong and his bubble is shattered. He trusts easily, wants to be around others, but now forces himself to stiff arm any who approach because of his self awareness that, just maybe, what he idealizes in people isn't what's really there. He's found that, on a superficial level, people are lovely. But get closer than that and most of them have demons gnawing at their spines.
Abandonment is one of his biggest fears but, having been through it and survived, his resolve has only steeled further. How can he hate anyone for making him stronger?
Art, character © me
Dragon Age belongs to Bioware.
The art is filled with hands because I am feeling defiant and drawing a shitload of hands is exactly what I would ask myself to not do. I guess they are symbolic to me too.
Ghost - Halsey
Onto the monologue which you are not obligated to read. Writing just makes me feel good.
My closest characters are usually the ones that have sort of collected the prevalent energy of a particular point in my life, whether it's a few months or a few years. Solitaire was very angry and aggressive, like I was when I was younger. Gallagher was broody and pensive and highly linked with his military experience, as I was. As I develop as a person (though I'm only 23, I can only imagine myself at 50 wow), these characters become more intense, but also mellow. I treat these characters with permanence in that anything that happens in RP or aforementioned pervasive situations becomes a part of their character forever. I choose not to erase things that might later bother me, because they are windows of my own development, and living outside of reality by pretending something didn't happen is a great road to maladjustment. The only exception is if the source of the "drama" utterly disgusts me, and that happened only once with someone who tries to convince everything they meet that I'm their "ex" despite us never once having dated. They tore into my friendships with seditious abandon and the very thought of them completely repulses me. That's different.
Anyway.... Shirin has lasted a long time as my go-to sympathetic character. He, like me, requires an understanding of his ethnicity, family and heritage to understand much of his behavior. (He's from Tevinter.) He's deeply and profoundly driven to self-improvement like me. He lives in a perpetual state of wonderment, where every moment is a feast for the soul and everyone has a chord to play for the universal song. Because of this, he sort of has a "bubble" of positivity around him that, when popped, leaves him utterly wrecked emotionally. Because he exists on a certain vibration, he falls even further and it's a higher climb to get himself back up.
Like me, he "hates" people, yet can't help but find he loves everyone he meets, assuming no ineptitude in anyone because he can't personally wrap his mind around it. Then they prove him wrong and his bubble is shattered. He trusts easily, wants to be around others, but now forces himself to stiff arm any who approach because of his self awareness that, just maybe, what he idealizes in people isn't what's really there. He's found that, on a superficial level, people are lovely. But get closer than that and most of them have demons gnawing at their spines.
Abandonment is one of his biggest fears but, having been through it and survived, his resolve has only steeled further. How can he hate anyone for making him stronger?
Art, character © me
Dragon Age belongs to Bioware.
Category Artwork (Digital) / Human
Species Unspecified / Any
Gender Male
Size 817 x 1000px
File Size 245.9 kB
Listed in Folders
Not many people have the courage to open up like that about themselves, myself included, to my hat's off to you. Having a "bubble" of positivity around one's self is an interesting way to phrase that sort of defense, but I myself have always likened it to a car that needs to keep moving, to keep being a positive person, or else it will slow down and bad feelings will catch up with you. That's why I tend to keep myself surrounded by those who I know will get out and help me push.
Anyway, thanks for posting the lovely art as always, and for giving me something to think about.
Anyway, thanks for posting the lovely art as always, and for giving me something to think about.
Heh, thanks. It can be difficult to find the right people. A friend will sympathize with you in misery but it takes a true friend to sympathize with your success. I found that out recently as well and had to tell a "Friend" goodbye because his resentment and jealousy of me became too strong even after knowing me over 5 years. And that's just one instance.
Anyway thank you for indulging me. <3
Anyway thank you for indulging me. <3
it was very interesting to read your piece about your character and his development, i must say from what i've seen he's struck me as the type to give off strong positive vibes and may even attract people to him like moths to a candle.
as for your art, as always it is lovely, i love the sketchyness yet solidity to it if that makes sense. your style is still one of my favorites and fraggle, your hands are hella nice. never stop drawin, and never stop growin
as for your art, as always it is lovely, i love the sketchyness yet solidity to it if that makes sense. your style is still one of my favorites and fraggle, your hands are hella nice. never stop drawin, and never stop growin
That's really thoughtful of you to say. In a way, I've found it to be true with myself. I meet people very easily who say "Gosh Dorian you are so confident/talented/smart/successful-- I wanna be like you can you help me?" And so I do help, because I take pleasure in seeing my friends succeed, and then inevitably I end up hated by the end or called "abusive" for holding people up to that standard they asked to be held to. People are odd and are prone to feeling inadequate really quickly before they even really try. I try to teach self love to all my friends and that anything is possible with determination and strength of character.
Thank you so much for the kind words...It's such an honour to meet folks who love my art even in all it's "sketchiness" and handcrafted..ness. ;-;
Thank you so much for the kind words...It's such an honour to meet folks who love my art even in all it's "sketchiness" and handcrafted..ness. ;-;
Just everything about this picture is pretty - Shirin of course being the main detail but the way you draw hands is envious. They are the vain of my existence, and I have yet to properly grasp them but eventually I hope that one day they won't be much of a problem. :P
Despite that - I gotta echo a portion of the comments on this piece that were left above. I love seeing Shirin or any of your characters pop up in my inbox, seeing new pieces of them and seeing how they evolved over time into the individual that they are now currently. Shirin is the best example because honestly when I think of him, he's like an art representation of yourself in a way (if that makes any sense ;; ) and to see the development of character through various challenges is always interesting to see. When you did those mini comics of him awhile back that's when I knew he was an interesting and unique individual, and learning more about his person, how he works and thinks is just fascinating.
To be honest, I'm envious of the headworld that you've created for your characters because of their stories, the personalities and just seeing them in individual pieces that show who they are as an individual. At the same time, its evident that you have an amazing and beautiful (if you want to consider it like this - I mean it as in its colorful, inspiring, and its something you just can't glance at; your attention is captured and you're enraptured) mind and I hope you just run and go crazy with it really. Never stop creating, and just let it flow even in the bleakest of moments.
Regardless if its just a sketch or a full rendered piece, it has its own personal spark to it and I'm glad that we are able to experience your creative style and you are willing to share it with us. c: So thank you for doing that, and of course serving as an inspiration to strive and get better - I've hit walls with my own art and feel like giving up at times but when artists post artwork sometimes its inspirational and just gives that push to keep going rather then just dropping everything.
Beautiful work as always. c:
Despite that - I gotta echo a portion of the comments on this piece that were left above. I love seeing Shirin or any of your characters pop up in my inbox, seeing new pieces of them and seeing how they evolved over time into the individual that they are now currently. Shirin is the best example because honestly when I think of him, he's like an art representation of yourself in a way (if that makes any sense ;; ) and to see the development of character through various challenges is always interesting to see. When you did those mini comics of him awhile back that's when I knew he was an interesting and unique individual, and learning more about his person, how he works and thinks is just fascinating.
To be honest, I'm envious of the headworld that you've created for your characters because of their stories, the personalities and just seeing them in individual pieces that show who they are as an individual. At the same time, its evident that you have an amazing and beautiful (if you want to consider it like this - I mean it as in its colorful, inspiring, and its something you just can't glance at; your attention is captured and you're enraptured) mind and I hope you just run and go crazy with it really. Never stop creating, and just let it flow even in the bleakest of moments.
Regardless if its just a sketch or a full rendered piece, it has its own personal spark to it and I'm glad that we are able to experience your creative style and you are willing to share it with us. c: So thank you for doing that, and of course serving as an inspiration to strive and get better - I've hit walls with my own art and feel like giving up at times but when artists post artwork sometimes its inspirational and just gives that push to keep going rather then just dropping everything.
Beautiful work as always. c: