After much delay and RL setbacks I am now getting back to proper posting from my Equestria dreamscape I want to thank everyone for their patience during this awkward period.
By the time I reported to work in my Equestria dreamscape word surrounding the events last night at the Bucking Mare had spread throughout the local Weather Service.
Fortunately Dash’s shift and mine were at the same time, and since I’m her de facto wingpony it meant I didn’t get too much flak from the crew. However I could still hear the whispered comments when I left the briefing room and every pony seemed to be looking at me more when I passed by. Especially when I was with RD. The attention seemed to break down into two categories.
The mares seemed to be huddled into small groups with their heads close to each other whispering and giggling. Occasionally one would poke their head up to see if I was still nearby or whether Rainbow Dash was heading toward them. There was even mutterings about what could’ve happened between Dash and I while we were in Canterlot recently.
The stallions generally just watched me and would occasionally lean over to say something to the stallion next to them, or they acted like I wasn’t even in the room. A couple openly glared at me while couple others came over and complimented on my achievement.
“Wow Brick! You are one wild fellow! Who would’ve thought a stallion as old as you would end up with such a hot herd of mares! Just watch your tail and don’t crash and burn!”
Then I’d get a wing pat on the back and they’d head off on their way. It was even more interesting when dropped by the marketplace to pick up some lunch. Apparently Dash’s participation in Petina and Carousel’s performance was source of great debate, and Cogs discovery this morning had turned the gossip machine up to full speed. Even Applejack cornered me as I trotted past her stall.
“Sky Brush! Is there any truth ta the rumors I’m a hearing about what happened last? And Cogs was going on about Rainbow Dash coming out of yer room this morning! Ya ain’t taking advantage of my friend are ya? Especially that saucy friend of yers Petina?”
Started answering AJ accusation when suddenly there was a brilliant flash to my left when the bright spots of color faded from my eyes I found myself face to face with a seriously stressed out Twilight.
“Sky Brush! Are the rumors true? Are they? I’ve been hearing all kinds of wild tales about last night! You were there! What happened?”
“Twilight. I can assure you that nothing happened last night that Rainbow Dash couldn’t handle. She’s a big filly now.”
“But, but, but what did happen last night?” Ask the Element of Magic plaintively. “Did she really get up on stage and dance with Petina and Carousel? Did she really go back to your place and spend the night with you? What happened?”
I shook my head. “Rainbow Dash came down watch Petina and Carousel dance at the Bucking Mare, and on her own initiative she started dancing on one of tables there at the inn. So Petina invited her up on stage and she danced with them for a bit; I deliberately left out the whole part with them kissing. Then Dash came back to our place for a nightcap. However she had a few drinks and therefore made the right decision of not flying home while drunk. So she spent the night with us, kind of sleepover if you think of it.”
“But, but did she actually sleep with you in your bed?” Ponyville’s librarian did this nervous, little trotting in place as she said this. “I mean you were there and I trust you, and Carousel, but, but Petina was there right? Petina didn’t take advantage of her did she? She may be my magic student but she’s so manipulative at times!”
I rolled my eyes and sighed. “Well to best of my knowledge no one manipulated RD. Relax Twilight so she slept in a bed with a another pony. It’s not much different than that time you had the sleepover and Applejack and Rarity shared a bed.”
Applejack gave me a look that made it very clear she did not think that RD in a bed with Petina was the same thing. I continued my counter argument.
“So I think this is just a case of small town gossip getting better of ponies. If everypony would just calm down they’d see how foolish they were being.”
“Well Sky Brush I’m not liking what I’m a hearing” Growled AJ. “I’m a starting ta wonder whether Rainbow Dash is getting in over her head!”
Twilight shook her head. “I don’t like it and I don’t approve it! Think RD should…”
“Should do what?” Said a voice from above. Looking up we saw Rainbow Dash hovering just a few feet above staring at Twilight. How long she’d been up there was anypony guess. At least several cups of coffee and a breakfast had helped get her looking much better. The light cyan blue mare continued to hover as she glared at Twilight.
“You’re my friend Twilight. Not my mother! I’m a young mare and I’ll hang out with whomever I choose! Same for you AJ you’re one of my best friends but I’m not Applebloom so you can’t just send me to my room! Got it?”
Twilight blushed and lowered gaze. For several seconds the unicorn was silently then in soft voice she replied. “I’m sorry Dash. I don’t mean to imply you are incapable of taking care of yourself. I, I, just don’t want to see one of my friends getting hurt. Sorry. I stepped out of bounds.”
RD silently stared at her friend for a several seconds then she smiled. “Hey Twilight it’s okay. I know you don’t mean any harm. You care about me because you consider me a friend. And that means a lot to me, but you need to remember that part of growing up is choosing what paths your life is going to take. I’ve got my whole life in front of me and I want to know what I can do with it!”
RD turned her attention to AJ. “AJ you know you’re my best friend and you’re a pony with your head screwed on straight, and you’ve been by my side for years. However this time I’m going to tell you to back off. Trust me I’ve got this one.”
RD stepped forward and nuzzled both Twilight and AJ, then looked them in the eyes. “Now Brick and I need to get some lunch and then get back to work. We’ve got to get this cell together or there will be no 2’o clock showers.”
Twilight nodded her head and AJ pulled the brim of her hat down. “Ah shucks Sugar Cube. Twilight and I didn’t mean ta git ya all upset. If yer okay with what happened last night then that’s good with me!”
RD smiled. “All right! Come on Brick let’s get us some lunch!” Then launched herself into the sky; I nodded my head at AJ and Twilight and then I launched myself into the sky and followed my boss.
To be continued.
I hope you like what you see. Please help make more art like this possible by supporting me at Patreon
By the time I reported to work in my Equestria dreamscape word surrounding the events last night at the Bucking Mare had spread throughout the local Weather Service.
Fortunately Dash’s shift and mine were at the same time, and since I’m her de facto wingpony it meant I didn’t get too much flak from the crew. However I could still hear the whispered comments when I left the briefing room and every pony seemed to be looking at me more when I passed by. Especially when I was with RD. The attention seemed to break down into two categories.
The mares seemed to be huddled into small groups with their heads close to each other whispering and giggling. Occasionally one would poke their head up to see if I was still nearby or whether Rainbow Dash was heading toward them. There was even mutterings about what could’ve happened between Dash and I while we were in Canterlot recently.
The stallions generally just watched me and would occasionally lean over to say something to the stallion next to them, or they acted like I wasn’t even in the room. A couple openly glared at me while couple others came over and complimented on my achievement.
“Wow Brick! You are one wild fellow! Who would’ve thought a stallion as old as you would end up with such a hot herd of mares! Just watch your tail and don’t crash and burn!”
Then I’d get a wing pat on the back and they’d head off on their way. It was even more interesting when dropped by the marketplace to pick up some lunch. Apparently Dash’s participation in Petina and Carousel’s performance was source of great debate, and Cogs discovery this morning had turned the gossip machine up to full speed. Even Applejack cornered me as I trotted past her stall.
“Sky Brush! Is there any truth ta the rumors I’m a hearing about what happened last? And Cogs was going on about Rainbow Dash coming out of yer room this morning! Ya ain’t taking advantage of my friend are ya? Especially that saucy friend of yers Petina?”
Started answering AJ accusation when suddenly there was a brilliant flash to my left when the bright spots of color faded from my eyes I found myself face to face with a seriously stressed out Twilight.
“Sky Brush! Are the rumors true? Are they? I’ve been hearing all kinds of wild tales about last night! You were there! What happened?”
“Twilight. I can assure you that nothing happened last night that Rainbow Dash couldn’t handle. She’s a big filly now.”
“But, but, but what did happen last night?” Ask the Element of Magic plaintively. “Did she really get up on stage and dance with Petina and Carousel? Did she really go back to your place and spend the night with you? What happened?”
I shook my head. “Rainbow Dash came down watch Petina and Carousel dance at the Bucking Mare, and on her own initiative she started dancing on one of tables there at the inn. So Petina invited her up on stage and she danced with them for a bit; I deliberately left out the whole part with them kissing. Then Dash came back to our place for a nightcap. However she had a few drinks and therefore made the right decision of not flying home while drunk. So she spent the night with us, kind of sleepover if you think of it.”
“But, but did she actually sleep with you in your bed?” Ponyville’s librarian did this nervous, little trotting in place as she said this. “I mean you were there and I trust you, and Carousel, but, but Petina was there right? Petina didn’t take advantage of her did she? She may be my magic student but she’s so manipulative at times!”
I rolled my eyes and sighed. “Well to best of my knowledge no one manipulated RD. Relax Twilight so she slept in a bed with a another pony. It’s not much different than that time you had the sleepover and Applejack and Rarity shared a bed.”
Applejack gave me a look that made it very clear she did not think that RD in a bed with Petina was the same thing. I continued my counter argument.
“So I think this is just a case of small town gossip getting better of ponies. If everypony would just calm down they’d see how foolish they were being.”
“Well Sky Brush I’m not liking what I’m a hearing” Growled AJ. “I’m a starting ta wonder whether Rainbow Dash is getting in over her head!”
Twilight shook her head. “I don’t like it and I don’t approve it! Think RD should…”
“Should do what?” Said a voice from above. Looking up we saw Rainbow Dash hovering just a few feet above staring at Twilight. How long she’d been up there was anypony guess. At least several cups of coffee and a breakfast had helped get her looking much better. The light cyan blue mare continued to hover as she glared at Twilight.
“You’re my friend Twilight. Not my mother! I’m a young mare and I’ll hang out with whomever I choose! Same for you AJ you’re one of my best friends but I’m not Applebloom so you can’t just send me to my room! Got it?”
Twilight blushed and lowered gaze. For several seconds the unicorn was silently then in soft voice she replied. “I’m sorry Dash. I don’t mean to imply you are incapable of taking care of yourself. I, I, just don’t want to see one of my friends getting hurt. Sorry. I stepped out of bounds.”
RD silently stared at her friend for a several seconds then she smiled. “Hey Twilight it’s okay. I know you don’t mean any harm. You care about me because you consider me a friend. And that means a lot to me, but you need to remember that part of growing up is choosing what paths your life is going to take. I’ve got my whole life in front of me and I want to know what I can do with it!”
RD turned her attention to AJ. “AJ you know you’re my best friend and you’re a pony with your head screwed on straight, and you’ve been by my side for years. However this time I’m going to tell you to back off. Trust me I’ve got this one.”
RD stepped forward and nuzzled both Twilight and AJ, then looked them in the eyes. “Now Brick and I need to get some lunch and then get back to work. We’ve got to get this cell together or there will be no 2’o clock showers.”
Twilight nodded her head and AJ pulled the brim of her hat down. “Ah shucks Sugar Cube. Twilight and I didn’t mean ta git ya all upset. If yer okay with what happened last night then that’s good with me!”
RD smiled. “All right! Come on Brick let’s get us some lunch!” Then launched herself into the sky; I nodded my head at AJ and Twilight and then I launched myself into the sky and followed my boss.
To be continued.
I hope you like what you see. Please help make more art like this possible by supporting me at Patreon
Category Artwork (Traditional) / Fanart
Species Unspecified / Any
Gender Multiple characters
Size 747 x 1280px
File Size 152.2 kB
In the pics above, I noticed you seem to have 3x the pouch storage as RD and the other pegasus. Any reason?
Awesome pony body language, BTW, especially the top 2 pics.
Also, I like the little two leg pockets of the top left pegasus. Given that they face outward, I assume that they're meant to be accessed with the teeth. If they face inward, I'd assume they were accessed with the other hoof.
Awesome pony body language, BTW, especially the top 2 pics.
Also, I like the little two leg pockets of the top left pegasus. Given that they face outward, I assume that they're meant to be accessed with the teeth. If they face inward, I'd assume they were accessed with the other hoof.
In the pics above, I noticed you seem to have 3x the pouch storage as RD and the other pegasus. Any reason?
RD will say it's because I am an egghead. Truth is I still carry a copy REWS pocket manual with me because I still attempting learn and memorize all the protocols and procedures. Also I carry an extra water and a lunch along with snacks. Weather working is hungry work!
Also, I like the little two leg pockets of the top left pegasus. Given that they face outward, I assume that they're meant to be accessed with the teeth. If they face inward, I'd assume they were accessed with the other hoof.
Correct. Windward carries a watch on one hoof and a compass on the other. His innate sense of direction is worse than mine.
RD will say it's because I am an egghead. Truth is I still carry a copy REWS pocket manual with me because I still attempting learn and memorize all the protocols and procedures. Also I carry an extra water and a lunch along with snacks. Weather working is hungry work!
Also, I like the little two leg pockets of the top left pegasus. Given that they face outward, I assume that they're meant to be accessed with the teeth. If they face inward, I'd assume they were accessed with the other hoof.
Correct. Windward carries a watch on one hoof and a compass on the other. His innate sense of direction is worse than mine.
Well I imagine that she's grow up fast managing the Ponyville weather service. She's the boss and the buck stops with her. Also it is not mention in the show, but in my dreamscape one of the reasons she took the job is that counts as credits in her favor when she finally applies to the Wonderbolts. Kind of like taking extra credit classes and doing off campus work can help with your college admission.
Show's she's got leadership skills, can coordinate teams, manage fluid situations, etc.
Show's she's got leadership skills, can coordinate teams, manage fluid situations, etc.
“Ah shucks Sugar Cube. Twilight and I didn’t mean ta git ya all upset. If yer okay with what happened last night then that’s good with me!”
So apologise to Dash for calling her a child, but don't apologise to Skybrush for calling him, well, a rapist? Gold-digger if we're swapping gender roles? Either way that seems just a little bit wrong headed of Apple-butt and Sparkle-butt.
That sounds a little, I don't know... Unbalanced? Especially in a matriarchy, which Equestria seems to be.
So apologise to Dash for calling her a child, but don't apologise to Skybrush for calling him, well, a rapist? Gold-digger if we're swapping gender roles? Either way that seems just a little bit wrong headed of Apple-butt and Sparkle-butt.
That sounds a little, I don't know... Unbalanced? Especially in a matriarchy, which Equestria seems to be.