This has been my character for two campaigns now and I'm happy to finally finish some art of him. His first name is Dusk but he prefers to be called by his infamous assassin's name "The Little Shadow". He's a member of a small group of legendary assassin kobolds named the Shadow Scales. The end all purpose of the shadow scales is to use the power and renown they build through their work in the shadows of politics, wars and quests to lift their species to a more equal social status and out of the uneducated abysmal servitude they are often shoved into. Dusk in particular is passionate about fair treatment towards his kind and has been known to kill or brutalize without a second thought any person he witnesses mistreating kobolds. So you could think of him as like a little freedom fighter ninja haha, he's got a chaotic good/neutral alignment though so he's not one to hesitate in getting his hands dirty. If you couldn't tell by his appearance, he in particular is a kobold that most closely resembles a black dragon.
Right now he's part of a group of adventurers who are out to stop the dragon cult from resurrecting Tiamat. He's been invaluable in fights because he's fantastic at hiding away and then pouncing on surprised enemies and assassinating them in one or two well placed stabs that do massive amounts of damage. His stats are mostly in Dex of course but I also dropped some in Charisma which makes him the most diplomatic yet intimidating member of the group. There's something that makes me really giddy about playing a 3.5 foot little black lizard man who's able to either smooth talk his way out of a tense situation, kill an ice dragon in 3 stabs or intimidate a troll more than 3x his size into pissing it's pants.
Right now he's part of a group of adventurers who are out to stop the dragon cult from resurrecting Tiamat. He's been invaluable in fights because he's fantastic at hiding away and then pouncing on surprised enemies and assassinating them in one or two well placed stabs that do massive amounts of damage. His stats are mostly in Dex of course but I also dropped some in Charisma which makes him the most diplomatic yet intimidating member of the group. There's something that makes me really giddy about playing a 3.5 foot little black lizard man who's able to either smooth talk his way out of a tense situation, kill an ice dragon in 3 stabs or intimidate a troll more than 3x his size into pissing it's pants.
Category Artwork (Digital) / Fantasy
Species Dragon (Other)
Gender Male
Size 931 x 1183px
File Size 541.4 kB