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You know you gotta F5 that shit for full deets.
Yoooo, you know tfw you have an idea for a character, you're super pumped and everything just happens so smoothly and effortlessly and you're left with a character you love unconditionally and they're perfect in every way and sort of are the culmination of pervasive emotions and recent thought processes. Like a little box of important life values.
In a nutshell, I dunno if anyone remembers I used to pretty exclusively draw sci-fi stuff and I once designed an alien species for someone that basically abandoned the design soon after. This guy is kind of that but improved? Also my sci-fi stuff used to be a huge source of inspiration and motivation for me, but I sort of lost people to share that with so I feel away from it.. But I said fuck it after playing SWTOR and getting a horn for the genre again so I dipped a toe back in with this character. His armor is hella storm trooper inspired.
But that basically served to open the floodgates to my scifi passion again. Sometimes I worry I'll never be able to have a solid, quality scifi RP again like I used to do day in & day out back in like 2009 with friends... So things get a little lonely when I feel like I have no one to share my passions with but what can you do. We grow up. LOL I still have all the massive word docs of world building from back then that I look at sometimes.
Anyways, just venting. I'm very excited about this character ok. I love him as much as Shirin. >_<
Art, character © me
On DA|OnFurrynetwork
You know you gotta F5 that shit for full deets.
Yoooo, you know tfw you have an idea for a character, you're super pumped and everything just happens so smoothly and effortlessly and you're left with a character you love unconditionally and they're perfect in every way and sort of are the culmination of pervasive emotions and recent thought processes. Like a little box of important life values.
In a nutshell, I dunno if anyone remembers I used to pretty exclusively draw sci-fi stuff and I once designed an alien species for someone that basically abandoned the design soon after. This guy is kind of that but improved? Also my sci-fi stuff used to be a huge source of inspiration and motivation for me, but I sort of lost people to share that with so I feel away from it.. But I said fuck it after playing SWTOR and getting a horn for the genre again so I dipped a toe back in with this character. His armor is hella storm trooper inspired.
But that basically served to open the floodgates to my scifi passion again. Sometimes I worry I'll never be able to have a solid, quality scifi RP again like I used to do day in & day out back in like 2009 with friends... So things get a little lonely when I feel like I have no one to share my passions with but what can you do. We grow up. LOL I still have all the massive word docs of world building from back then that I look at sometimes.
Anyways, just venting. I'm very excited about this character ok. I love him as much as Shirin. >_<
Art, character © me
Category Artwork (Digital) / Fantasy
Species Alien (Other)
Gender Male
Size 1800 x 689px
File Size 391.3 kB
Actually I was thinking more "tense treaty" after an ugly war vs one another of territory, both parties prove a little to adapt at killing one another. So to ensure peaceful reign between the two, a special task force, is created design to asses, intercept and disrupt any terrorist like groups designed to up set the treatise
It'd be great, the tense "I hate his species" partners who turn out to be the way to damned good at their job pair, the lovey dovey pairs "The romantic tryst pair that claim to want each other dead (Totally do each other daily) both factions have sides trying to cause unrest. And the intrigue could go on for years! ....I wanna try this suddenly
This guy is SO cool! I love his design! And I also know what you mean. You have a well spring of inspiration and motivation in a genre and
want to be consumed by it. Like a flame that needs to be fed and let loose, its illuminating and warm. I am not an artist so sometimes those
sparks don't always get their time to shine but I have characters that I love and adore and work hard to find the right people that can fan that
flame. I would love to geek out with you and share some of your inspirations. I also love your work. I am a big fan of Shirin and that work.
If you are available for commissions I would love to talk to you further. Cause I got this Super Hero OC that I am looking to get more work of.
My little sci-fi hero flame has been revamped since I found the Heroes Rise series on Steam and games like Bedlam and Remember me. My hero
is from a sort of future earth, that somehow survived WW3, the world is potmarked with wastelands and utopian mega cities and magic and strange things.
My hero manifests his own blood in ways that lets him go toe to toe with almost anything that his super heroic career pits him against. Here's his
finest work.
So again, if you are open for comms, I am in the market to drop a pretty penny.
want to be consumed by it. Like a flame that needs to be fed and let loose, its illuminating and warm. I am not an artist so sometimes those
sparks don't always get their time to shine but I have characters that I love and adore and work hard to find the right people that can fan that
flame. I would love to geek out with you and share some of your inspirations. I also love your work. I am a big fan of Shirin and that work.
If you are available for commissions I would love to talk to you further. Cause I got this Super Hero OC that I am looking to get more work of.
My little sci-fi hero flame has been revamped since I found the Heroes Rise series on Steam and games like Bedlam and Remember me. My hero
is from a sort of future earth, that somehow survived WW3, the world is potmarked with wastelands and utopian mega cities and magic and strange things.
My hero manifests his own blood in ways that lets him go toe to toe with almost anything that his super heroic career pits him against. Here's his
finest work.
So again, if you are open for comms, I am in the market to drop a pretty penny.
I'm almost amused that thoughts can go so similar sometimes. I have my own dragonic-looking taurs (I know you don't like to have your characters compared to others, so terrible sorry for that. D: ) for years and just got reminded that I aught to try and draw those OCs again. >_o
There are major differences though and I love to see more of this race/character regardless. :) He looks very interesting and far more futuristic too, haha.
-awkward flails and absconds-
There are major differences though and I love to see more of this race/character regardless. :) He looks very interesting and far more futuristic too, haha.
-awkward flails and absconds-
You can certainly share your sci-fi passions with us~
I personally would love to see more of your sci-fi works. Especially if they include this guy. Great work on his design, and that armor detail.
I am attempting with a friend to start RPing again [coincidentally it's taking place on a space ship xD]. It'll be the first time in years that I've attempted a legit RP, so I'm kinda nervous. xD I'm sure my skills are hella rusty. But I gotta try. Hope you find a good chance to RP again too. <3
I personally would love to see more of your sci-fi works. Especially if they include this guy. Great work on his design, and that armor detail.
I am attempting with a friend to start RPing again [coincidentally it's taking place on a space ship xD]. It'll be the first time in years that I've attempted a legit RP, so I'm kinda nervous. xD I'm sure my skills are hella rusty. But I gotta try. Hope you find a good chance to RP again too. <3
It's easy to get overwhelmed when you really want to get back into it, but haven't done it so many years. o_ o [Not to mention that you have over 6,000 watchers. I can't even imagine how many responses you got for that journal.] Finding the ideal RP partner [or group] is sometimes as challenging as trying to find a perfect significant other. Has to be someone that meshes well with your RP style and your characters... And both of you have to be ready to put effort and time into it. I'm sure you'll find a perfect fit eventually. It may happen when you least expect it~
Been watching you for a bit but I feel you about old RPs. I used to Roleplay a fantasy sci fi verse with my bestest friend for over four years, I made and grew characters for it and then one day it all fell apart. I still have the forums, but the skype chats have all disappeared so a lot of my stuff got lost. It's easy to think that you'll never find anything like it again... But I ended up falling in with a new group of friends and I have SOO many new babies! Those sci fi ones are still near and dear to me, of course, but I take it as inspiration for new stories and characters.
ANYWAYS, sometimes good RPs crop up when you least expect them, or you can make your own stuff with what you RPed with! You've got awesome characters as always, can't wait to see more of them <3
ANYWAYS, sometimes good RPs crop up when you least expect them, or you can make your own stuff with what you RPed with! You've got awesome characters as always, can't wait to see more of them <3