Category Artwork (Digital) / Comics
Species Unspecified / Any
Gender Any
Size 701 x 1066px
File Size 539.8 kB
And if Nick can get over his crying, he gets to tell his sweet Honey Bunny he got to play, "Weekend at Bernie's" with her corpse in Tundra Town where he gets the Russian Mafia to allow him to use their chum machine to break the chain of the handcuffs that have them stuck together!
Only snippets of the original draft ever made it out. There were also many characters that got the chopping block. Honey the Badger would have been friggin' hilarious.
Heck, that was the reason the movie took four years for them to finish. They got a year into production when they realized just how damn dark the movie got and that none of them were rooting for things to get better in the city. To quote Art Director Matthias Lechner, "We got to the point where we wanted Nick to just abandon Zootopia to its fate and let God sort 'em out."
Heck, that was the reason the movie took four years for them to finish. They got a year into production when they realized just how damn dark the movie got and that none of them were rooting for things to get better in the city. To quote Art Director Matthias Lechner, "We got to the point where we wanted Nick to just abandon Zootopia to its fate and let God sort 'em out."
Much more of a film noir feel to it, the way you describe it. I think maybe more Blacksad influence. I can see why they lightened it up the way they did, but I'd still have been interested in seeing a story that focused on Nick as a protagonist. Having him become a cop at the end seemed a little too pat to me.
"Originally Bolt was more of a Funny Animal secret agent character, Rhino was a giant radioactive rabbit and as mentioned above, Mittens had an eyepatch and was named Ogo."
"Originally Bolt was more of a Funny Animal secret agent character, Rhino was a giant radioactive rabbit and as mentioned above, Mittens had an eyepatch and was named Ogo."
No. When it came to deciding Judy Hopps would live, they decided the chain would have gotten stuck The second draft called for her being alive and the grinder of the chum machine caught on the handcuffs as it wasn't strong enough to break the chain. It would have lead the two being stuck more intimately close and getting to talk to one another as they waited for one of the Russian Mafia to come into the kitchen to get them freed.
Somebody on Tumblr tried to piece the bits and pieces of this "Zoodystopia" together: http://donkocabana.tumblr.com/post/.....f-you-know-the
jailbird drew a one-page comic here: https://www.furaffinity.net/view/19407153/ There's more on their Tumblr.
jailbird drew a one-page comic here: https://www.furaffinity.net/view/19407153/ There's more on their Tumblr.
Woah... I've seen Matthias Lechner's concept art (http://www.matthiaslechner.com/zootopia.html for anyone else curious, this http://www.matthiaslechner.com/uplo.....59392_orig.jpg specifically) but I had no idea that she was dead at that point... I figured knocked out or sleeping. That's incredibly dark.
It's actually referencing an earlier version of the script. You can see the waterfall sequence about halfway down the page here: http://www.matthiaslechner.com/zootopia.html
Seems like it. You can find a large amount of the art from the book on the website of their environmental art director: http://www.matthiaslechner.com/zootopia.html - the waterfall scene is about halfway down the page.
I have really enjoyed the pacing with this comic. It really has a nice energy from panel to panel and that is hard to do. You've really nailed the two chaacter's voices and how I'd imagine them talking to each other after a bad dream and I really like the emotional connection you've given them. You really got the voice of Nick's sardonic amusement and Judy's amused wit well and the dialog works.
This page though was stellar you really get the emotional feel and the core of Nick's crisis. He's had a bad nightmare but none of it was an awful as losing his friend and that really comes through well in that Judy really seems to care and reacts quickly when his emotional walls start to crumble. Really nicely played and a great scene.
It should go without saying that the facial expressions are fantastic.
This page though was stellar you really get the emotional feel and the core of Nick's crisis. He's had a bad nightmare but none of it was an awful as losing his friend and that really comes through well in that Judy really seems to care and reacts quickly when his emotional walls start to crumble. Really nicely played and a great scene.
It should go without saying that the facial expressions are fantastic.
Loving the references to the early plots/concepts of Zootopia. For anyone curious, here's a huge collection of concept art by the Movie's Art Director of Environments, Matthias Lechner: http://www.matthiaslechner.com/zootopia.html It includes the waterfall scene mentioned here :)
To add a bit of levity to the otherwise dark tone, am I the only one who is imagining the fall into the river to start at a dam: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4sj.....X4iymo&ebc ?
To add a bit of levity to the otherwise dark tone, am I the only one who is imagining the fall into the river to start at a dam: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4sj.....X4iymo&ebc ?
Rough Spanish translation:
Por lo tanto, en la parte superior del cuello de la cosa ahora era un fugitivo de prisión. Y ellos le enviaron después de mí.
Oh, estás en este sueño, por cierto.
Me preguntaba si me presento.
Usted era un teniente canoso dura, que estaba extrañamente adorable.
Niiick ...
Pero, por supuesto, no estaba usted ... Usted tenía un deber y me persiguió por todas partes. Un revoltijo de lugares en los que he estado y no han sido. Usted totalmente convencido que era un zorro fugitivo poco fiable.
Hasta que cayó al río y nos dejó una cascada. Pero no lo hizo ... que ...
Nick, ¿estás llorando ?!
Es el video en ?! ¡Quiero decir, no! ¿Qué te hace pensar que?
Por lo tanto, en la parte superior del cuello de la cosa ahora era un fugitivo de prisión. Y ellos le enviaron después de mí.
Oh, estás en este sueño, por cierto.
Me preguntaba si me presento.
Usted era un teniente canoso dura, que estaba extrañamente adorable.
Niiick ...
Pero, por supuesto, no estaba usted ... Usted tenía un deber y me persiguió por todas partes. Un revoltijo de lugares en los que he estado y no han sido. Usted totalmente convencido que era un zorro fugitivo poco fiable.
Hasta que cayó al río y nos dejó una cascada. Pero no lo hizo ... que ...
Nick, ¿estás llorando ?!
Es el video en ?! ¡Quiero decir, no! ¿Qué te hace pensar que?