I have a very love/hate relationship with the Killzone games. Artistically, the series hits all of my buttons (with the exception of the super-shiny Killzone: Shadowfall, which seemed to miss the point completely) when it comes to grungy, semi-hard sci-fi warfare. All the guns are kitbashes of the best guns the real world has to offer, the vehicles are all nasty and grey, and the combat is vicious and brutal. However, gameplay-wise, the series is all over the place, and I'm going to spare anyone who reads this my laundry list of complaints about it, as well as how poorly fleshed-out this potentially rich universe is.
To make things brief, my favorite vehicles in the entire franchise never appeared past the first game in the franchise; the Hover APC and Jetbike belonging to the Helghast. Lore-wise, all of them got blowed up because the Helghast put all their eggs in one basket and failed miserably, but it robbed the rest of the franchise of cool, anti-gravity hovercraft. So, I gave them the tank/aeromorph treatment, and along came Marie and Sarah. Both were born out of secret Helghast experiments gone slightly wrong, along with a handful of other morphs born from Helghast vehicles, and thus were kept top-secret in preparation for the 3rd Army's invasion of Vekta. Deployed alongside special forces for high-risk operations, the Helghast found them to be highly effective against unsuspecting Vektan troops, and became the stuff of nightmares for the few Vektans who survived encounters with them. Even as the Vektans, with backing from the ISA, pushed the Helghast off of Vekta, Marie and Sarah continued to wreak havoc among the enemy up to the final days of the failed invasion. Given priority due to their top-secret nature, they were among the lucky few Helghast to retreat back to Helghast, escaping capture and vowing to continue the fight against the ISA one day.
Marie is 5 meters of pure terror on the battlefield, and a true patriot of Helghan. Utterly dedicated to the Helghast dream and to Emperor Visari, she was notorious for her ability to crush any and all opposition in her path, and her missions were rarely more complicated than "go there and smash it". Her four 20mm anti-aircraft guns are often kept swung backwards behind her head to avoid obscuring her vision, but when the chance arises she will more than happily swing them up to engage enemy aircraft with deadly effectiveness. Like her smaller partner, she is impulsive and aggressive, but with less sense of self-preservation and more fanatical devotion to completing her mission.
Sarah is significantly smaller and nimbler, and was deployed more frequently due to her greater mobility and ease of transport. A master of hit & run tactics, she was frequently deployed in support of special operations troopers, where her Scylla machine gun could be easily brought to bear on unsuspecting Vektan and ISA soldiers from on-high. Able to move effortlessly over any terrain and even match enemy fighter craft in terms of speed, she lacks feet, and is in a near-perpetual hovering state. Her aggressive and impulsive nature made her difficult to work with, but few Helghast soldiers who served with her can deny her potency.
Stromm was one of the few Helghast soldiers allowed to operate alongside the secretive morph soldiers during the Vektan campaign, as befitting his status as a special operations soldier. Specializing in the usage of the Stova light machine gun, he rarely saw action as a leading officer, instead serving officially in a squad support role. As with most Helghast soldiers using the Stova, however, he often found himself using the bulky weapon in close-combat to terrifying effect. Stromm has enjoyed working alongside Marie, who shares his dedication to Helghan, but only begrudgingly accepted working with Sarah due to her unpredictable behavior and her frequent, suggestive advances on him and other Helghast operatives.
For the record, none of the images or logos in the background are mine; all were images taken from the Killzone wiki.
Nude version can be found here if you're interested.
To make things brief, my favorite vehicles in the entire franchise never appeared past the first game in the franchise; the Hover APC and Jetbike belonging to the Helghast. Lore-wise, all of them got blowed up because the Helghast put all their eggs in one basket and failed miserably, but it robbed the rest of the franchise of cool, anti-gravity hovercraft. So, I gave them the tank/aeromorph treatment, and along came Marie and Sarah. Both were born out of secret Helghast experiments gone slightly wrong, along with a handful of other morphs born from Helghast vehicles, and thus were kept top-secret in preparation for the 3rd Army's invasion of Vekta. Deployed alongside special forces for high-risk operations, the Helghast found them to be highly effective against unsuspecting Vektan troops, and became the stuff of nightmares for the few Vektans who survived encounters with them. Even as the Vektans, with backing from the ISA, pushed the Helghast off of Vekta, Marie and Sarah continued to wreak havoc among the enemy up to the final days of the failed invasion. Given priority due to their top-secret nature, they were among the lucky few Helghast to retreat back to Helghast, escaping capture and vowing to continue the fight against the ISA one day.
Marie is 5 meters of pure terror on the battlefield, and a true patriot of Helghan. Utterly dedicated to the Helghast dream and to Emperor Visari, she was notorious for her ability to crush any and all opposition in her path, and her missions were rarely more complicated than "go there and smash it". Her four 20mm anti-aircraft guns are often kept swung backwards behind her head to avoid obscuring her vision, but when the chance arises she will more than happily swing them up to engage enemy aircraft with deadly effectiveness. Like her smaller partner, she is impulsive and aggressive, but with less sense of self-preservation and more fanatical devotion to completing her mission.
Sarah is significantly smaller and nimbler, and was deployed more frequently due to her greater mobility and ease of transport. A master of hit & run tactics, she was frequently deployed in support of special operations troopers, where her Scylla machine gun could be easily brought to bear on unsuspecting Vektan and ISA soldiers from on-high. Able to move effortlessly over any terrain and even match enemy fighter craft in terms of speed, she lacks feet, and is in a near-perpetual hovering state. Her aggressive and impulsive nature made her difficult to work with, but few Helghast soldiers who served with her can deny her potency.
Stromm was one of the few Helghast soldiers allowed to operate alongside the secretive morph soldiers during the Vektan campaign, as befitting his status as a special operations soldier. Specializing in the usage of the Stova light machine gun, he rarely saw action as a leading officer, instead serving officially in a squad support role. As with most Helghast soldiers using the Stova, however, he often found himself using the bulky weapon in close-combat to terrifying effect. Stromm has enjoyed working alongside Marie, who shares his dedication to Helghan, but only begrudgingly accepted working with Sarah due to her unpredictable behavior and her frequent, suggestive advances on him and other Helghast operatives.
For the record, none of the images or logos in the background are mine; all were images taken from the Killzone wiki.
Nude version can be found here if you're interested.
Category Artwork (Digital) / Macro / Micro
Species Exotic (Other)
Gender Multiple characters
Size 1280 x 720px
File Size 159 kB