So I had the urge to do a full color fan art of the thing. I got a bit carried away and sank a kind of embarrassing amount of time on it. Its one of the few things I've done so far that was completely drawn out in line before coloring. I suppose that was a huge chunk of the time spent right there as I'm horribly inefficient at it still.
Category Artwork (Digital) / Fanart
Species Vulpine (Other)
Gender Multiple characters
Size 1085 x 1280px
File Size 251.5 kB
Pshaw thanks so much man. Loftis is a friggin beast of an artist. Ryan Lang too.
And I used stills of environment bits from I think it was the international trailer on youtube as well as whatever concept art I could find. I tried to digest the shape language and not so much copy distinct motifs.
And I used stills of environment bits from I think it was the international trailer on youtube as well as whatever concept art I could find. I tried to digest the shape language and not so much copy distinct motifs.
Man, I just love how the floor has different qualities of reflectivity, part of it being rougher and other parts intentionally smooth with glossy reflections. Having the hint of outlines without losing that almost photorealistic look, and keeping the contract and focus on the characters. Bravo!
How the perfect use of Color can bring a Photorealistic feeling to a normal lined sketch is still an amazing science for me, sadly something I'm still having my troubles with =D This is truly astonishing! My guess is, that you practice the correct use of the right tones by observation of Enviroment or whatever is laying around? Correct me if I'm wrong :D
The expressions you've given them here are so aptly telling of their personalities. Judy, focused and doing things by the book as always. Nick, just acting streetwise but a closer look at his face tells there's more going on in the sly devil's mind. I'm in awe of the level of detail in the background and of the refinement in the lighting of the scene.
The dog biscuits in the machine behind them is amusing too.
The dog biscuits in the machine behind them is amusing too.
So good I can actually hear head-dialogue in a possible sequel.
Judy: "Are you sure they don't know you're a cop?"
Nick: "Nope. Because they're smart enough to know ZPD would never trust a fox like me."
Judy: "Huh. Okay, I'll go with that. So what did you find out?"
Nick: "Everything."
Judy: "Are you sure they don't know you're a cop?"
Nick: "Nope. Because they're smart enough to know ZPD would never trust a fox like me."
Judy: "Huh. Okay, I'll go with that. So what did you find out?"
Nick: "Everything."
Wow, loving this! ^w^ Really liking the details put in (like the little snack vendor) and the sorta mall/indoor market area looks really comfortable too! It's got some really nice vibes I don't really get from any malls or anything around here... If I could, I'd hop right through the screen to visit!