Valentine's Transformation Contest! -ENDED And ENTRIES!-
Magic is in the air, and it’s the day to share it with someone special. Luckily, a new card store, Pawmark, allows you to do just that! Create a Valentine’s Day card of poem that shares the love of transformation with someone, and/or show your special someone experiencing the love! Feel free to include your significant other, a great friend, or even yourself (you need love too).
So there was a little confusion about the Valentine's Day Contest, it is indeed open!
Create one of the following:
-a drawing showing the effects of such a Valentine's Day card
-a card that one could present to a romantic interest, friend, or tf fan
-a poem capturing the wonder of transformation that you might find on one of these cards
-General Only will be allowed to be voted on and win
-Send us a note with your entry so we know you entered. You MUST do this to be in the running.
-The contest ends on SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 14TH!
-At that point we will open voting for one week, we'll post a link to do so and include all the entries.
-You can submit as many entries as you'd like
Voting will be done by you guys, and there will be several categories you can win, and I'll give you more info on voting later. Any questions just ask.
Art by
Curious~red~fox That's part of my entry, but I thought it'd make a good banner and I don't have time to do another one XP
Here's a list of the entries! There weren't too many so we'll see what we're gonna do about voting and the contest (and I don't know how to make the voting form :P)
Ro-za : http://www.furaffinity.net/view/19090291/
Brycemorningstar : http://www.furaffinity.net/view/19034017/
Indagare : http://www.furaffinity.net/view/18956584/ (it says NSFW, but it only says 'naked', so use your own judgement.)
3waycrash : http://www.furaffinity.net/view/19102640/
curious~red~fox : http://www.furaffinity.net/view/18984188/
So there was a little confusion about the Valentine's Day Contest, it is indeed open!
Create one of the following:
-a drawing showing the effects of such a Valentine's Day card
-a card that one could present to a romantic interest, friend, or tf fan
-a poem capturing the wonder of transformation that you might find on one of these cards
-General Only will be allowed to be voted on and win
-Send us a note with your entry so we know you entered. You MUST do this to be in the running.
-The contest ends on SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 14TH!
-At that point we will open voting for one week, we'll post a link to do so and include all the entries.
-You can submit as many entries as you'd like
Voting will be done by you guys, and there will be several categories you can win, and I'll give you more info on voting later. Any questions just ask.
Art by

Here's a list of the entries! There weren't too many so we'll see what we're gonna do about voting and the contest (and I don't know how to make the voting form :P)

Category All / Transformation
Species Unspecified / Any
Gender Any
Size 990 x 660px
File Size 289.7 kB