Nude Version
So, I've already done a piece for Maggie before, but I decided that she needed a reference picture to showcase her a bit more. She's an M1 Abrams, as the reference states, but beyond that I'm not quite sure what to do about her backstory yet. I do know that she's a stubborn, tough gal that takes full advantage of her size and thick armor in combat, but hides a deep longing for someone just as strong (psychologically-speaking) to be her partner. She has a tiny, human boyfriend, who is able to put up with her often clumsy and impulsive nature, and through some miracle she seems to be able to handle him with extreme care. Humans are really squishy, after all.
So, in addition to the 120mm cannon and autocannon mounted on her face, she also has a defensive .50 cal turret on her right shoulder, a pair of .30 cal machineguns in her left arm, and a self-reloading grenade pod on her right wrist. To top this off, her frightening strength can be augmented with the pair of old, re-purposed mine plows she uses as melee weapons, often chaining them to the back of her unique loincloth for storage.
Her thick, self-repairing armor (nanomachines, son) is supplemented by two sets of reactive armor panels; one set is mounted on her left arm, while the other set is woven into her durable loincloth to help protect her (relatively) lightly-armored abdomen, hips, and private regions. As a tankmorph, such a bulky and often-chafing piece of clothing is of no concern to her, and she happily wears it in combat, though she can remove the panels for more social interactions or to replace spent packages.
The tread-legs are also an important part of her body, as they allow her to easily move about at high speed without leaving large footprints in everything. Plus, using the treads is less taxing on her endurance than trying to run for long periods of time, and her bulky frame can topple over during runs over rough terrain. Such a stable, alternative method for travel is much-needed for such a bulky morph, and also makes it more comfortable for any humans who hitch a ride with her.
I swear I'm going to post something furry on this furry website. Eventually.
Category Artwork (Digital) / Macro / Micro
Species Exotic (Other)
Gender Female
Size 1280 x 720px
File Size 233.9 kB