"How many?" The cheetah woman inquired as she polished the barrel of the rather unique pump action shotgun she never parted with.
"4...no..5" The rogue reptillian warboy retorted in his raspy voice, a pair of binoculars pressed well into his eyesockets.
"That many just to take down a scout? Hmph..they are cowardly aren't they."
-"Pack tactics..they don't like to take chances..."
"Are all the other guns loaded?"
"Of course my voluptuous valkyrie~<3"
"Flattery is better saved for after battle my pet. Come."
With that the feline pulled down her goggles and brandished a wicked grin as she straddled her Waycycle, turning the key, grabbing the handlebars and clutch before placing her foot on the gear shift pedal. In a nimble bound the gecko hopped up onto the back of the bike, grabbing his balance poll while nabbing up one of the many boomsticks he'd be throwing into their soon to be victims. As the engine was reved for a quick dusty take off, the only thing fierce enough to be heard above the monstrous roar of the bike's 1500 cc engine was the war cry both shrieked as they took off down the dunes.
"4...no..5" The rogue reptillian warboy retorted in his raspy voice, a pair of binoculars pressed well into his eyesockets.
"That many just to take down a scout? Hmph..they are cowardly aren't they."
-"Pack tactics..they don't like to take chances..."
"Are all the other guns loaded?"
"Of course my voluptuous valkyrie~<3"
"Flattery is better saved for after battle my pet. Come."
With that the feline pulled down her goggles and brandished a wicked grin as she straddled her Waycycle, turning the key, grabbing the handlebars and clutch before placing her foot on the gear shift pedal. In a nimble bound the gecko hopped up onto the back of the bike, grabbing his balance poll while nabbing up one of the many boomsticks he'd be throwing into their soon to be victims. As the engine was reved for a quick dusty take off, the only thing fierce enough to be heard above the monstrous roar of the bike's 1500 cc engine was the war cry both shrieked as they took off down the dunes.
Category Artwork (Digital) / Fanart
Species Unspecified / Any
Gender Multiple characters
Size 1280 x 960px
File Size 222.4 kB