"It sounded like an explosion but the roar never faded, it grew in a crescendo, deafening and menacing. Riding upon a pillar of fire like a Manticore Missile. The Commissar drew his pistol and pointed it at the nearest trooper, reminding them to hold their ground. It was not a missile though, no a missile comes and then it ends, this was a green beast upon the wing, an 9 foot tall 1200 pound blasphemy lurching through the skies. The killteam raised their guns as the rangefinders rolled down the distance. Brother Hastur was never surprised, but as he readied himself for the melee he nodded his head as if in acknowledgement of a worthy foe. "
Done by the amazing
Done by the amazing
Category All / All
Species Orc
Gender Male
Size 1280 x 1129px
File Size 201.8 kB