This is a very personal picture I commissioned from my good friend Lay0wn in 2013 for my pup
and my anniversary. About time I posted it on here.
I might be a wingless dragon and you can count on that little pup being the first one to tease me about it... but as a matter of fact I don't need any wings. Being able to share my life with someone as wonderful and loving as him is enough to lift me up and make me soar through the skies... or at least feel like it. ;)
I love you very much, wolfy. Thanks for making me fall in love with you anew every single morning. :)
Big thanks again also to
for doing such a fantastic job at capturing this idea and the sentiment so well in a picture. It has a nice place in a frame on our walls here. :)
Original post can be found here

I might be a wingless dragon and you can count on that little pup being the first one to tease me about it... but as a matter of fact I don't need any wings. Being able to share my life with someone as wonderful and loving as him is enough to lift me up and make me soar through the skies... or at least feel like it. ;)
I love you very much, wolfy. Thanks for making me fall in love with you anew every single morning. :)
Big thanks again also to

Original post can be found here
Category Artwork (Digital) / General Furry Art
Species Unspecified / Any
Gender Male
Size 905 x 1280px
File Size 109.8 kB