Just an expansion of the prior image to show off some details!
http://www.furaffinity.net/view/14914238/ <---- Original image and description.
http://www.furaffinity.net/view/14914238/ <---- Original image and description.
Category Artwork (Digital) / All
Species Synx
Gender Any
Size 1280 x 1278px
File Size 860.3 kB
Listed in Folders
Actually, thats exactly why I've sat on them for so long and why this was originally part of the 'WIP' of my artpack. I was going to surprise everyone by first showing these moving... but if such a thing ever happened that's probably quit a bit further down the line now, so I just said fuckit. x_x
Yup, and that's exactly why I won't attempt that for a bit. It won't be enough to have basic knowledge of how to animate regular things, it would take some near-Hollywood skill to make it look right at all while moving, especially once people see what that really involves. I'm afraid my power level isn't high enough for that battle yet
Your synxes are so cool! they where kinda intimidating at first look but after reading your wiki i just feel bad for them, they die from sun and plants and are kinda weak and slow. Their brains aren't even protected by anything but some cartilage!
Seems like their entire existence is a plight of misfortune, down to the fact that most species they encounter hate them. They dont even like to make friends (i think they at least like to make jokes though right?) So its cool that they manage to survive on their own cunning and intelligence, which is amazing they managed to evolve in the first place considering their habitat initially. The concept of a "weeper" is also really cool, a synx so robust and determined as to surpass normal synx limits, but at the cost of constant infection and size troubles. You created quite a unique creature in concept, and your artistic skills really back up your minds eye.
Seems like their entire existence is a plight of misfortune, down to the fact that most species they encounter hate them. They dont even like to make friends (i think they at least like to make jokes though right?) So its cool that they manage to survive on their own cunning and intelligence, which is amazing they managed to evolve in the first place considering their habitat initially. The concept of a "weeper" is also really cool, a synx so robust and determined as to surpass normal synx limits, but at the cost of constant infection and size troubles. You created quite a unique creature in concept, and your artistic skills really back up your minds eye.
Thank you very much for the compliments, and yeah they certainly aren't the "space horror" some people thought they were when I first showed them off in the early 2000's. They are just animals, like anything, and they are canonically pests in their own universe and really nothing more then that.
A synx life is definitely a hard one, and I haven't even elaborated much on how cannibalistic they are (which makes things 10x worse).
A synx life is definitely a hard one, and I haven't even elaborated much on how cannibalistic they are (which makes things 10x worse).
they're cannibals too? figures. you just cant give these guys a break can you!
You do give these such great back story... or whats the word, uhm design details? idk, but its quite nice, as it adds a level of immersion to your pictures when it all adds up. Its fairly realistic considering what it is.
You do give these such great back story... or whats the word, uhm design details? idk, but its quite nice, as it adds a level of immersion to your pictures when it all adds up. Its fairly realistic considering what it is.
Thank you very much, I'll definitely get into it again some day! =D
Also it isn't quite as hard as it first seems, once you understand the menus the only super hard part is having the artistic ability to use them, and I think you definitely got that dude! It is just overwhelming at first because it has a mass of options, like photoshop when first toying with that. I had to follow a 4+ hour youtube tutorial when initially getting into it, it was quite a slow cook. Thankfully this tutorial just focused on the few things I needed to know to sculpt shapes, put them together, separate them, paint on them, save, etc. Get the basics down and you will at least be able to make stuff! I'd link you but that person has since deleted these vids, and I suspect that's because they were really, really good and he realized he could probably make money off them =x
I'm sure there must be more somewhere on youtube though.
In any case, just remember all that if you ever get the urge again =)
Also it isn't quite as hard as it first seems, once you understand the menus the only super hard part is having the artistic ability to use them, and I think you definitely got that dude! It is just overwhelming at first because it has a mass of options, like photoshop when first toying with that. I had to follow a 4+ hour youtube tutorial when initially getting into it, it was quite a slow cook. Thankfully this tutorial just focused on the few things I needed to know to sculpt shapes, put them together, separate them, paint on them, save, etc. Get the basics down and you will at least be able to make stuff! I'd link you but that person has since deleted these vids, and I suspect that's because they were really, really good and he realized he could probably make money off them =x
I'm sure there must be more somewhere on youtube though.
In any case, just remember all that if you ever get the urge again =)
I have a bit of a weird question.
Suppose that a human (or other sapient anthropomorphic creature) miraculously finds themselves undergoing a grotesque metamorphosis into a synx, and their thought processes and mental faculties are slowly rewired to be more like that of a synx, beginning with the installation of synx instincts and then eventually ending with the gradual erosion of any mental faculties that aren't strictly beneficial to the now-Synx's survival.
How exactly does a synx think? What goes through a synx's "brain" (if it has one)? And what would the change in mental architecture be like from the perspective of the victim?
Suppose that a human (or other sapient anthropomorphic creature) miraculously finds themselves undergoing a grotesque metamorphosis into a synx, and their thought processes and mental faculties are slowly rewired to be more like that of a synx, beginning with the installation of synx instincts and then eventually ending with the gradual erosion of any mental faculties that aren't strictly beneficial to the now-Synx's survival.
How exactly does a synx think? What goes through a synx's "brain" (if it has one)? And what would the change in mental architecture be like from the perspective of the victim?
It would be overwhelming and horrifying. If you started to think like a synx, you would lose your empathy/conscience entirely. Worse, it probably would feel less like a mind alteration, and more like an epiphany the further in you were. Imagine everything we hate about nature and life; all the things we sweep under the rug in our stories/cartoons/movies (mortality, the natural cruelty of everything, etc.). Now imagine that personified as a force, or a creature in of itself. Suddenly thinking like a synx would be like staring that monster in the eyes, until your brain finally scrambles.
Your perception of everything else would change to some degree as well, even for things like the sky and ground. Though that change is something I can't even put into words correctly. But needless to say, all of this would drive most people crazy.
But I want to emphasize something: this is if a PERSON started to think like a synx, or got a dose of synx-thought.
Synxes, and their thoughts, can differ between individuals a bit, sometimes quite a bit. As a whole, synxes really aren't that special outside of being dangerous carnivorous animals. Some of what I mentioned above is the same result I imagine if a person started to think like a shark, or crocodile. Synxes themselves do not operate under existential thoughts or frightening nonsense running through their minds. But trying to cram a human way of thinking into them (or vice versa), would be a perfect example of trying to cram a square peg into a round hole.
Your perception of everything else would change to some degree as well, even for things like the sky and ground. Though that change is something I can't even put into words correctly. But needless to say, all of this would drive most people crazy.
But I want to emphasize something: this is if a PERSON started to think like a synx, or got a dose of synx-thought.
Synxes, and their thoughts, can differ between individuals a bit, sometimes quite a bit. As a whole, synxes really aren't that special outside of being dangerous carnivorous animals. Some of what I mentioned above is the same result I imagine if a person started to think like a shark, or crocodile. Synxes themselves do not operate under existential thoughts or frightening nonsense running through their minds. But trying to cram a human way of thinking into them (or vice versa), would be a perfect example of trying to cram a square peg into a round hole.
This makes me wonder some other things too... Like what would happen if you somehow made a hybrid between a synx and another lifeform. A friend of mine got me thinking a lot about that recently. (There may or may not have also been talk of turning me into a synx-kitsune... Somehow.)
I can't make too detailed a description on that one, since it would be different for just about everything, and it might not be beneficial either, depending on what translates over. They have more weaknesses than strengths. Just imagine getting their vulnerability to sunlight, or lack of bones. It could end up quite a mess
My knowledge of the synx food requirement preferences say that "a synx is limited to eating protein from things that are fresh,soft and wet" but to my knowledge i would also be able to note that their species would eventually evolve to substitute fresh flesh for fruit due to meeting the same core requirements and simply due to the fact that they would be able to get fruit from people easily.
A planet with a slightly lower gravity than earth,high deprivation of oxygen and abundancy of meat would be capable of supporting the life cycle of a synx.
The facts also suggest that the internal structure of a synx and mind of a synx are like that of a snakes but it's fur and ability to stand suggest it came from a world where keratin was also equally abundant to survive the cold weather of its planet while hiding as a type of white tree or white bush to help it naturally catch prey as it is implied that it is naturally capable of doing with a high success rate.
The facts also suggest that the internal structure of a synx and mind of a synx are like that of a snakes but it's fur and ability to stand suggest it came from a world where keratin was also equally abundant to survive the cold weather of its planet while hiding as a type of white tree or white bush to help it naturally catch prey as it is implied that it is naturally capable of doing with a high success rate.
If you manage to feed them nothing but fruit then they would eventually have evolved from eating meat at some point after repeating the cycle for every generation of synx and the trait of hungering for meat would eventually vanish.
It's a matter of patience and method.
It's a matter of patience and method.
Gods, these beautifully terrifying creatures would be perfect for a horror movie. Imagine it slinking across the ground, near silently climbing across ceilings and walls, and the creative ways a Synx would take out each character.
Picture that maw opening, slowly, wider and wider until the stomach shoots out to engulf it's poor prey, the tongue dragging them in to their doom. Those claws punching through a body, those fangs shearing through flesh, those eyes peering from the darkness.
Whether it was the intention or not, these magnificent creatures are truly the perfect monster~
Picture that maw opening, slowly, wider and wider until the stomach shoots out to engulf it's poor prey, the tongue dragging them in to their doom. Those claws punching through a body, those fangs shearing through flesh, those eyes peering from the darkness.
Whether it was the intention or not, these magnificent creatures are truly the perfect monster~