HOLLY SHIT ITS GOOD TO HAVE MY CINTIQ BACK!! It's been a hellish week of struggling to do art on that old tablet. I'm so happy to have my cintiq again! I was so constricted with my old tablet it was driving me nuts! It's hard to explain what a difference it was to go from that crappy table back to the cintiq, but its like night and day!
This thing took me like 15 min to do!!! If I tried to do this on my tablet I was using I would have been working for hours! Good god you guys. It feels so good to be back! I really can't explain it! I had to do this quick thing to celebrate.
This thing took me like 15 min to do!!! If I tried to do this on my tablet I was using I would have been working for hours! Good god you guys. It feels so good to be back! I really can't explain it! I had to do this quick thing to celebrate.
Category Artwork (Digital) / Fanart
Species Horse
Gender Female
Size 1000 x 1000px
File Size 383.9 kB
Thank you! And it was painful man. It's hard doing something one a device that is holding you back. And guardians of the galaxy was a really good movie. I was presently surprised. I don't normally like most of the marvel movies but this one was the best so far. Decently worth a watch if you have the time. And the raccoon and tree man stole the show lol. I was actually expecting to hate them, but they where awesome. I think you would really like rocket raccoon. Also if you do see it, you will see why I think it's just like mlp but in space ;P
Oh that is awesome! I'm glad you got to see it. Wasn't sure if you where able to check that out or not. And yeah it was a fun flick. I thought the Green chick was definitely not as likable as the other characters like you said, and Rocket with Groot stole the show lol. That part at the end when Drax started petting Rocket was awesome lol. Such a nice touch. But do you see why I said its like MLP? They used there friendship in the end to shoot the bad guy with a magic beam to defeat him. The only thing missing was the rainbow. XD also the whole movie was about them becoming friends and working together.