I completely forgot to crosspost these! They were exclusively on weasyl for the longest time.
I seriously need to dedicate more time on Bruno.
I seriously need to dedicate more time on Bruno.
Category Artwork (Digital) / Animal related (non-anthro)
Species Dog (Other)
Gender Male
Size 1200 x 1067px
File Size 532.2 kB
Listed in Folders
Omg I love bull terriers!! And your art in general, so this is a combined bonus. My best friend
has a murrsona that is a bull terrier and omg you would draw her so amazing! If you are ever up for a commish or trade lemme know! Either way, I must squeal about this picture because the cuteness just explodes! My fav is the one on the viewer's right where he is looking up! You captured the breed fabulously!

EEEEEEEE OMG GIRL WHAT!! You are too incredible to me I swear. And you'd BETTER NOT spend money on me!! As amazing as it would be to have art of Monk from Paexie, I cannot allow you to do that. I do so love her art and this character, too!! I have really wanting to draw Bruno for a while now. I should get on that. But FIRST I have to complete my Tira & Vincent drawing!! >:3 It will be done soooon!! I love you my Jolyns. And excellent work, Paexie!! This babbu looks as fucking adorable as ever. I just love the way you draw bullies!! ;0;