WELL.. here you go. A product of my boredom, new tablet I got last night, Alledrian attacking me with an OC pencil and my own desire to make an affrontment to all that is considered art! I am highly aware of all the mistakes, I am not use to a stylis, my hand shakes, I get cramps cause I press and squeeze to hard. I cannot in any plane of exsistance draw hands, feet, proportion, Head, facial features... I have to say though I am still pleased with what came out. I have to thank
Alledrian for all he has done for me while we were OCing and showing me some tricks of the trade go watch and monitor his art guys he's really good! As for right now, he shall be handless, detailed footless and doing a captain-morgan esque foot raisie type thing...Now I need to go cry in a corner and apologize to my hand because it hasn't worked this hard since the last time I gave a hand job to a black man...I mean, wut?

Category Artwork (Digital) / Fantasy
Species Dragon (Other)
Gender Male
Size 551 x 893px
File Size 268.9 kB