All though to most this would appear to be an extremely rough sketch, to me this is something very dear and personal to me. If you all have read my journal, you are aware that my grandmother is no longer with us. She passed away and we just had her funeral today. This was very hard for me, she ment so much to so many people. My boyfriend
alexwolf has been absolutly nothing but supportive through this dark and extremely difficult time in my life. But even then i still felt so sad and alone even with my family around me. Soon i get a text with a link titled "always there for you". It meant so much to me that he did this for me. he is always there for me. and for that i will always love him.
thank you hun. I love you.

thank you hun. I love you.
Category Other / Muscle
Species Canine (Other)
Gender Male
Size 1280 x 1147px
File Size 181 kB